Bev Keane - Underestimating Pure Evil

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if I were to ask you right now who or what is the most terrifying super villain you've ever seen in a TV show or perhaps a movie or maybe read in a novel or comic book or encountered while playing a video game who would it be Thanos The Joker General Zod alien the Predator Terminator the thing what if I told you one of the most terrifying super villains was just a regular lady no super strengths big hands with infinity stone shape-shifting ability or special suit just a regular middle-aged lady Beverly Keane played by Samantha's lawyer in Mike Flanagan's midnight mass on Netflix Beverly King is a resident of a fictional Place known as Crockett Island once a vibrant fishing Community but then devastated by an oil spill this results in the slow death of the island with most of the inhabitants leaving everything seems Bleak and people are desperate Beth Kane is the self-appointed administrator and moral Arbiter of the community has sanctimonious self-righteous attitude coupled with her belief in being special and chosen by God embolden is hard to invade other people's spaces and dish out what she considers Justice at any given time she is extremely judgmental and her justification for unsavory actions is tied to her belief that she's better than other people therefore her moral compasses whatever suits her goal no matter how violent or obviously illegal they may be it's all right because God loves her therefore her atrocities are part of God's plan these evil acts take place throughout the 7 episodes of the Netflix limited series in episode 1 while walking down the street she comes face to face with a big energetic dog which belongs to the town's drunk jokali she calls it a menace and accuses it of trying to attack her snapped right at me look I'm telling you Sheriff it's a menace now to most people even non-dog people we just move on maybe ask jokali to keep the dog on a tight leash but not Beverly Keen in episode 2 Aaron green walks in on her holding fatal poison so she carefully crafts a story about a cat infestation on the island that needs to be dealt with while the cat infestation was true as we will learn at the beginning of the second episode that was never her plan at the local potluck attended by the locals of the island she poisoned jokali's dog Joe collie holds the dog cries and begs for help as everyone watches on in this heartbreaking scene everyone including Bev Keane the one responsible straight away we get a sense of the kind of person Bev King is the killing of the dog is senseless and cruel so we can start her list of crimes with poisoning and animal cruelty No Reservations when it comes to killing the innocent that dog never did anything to her she simply didn't like it and thought it was a menace by the end of episode 2 Father Paul appears to perform a miracle when he convinces Lisa a paraplegic who was accidentally shot by the town's drunk to get up and walk by episode 3 the whole island is buzzing with the news of Lisa's Miracle as expected as the self-appointed moral arbitar Bev decides to hand out Bibles to all the students this is of course a No-No when the gov in a government-funded public school when Sheriff Hassan a Muslim takes issue with his son being handed a Bible Beth attacks his religion and belittles him she then manipulates the other parents to turn against him and give her a round of applause forcing him to back down now this might not seem like a huge deal at the moment but he demonstrates her alarming ability to manipulate a crowd which will matter later something happens in episode 3 that a lot of viewers only noticed after a second watch or when others pointed it out to them Beth King realizes Father Paul is in fact Monsignor Pruitt after gazing upon an old photo of him we later see Beth King still carrying around the poison soon after Father Paul or Monsignor Pruitt begins to get very sick he later collapses and dies he exhibits the same symptoms as jokali's dog even though everyone pretty much realizes Bev's not a good person jokali the town drunk is the one person who truly understands how dangerous she is he pretty much told the sheriff she killed his dog in the previous episode I've known that woman since Grace and now he begins talking about Beth Keane embezzling money meant for the island inhabitants and indeed the church I mean why not just name it Bev King's money laundry that's all it really was her realization of Paul being Pruitt most likely meant she wanted to conceal her financial crimes because before he was old and suffering from dementia which meant it was easy to just control him and everything everything including Church finances Pruitt wakes up from death and becomes a full vampire with a hunger for blood and begins to burn Under the Sun by episode 4 the Angel's blood had worked its way through the island inhabitants and caused Aaron green to miscarry Beth Keane begins sucking up to Pruitt after murdering him jokali decides to fix his life and go see Pruitt Pruitt overcome by his overwhelming hunger for blood kills him and fists from him he fails to attend Mass because he's both covered by Joe's blood and unable to step under the sun while everyone waits for him Beth Kane goes to find out what's wrong in one of the most chilling scenes of the show Beth King opens the door looks at Joe Cali's corpse looks at Pruitt covered in his blood and then proceeds to lock the door behind her in an effort to help conceal the obvious crime that has taken place here not just any crime murder most people would Panic at such a sight from fear of being murdered or fear of the illegal implication but not Beth King she calmly talks him out of feeling any guilt she then enlists weighed and sturge to help cover up the crime and when Wade reacts like any normal well-adjusted human being would by screaming what have you done what the hell did you do she slaps him across the face and begins quoting bible verses to justify literal murder she uses the word it to describe your colleague a human being Beth is the least affected by this death even Father Paul is horrified and questions his actions the man who committed murder is more horrified than Beth Keane Bev goes out of her way to insinuate that Joe actually deserves to die for accidentally shooting Lisa in order to stiffen her father's resolve and help cover up this crime her ability to immediately find the Bible verse to justify any and everything goes on throughout the show in episode 5 Riley walks in on the vampire giving more blood that father Pruitt's been using to quietly poison the church he gets killed by the vampire and comes back to life Pruitt spends this episode trying to convince him to keep this secret and join them but Beth has this look a look of disgust because she believes Riley doesn't deserve this gift by the angel she looks down on Riley because he's an athe atheist and he committed manslaughter during his DUI but by episode 6 Riley refuses to go along with the Vampire thing because he doesn't want to hurt anyone Bev manipulates Pruitt to come clean to the church and turn everyone citing who knows who he talked to referring to Riley after he committed suicide Monsignor Pruitt goes along with it and they set a Sinister plan into motion they intend to kill everyone with poison after demonstrating with starch he reveals this terrifying vampire they consider an angel people are terrified of this grotesque creature inevitably of course some refuse to you know drink poison and commit suicide Sheriff Hassan tries to live with his son and pulls a gun in the struggle monk senior Pruitt gets shot in the head and is incapacitated for a while many drink the poison and those who wake up begin biting others in this chaos Beth king who encouraged people to drink poison and turn to vampires runs away and hides in another room now we get to see another side of Beverly King a hypocrite and coward she barely believes what she preaches she was discovered by Aaron green and a few who escaped the church Aaron shoots her and fleece but she inevitably wakes up she tells sturge to ignore the incapacitated Pruitt's orders to keep everyone contained to avoid chaos she once a again begins quoting bible verses to justify releasing infected to kill other inhabitants of the island she considers Sinners because they aren't members of the church therefore they are sinners and heathens in the most terrifying scenes imaginable we see the infected church members rampaging through the streets killing and eating people now we can add Mass murderers to Beth Keane's list of crimes Monsignor Pruitt recovers from his gunshot wound looks around at the catastrophe he has brought on his people he confesses to Mildred gunning his ex-lover that he did it because he wanted to save her life from old age and the Alzheimer's she was suffering he wanted to give them a second chance to be young again and grow up with their daughter Beth King goes to Aaron's house to settle the score after she was shot they hurled Molotov cocktails at the house to force out the fleeing uninfected Annie Flynn decides to sacrifice herself so the others can live she stabs herself off in the throat attracting Beth King and storage to feed on her sturge attempts to put out the fire to save the island but yet again Bev begins quoting bible verses to justify her desire to burn down all of crocod Island some rubbish about using her embezzlement Rec Center as Noah's Ark to save the Worthy now we can add arson to her list of crimes how terrifying intentions involves going to the mainland to kill those deemed unworthy and infect everyone they can now Pruitt has grown a conscience looking on the island as it burns he confronts her saying we did this wrong we are the Wolves it's not supposed to be about us it's supposed to be about God she assumes control of the church which is what she always wanted to and decides to pick out those who deserves to live her brutality knows no bound when she is completely unfazed by a crying man who confessed to killing his wife and sons she decides he should be left to die in the sun because he wasn't a member of the church sheriff and others other uninfected decide to burn the church to stop the infected from leaving the island and save the rest of humanity she shoots him and calls him a terrorist and says he has dirty blood you know being a Muslim and all Monsignor Pruitt and Mildred gunning burned the church and Sherry's son completes his father's plan to burn the rec center there's nowhere else to go before the sun comes up as the entire Island burns the church members accept their Fates and turn to God for Comfort while singing that includes Sheriff Hassan and his son who pray fervently before he collapses and dies from the gunshot wound that Bev inflicted on him instead of turning to God the self-righteous holier than thou Beverly King does everything she can to escape the hell of her own making we see her literally digging a hole in the ground to take shelter from the Rising Sun none of that works of course and she Burns in the sun screaming like a lunatic a coward who barely believes the things she spilled the most terrifying aspect of Beth King is just how quickly she could produce a Bible verse that seemed to completely justify her view even if her new view makes a 1 80 from a minute ago so why did I decide she's the most terrifying villain I've seen in my many years of watching all kinds of movies and TV shows remember when I said at the beginning of the video just a regular middle-aged woman yeah well that's why Thanos General Zod homelander alien the thing Predator none of them exists but you know what Beverly Keynes of the world exists master manipulators in form of world leaders cultists other types of politicians and people in positions of power that terrifying ability to find a Bible or other religious script to fit their motives think about it if you can turn a bunch of church goers into Mass murderers and arsonists what can't you do remember this is a show that features a winged blood-sucking vampire that's immune to gunfire still that creature wasn't able to do one-tenth the damage but Beverly King did there has rarely been such a perfect representation of evil on the big screen
Channel: Jupiter Himself
Views: 75,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Netflix Series, Midnight Mass, Mike Flanagan, Horror
Id: Iasjpox8oJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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