Beverly Hills Cop 3 WonderWorld Filming Locations!

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okay welcome back to the channel we are out here in the lovely santa clara california no not santa carla that would be about 35 miles south of where i'm at right now that is santa cruz the filming location for the 1987 classic the lost boys and also jordan peels us from a few years ago there's an airplane right above me yeah so i'll just keep talking right through it so we are out here in santa clara california this is the bottom of the san francisco bay we are 30 miles south of both san francisco and oakland and we are here to do a filming location video for beverly hills cop 3. now we're going to visit the wonder world locations over here at paramounts great america let me correct that actually it is not paramount anymore i'm just stuck on that from the 90s it is now cedars fair great america doesn't have the same ring to it but we are going to do a film location video here you can probably see the roller coaster right behind me that is a very cool ride and we're also in the parking lot of levi stadium this is where the san francisco 49ers play all their games at in their new stadium uh how many theme parks or how many stadiums nfl or baseball can you say has a theme park attached to it isn't that cool very cool right all right guys let's go ahead and go inside well not inside the stadium let's go inside the park and find the film locations for wonder world from beverly hills cop3 [Music] all right so you briefly heard me say paramounts great america and that's because from 1992 to 2006 this theme park out here in the south bay was owned by paramount pictures which gave them so much room for being creative with this park that it was awesome like i mean the rides were named after movies the food was named after movies the zones were named after movies it was awesome the best ride here was called top gun it is now called flight deck and i'll show you guys that but come on can you can you just like imagine how cool it was being owned by a movie company it's totally different than universal studios hollywood that is a bunch of like 4d movie rides they do have the backlot tour which is amazing but this is an actual theme park much like you know knottsbury farm or not quite disneyland but it is just it's a pretty cool park so they were able to use this for the filming of beverly hills cop3 all right we're gonna start off kind of right at the beginning of the movie the first time we are introduced to wonder world which is actually in reality great america and it's been great america since it's you know opening in the 1970s at some point so uh first shot we see right here is axel foley he's going to get approached by some security guards because they already know who he is and they know that he's going to cause problems and we have these ticket booths right here now if you look they really haven't changed there's a little kind of awning that has gone where these lamps are and the windows the ticket windows are now on the side and not in the front uh of the little booths but we are looking at pretty much the same thing the trees have changed and we have this palm tree that's kind of new that that was a regular tree at one point before but this is it guys this is the opening shot of wonder world okay now after axel foley is forced to purchase a ticket so he could go inside and find mr ellis dewald who is the troublemaker the villain in this movie he is forced to buy a ticket and then he's approached right here by these two security guards where he says something very snotty to them and proceeds to walk in and you can see the water back there the gates are a little similar not much and you see the carousel right behind them all right so the ticket gates are different everything is digital now so we don't have the rolodex type you know walk through thing anymore that axle foley would have entered right here and this is about the shot we get of the water and the carousel right there very cool all right after axel fully enters the park we are then introduced to this epic shot of the carousel the white rocks right now it's going to say california's great america but this has always been there i mean as far back as i can go back to coming here in the 80s these white rocks with the great america logo has been here and for the movie you can see they took out these cement letters those are cement uh letters that are painted and they put wonder world in there with i believe rocks it looks like rocks it doesn't like like cement like this but this is that epic shot you get of that carousel the water fountains in there the white rocks and the logo god it's just absolutely gorgeous isn't it all right the music is really loud and i don't know if there's a copyright thing but i'm gonna go quick here but uh a little bit later on right after he walks through the park and we get that nice shot of the carousel this ride was not here this was just constructed a few years ago just before the pandemic uh the star tower was there which is that giant spinny thing up there so that was there but they built this wood roller coaster around it called the gold striker and this thing is fast it is like i want to say it goes 58 miles per hour i believe it is just fast i mean it is awesome um but the shot here of the security guard going into that little fake tree here and it would have gone to nowhere because there's nothing back there this was just a line back then but that's where the fake tree would have been right here in the middle kind of where that flagpole is and you see these two brick um kind of tree bases right here there are now palm trees here where before there was just a bunch of trees all lined up here so they changed a lot of it some of these trees can be seen here so those trees can be seen in the shot these little brick things right here at the bottom can be seen as well as this one over here can be seen as well so this right here is where that tree would have been where the security guard entered to go kind of backstage into the security area okay now once they get into that security area now a lot of that is all filmed at their you know paramount studios but also um the ride here alien attack that you're going to see right here in these next clips coming up that is not here also that is actually at universal studios hollywood and everybody kind of knows that ride that ride is very popular so that whole alien attack thing was not filmed here and they must have worked something out with universal to use that ride for this whole little chase scene going on all right now this whole area over here because of the new ride and that kind of thing this whole area is pretty much new and it is so wide open i remember there being more like hills around here and things like that and they've pushed a lot of that back and they have this whole open promenade here which is crazy i mean as bryn and huff would say from step brothers there's so much room for activities it is so big like so big guys and actually they they do um very well during the halloween season they have great america's haunt here um i actually worked it back in 2010 in the carnival maze um but right here there was a usually a big old giant like stage and like a biking course for like tricks and stuff and they do a big old show right here you see a little bit of a like a outdoor stage right there but they build this whole thing out and it's really really cool all right towards the later part of the movie axl foley is going to get in this whole big battle with all the security guards um big old gun war right over here by the triple play unit and uh yeah that gazebo that he's sitting in front of on this chair is right here so you got the park bench right there and you got the little curb still there bushes have changed so the plants and stuff have changed but that gazebo is still right there let me get a little closer it's about that shot and you can still see the uh theater back there behind it so you see the two doors that go into that theater um the deco design on the window you probably can't really see on my camera and there's also a stage with some trust built right in front but you can kind of see those pillars right back there as well so let me go ahead and zoom in there you go so you kind of got those pillars in there and you got the two doors so that might help on the shop but uh yeah here we go this is pretty cool here is about that same shot that axel foley is going to be sitting on right in front of this bench right here in hometown square now i keep want to call it new orleans square i don't know why i just i don't know why i guess it's bad habit but it's actually hometown square so uh yeah here we go this is where alex will foley would have been right here and you know what's actually cool the lamp is still the same let me zoom in on that lamp there is that lamp you see it's on the left of the screen where axel's pulling out the annihilator 2000 from the bag and those two lights those two lamps are right there same exact ones isn't that awesome very cool all right and then as you turn around you're going to see the security guards they're over here sitting right here in front of the triple play which is no longer here you can see the front of it you can see that little yellow cement let me scoot over there's a table there it looks like there's a school it's a friday morning so there's obviously schools here for a science and math day from 10 to three but you can see that little yellow painted brick it's still yellow down there but that's where the little gazebo would have been for the triple play and you got the roller coaster right here which is called vortex very fun roller coaster but like it's just kind of that that awning is there and the ride is gone there's a couple trees back there now but the ride is unfortunately no longer here but you could tell this is exactly where it was i mean obviously i know where it was i've come here a thousand times but that structure is still there the gazebo is gone but the yellow painted step and the brick still there hasn't changed at all since 1994. crazy right all right so this ride was not in the movie but on a very hot california day it's very well known to come out here to this little bridge and stand here if you don't want to wait in line to actually go on a ride but a lot of people that you can see right there gathered on the left side on that bridge getting ready to get wet this makes a very abnormally large splash when you get to the bottom it's a pretty deep little pond there but check this out [Applause] and then here come all the happy kids that just got wet on a hot day too funny all right now this ride also is not in the movie but this is the exact location of the bird cages from the movie the scene where axel foley's jumping from bird cage to bird cage to save those kids but i had to show you the ride that is now in place of it it's called the rail blazer this thing is insane this first drop legit straight down check this out now it's short but sweet but holy crap crazy right all right and this is the shot we would have got for most of the scenes from that bird cage scene now in the movie the ride was called the spider but in reality it was called the bird cages there were three different uh sets of the bird cages that would go take you up spin drop the next crew off on the ground it was really cool ride i mean it took a long time but it had fantastic views i remember that one like distinctly now i was actually in this scene i'll put up some screenshots here of the ride um or of the movie on this ride and i was actually in this movie because they sent out a letter to all the high school like drama departments saying hey we're gonna be filming this day for a movie we need extras if any of your kids want to be in the movie you know just have them come out fill out this you know waiver and then they can be in the background now i had never found myself in the shot i'm pretty sure i'm cropped out because they did tighten up a lot of the shots um but it was pretty cool just looking up at nothing eddie murphy was not here for those shots um it was really just us coming in they were getting a bunch of b-roll and they would be like all right everybody scream and then you'd scream and they'd be like everybody looking on and then you'd look at all like it was it was pretty cool okay there's gonna be a shot right here while axel foley is jumping from birdcage to birdcage and in the background you can see this ride right here that is the berserker and for some reason in the movie it looks like it was under renovation possibly or they were repairing the cars because there's no cars in there but this ride was for sure there this ride has been there since the 80s when i first started coming here i totally remember but it's pretty cool because that little house structure exactly the same just not painted the same it was like a gray and white and now it has a more of a like cottage village look but there is this ride right here in the background from where those bird cages were right there okay now obviously we have different lenses nowadays on our cameras mine's a wide shot i use a dji pocket 2 for all my videos and in this shot right here you're going to see the concerned mom right here realizing their kids are in trouble and you can see that wooden roller coaster back to the grizzly in the shot you can see the loop and you can see the drop on the far right but she would have been standing right around here somewhere and this area has changed a lot um they've widened this up as well so i there used to be rides over here well not rides there was like a pond with some little boat race remote control things and some monster trucks as well all in this area and they kind of made this like a a grassy knoll so to speak so yeah there was some boats here there was some like monster trucks and there was also trains i remember and that is actually very accurate to the movie because in the movie at one point you see axel foley being chased by the guards by the security guards and he's running out of the um this is right before he gets on the spider ride and it's actually locationally as direct because the spider ride would have been right there and all this would have been that other stuff that i was just talking about but right here there would have been a little fake house put up as the exit door of the supposed underground uh security offices and you can actually see in this scene right here you can see this building in this wall right here um now the door is hidden behind the spider sign that was there uh like the door right there and uh yeah you can see this building you can see the lines are still there on it let me get a little closer but you can see that the lines are still there on the building so that little house would have been right over here by these trees right where axel foley and the security guards would have ran out to go and play on the spider all right it's actually pretty funny but george lucas the man himself mr star wars is actually in the movie he makes an appearance here wearing a little pig wonder world shirt and it's taking place right here where uh you know you can see the roller coaster in the background that is the grizzly ride back there and uh but that little house as you see right there gone like i said all of this has been changed dramatically since 1994 uh opened up quite a bit and unfortunately those little houses are no longer there where george lucas was standing all right now at one point in the movie axl foley escapes the security guards yet again with how clever he is and then he comes out right here into this carnival area which is been like this forever it's really hasn't changed at all besides the colors maybe but you're gonna see that they set up this little itty bitty house right here that they obviously just stayed in because there's no exit back or entrance into any kind of security area it is literally just this big old giant teddy bear thing right here but this is where that little house would have been with the fake little facade uh for the little dancing show the dancing bunny and the dancing wolf and pig and whatever the heck those things are but that would have taken place right here and then here's a close-up shot of axel foley doing the whopping he came out of the door came out here dancing put his arms up like yeah look at me and uh yeah nothing has changed you even look back here at the um little itty bitty like they're white in the movie but they're yellow now these little wood pieces that kind of go down like shingles those are still there haven't changed since 1994. okay now this drop zone ride was not here in 1994 uh this is newer this is probably early 2000s this was added but there's a shot of the two security guards and i'm gonna go right around this little coke station because it's blocking the view of the grizzly ride this also wasn't here this tiki twirl that was not here that was actually called survivor at one point because you know paramount cbs so this ride actually was called survivor before it was renamed a tiki twirl pretty funny right uh up but we have some we have some brush issues we have some trees here that have grown up but you see right around here is where those two security guards have been standing looking at the picture of axel foley and getting the note that he's escaped yet again right here that happened all right and then here's yet another shot of like the crowd and you're gonna see these two little there's somebody get in trouble right in front of me that's funny okay anyways you're gonna see these two uh little like game booths right here and in the background you see the wires and the tower for the uh i don't even know what that's called the glider i i'm not sure i don't think it's open today unfortunately but the trees have grown up there a little bit and so you're kind of blocking the one tower but right here is where that shot would have been and right there down the middle is where that entrance is to that ride all right so if you look at the ground here you can see this giant piece of uh cement patch here where it's circled right there used to be a carousel right here and there's a shot right here where axel foley goes to use the phone to call in for help and you know he's kind of getting picked on by the little boy with his dad's on the phone but you can see right here in the background let me get a little bit closer so i can get that exact shot uh you can see the roller coaster and you can see that grizzly sign right there they never even bothered to change it the sign is exactly the same as it was in 1994 as it is today i'm gonna get a little bit closer uh just to try to get that shot but there you go isn't that cool guys so we had a carousel over here to the left where this drop zone now is and then right here you had the wood roller coaster and the grizzly sign right here so that phone call would have taken place exactly where i'm standing you know based on my camera lens of course but i'm very close to right where that shot was and i love that the sign is exactly the same the claws ripping up the rails so cool all right we got some uh water gun action going on we got a tight race between those three over there somebody won right here is a shot right here where uh axel foley would have been standing directly in front of me kind of where these kids are and he would have had the gun where he pulled it up shot in the air to kind of let everybody know hey look at here there's something wrong going on make sure you record this because he sees the guy with the video camera and that would have taken place right here you can see the awning is still there they have changed the paint the lines are there it's now a teal top instead of red and white um but the trees are all back there still right there so you even have this little bridge thing on the far right hand side that kind of goes out from the video games that are closed well the the uh i guess what are they called uh fair booth things right fair ride fair games i guess those are uh closed right now but the little walkway awning goes right there to where this little game is now obviously this was a crane shot but this is where he would have been standing there shooting with the video camera guy in the security guards right there uh you can tell a lot has changed since 1994 in this area on the left-hand side with how much space they've made available and just a new ride and everything okay so great america has a really cool kids area though they are affiliated with peanuts so they have this area for the kids called planet snoopy which is really cool it really hasn't changed too much um they did take down some rides actually some of my favorite rides were taken down i had there was a log right over here that they took down that was amazing but this whole place over here is now a giant water park um it's actually pretty cool over here to the right and over to the left you have like i said you have planet snoopy that is the kids area all right so we're now entering the water park area of the theme park south bay shores and early mentioned that they do a big old thing during halloween here i mean first of all look at this isn't this just gorgeous like this bridge and the water like everything is so cool um paramount did such a great job with this place and everything they built very very cool and this area that i'm at right now doesn't really get used at all until it's halloween time there's some tables here yeah but nobody i've never seen anybody sit here um when it's not halloween time and this is basically a line cue for one of the mazes and it's pretty cool because they actually keep it up right there inside that warehouse so you can see the warehouse there and then you see the facade out there that's built for the wax museum says houdini seance tonight only isn't that pretty cool yeah so the the building itself is is a you know a metal warehouse and they have it you know just kind of painted beige to blend in with whatever but um yeah they leave this up and they leave that maze inside of there all year round look there's a door open i haven't seen a door open but you kind of see in there a little bit i wonder let's see can you get in there can you see it might be too dark but i see some red i see some lights people are in there working on it i love it it is what is it may and we have some haunt stuff going on that is awesome all right so the music changed as i transferred out of planet snoopy into this area this is kind of the america part of um great america and you can hear the 50s music playing back there so i got to be careful but i had to show you this here's the entrance to south bay shores i'm not sure where i got hurricane park whatever i think one of the little slides called that or something but isn't that awesome check that out you got a beautiful volkswagen bus right there bay window so that's going to be late and that is just awesome look at this entrance isn't that beautiful you got some california sand here in the palm trees and a ginormous water park and this is all part of your regular like paid a ticket to come into the park you get this whole water park as well isn't that awesome all right it's kind of early on in the movie maybe the middle-ish you're going to see some shots right here the theater royale here comes this roller coaster right now let's check it out [Music] isn't that awesome now this is a flight this is a flight it's actually called flight deck back in the 90s when paramount owned it it was called top gun and that was when it was actually built i mean it was brand new in the early 90s for this movie not built for the movie but it happened to be a great like you know location and uh yeah so you're gonna get some shots right here where axel foley is meeting up with okie dokie and uh these two little kids one is a really nice kid who is genuinely happy to see uh okey dokey which is actually axel foley prancing around the park you know unsuspected leaves because he's trying to hide from people so he gets some help getting a costume and uh that scene takes place right here and then some of the trees have grown but the theater looks exactly the same uh i mean it hasn't changed a bit and then uh this is where you know the the kind of the meaner kid says hey uh okey can you do the okie dokie shuffle an axle foley does the okie dokie shuffle and then rudely the kid says back that's not the okie dokie shuffle this is how it is and he does it and it looks exactly the same there's no difference but that play that scene took place right here in front of what is now flight deck which was called top gun at the time when paramount owned it and they shouldn't have changed the name but i understand why they had to um but that took place right here where this theater is but i want to show you this look at this look at the logo the new sign for it i mean you could totally tell it was a top gun ride because of the like the image look at that now called flight deck which is really cool but there you go top gun isn't that awesome one thing i'm noticing that i didn't really notice in the past was that they've changed a lot of the trees there's a lot of palm trees here now that used to not be here um this is a reverse shot of axel foley when he's in the costume and he's looking back at grandma because grandma saw that the kid got pushed into the little fountain that was not a real fountain here but he got pushed in the fountain but you can see the roller coaster right back there that is the um vortex which i i think that's still the name i haven't rode in it for a while but i think it's still the vortex uh actually it might be called the patriot now now yep you know what they did they changed the name it's now called the patriot it's not called the vortex anymore but you see that little curve right there with the roller coaster in the background and you see this round planter where these these palm trees are and that used to be just a regular tree in the past very cool and there used to be a train that you grow by but the train has been long gone for many years i haven't seen the train since i don't know the late 90s all right yeah and the water fountain would have been right here which you know this has always been open there was never a water fountain put in uh so this was just for the movie that they built this put up and who knows what happened to it now all right and this is where that scene would have taken not taking place but this is where the launch point of the it's called the delta flyer i couldn't remember the name the sky buckets it's had a bunch of different names over the years but i'm going to zoom in and you can see the buckets back there and i see blue and is there a red one let's see it yeah they're all red there's a blue and a red one back there that they have it gated off so i can't go back there but that's where the sky buckets are and these are where they would have shot from when they were shooting axle foley in the hometown square area so that's what kind of made me think about it but you can see here is kind of the towers for it and there is that vortex roller coaster right back there in the middle and it just wouldn't have met up with a direct shot to go ahead and shoot where axel foley was um down there whatever he would have been he would have been pretty far away he would have been a good i don't know 40 yards away and then they made it look like he was right above him but let's see can we see this roller coaster get in here are the trees in the way trees are in the way but we saw it on the other side all right now this area has changed dramatically but this is where at the very end of the movie they would have built a fake facade little castle thing right and they would have had this sign that said welcome back uncle dave after uncle dave is all healed and all the suspects are now arrested and everything this would have taken place right here at that giant like opening that i showed you earlier where the real carousel is now they kind of mimicked it and this whole area has changed all these trees and planters were not here this whole thing right here where you see these steps and the dirt was different um totally different and the only reason i know that this is the exact spot where they shot it is because if you look at the roller coaster right there the vortex which is now the patriot those poles match up you see the extension poles that match up and then you see the little triangular um brackets that hold the uh the track itself to the poles well that used to be green vortex used to be green back in the day and um yeah the trees just aren't the same and the whole set is not the same but i'll zoom in and you can see this little you can see that one right there it matches up exactly with uh you know with the the rest of the ride and they would have had a different shot but that's it right there these are those those things that would have came out to help support the roller coaster and uh yeah this is where the end of it would have been filmed right here completely different now though i mean hugely different the hill has been cut back and yeah it's just it's just completely different but this is where the very end scene would have taken place right here all right guys thank you for coming along with me on this little short trip of the filming locations of wonder world from beverly hills cop3 more film location videos coming along i have a bunch like planned out ready to go um and i will be starting to travel soon as soon as work slows down but thank you again for coming along this journey you know i love my 80s and i love my 90s stuff so here we go wonder world from beverly hills cop3 thanks for coming along [Music] [Music]
Channel: Cory
Views: 5,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beverly, hills, cop, filming, locations, on, the, set, beyond, backlot, eddie, murphy, wonderworld, paramount, great, america, santa, clara, california, theme, park, top, gun, maverick, 1994, 90s, 80s, movie, film, san, francisco, 49ers, life, scott, tape, adam, woo, justin, scarred, randomland
Id: DIKQR3ggF6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Wed May 18 2022
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