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this episode's fdr shout out goes to buds leave a comment down below do you have a chance for a shout out in the next episode make sure you're subscribed yo what up guys it's your boy chris that's right you have a boy and you're a mom now what's that that's not fair life's not fair man i mean mom welcome to fish tank review episode 94 is it 94 how many of these houses are that many bad fish tanks can can people just stop i wonder how many more all right we're gonna keep going this is this is the fft promise okay we're gonna keep making fish tank reviews until there is not one left if there's still one person doing this crap this series keeps going we're approaching 100 episodes of this series i'm very thankful for those of you who have been watching this and enjoying it because without that the series wouldn't have all this episode wouldn't have this many episodes how to english english was my second language at one point so don't berate me for it homies without further ado fish tank review see i don't want to clap in between that because it rhymes it flows so nicely fish tank [Music] review make sure to check out the cool aquarium co-op merch at they got amazing everything up there they got fish plants easy green yeah make sure to check out my own merch because why not let's re-escape joji's jar it's blue because you got medication in it why is it that blue is it on permanent meds okay so you got all these nice plants you got abuse okay so all right you're using all these plants all right that's a that's a lot of plans for a mason jar i know it's technically not a mason jar but it's pretty much the size of a mason jar results next video i'm really hoping it's not it's just a dead belly-up fish i hope this is all a prank this guy's actually making an enclosed ecosphere without the betta and the better goes in a nice 10 gallon planted tank that moss by the way doesn't look aquatic it looks 100 terrestrial man bucephalandra for what for this come on that would make a pretty nice equal so you're not going to lie why you got to ruin it with a betta fish are you going to close the lid on it a betta fish enclosed ecosphere what you better survive 2020 will it survive 2021 probably not if it's gonna live in this you guys before we continue just a quick plug for patreon it's by far the best way to support this channel and if you have been considering at all then please check it out you get some channel perks every single cent i get from patreon goes into the channel budgets so right back to pumping out more projects and videos for you guys patreon team of fft is the pillar that holds the quarry gang together and provides so much continuous support to keep this community flourishing my dude that fish is about to die when a fish is lying flat on the ground like that it's about to die they look skinny af i'm willing to bet this owner don't even have any fish food around it's gonna die anyways feeding it or not actually it will probably live longer if you don't feed it because it's not gonna be pooping out all the poison that is going to give itself ammonia poisoning it's an excellent product but bit too small just a bit right just a bit too small yeah are you sure about that are you sure about that what are you doing chris are you joining the dark side are you joining the fish abuse side no i'm just i'm just being sarcastic because i'm dead inside wait hold up so how is this an excellent product then it's an excellent product except it sucks and e sent in their fish tank on pets cord and a sordid cichlid tank with a red tail shark looks like a good amount of cichlids to keep the aggression low you always want to stock the tank with enough cichlids so that they can spread out aggression especially if there's no hiding spots offered to them the retro shark actually might do okay in this tank it looks pretty fat it looks pretty healthy i just hope it's not bullying the smaller cichlids actually we're gonna go with a three out of five keep it up keep up the maintenance very pink oh oh my god that is brighter than my future holy cow if someone shut it down shut it down okay why can't my future be like this nice and pink and bright chris stop going off topic address the issue the problem here is that i can't i can't take this one seriously guys come on who's going to take that seriously let's just move on this tank is sent in by arno but i want to be saying are yes because look at that scape iwagumi inspired there's like layers to this okay lean clean scape just take out the thermometer before you take a picture though and it's a species tank of betta fish a single betta fish you know what this is getting my five out of five for me the rock placement is perfect the carpet is vibrant healthy and the background plans have levels to them one single beta fish are you kidding me it doesn't get better than this boys five out of five keep it up are yay listen to this clown loach i grow to 1.5 feet in length and live for 20 years don't suggest me to fix a snow problem truth word truth no cap i don't know what no cap means what is even no cap don't put a cap on it like go off is that sort of the sentiment what is no cap what is does it stand for something where does it come from i'm i'm so boomer right now no cap i'm so boomer no cap yeah might suggest yo-yo loaches for a snow problem they stay relatively small compared to the clown loach okay the best way to fix a snow problem is not to get any fish it's to feed your fish tank properly and strike a balance so that there's not excess food nor is there a lot of algae to graze on starve them to death that's how you fix a pest snail problem my gravel back my fish here it comes i beg to differ most of my fish are like attracted to the gravel vac probably because there's some activity in the tank especially my betta fish she loves when i grabble back because she thinks i'm feeding her these fish man they gotta get they gotta get over themselves they always think we're trying to feed them we're not you already ate buddy like two minutes ago why you why are you trying to get more food do some exercise ever heard of jogging better than rotting in a cup yeah not that much better hey to be fair okay that i feel like that is significantly better than rotting in a cup that compared to a cup is night and day for the betta fish this is not enough i don't see a filter it's still in a bowl and it's probably not even five gallons i would say that's like two gallons but compared to a cup they've got a point and it looks like it's clean it looks like the owner is ready to you know do some serious maintenance on this and make sure the betta fish is healthy perhaps the next step is to get it into a proper fish tank found in a dutch online marketplace what do you mean dutch online market are you serious but you you guys you guys invented the dutch style of aquascaping i can't believe you've done this why have you done this i can't believe how crap my accent is why tell me why did i just go australian by the way dutch people don't have that sort of accent do they what do dutch people sound like in english it just goes to show you can't generalize a people group it's never a good thing to do it's just not true look dutch people are some of the best aquascapers in the world but one dude who identifies as dutch puts shame on their whole family sir i'm not even dutch but i hereby take your dutch citizenship because you what of what you've done and although i'm not dutch i'm sure everyone who is dutch watching this is gonna agree with me sorry bro you're not dutch anymore the only dutch thing about you is sometimes you eat chips from old dutch from the new wanda vision intro come on marvel okay i've been hearing about one division and i'm probably gonna watch it sometime but why in the world what does the fish tank have to do with wanda or vision or marvel it feels like there's just every single excuse to put a goldfish into a bowl and they're just running with it the bonus secret comment of this video is flame tetra fft meme lol that means laugh out loud you boomers fish keeping starter pack fierce gravel casually overstocked just casually i would say that's that's not casual anymore high-tech tank oh i actually kissed myself kind of weird tiktok memez keeping male bettas together this tank is sent in by sebastian hendricks on petscored the first thing that i noticed is this uh grainy sort of cloudy-ishness that i do recognize and let me tell you what it is or what i think it is a combination of your oco stones with that filter either you didn't wash your oco stones well enough which in this case when you don't have proper water movement you need to wash it for a very long time because oco stone are considered very chalky putting them in a fish tank without proper filtration or adequate filtration is going to make your fish tank look a little bit chalky itself now i used to run with those small filters that come with the tank as the kit but nowadays i really dislike them because their output it's almost like you don't have a filter it's just a tiny bit better than not having a filter and that's not enough not going to rate this tank but looking forward to your improvements in the future person was bragging about their aesthetic new betta it does look like a pretty betta fish too bad it's in a vase with a circumference of a quarter how did you find something that would fit it so snug from head to tail to what degree of under research do you have to achieve my local feeder supply who refuses to remove moss balls despite the spread of zebra mussels now zebra mussels if you guys haven't heard is like this kind of new sort of thing that's come around where they are getting into these moss balls i'm not sure if they're technically uh officially marimo moss balls or some off-brand moss ball but they've been hiding out and infesting these moss balls and these zebra mussels are actually very devastating to natural habitats they are very invasive species of mussels they're going to do a ton of damage to the native wildlife what we want to do is find these mussels make sure every individual moss ball is checked over and they can be really small when they're growing infant stage make sure to do like a few checkovers and make sure to check them over time so that you didn't miss any babies that start growing and make sure they don't end up in the waterways you have to do some euthanization but hey if that's the price we have to pay to save our salmon habitat are important to natural habitats so be it make sure to spread the word to anyone you know who has a marimo moss ball or any sort of moss ball taya sent in this fish tank on petscord a shrimp and endler tank in a very very clean scape this is a sort of island-esque scape it's got nice java ferns perhaps some views or crypts in the front and some pogo that's some very healthy looking pogo in a clean wood skate i mean you had my heart with antlers and shrimp double species tank with the best two species that could fit in this tank five out of five keep it up there pet score submission by tyler race first i just noticed the overall orange hue of this tank it seems like if there's brown algae that took over everything or by chance just most things are orange or brown in color not sure i like that aesthetic personally it does look like it needs some maintenance and it does look like the cause of all this brown algae is that it's overstocked and probably being overfed keep it on a timer start with eight hours a day decrease it as you see fit overstocking aside i think the combination of fish is okay it seems like the betta is not stressed and as long as the ditherfish and the guppies aren't bothering it and it's not bothering them it's fine betta do like some company the escape itself does have a lot of potential but like i said it needs a lot of maintenance 3.4 out of 5 keep it up customizable tank and whoever said fish need oxygen was clearly crazy wait wait wait forget all that i mean look at how much food there is there's enough food in there to feed 10 times the amount of fish that's in there and it looks like most of the food is too big for their mouths this one's struggling to actually eat it in a tank this small overstocked with this many fish uh forget about the last tank we just reviewed this tank is the true overfeeding i swear two more sessions maybe one more session of this all these fish are gonna die in here ammonia levels are gonna soar like no tomorrow what a depressing place to end this week's video but thank you guys for tuning in until the end welcome to the end of the video i appreciate the support you show every single video watching till the end pushing for that algorithm and i hope this week's ftr started your monday off just right the secret comment of this video is rummy knows tetra don't forget to look for the bonus secret comment somewhere else in this video if you enjoyed this video please subscribe and smash that like button i'll see you guys in the next one and don't forget to get your hands wet tetra tetra tetra we in a spot coming in hot ventral finta acclimate that with my shoal act here my fin rod from carousel for me super ratchet rodon hold on there's not another fish that you can wish for lift fam says i've been a one i finna gone three days without furt i'm an addict like fanatic i'm a badass no tabs only dirt my corey gang so loyal black tetrago skirt we came to play came to silence gang
Channel: Fish For Thought
Views: 180,652
Rating: 4.9192133 out of 5
Keywords: fish, fish tank, aquarium, planted tank, betta, betta fish, betta tank, pets, pet fish, pet betta, diy, king of diy, gold fish, goldfish, serpadesign, serpa, terrarium, vivarium, enclosed ecosphere, ecosphere, life in jars, atomic shrimp, paludarium, neon tetra, tetra, rasbora, guppy, livebearer, breeding, shrimp, cherry shrimp, beginner, guide, beginner guide, stocking, 10 gallon, stocking options, aquarium coop, greenaqua, ada, fluval, fish tank review, meme, review, meme review, ftr, reddit, tiktok
Id: 2T5TovnwLws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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