Better Rondos

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better rondos good morning coaches uh today I'm going to be talking through um a couple of uh underlying principles that we want to think about when uh how and why we use rondos and ways in which we can make them better um you know typically when we think rondos we're looking at that idea of a technical progression so that we can help players understand how to possess the ball how we can find a free player how can we receive how can we pass and doing so in a way that you know allows a slight increase of difficulty because we have you know in this scenario a four a 4v2 four blue trying to maintain possession and we have our two Defenders who are trying to win possession now in a typical kind of static Rondo like this you know you'll have your confined space and you'll have your players who are trying to maintain possession and sometimes we'll see you know can we you know open our hips to receive the ball can we you know find a split between Defenders and if the defender wins it you know they become the attacker and the attacker who lost possession or made a mistake becomes a Defender you know and and while this is a pretty decent way to you know encourage some decent habits you know there are a couple things that are missing within this kind of context when we think of universal principles of the game and these Universal principles are are something that's been created by Tom Perry highly recommend um checking out his work if you haven't already um but there are some things inherent in any kind of game that we have to maintain viability with in order to have a good transfer from what we do in practice to the game and those Universal principles task goal there has to be something a direction we're attacking a direction we are attacking attacking and along with something we're defending we have to have an intentionality trying to go over round through we have to have space within which we can work we have to have relationships with the teammates and Defenders that we are playing with and against and we have to have some element of transitions with a static Rondo like this some of those are fulfilled we do have some space they're working with we do have some relationships that we can have between Defenders and attack um but we are kind of uh a little bit lacking on a goal you know in any game we are possessing the ball not simply to possess but to progress attack and while at the same time defend a space that we are defending and we also have a bit of a lack of transitions here as well now while we can have some transition you know that immediate in the game as soon as I lose the ball I try to win possession back kind of can sometimes be lacking the static Rondo and with our intentions again you know possess to possess but it's limited with that possess to progress um one really uh effective way that I like to think about with this to make a better Rondo um based on that idea of a static Rondo is to add a little bit more spec specificity in terms of task goal so what I like to do and we're going to use six player Rondo or six a setup and we have six players so instead of a 4v2 we're are going to take two of these players and attack away and we are going to add some Direction so with this direction now we have a place in which we are attacking a direction that we are going along with a space that we are defending and we're going to also add in those transitions so in this 2v2 plus two we have our two neutrals playing on either end line and our two players in attack our two blue here are trying to possess the ball but they are trying to progress the ball from end line to end line and back so in order to score a point we play the ball to one of the neutrals the defending team can transition along with uh or the defending team has a space in which they defend because now when the ball is here they're trying to stop the play not simply from playing in this grid but they're really trying to stop the play from going back across and similarly our two players in attack here they are trying to possess the ball but they're trying to do so in a way in which they can possess to progress the ball to the opposite end uh end line and so as we continue to play we know we we transition or we we you know have our direction of attack and our direction of defense and we also have our transitions if blue makes a bad pass and yellow intercepts now immediately yellow can play the ball to this neutral they can get wide and blue now has to defend now this does accomplish a lot of the same goals that 4v2 static Rondo does we do have space and relationships that we're working with we are trying to possess to and we can possess to possess but we're also trying to add in some more specif specificity with that task goal where are we trying to defend where are we trying to attack and how can we always maintain that viability of transitions in how we play so Rondo's uh you know really really effective means of you know building a lot of habits and different different in intentionality we can you know add in specifically why with over round through but always maintaining the underlying Universal principles of how a game occurs you know in a typical soccer game that we have and that we can allow our Rondo to more effectively transfer those habits from practice to the game better rondos
Channel: Nick Smallridge
Views: 62
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 51sec (291 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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