Betty Cone dies and meets Jesus

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here to tell us about her near-death experience is Betty Kohn Betty welcome to NDE radio Thank You Betty I think we should um because your story is so detailed I think we should just jump right into what you saw when you were in your coma okay um well I was as I was in the hospital like I said I don't know how long this happened but could have been the whole five days but the next thing I know I could hear people talking in the room and I could see things and I was feeling this pain in my head and because I'd had a slight concussion and so at some point I just I thought I just got up it just seemed like I just got up out of the bed and so I felt really free and felt so good and I walked over the vanity there in the hospital room you guys somehow just knew that I had dirt in my hair so I wanted to pick up the hairbrush because it was laying right there and I tried to pick it up and I couldn't pick up hairbrush and it along to me I couldn't understand it how could this be and I could see myself in the mirror but I was in like ghost form you know I looked just the same that I was like invisible not totally but I you know I've just a faint pale version and I can see I thought I don't what I don't look right and then I could see in the reflection in the mirror of someone laying in the bed of course it was me but I did not understand I'm going who is that and I walk over to her and first though it hit me I thought how could that be that I could I be over there it looked like me how could that be me and I'm over here well I walked over us like I'm trying to get her up because I'm recognizing oh this is me and I didn't you know I'm like 17 years old and I it was just pretty alarming so then next thing I know I thought well I'm not getting back in that body I've gotta go so I just walk I just move so freely it's as if you float or just glide you just move by thought and so I go over to the doorway and I'm looking and thinking well where am I gonna go what am I gonna do so I look down I look out the hall there and I could see hear it and it's like they're walking by and I saw one look like my grandpa and he had died about six months before this and but he looked old as if like he did when he died and there was these people there's like a train of people following him behind and they're all wait going their hands I remember this one planner looking lady like blonde hair and she's like saying come on go with us go with us try and get me to follow him but I was a little bit leery I didn't feel comfortable with this because I kept thinking well what if that really isn't my grandpa and I can see how easily I move and glide I was prayed I wouldn't keep going and couldn't find my way back possibly I just hesitated and actually I do believe that that was God that helped me to just to not go it was like a temptation that I I didn't do it so then I turned back into the room and as soon as I did the whole room just lit up with the most glorious bright white light and it was almost like a person though because you could feel this warm love from it it was just glorious it just was almost blinding and I could see the next thing I'm just sucked like a vacuum just sucked up and I out of there and just immediately going through a very high speed if you had skin it would feel like your skin would peel off you're going such a high speed but yet I could feel I knew there was something around me almost like an invisible chariot protecting me and so going through the space and all this time I'm just you know it's just so gosh you know what where am I going but I'm just I just like I had no control but yet I felt fine and so we're going through this really release that long tunnel and I can see light ahead of me like a light at the end of the tunnel and we're going really fast and then finally as we approached heaven it's like you begin to slow down like in an airplane and so as we slow down in each color I could see like a ring ring several rings of the colors of the rainbow purple the blue the red and all the colors and each one we would pass through I could feel one of the attributes of God is the way I say it now that back then I could feel this that I didn't understand much and I could feel like royalty love just on each color it had its own healing and so we're going through this and I it was just kind of experience going through that self and then finally as we approach heaven there it's just like stepping off an airplane onto another planet I just step off and you're seven and my grandpa would have died he was there now this time this was really him he was about 30 years old very young slim dark hairy Italian to seein and so he looked just like he would have very young and we're communicating instantly and he's letting me know well I helped you or I'm here to greet you from crossing over death over onto this life and was I would have questions back and forth and we just can't okay it this way and but of you know I he was just letting me know that you know don't be afraid and everything's gonna be okay and you have an appointment I didn't know what that meant but he said and I'll see you later don't just go on just come on and then all of a sudden I see this crowd of people and there's more coming over here to my left and I knew they were all past relatives and so they're they're all just greeting me with such a welcoming and such love I could in peace I could just feel such a warmth from them and I knew that they knew me even though many of them I couldn't know or remember because they were before my time on both sides of my family my mom and dad died and so they were just like coming up and hugging me and talking to me and you know and just greeting me and so I just felt this one for love and peace from them and everyone looked very young they looked they all look distinctly different as if they would have theirs like if they're high at their best point in life they all looked this way and another man comes up and I believe now that because I I know God has revealed to me show me that this was Abraham in the Bible and he looked very similar to my grandfather so I kept getting it kind of mixed up I was thinking that there's another father well the Bible says he's the father of our faith and so anyway he's letting me know that he's going to more less give me the truth and he kept saying he said don't he said come on let's walk around he said just take it all in just take it all in don't don't you know don't be afraid and he was just there was just a reassurance of communication going back and forth between it and so I'm looking at all these things and like I said it's just like I'm I'm just I'm in the most beautiful paradise indescribable and I know so many you try to tell it you just can't really and we don't have enough the right word to describe this place because it's beyond our imagination the beauty the colors is just I mean amazing I was just it was just breathtaking I was so caught up in just looking at everything oh my gosh oh my gosh and so all this the most beautiful flowers I mean landscapes it's like being in a meadow and then you could in valleys meadows and little rolling hills just the most beautiful place you could be I'm just taking all this in looking at everything the beautiful grass the brightest green you ever saw but it's like when you step on it it's like a like nut you can't hurt anything everything just remains either your feet go through it or it just springs back up everything stays perfect everything is perfectly manicured perfection and so I'm in all the trees shrubs fruit trees flower garden many flower gardens those flowers I was so taken with him because they're so they're all alive everything there is alive it's like everything breathes within vibrates with life and actually the life of thought you can feel love in peace off of everything I mean you just permit the air the atmosphere in heaven and so I'm seeing even the flowers would I look at them I just could not get over these colors I saw many colors that we don't have here just colors I've never seen before bright liquid I'm almost liquid looking like bright bright cartoon vivid colors and even if they even had faces on them the flowers it may sound strange but I'm telling you these flowers it's like there you feel like there are people almost there looking at me swaying back and forth and I could feel the love of God just permeate from them like I love you I love you is what they're saying wow so I was taken with that and then then I saw the Crystal River it talks about in the Bible of course I didn't know that all the Bible's back then so much but I have since then of course I've understood a lot more but the river just crystal clear beautiful beautiful I mean almost almost like a pretty blue color yeah you could see all the way through it and yet it had gold Sparkle go kind of a goldish get to it and everything seemed to have a little mixture of this gold of shimmering look I'm saying this and then I'm looking around all these people and over to the right I could tell this this place is bad it just goes on and on and I didn't go you know there's too much to cover that I'm looking around here and there's people gathered everywhere and they're all talking about all the sudden it's like there's a commotion they're all oh oh here he comes here he counties and and even Abraham and told me suggest you have an appointment with the king and I'm looking like what's this all about what are they talking about and they're seeing and I look over here and I could see course the skyline of even the city with the huge pearl gate all around it or at least that portion I know it went all the way around and just this architect of beautiful buildings and things I mean never we don't have this architect here it's hard to describe as if well actually I saw plant and flowers and things that are totally alive woven into the architect some way and something just things that we you can't describe so I saw the skyline in the city and then over that wall on the other side there I could see these little rolling heel and this is where they were all looking toward and I could see something moving across these heels and it looks just like a huge fall of light it just almost looked like the Sun had sat down on the earth the Sun in heaven you know and was just moving across this up across these hills I could see this coming and I kept watching that it wasn't going very slowly and I thought that that seemed you know strange almost like if it's somebody or so I'm watching this and then as it keeps coming closer and closer and it took a wall and finally as I saw him coming closer I could see that this yes was in fact a person inside this light and this is just all the light beaming off of him and I knew instantly when I could see there's a person in there I I said oh I know who that is that's Jesus Christ so I could see him coming I knew and just you just feel all this beautiful just love and glory and all this just brilliant off of him so Abraham's tell me since the go up to meet him go up you had an appointment so I started walking on walking actually you don't walk you just move I thought you just floating gliding I'm going up this hill meet him and I got I became weak I it's like I couldn't couldn't live any further I could go so far and the closer I got to him I couldn't go any further and I realize now I was not spiritually strong enough I was more like the babe in God you could say I was had been born again as a child but I was I had not been living for him I was doing my own thing 17 and so I when I came back I thought I can't go any further and then Abraham there and he's telling me to come over here he said let's come over here I want to show you the fruit tree well and go over there and along the both sides of the river are fruit trees well they talked about this in the Bible the trees of life for healing are on both sides of the river well so I go over there and there's they looked just like regular shrubs and there's fruit on there he said see the fruit and I said yes and he says that I want you to you know you can you can eat it take one off and eat it and they look just how I like a cross between a kind of corporate color a cross between a peach and an apple so I I just reached to grab it and I I think that it's just because of the new feel of doing something I'm spirit and this is everything made a spiritual matter so it was just such an easy it's like I felt like I dropped I just turned Luther I dropped it and I thought it fell it's like it's floating and then it just disintegrated and evaporated and he looked he knew my thoughts Abraham he said don't worry you can't mess anything up here everything's perfect don't work and I looked and there was a new one on there instantly in its place so that was just you know that I remembered what's outstanding so I he said go ahead now take the fruit need it I picked it off and I put it my mouth and even beyond a taste I mean the taste alone was just like this most juicy most satisfying a quenching thing that you could put in your mouth and eat it but beyond that I could feel it permeate my whole being I could feel strength the little strength and peace of God just like more of God came into me and so I was just an explosion almost like an explosion went off inside and he said and I Wow and he said now now you can go you can make the rest away to meet him so I went on over there and I was able then to walk on up the hill with no and I say walk it really wasn't walking but I just moved up the hill and I stood right there in front of him and that in itself was of course the most outstanding thing of being in heaven naturally he is just oh just the the glory peace such love like you've never felt before of course beyond beyond what we think of love and such kindness I could just feel his I was just so drawn to him like a magnet I even though I'm feeling so vulnerable a little bit exposed like oh I'm feeling a little almost like a little bit unworthy that you at the same time his love is just overwhelming all that and he's just like he just watched all those thoughts out I could feeling and then he's were communicating I'm you know just spirit the spirit that's the way you don't talk with your mouth you just think of thought and and they answered immediately it's just instant and I was asking you know where am i I would just work where am I at for sure this is heaven tell me and I said well what what happened and he said well he said um he told me he said you were an accident christ bit and you know he said well he not sure at which point he said this at different times - twice at least but he was letting me know that you know Satan tried to interrupt your life and stop it and that's why you're here and we're gonna you know talk about your life and it was like I've heard of the people having a life review but this wasn't exactly I don't recall because many things are still being revealed amazingly as that is it's amazing how things still come more understanding or I'd almost forgot about this part or something things that he'll come to me but he was he was looking at me I was feeling so much love and I knew his eyes the way he was looking at me his eyes are like almost like laser beams but yet pools of love just such beauty and kindness in his eyes but yet he was looking at me like in the spirit and I I knew he was scanning my life from birth to death so he was just looking at my whole life and then he's just talking to me we're just conversing back and forth and I don't remember yet you're all of the conversation but I do know and I believe that the Lord show me that that is if all this is in a time capsule and many much of it will still be revealed when I'm able to hear it when I when it's time because this is the way it's kind of come about over these years anyway and of course I'm just lady - no I do not want to leave I I want to stay I want to go with you I want to stay here this is looking in his eyes most beautiful it's like this is home every question every desire you'd ever have within his eyes it was like oh my gosh I just this is it I'm not leaving I want to stay if then he started he told me immediately used to know he said you know you need to go back not your time and you have not yet completed the blueprint I have for your life and Satan tried to interrupt it to stop it and you need to complete that but I just kept insisting though I know I I'm you know I want to stay then he was just trying to persuade me but he talked to me a lot about the power of the will in other words he was telling me you have to choose I can't choose this for you you have to make this decision I gave you the power of will and the importance of our will and he said you have to choose it has to be you know it needs to be your choice you can stay but you have to make that choice I feel just did not want to then he started show me I get I all of a sudden I look and I see it these like little twinkling mists of light almost like a smoke but it's like little twinkling light sparkling everybody and I could feel they were like pulling on me I could feel a pull back and he you know I thought what is that he said those are the prayers there will be in France for you from your family they're praying for you and I need to answer those prayers they're praying for you to return and I can i literally that experience below I felt I know now the power of prayers are very you can feel and so um I said well yes okay and then he started he started talking he's like I could see also as like a steam would just come you show me different things trying to persuade me to go back all of a sudden it's like I see my mother's like I'm seeing my mother there on the earth and she's praying and she's you know crying and I'm seeing her and he says your mother needs you I said yeah well and you know so you need to go back with your family and then I just was still resisting in the next thing he it's like I'm all of a sudden I'm in my own you know I'm in a casket I'm like I'm back on the earth and I'm gonna cast it in a church in my own funeral flowers on top I would come I would just rise up through those flowers and look around and you all was there just being you know the situation and I would go back look at all these people and I could see of course such grief and sorrow and tears and just a very heavy kind of bad feeling and then next you know I experienced that for just a little bit but it really did feel just like I mean it was real as if I had died then I'm back in heaven and or that seems over and he shows any is this what you want he said do you want that and I said no you know I don't want to bring all that kind of Starro and grief and everything he said well if you don't you know if you don't go back this is what it will be so he was choosing this to show me and so I I am you know I was thinking about all this and I said well yeah I'm I know that I just don't want I don't want to leave just I want to stay here and then finally he said you said well you know if you don't go can you stay it won't be like you think and that kind of got my attention and I oh well all the time it's like I'm just still going toward him he's moving backward and we're all the way almost all the way to the big one a huge pearl gate it's just one huge pearl and I'm seeing that we're about you know the city's right at the entries right into the city for all the buildings and everything our and he says no he says don't don't come any further you need to go back you need to decide you said because if you if you don't if you say you know you won't be able to go back and and he said and really he said it won't be like you think because and then he stretched his arm to the left because over here you'll be in outer darkness and of course that alarms me I'm saying oh my gosh he'll you know I won't make it well I don't believe that's what he meant now but because the way he pointed when he pointed his left I looked to my right and it looked like almost like it's an opening like into just dark faith like outer space just it's dark and I thought oh that doesn't look I don't know about that that's a little scary and really I don't I don't believe it was that because God has revealed to me since then just do a lot of praying a lot of praying and actually a lot of praying in the spirit praying in tongue because it is a revelation gift and it reveals thing and things would just start coming me kiss then remember this and yes well this is what that was and because I kept thinking that meant hell no you were going to lose reward in other words you would not fulfill your purpose he wouldn't have fulfilled your call that I have on your life mini life and many souls would be that would have been touched would not that's pretty much the reward the place that you'll retain with him forever and this would not have happened and so it would still be heaven that it would not be as Gloria it's what I have see is in other words so I've come to understand this since then but in my mind at that time I thought oh I don't know and he knew I didn't know of course he knows everything he knew but he didn't care because he knew I would know someday when it was time he would explain this to me but it worked so I so I thought oh that's kind of scary okay I don't want to chance that then for to not be like what I'm when I'm happy rinsing right now with Jesus so I said okay that just kind of settled it I said all right I I will go back I will go back I decided and his face just lit up with the brightest I mean just the most beautiful smile I could tell he was very pleased he was just like I've made the right decision a new idea then and he said okay he said you're gonna go back now you said I'll see you again when it's time so I am and I went back but some other things I need to mention in heaven everywhere is just music everywhere you could hear music everywhere most beautiful beautiful music and it's like angels there saying all these different sounds are coming all together is one sound but it's just perfect harmony and also the most beautiful fragrance is in heaven everywhere it's just saturated with it I just call it the the fragrance of heaven and I still smell this many times when in prayer or whenever God's presence is manifested in a church service or just you know places like this but many times just by myself I and I don't always depend or look to that but boy when it comes it's like hi there it just it's you and it's it's really a it's a fragrance that you're I'm really smelling with my spiritual nose because someone could be staying next to me and not smell it so I know it's in the spirit and the Lord showed me so that comes by 2:30 in spirit as because you've your spiritual nose is picking this up and because I've also smoked the opposite side of that also when there's bad bad spirit or a bad thing it's like I've been in the grocery store smelt this before and it's just uh all of a sudden is like this most putrid and I think I'm like God what is that what is that I can tell no one else is doing it then the Lord quickened to me that you're smelling the bad bad side there's a convenient spirit in the atmosphere here you're picking this up well anyway but this most beautiful I mean the smell is so not just it's almost like intoxicating just such a beautiful of holy pure fragrance you could ever snow it's almost like a sweet rose smell it's just you for it and so anyway I'm trying to think of the other things we haven't been I may have left out the music fragrance I can't be animals people have asked me but I do believe reserved definitely and I didn't bee I probably did see children but I just didn't take notice I thought I don't think though I saw the area where all the children are being raised that have been you know I do believe they're raised by the Angels there in heaven those loved ones they take care of them babies that have been aborted a miscarriage things like this I'm certain of that because there's many parts of heaven I didn't get fetal and I knew that see when you got back did you tell people right away what you'd see yeah immediately it was like ice soon as I came back I and I began to wake up and I was telling my mother she said yes the first thing she said I kept saying I remember doing this laying there saying oh my gosh I saw the most beautiful flowers most beautiful colors I've ever seen in my life I kept talking about the colors of heaven all the colors been and then talked about I told her about being grandpa and because that's her dad and yes I was I was so into this it's like I was still so over there I didn't feel like I was totally back here yet and because even my friend came up to the hospital and I kept calling her my grandpa and she kept saying hey your grandpa yeah Mary you know I just seemed like everything looks that way it's like couldn't shift over quite yet and it did take a while even when I got home from the hospital all seems like colors and things was almost too bright for my eyes it's like because my spirit had been exposed to so much that it was just I don't know overwhelming I was just too sensitive even the colors and other had fixed at my bedroom in prison you know some new bright colored curtains and things and it was almost too bright it hurt my eyes and this this was this way for a while then it finally in a war off but as I thought there was something wrong with my eyes but I know now that was not it it took it took you several years to finally commit to to a life with God and and and serving him yes yes it did this is what people don't Hurst and I said after in strange like that looks like you would have jumped right in there yes it does look that way but I guess you have to understand at that time this is like 1971 and you know the hippie era was kind of on and you know you're at that age 17 I was almost 18 two more months I've been turning 18 and my senior year in school and I just wanted to be cool and I didn't want to have a I thought well you know what I knew of about church and things like that did not compare with I mean for what I knew that I was raising the Catholic Church and that's really all the only church I knew much about I'd been to my grandmother's Baptist Church a few times but I spot no less to do with the life I can't I just cannot no I just I just kind of kept this as a separate thing I thought no someday later later well Betty we're just about out of time and I know you've made a 2-cd a collection of the of the details of the story well my heaven might have an experience tell folks how they can I can get that if they'd like well I can call my phone number I don't have a website right now my phone number is nine one eight four two six one two eight eight or they could email me and that B is in boy to be B P underscore Bo any at Betty we are out of time and I want to thank you so much for telling your story I didn't want to interrupt a word of it and I only only had two at the end but if listeners would like to hear Betty Cohn story again or any of our past shows they just go to our website at ndu radio dot o-r-g and hit the past shows button and for information about ions just go to their website at I am DS org and be with us again next Monday 11:00 a.m. Eastern for more NDE radio this is your host Lee witting saying thanks for
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Length: 32min 0sec (1920 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2019
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