Better Viewport Visuals - MAYA 2024

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this is going to look at using the Arnold viewport right there and also using Arnold render first going to go renderer Arnold and you don't see anything well you see your objects hiding in the shadows why because when you're using Arnold you need lots of light so going under Arnold lights and this is the quickest way to get a light in the scene sky dome light and you can move around and you can see your objects now as you drag around you can notice maybe a lag if your scene was huge you'll definitely see a lag this viewport renderer for Arnold it's only in that one viewport luckily to work a little more efficiently turn off the onod preview and just go with your viewport 2.0 use onod render to open up a panel and this panel could be toggled on and off with the on right here as you move around your scene you won't see any lag here you might see a lag in your preview but that's okay as your preview renders up to 100% if you have to work on your scene such as readjust something that's very dense like that you would just turn off your interactive preview render make your adjustments whatever it might be modeling Etc and then turn it on to do a quick preview so this is a way that you could work back and forth getting a live update of what's going on and still have the flexibility of not having your viewport dragg down flexibility of continue working in your view now if you had the viewport on see the viewport takes precedence over this second I hit play your viewport will switch back to viewport 2.0 instead of Arnold well this is a very brief introduction of using onal render View and using the renderer onal within a viewport
Channel: Creator Brew - Experimenting & Sharing
Views: 162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maya, maya 2024, viewport, arnold, preview, render, high quality, creating, modeling
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 10sec (130 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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