Beware the Skull-Prancing Pony - 8/12/23

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hello everybody holy cow noise all right I'm I'm muting the chat for now uh hi everybody welcome to Expedition Buster it's been a little while my name's Chris I'm Your Leader head expeditioner here at Expedition Buster I hope everything's going well and today we are returning to the wonder that is Among Us or rather the Terror that is Among Us and salte dimshay is making himself known by saying meow because reasons whoops way too loud and one button I'm Rusty just from two weeks Rusty anyway let me unmute hello there yeah that was that was a bit loud this is why I tell you to like be ready ahead of time all right so let me uh let me create a game and we're going to be doing casual hide and seek hide them seek all right so um which is funny because that's that's that's what I'm doing right now without actually doing it so let's say I'm going to invite send invite and I will put the code the code has been posted oh no so nobody can say that it wasn't posted uh uh all right okay that's enough uh yeah yeah dim Shea you you get that 275 FPS I'm sure uh I didn't say that I I I I'm happy for you here I'm happy for you but but I'm pretty sure I don't care 175 275 you're talking fractions of a second that the human eye probably can't even take advantage of so yeah uh I better uh turn that on I love that my fan is showing up behind me it's pretty funny anyway I hope everybody's been doing well I'm I I will say I have some apprehension about streaming uh maybe not apprehension is the right word but just yeah like I'm not sure how I feel about it like if I feel such like if I if I still feel Joy from doing it or not join grunt the grunt is grunting oh oh let me join damn it no it says oh oh oh that's oh I didn't right I forgot I had to change that so that where's the I don't know where things are it's in the chat and salt salty dimshay is red so you're not gonna get red ah I need the red sucks to be you because now you are pink sneako what up pink sneako give me the red give it I will not force the dim Shay to do anything so I'm gonna give people like three uh two more minutes and then I'm going to hey look dim Shay paid money wow that's nice um I think hello lc417 oh what up pony anyway um I'm gonna give people another minute or two and then I'm gonna go ahead and open it up because I don't want to sit here so long yeah I think I got I think I got red actually oh that's I think I think he switched away for me oh that's nice thanks I don't know dim Shay I might have just plugged it dim Shake contrary contrary to popular belief dim Shay can be a Kind and Generous person in certain circumstances certain limited circumstances [Laughter] all right I'm opening this up let's open it to the public see what's so hello to all of my people on both on both kick and twitch I hope things are going well I heard that twitch had a little bit of an outage recently did they change the font in the chat only when you're typing only when you're typing even so it's weird okay so um we have six we have six people why are there only six people I don't get it I don't get it anyway I hope everybody else is doing well I'm uh like I said I've been up and down over the past couple weeks there were both some commitments and just I I don't know that I've been feeling streaming uh you know and that's not due to any one person or thing in particular it's just I haven't been feeling it I have not been feeling I mean I have my own emotional issues too as most people do and there's a lot of realizations that I'm coming to uh I was depressed be honest uh not entirely depressed I mean a little bit but like not entirely I wouldn't say everyone's depressed I mean like depressed is such a strong word it's just you know questioning things in life trying to figure out what living life is versus you know just kind of sitting and watching life pass you by and you know at the you know at the age that I am I have to figure out what what it is that everyone run around in chaos that enjoying life means for me um and enjoying life in a way that's actually fulfilling and like not just me sitting in front of a TV you know like don't get me wrong I I've been binge watching some Star Trek Voyager and stuff and that's great but like there's more to life than binge watching Star Trek Voyager and just mindlessly watching media and uh you know so like I've been trying to think like what are things I could go out and do that are relatively inexpensive that will allow me to live life and actually like be a real person you know to feel fulfilled in of myself slash still wants us to ship red sneako and orange for some what I have no idea what that means all right we got two more people come on let's get two more people in here if you're watching live please you don't have to make yourself known in either twitch or Kik but hey you know I love chatting with people Star Girl all right let's go here we go here we go here we go go go I don't know I did take my ADHD medication today I don't normally do it on the weekends but I figured yeah why not so I'm doing it Wolf Pop That is a cool name is that um what's his name Joe I don't think so I'm just saying it seems like a name that Mary Jo could pick for himself yeah I don't think and dead yay oh no they actually didn't kill me for a good while that that went that went quickly wait we were like the first I don't know first and second but you and I were in the top three but then again like I care more about my tasks than avoiding the killer so oh monster Hanley died away there's no bueno no point why didn't they kill Ed no bueno that monster almost died or no buen I don't know it's Spanish and Italian are slightly different but very similar oh oh she sneaked away this is going quick but at the same time it feels like it's going slow oh hi dim Jay bye damn Shay whoa she got away again nice so yeah I mean uh it's been an interesting couple of weeks um some of it was emotional reasons for not streaming some of it was because honestly like I had other stuff to do on Saturday uh like last week and I didn't feel like rushing and then I think the day the weekend before that I had something on Sunday and I didn't feel like rushing so you know there there are some logical reasons and stuff like that uh up two to set somewhere does that still work thank you for the follow real is it villain villain well regardless I appreciate it uh I don't think I have an exclamation mark kick command I might have an explanation mark EPDM Buster command but I don't know if I have an exclamation park Mark kick command I'll have to make that at some point but yeah EPDM Buster as well but you're on Twitch and that's fine I am dual streaming like a boss yeah no no I was talking to real villain I'm doing okay so uh so who are you how'd you find me uh are you are you attempting to advertise Graphic Design Services because I found that recently I have a lot of people trying to offer me Graphic Design Services for some reason not that hey you know what good for you hustling out there and trying to uh get stuff you were looking for Among Us so cool oh oh no so where in the world are you you know I'm in the northeastern U.S what other games do you play do you stream do you not stream where do Rico oh nice so the U.S territory but not state in my opinion should still have the right to vote and to kind of have some of the benefits of being a U.S state that's my opinion I know there's stronger opinions and I don't live there so my opinion means nothing in that regard so just just just to let everybody know if you don't live in a particular region or country you can have opinions about what they should do but your opinions don't generally matter I'm just saying like if somebody was like hey what's your opinion on German politics I could be like well I have an opinion on it but it doesn't really matter real villain good to see you by the way no stream sniping please well actually there is no stream sniping for uh what do you call it for for uh this because everybody knows who hi speak what what two what where why how all right let's go I I imagine but thank you for the follow by the way I really appreciate it you play a lot of Angry Birds and Multiverse Angry Birds I used to play uh back when it first came out I've never done any Multiverse stuff uh I don't even know what Multiverse is to be honest oh I think I've heard of it multi-verses I think he means maybe that's fine that's fine but like still like my knowledge everyone Panic everyone panic first try everybody oh boy I have everyone's favorite tasks to do in hide and seek I'm doing wires and they didn't kill me I they were on the other side of the wall from me and they did not kill me holy cow they're running through walls they're trapped in the walls I think they must have had high lag they got trapped in the walls we're gonna win unless they get unstuck do not wish such things upon us oh [Music] you know the Imposter disconnected sound kinda sounds like that yeah I know all right uh so we're not gonna count that one We're Not Gonna count that that is a play of this level laughs huh you're not a noob you liar you're not a noob dimshay says he's a noob no you're not oh it's a Smash Brothers rip-off with Warner Brothers characters that's cool that's cool um what was that other game we played that was uh like um a Smash Brothers ripoff um what was it do you do you remember kit what I'm talking about there was a game we played for like three times or I'll holla brawlhalla that was it that was at brawlhalla that was a fun game two people said start back to back nice yo wanna do it now uh no just because we said it doesn't mean we're gonna start why are people saying start we wait till we have 15. chill what about fall guys really like dimshay is so desperate to play have us play games that he owns or that are free he owns Among Us he owns Among Us yeah I know and we're already playing it so he spent money on Among Us I think that's fine I don't care I'm gonna double check all right let's go his there was a beanie that I'm pretty sure start now or I will eat pizza how is that a threat start now or I will eat pizza like dude if you have to choose between me and pizza please choose pizza oh no the pony is after us now all right the pony is coming after us the pony is gonna prance upon our souls why I wish skelt had more common mess that'd be nice because it's it's between wires and cars what that doesn't make sense wow ponies on a prancing Rampage I think Paul got killed through a wall I think Pony uh Pony is on a stampede bye monster Pony's been stamped and Pat I think I think Pony needs to you know have new shoes and have a vet you know visit or something you know dewormed Pony has to be dewormed me was killed the Rojo you were killed through a wall you were killed through all you were killed through a wall that was the name of someone was me me you were killed through a wall you were killed through a wall you were killed through a wall okay I'm about to die no I'm not no I'm not gonna die I mean I'm not like upset that I'm not dying I'm just saying like me and grunt are haunting you because you're a Ghostbuster what what are you talking about I don't know that was his logic oh no I had part of a Tesla wow the pony pranced Upon Our skulls and smiled and laughed while doing it was that number two or number three for that level uh that was number two yeah I think he TP to me what are you talking about he TP to me toilet papered to you oh teleport teleported he he toilet paper he toilet papered on you oh yeah yeah baby yeah yeah yeah I get it I get it but seriously um choosing between me and pizza should be no contest because if I had to choose between hanging out with me or having pizza not that I don't enjoy my company and that it's not worth hanging out with go with pizza but at the same time at the same time if you can hang out with me while having pizza that's the ideal is to is to have pizza and and hang out with me or like uh you know there's some pretty awesome street food like street tacos and uh chipped ice and stuff in Puerto Rico that I've heard is awesome you you could definitely have that yeah real villain uh what is what is your favorite local food if you had to pick something let's keep in mind I know next to nothing like little what is that what is it Little Caesars Little Caesar pizza or are you saying like it's something else we have 15. all right let's go oh all right Little Caesar yeah I used to get Little Caesar to me Little Caesar is like having a Red Baron frozen pizza except better and it's pre-cooked that's my opinion and that's not an insult like Red Baron frozen pizza is pretty good it's not that we all end all of food but rocks Rosslyn yes it is super cheap five bucks for a whole pizza but I'm saying like culturally what is your favorite local cultural food not your favorite chain you know food that came from the United States and invaded Puerto Rico yeah not to say that United States and Puerto Rico are separate but you get what I mean like what is the best local food like if I as a tourist was coming there if I was coming there for the first time and you and you wanted to say this is the way to get a taste of Puerto Rico what would it be oh gosh Speed Run Speed Run Speed Run Speed Run there's no like local food that you wouldn't and you would recommend okay Duck Donuts Duck Donuts sounds like an interesting chain or a store oh oh no he saw me he saw me all right I put people between me and him it's okay we're good we're good Seth Seth left the game oh gosh wait why am I running after the Imposter yes I avoided him again yeah I by the way I think I have to tweak my sound a little bit um I need to I need to figure out some sound changes hey I have all my tasks done that's a first in a while come on finish finish thank you good job the line Sorry villain you are dead all right so I'm one of six I just have to avoid the I'm one of five as am I as moth Isaac Asimov you know who Isaac Asimov is yeah really hero iRobot that is correct I'm impressed sir have you do you have any desire for the people to read any of Asimov I don't know maybe for the people left are the are in the friend group oh as far as I know I don't know who the fifth person is I'm gonna die oh no I think I have 30 seconds left oh yeah I'm 33. it's a magic number oh gosh I heard it run for your life I'm running I don't know if I'm running in a good direction we I passed correct oh my gosh I passed him I ran right by him [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I lived for once yay all right time to change the map it's the map it's the map it's the map it's the map it's the map wow that's what we do grunt pizza pizza's telling me to start like start eating pizza [Laughter] when I get imposter uh yeah I'm using a kit just like you know I applied some mods uh to the game and I can select whether or not somebody gets imposter um I have Exempted you completely for all time just letting you know we need more vent no we don't that's what star girls that's fine can you get imposter for once I don't know dimshay can you it's not up to me it's random it is literally random number generator picking who does it it is completely randomized we need less Minecraft than more kit speaking of which I might have to pay for more server time with Minecraft that's running low but I really don't want to spend the money at the moment but I might because there are still people that play no my cousin whatever that means by the way Buster no one is playing on the server except Lucian that's not true I've seen other people playing bruh see player logs bruh all right come on well damn Shea if you wanted to make the Minecraft server more active you could join it nah he doesn't have anyone to steal from all right let's go or we could make lore for the server which we should probably do which I was thinking about recently I mean wait wait Dems is like I mean I don't steal funny you have a history sir mac and cheese mac and cheese hang on so he hasn't stolen in the past you know weak [Laughter] I don't steal I guess so you don't steal now sorry okay or am I just or should I say borrow is borrow more accurate he doesn't steal our car borrow and then never return that's how he borrows want to ring the plants the plan no pizza left the game who are we going to eat the Imposter hasn't nothing left to eat uh oh oh like all of my tasks are in the same area and then there's just wires yeah wires is stupid oh I know where I gotta go for my next task I swear if I pass the Imposter on the way over here it's going to be weird I'll let that sit there and diagnose oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no it's the the monster also killed monster it looks like a copy of monster yeah family I'm waiting for the Imposter to come down here no you're dead oh no oh illusion lived surprisingly hi damn sure you're not going to die whoever's in reactor is going to die unless they vent oh look there's so villain how are you enjoying the stream are you having fun yeah I put some effort into the stream live I I like you know the the sound and I like the uh a few other things like I like some of the graphics and whatnot that I have put together cheater what do you mean cheater why are you calling me a cheater ah it's called ping what what I'm a cheater who's a cheater what why are you calling them you know that's great I've just been standing on the same vent the entire Brown they mean I think that's what they mean is that you're cheating by just sitting still no that's not cheating that's being intelligent it's cheating if I'm ladder camping vent camping vent camping you only have two vents so that's not cheating I'm sorry but it's not like I would say if you were event camping or not vent camping if you're ladder camping where it's impossible no it isn't but there are no no it isn't nobody else in the world would call that cheating yeah but it's something that all of us do like hacks does it ladder hack is stupid Miner hack now don't do ladder camping no ladder camps yeah so so you're okay with ladder camping but you're not okay with vent camping I mean to each their own I guess your morals are flexible in that regard you know I mean that's that you know so so you know potato potato you're if you're you have an issue with vent camping but you don't have an issue with ladder camping we have an issue with lighter camping as a group but not an issue with vent camping uh because you could still get killed on the vent if you press the button just a second too late yeah that might be true in letter two all right so we're gonna wait for some more peeps waiting for some more peeps actually kit and I were I I thought of an idea the other day in the car uh that I was talking to Kit about and it's that somebody should make a ripoff of the peeps candy called cheaps and they have to be slightly less expensive [Laughter] the peeps sugar the peeps sugar has a very unique flavor to it like it's granulated sugar with food coloring in it but for some reason it just tastes a little bit different than normal sugar and I'm not sure why maybe they add a touch of salt to it maybe it's the marshmallow underneath it I am not sure I won Red uh kit always wants red and monopolizes the red you originated from cats midnight all alone in the Moonlight oh well it never was there ever a cat's so clever has magical Mr Mr funnies yeah that's a cat's reference in case you didn't get it oh no much silver left the game while much gold is better than much silver anyway all right hitting start let's go let's see what we get here all right that's enough of your Raptor my gosh like blue would kill you out of spite blue would just be like you're you're you're swearing you are saying something offensive in our Raptor tongue how dare you have insulted how dare you insult Owen my mother okay well I mean Owen was kind of the closest thing that blue had to a mother but how dare you how this is dead what dim Shay is dead ah that happens he quit why just wait till the next round it does like just chill enough Among Us oh so he's not gonna play among us anymore well all right that's great if you don't want to play that's fine you know we're not We're Not Gonna look like I'm not being serious when I say it's great like I'm not like that's great as in like hey that's great I'm like all right whatever that's fine oh you know well keep in mind I'm not great with you know parsing tone from text which is kind of impossible yes let me read the pure logical text and try to understand what the tone of voice the person meant was [Laughter] yes finally It's the final something I finally was able to get up into reactor all right I've got one task left uh-oh uh oh this is not good let me hit let me in I'm gonna die I'm dead oh no accidentally open the door also since you got the new P you see the highest ping you ever got was 270 cool well yeah I mean you you might have a better Wi-Fi card or a better uh Nick better network interface card so that's fine it happens keep in mind your computer is always only as fast as its slowest component so yeah CAT5 Cat6 it's all the same well it's not all the same there are some slight differences but like your slowest component it doesn't exist so yeah yeah right so there isn't are you kidding so so yeah there is why is it calling out why why is it actually calling out a specific oh I see okay like you're slow uh dimshay there's always a component in a computer that is slower than the rest of the components trust me you know it's not to say that your computer's bad but like even with my computers like there is a no no never mind it's not a big deal so real villain is uh gonna join the Discord yeah stop and rest at the cabin just be a decent person yay those are the rules of you know the cabin be a good person treat everybody respectfully uh don't turn it into a Spam an advertising place oh you're not going you're not going to join oh okay you don't have to We're Not Gonna no we're not gonna We're Not Gonna twist your arms like you're the last one last thing ah was that three was that three that was the I thought that was three no okay we'll do one more it's fine if you don't join you know actually one of the interesting things about my community is I really don't have anybody my age in the community can I stream in 4k so here's the thing here's the thing you technically what I physically have the capability maybe but my monitors none of my monitors do 4K and quite honestly twitch and Kik don't accept 4K unless you are a partner so there's really no point one new request what is this new request is it just a friendship request it's a friend request I will add you as a friend okay that's fine add me I already did no I'm saying that him them whatever we can select what God we want to be what is that what do you mean don't know what a God is yeah but in what game what are you talking about here looks it says Select god where on this person's name it's a name oh yeah I mean the the thing is though I have no desire to stream in 4k like it just doesn't appeal to me I I don't get what advantage there would be it's like saying oh can you stream in 4k and 120 FPS why [Laughter] and when you get to Quality when you get to 8K they're then you like I think anything like up to it is time let's go and somebody sent me a request and I can't now ah your dad turned upload to one big megabit wait one megabit yay oh no we're right all I had to do was close my eyes hi everybody we're all gonna die just letting you know we're all gonna die okay so I have every confidence in dying in this round I know that I'm targeted but just laughed uh monster Goodbye Blue oh sorry you died well then thing how unfortunate he's blue he would think he was die and he was no no deal with somebody else you could have killed I know I want to focus on you no no oh yeah so you don't have it yes what is Sr representing a song request no oh wow they're so funny I don't do song requests oh I know because that's the free entrance I respect copyright [Music] got you no I got you you know speaking of copyright luckily I have the license to use this stuff go to jail I forgot what is this other sound effect oh that's hitting people yes wow that was way too fast yeah that's because everyone left ah I don't have dimshay is unlucky on the board anymore so I I can't even if I wanted to Okay so on to a new map I got rid of you no it just it wasn't fun to play like I I it just why do people a lot of people send me friend requests I mean that's a good thing I guess that's cool that's cool you know thanks for the friend requests let's go to polis I think we are I I murdered everyone yes he murdered them all you firstly got blocked then remove what are you talking about what are you talking about dimshay and yes if you're a jerk I will ban you or or remove you or what I I will block you or remove you or whatever just saying wow that was random we've had some we've had some ups and downs in the community lately but that doesn't just go for you I made it clear to Kit it goes for Kit too so if I get complaints from the Discord server that people are being dis like people are causing other people to get upset they're gonna be gone and incidentally by the way incidentally if I do end up blocking you from Discord you will lose your mod status in all of stuff what are you talking about I I you know Henry upset you and nobody else it's a little bit different there were multiple people that complained about you and kit that time multiple but I'm saying yeah if by the way if you have mod permissions in any of my stuff or you know in my community and then you get banned I'm taking away your mod permissions everywhere just letting you know like you don't get to be banned in one place and still have control in others all right let's go no no ah unknown error all right hang on everybody I wonder when I wonder when the new map is coming out and everybody stream quality dropped I don't know I don't know what to do about it I'm not seeing any hiccups on my side what no the internet didn't I think like I think almost I think almost all of the servers went down because there's only like four showing yeah for hide and seek let me get a classic let's see now there's plenty on classic wait maybe not there's only like one out of 15 per month so they just hmm Steve message cannot be delivered because you don't share a server what is up with Clyde who is Clyde what does Clyde do it's a bot but like I don't remember what Clyde does as a bot like it's really weird where no in general like there we go finally it let me post Clive what are you doing me back all right we're back uh let's see uh uh DF q q s g there we go that was weird I don't see a Clyde bot here anywhere yeah I don't know it was showing up all right I I think we got do we have all the crew now the majority of the crew oh you did that oh clydebot is Discord bot okay you did that uh that's that's fine okay um I'm going to open it up to the public I think we have the majority of either streamers or viewers viewers sorry viewers not streamers other viewers could be I kick all you guys in Among Us why why would you do that oh real villain is claiming that they did it why I don't know funny I saw such a cheater is what dim Shea says I don't know it it could just be them being funny that it might not be them being serious however if it happens again there is that potential but I I I if like all of us get kicked again and they're claiming they're doing it then yeah thank you you're 100 serious well if you're 100 serious don't do it again or you you will I will uh dimshay and I will both said just here kick you out of the stream and kick you out of the game [Music] don't pack it flood me I don't need script Kitty crap going on if you do that I will eat pizza once again this is not a threat to me [Laughter] like you eating pizza and leaving this dream to eat pizza wow dimshay a little bit harsh yeah heart you know dimshay it's a bit it's a bit harsh what is uh he dropped an F-bomb in the chat oh no oh it's time for The Voice I'm coming to get you Keys everyone do Keys except for the Imposter because no one likes them I will without your skull if I can we don't have skulls shut up I'm gonna suck at this and that's okay I think I might have ran by you I'm not sure outside outside I got somebody yeah come here come here yeah gotcha blue I never get that one so I'm just not used to sitting there another Great Imposter oh yeah totally on purpose not accidental at all that was definitely accidental because I ran into a wall you have hit a wall you have hit a wall come back here Pony [Music] Pony foreign [Music] indubitably real villain says they will get their Revenge I'm sure [Music] I'm not gonna win just letting everybody know like I know I know I'm not gonna win but I'm still having fun murdering you murder is fun for the whole family come here yeah don't you yeah got you [Music] oh my gosh oh my gosh I might actually have a chance very small chance what a chance [Music] it's Mr Beast Mr Beast kill Mr Beast come here uh someone's an O2 actually both of them are right now too I buy it I'm not gonna make it anyway the guy I know two is still there he's just spent camping oh well I lost but still over two is not terrible one person all right hey you know what I I was happy with my performance there I was pretty happy with my performance not bad not bad not bad it was close all right I even killed you yes this is true I killed the pony and and used them for glue [Music] I did what well you didn't know that Like Glue has traditionally been made of horse hooves and someone named in your stream uh says hi kid the Imposter I think that's dim Shay it might be it might be seems like something dim Shay would be per se oh no dimshay says he is not the guy aha and it's time to start following yeah if you're watching us like this oh no we're all gonna die please oh no uh yeah if you're watching the stream and you like it please uh follow and uh you know hey I do consider this value for Value so if you have if you get value out of this and show value in return it's appreciated I'm gonna die right away I'm gonna be monsters first kill of the day or yeah I just let it happen at that point like she was right on top of me anyway so I was just like ah I'm gonna just try to get this task done anyway I was the first victim [Music] it's fun you you're the one that took it out of context dim Shane nobody else did that's fine that's um you know considering considering multiple factors that's kind of disturbing dimshay just saying you taking that out of context is really disturbing seriously like there's there's multiple levels of wrong there anyway I I I'm just saying like I'm okay with jokes but there are some jokes that uh you know have implications both from a legal perspective and from a deeply immoral perspective that should probably not be made but your mom is fine I mean not Mr B you you could say your mom to anything man that's perfectly acceptable because honestly like that's like that you know like that's that's centuries at the well maybe not centuries but like at least the past hundred years at least the past hundred years there's been a history of your mom jokes your mom is so dumb she thought Dunkin Donuts was a basketball team oh yeah that's sad maybe Dunkin Donuts will make a basketball team huh oh my gosh I am alive I think I think but since I think I therefore am oh gosh I totally your mom Juno if you want to no Uno reverse card yeah that's that's the best comeback ever [Music] yeah best best comeback ever Uno reverse card that's why no one went that way I I think I I think no offense I think that dimshay has met his doppelganger Tim Shay has dimshay has finally met somebody who's as sarcastic as he is and he's taking issue with it [Laughter] to experiencing what it's like to have life with you dimshay um just to let you know reel the lane you and didn't Shake him go on it have fun enjoy yourselves I survived I survived well done well done [Music] was that two or three I think that was two okay so we got one more in this level yeah you can advertise my twitch if you want in the chat slice of bread or bread do you have Discord by the way cracks okay so no limits cracks nucleus what are you talking about I didn't say no limits cracks nucleus dude the nucleus is a center of a cell [Laughter] cracks knuckles I look like if you're gonna if you're gonna imply that Junk's gotten real here and that stuff is going to go down you should at least you know choose your choose your words correctly in the first place all right [Laughter] the lane hang on dimshay Tim Shay no you don't get to randomly time people out just because that's an abuse of power there sir just because you meet somebody that can insult you as well as you insult others that's not an end you are abusing your mod permissions I will remove them read terms of service really so if you insult me then I should I should kick you by the same logic oh hey kit um so from now on I should be logically consistent about applying timeouts so going forward if dimshay is insulting I'm going to uh I'm gonna go ahead and time him out I think uh fair is fair Garrett oh my gosh you guys are sad but has only shot 23 kids children on the stream what a hero grow up oh my gosh yeah I know you killed orphanages and stuff wait that uh all right look the lane let's let's take it back a notch but let's let's take it back just a notch I don't know how to say your name so I'm just going to say hi take take it back let's let's just let's just let's just dial it back you guys can you guys can you know insult each other but let's just you know keep it low-key Blue Fox blue Sonic except that he's a hedgehog whoa dimshay damn Shay that's that's not gentle ribbing that's just mean we know this you're not seeing what I'm seeing so you don't have enough context I've actually I have three people that have said something in the Stream chat oh my gosh yay yo I'm scared sooner or later like red yeah I'm dead I think I died look gentle ribbing is okay but if it gets to the point where it's getting out of hand guys I I will take action wow look Tim Shay I hate to say this but if you're going to insult people you need to learn to type correctly [Laughter] everyone's dying yeah this is going really quick this is a fast ramp you will get grammarly oh no run Pony prance for your life I don't know France for your life take take the magic road use your Magics to stay safe your Pony powers or whatever um no okay all right so we're down to two let's see who's the two Lucian and not Mr Beast yo he's doing the smart Strat everyone haunt not Masterpiece you guys you know you gotta up your insult games this is sad no run Pony run that's your your insults are mediocre at best no offense but if I combine the two of the both of your brain matter together and it were Dynamite I wouldn't have enough to blow my nose [Laughter] that's all I'm saying so when did I get to step in Buster when I saw that the insults that you're using are so pathetic no the ponies the last one [Music] like my life hey you know what I know what my life is and I can take the Heat oh my gosh Pony it's all it's all on you you've got 50 seconds to survive goodbye Pony it's all ah come on guys come on yeah Pony I don't know I don't know this is gonna be close bro that MP3 dim Shay why are you here I don't know I don't know why dim Shay's anywhere like I I don't like I don't know why he's there why he's here why he's anywhere dimshay is all over Pony has a solid strap for survival Pony you're gonna make it you gotta make it yeah pony lives yeah wow Pony saved the game for all of us congratulations changing map to the worst map of them all the best map of them all you're just saying roast that dimshay can understand yeah I like rose too pot roast hot roast is pretty good roast can be tasty sakur Secor I want orange oh my gosh you guys really need to get better material that joke is so old that like the first caveman was telling it I mean I I might be old but I I'm not that old like I I I I want to say that like maybe I knew Leonardo da Vinci but I definitely wouldn't be like you know caveman old [Laughter] like not enough to know Jesus personally [Laughter] okay come on wow this is a slice of bread hello you change perspective yeah that's my viewer hey oh you were you were on an Among Us oh you were watching oh that's cool that's cool all right you know your guys insults towards each other are probably some of the most safe hey thanks for the follow welcome to the expedition thank you for coming on in I appreciate it wow why are there no people yeah no ladder camping I might have to start this with less people because I don't want to stick around forever but welcome on in slice of bread question what kind of bread and bread or toast I mean like are we talking like you know like a cinnamon bread like a cinnamon swirl bread are we talking pumpernickel are you talking Rye what what are we talking in terms of bread your standard Wonder Bread like white bread wheat bread honey wheat dessert bread like a sweet bread rolls like what what kind of bread I might just have to start you know I this is going to be this round is not gonna count but I'm gonna do a short round I had to do a short round because maybe I'll get imposter because they're just hard enough kit made your ears bleed oh well you know you can adjust his volume for yourself right like you can lower his volume if it's too loud for you oh no I hate this task I hate this task with a passion of a thousand fiery Sons like seriously nope that ain't it yeah no so this has to be it thank you chat was clear what what is going on what's going on in the chat here blame Dem Shay I mean you're gonna take the blame you said the bad stuff yeah it looks like it I can see it because it doesn't clear my chat because my chat is third party hey papa dog the puppy dog has returned long time no see puppy dog welcome I'm gonna die oh maybe not I am okay there are many cows in this area I don't uh oh they're getting oh crushed I just ran right by them like a look at how few people there are and yet we're still winning don't speak no words only dreams going up cause I will ban you [Music] thank you down down down now [Music] I don't think anyone won uh villain I don't think anybody won I think if anything everybody lost when I'm saying in the chat in this round I'm saying my stream chat the chat I just said I was talking about the chat well you said in the chat yeah in the chat yeah that could mean you're talking in the chat oh my gosh nobody won in the chat oh they found me I don't know how but they found me run for it Marty [Music] hey hacks hi hacks what up hacks what's the code it's the same as last time it's the it's pinned to the chat you don't deserve the code Tim Shay Australia Day eight and it's 12 43 in the morning huh that's some special it is 10 43 a.m for me Bob what up Bob hey he's got a hard hat he has literally Bob the Builder private message what are you talking about that is the PIN e f q q s g that that is the you have to be on the North American server all right it's a hand uh okay wow Happy Dog hacks and dim Shay and the lane sad left the game I am sad that they left hey we got somebody all right so I'm gonna wait another minute or two and I'm just gonna start puppy dog puppy dog why don't you join puppy dog sulfur wispy no um stop it's fine it's just fine all right you know I'm gonna start this soon yeah another unfold wait unfulfilled oh hex is here welcome to hacks yeah all right let's go this is good enough why is Hax here he's going to steal red from me gave a shout out to hacks lucian's theme we're all gonna die just saying oh sweet hopefully Lucian chose a starting spot that is further away from me than closer to me ah there should be like a special area where the Seeker spawns like the Seeker spawns in meeting or something yeah like an area that the crewmates can't spawn all right hang on oh that is the easiest thing ever I have never in my life seen something that easy never have I gotten a code that that was that easy I did safe without dying what I did safe without dying I'm so happy that that is cool because that safe is a pain in the ass it is safe well you didn't believe that so it's funny well I'm not I the only thing that I really believe at this point is f-bombs what like other stuff I'm fine with what's up oh people are ladder camping who's Lara they're camping well name the names later name the names later oh no no I'm saying later like afterwards pink who's pink oh we can't see the names no that's fine let's worry about it let's worry about it later uh we'll worry about it after the round we'll kick them out their name is k-n-z-i-i-n what did I just say I'm not gonna remember that while we're playing like okay I'm gonna chill here for now [Music] we may live yet [Music] laughs [Music] uh-oh time to run actually my my wrist alarm is actually telling me to literally get up and no oh the pony found me to literally get up and move around while seeing as I'm dead some people are playing collusion I might do that are hacking foreign [Music] let's continue look at Discord DMS it's urgent no no why why is it urgent like you say something's urgent it does not always actually mean urgent kick the pink kick the pink oh that's right yeah we got a kick uh no ladder camping so where are the controls to kick somebody they're in the chat okay let's see uh let's see what's Pink's name again okay and or wait I think it's k n the c-i-n yeah yeah okay bye all right let's see what while we're waiting let's see what dim Shea had to say that's so important really dim Jake really that's what he do no it's just dim shaping dumb like seriously that's like nothing no that's not urgent it like what's goody um a lot of stuff is good you know just been living my life um seriously Dem Shay don't don't tell me something's urgent and important when it honestly isn't [Laughter] there's a reason why I don't get alerts on your DMs just saying there is a reason why your DMs are muted sir can we start let's give it a little bit more time chill can we make lore for the SM have fun that's up to you I couldn't care less at this point all right heck with it I'm starting cause I'm impatient no trying to start darn it okay let's go let's go Lucas Carr left the game two to air oh no we're all gonna die great oh oh come on I got both of those tasks I got both of those tasks really I mean this one's not that bad but it's convenient oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you should running a straight line yelled me my own I killed people in the frontier first my own son he killed me that the Sun that I provided for that that I helped to get it computers and and other things foreign food and shelter and clothing for wait what gray gray what are you doing he murdered me I mean I had to come but it's still upsetting just say someone's an Armory you here yeah you are you okay that's a good spot hide parental respect is defective lucian's stuck in the law no no Lucian is stuck they went down one they went down once that's not ladder camping yeah but they went down once stuck in the wall yay Lucian saved us I hope he disconnects wow harsh so harsh so I'm gonna watch this lame imposter just like walk around at random because they can't win [Laughter] it's fine it's just fine hopefully it'll clear up next time yeah can I get can you give me imposter next round since no bug no because then I got to make the whole thing private yeah so no [Music] maybe we'll see maybe I will this one time because it is unfair when somebody's glitched in the wall what was that I got a message oh nothing never mind it's nothing important I already have cheers shut up [Music] what is my son doing filling the time by being dumb questions okay there we go so I muted kit laughs there's only so much ASMR I can take he returned to factory settings I'll give you credit on that one dim Jay that's pretty funny he returned to factory settings what nothing uh you weren't paying attention so it doesn't matter something about factory resetting yeah sort of um anyway so I guess I will give kit a second chance to be imposter [Music] you joined Discord yay I mean thank you cool ax accidentally left the game that's fine you can join again because we're gonna have to go private to give kit another fair chance thank you all right gonna watch only phone control is hard yeah I tried to do Among Us on phone at one point it sucked so how do you make it so that you can choose the Imposter uh you need to set it to private first private and then you can pick who is the Imposter okay well I'll wait for a couple more people to jump in I joined Discord call oh no did you now hey hacks thanks for the follow wait you double followed why'd you double follow Lucas Lucas all right so here's what I'm gonna do change it to private all right hacks all right sneako we're going yay puppy dog thank you yay I get revenge just saying hey you guys uh if you're not following me on Kik and you are following me on Twitch please set up an account on on Kik and follow me there hey Michael McKeel kid gamer thank you for the follow are oh no oh no oh hi hello hello welcome welcome to the Expedition nice to have you here in a wall so yeah another person in the wall yeah hey I'm not I'm not giving you another chance okay I'm not gonna keep giving you another chance just letting you know like I can't help getting glitches uh can you play Among Us with us absolutely uh when the round ends and the the code should be pinned oh no I can't no yeah I'm here my own son murdered me without Mercy he even laughed at it I don't know how to feel about that I mean I mean given how he treats me in real life I guess that's okay if it wasn't illegal you'd probably kill me in real life okay maybe not I'm being funny here but still it it cut me deep are you seeing there's another ladder camera not only did it cut me deep it cut me in half okay I can't remember how he actually killed me Brown is getting kicked next time just saying what climb down Brown is getting kicked in the next round are you dude there's like a split second to react Brown is getting kicked in the next round what I was spamming that as well like it totally should have killed him Brown is getting kicked the next round uh all right fine fine you win Brown I'll find the other person that's some Gap and come back for you later I have plenty of time we will be changing Maps again after this round we went to the other side yeah oh this is dumb I bet they're both flat or camping now someone's involved why are you involved why are you involved invented so far after yeah all right great one guy that's just gonna ladder Camp the whole time yeah come on all right plenty of time I'll just do this until you die meow meow close I don't know why I'm saying now yeah close it I'm hiding behind you this is not gonna work oh I'm going to make it thank you for the follow but I don't need to die Arcturus X I don't know why the text didn't show up that was weird this is stupid yeah I know [Music] Arcturus welcome thank you for the follow Arcturus is the name of a star wait he did climb back up are you serious yes no I don't know wait what um I'll get him get him get him no it was so close no so close so close no yes yes yes you know no I have never rooted for you so hard kit I hope that you murder this guy he climbed up again after I get it already oh no get him oh no get him no [Laughter] no no no speed he come back he went back here well Brown's getting kicked let's see who's Brown don't kick him ban him who's Brown uh uh I can't say their name now I need I need him to move he needs to move humongous bye bye humongous bye no camping well correction huh correction no ladder camping all right uh changing it back to public Brown is gone Brown is gone can you join now yeah code's in the chat it's pinned oh no Ben Light why because he is swearing a lot uh also blue wants ladder camping to be on okay bye chicken you also want ladder camping to be available uh well so what what so chicken is gonna go who's blue real villain oh no no I'm not gonna ban them they're they're they're they're watching no I'm not gonna kick them we're going back to the scalp so it won't even be an issue yay that's my map done again oh oh no it didn't work all right I'm just gonna start this I'm not waiting for this last person [Music] my finger your finger puppy dog leaving no don't need puppy dog police police the police are coming after us hello my police are coming they are coming yeah I might need to mess with my alerts a little bit because that text was not showing up like it should when people followed but oh well moon has been killed well somebody's got the twitch icon or the twitch yeah twitch a little twitch oh braziland welcome again cool how do you get the twitch pet I don't know uh you do it by watching like uh that there's like a special game thing that happens on Twitch certain times yeah it's like probably a special event yeah uh one happened recently but I didn't watch it so I didn't get the pet all right there's also a mess thank you we are all duly impressed that you know how to follow and unfollow people what do you mean um you don't have to follow you have to watch no no no no no he the the he and Hax and a couple have like follow unfollowed and re-followed me just to trigger the alert hey funny that's funny that's funny right there come on ah here we go again come on yay my cats are done even though we had wires oh no oh no you're dying oh no ah it was so close yet so far yeah that's enough that's enough no not one more time please oh that's a different person okay it is showing the text it's just further down than I anticipated I'll have to adjust that eventually I didn't know I was the last thank you and we're back why what what why do you do you like my follow animation or something all right last time fine last round no I'm talking about the follow alerts having that same expression during entire stream confidence well that's because I can't change the expression okay now no more both green application vessel time oh no oh no oh no oh no not the vessel oh no oh no 100 no no more no more follows unless you're you're actually a new account following me please [Laughter] stop unfollowing and re-following it it does not look good damn Shay wait what yeah what what what what you know the police I had to say it at least had to say it just because it's funny not because I actually believe that I support our police officers they do a great service to our communities and worlds please do not yeah I was just saying it to be funny not because it reflects my actual beliefs that is all you know if you're gonna like toss me follows toss me real villains stop it if you're gonna toss me follows do it on Kik I need to grow on kick like I am an affiliate already on Twitch I'm not an affiliate on Kik okay oh come on too fast too slow make up your mind stupid card swipe I'm gonna die right now maybe not I snuck away I don't have a command on Kik sorry no no I've had enough follows and unfollowers thanks but no thanks I shouldn't have to buy your love I shouldn't have to buy your love and support you should love me for me how do you get Kik uh EPDM buster thanks for sharing I I do have to set up book command for that no it's not a great deal bought love is not real love Can't Buy Me Love uh-oh I'm being followed farts they got me they got me yeah um sure hacks sure prevalent stop look like uh by the way you can't get me anything on Kik anyway because I'm not an affiliate wow the police got us they got us good all right so this is going to be my last round this will be my last round much love to the crew slash expeditioners main four slash Five Etc Lassie thank you yeah don't start yet please don't start yet moon is asking me not to start yet never mind okay we go no that's not nice hack come on as a training medical practitioner you should know better I said then I'm Zen I that's what I said I know I'm saying Zen because I think Zen is a word it is exactly it's a word that is often tied to Motorcycle Maintenance for that to that time I'm surprised I survived that he bran right by the room I was in bye I'm gonna die now I think oh no it's this task yeah I got that task done holy cow and now I'm gonna die wait maybe I won't I'm not gonna die now I'm gonna die I'm on the last task and it's the worst it's not the worst but it's one of the more tasks because it puts you in very vulnerable places holy cow I might get all of my tasks done in a hide and seek around again no way I'm I might still die but I might still get my tasks done all right I actually got all my tasks done yay oh gosh oh no it saw me it saw me wait it it's not following me it's not following me oh no all right I ran right by it I'm running I'm running I'm running no monster [Music] it's all dependence on you then thank you for following again [Music] I guess it's over all right we're wrapping things up all right that's enough real villain I am going shark all right [Applause] [Music] see you all right philane stop that's enough all right you know what like seriously I should ban you all right but I'm gonna I'm gonna jump uh let me go into the cabin here goodbye all right everybody so we're we're back in the cabin for now I just want to thank all of you for being here thank you for being part of the Expedition if you like what you're seeing here please by all means uh you know this is a value for value proposition if you if you like what you see here please and get value out of it show value in return um you know this is not necessarily quote unquote free and uh you know hey it's uh definitely appreciated and uh yeah leave comments on YouTube like follow subscribe all those things and we'll catch you next time just remember if I can find the correct button then it's it's always great to cross paths just don't cross the streams take care everybody bye
Channel: Expedition: Buster
Views: 142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Among Us, Crewmate, Imposter, Twitch, Gaming, Friends, twitch drama
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 39sec (6459 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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