Beth's Tarte Au Soleil

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Learn how to make a classic French appetizer known as a Tarte Au Soleil. A great appetizer idea for holiday entertaining made with store-bought puff pastry.

Yield: serves 8


  • 2 sheets puff pastry, cut into large 10” (25 cm) circles
  • 3 tbsp (45ml) store-bought pesto OR Nutella for a dessert version
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • sesame seeds if desired


  1. Preheat oven to 400F (200C)
  2. Roll out pasty and plate down and cut out circle. Transfer circle to a rimless baking sheet limned with parchment paper.
  3. Place pesto in middle of the circle and spread over pastry leaving a 1 inch (2.5 cm) border, all the way around pastry circle.
  4. Place 2nd circle on top.
  5. Place small juice glass in center of circle to create an indentation. Remove glass.
  6. Cut pastry into four quarters, keep the center intact as a circle.
  7. Then go into each quadrant and cut then in half then quarters this will create 4 slices per quadrant and create even β€œrays” around your tart. Place tray in freezer for 5 mins just to firm up a bit to make it easier to twist the rays.
  8. Then twist each ray with a 2-turn twist, allowing the tail to lay flat. Once all the twists are made pop the tray back in the freezer for 5 mins, this will make it easier to brush the egg wash on.
  9. Brush beaten egg on tart. Sprinkle center of the tart with sesame seeds. Place in freezer for 5 mins to firm up. This will help the sun keep its shape as it hits the hot oven.
  10. NOTE: This whole thing can be done the day before, cover lightly with parchment paper and leave in freezer or fridge and when it comes time to serve, bake immediately no need to thaw first.
  11. Bake tart for 20-25 mins until golden brown and puffed up. Serve on cutting board and invite guests to twist off the rays!
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bob-the-cook πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 15 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Hey, guys, today I am gonna show you how to make a really impressive appetizer for the holiday season that is so easy to make. It is like ridiculous. (laughs) It's called a tart au soleil, which is a French appetizer, and the literal translation is sun tart. And it's easy to see why it has that name, because when you look at it, it looks like a big rising sun, or sunflower sometimes too. So I'm gonna show you how to make this tart two ways, one a savory version which is great for any holiday cocktail parties, and then a sweet one which would be great for a dessert or even Christmas morning brunch. Let me show you how to put it together. So first up we're gonna tackle the savory variety, and all we're gonna do is fill it with some store-bought pesto, which is quite delicious and easy. So the first thing you wanna do is go to the supermarket and find some store-brought puff pastry sheets. Now, this works really well when you can get the puff pastry that isn't scored but is actually just a flat rectangle. The Trader Joe's brand comes as a rectangular sheet, so if you live in the U.S. you'll find it there. Then you wanna transfer that to a baking sheet that's lined with parchment paper. Then you're gonna roll it out. You don't have to do much. Puff pastry can be kinda hard to roll out, so you don't have to go far with it. Just far enough so that you can take a dinner size plate and cut out a circle. So I'm using a 10-inch plate. This works really well on a baking sheet that doesn't have any rims so that it can just slide right off once it's done and you don't have to move it. Then you can go ahead and spread three to four tablespoons of the pesto in the center of the circle. And then you do wanna leave about 1/2 an inch to an inch border all the way around the circle. This will prevent the pesto from spilling out when we go to cut our little sun rays. Then you can take the second sheet of puff pastry, cut your circle, put it on top of your rolling pin, and that will be easy, 'cause then you can line up the circles and plop it on top. Then to create our sun, we are going to take a glass. I find a little juice glass tends to work best. Then you can remove the glass, and you'll see it'll make a little indentation. And then I think the easiest way to get kind of roughly equal sun rays is to quarter the puff pastry at this point. So you just wanna cut the sides and then the top, and you'll have almost like a clock. Then you can go ahead and, using your knife, cut each quadrant in half and then in quarters. And then you'll have equal little rays. So you wanna do that all the wanna around. And at this point if your puff pastry has gotten pretty soft on you and it's hard to kinda cut it, just pop it in the freezer to firm up. It'll make it easier to work with. Then once all your little sun rays are cut, here's the fun part. You're gonna take the end of it and give it a full two turn twist, being careful not to snap it off from the center, and giving it a good twist so that you'll see you'll have some dimension to it. And then you wanna take that tail and make sure that it's just laying flat. And you can do that all the way around the tart, and you'll see how beautiful it starts to look. And then once you're done, I do like to put it in the freezer at this point just to firm up, because we're going to put an egg wash on top. And I find if the puff pastry's too soft when you do that, it'll have a tendency to kind of deflate and get a little mushy on you. Then after the egg wash, I do like to add a little decorative flourish in the center. Totally optional, but I do think it looks pretty, some little sesame seeds. Then it starts to kinda look like a sunflower too. And we're gonna bake at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes. You can check on it, and you'll see, it'll start to turn really nice and golden brown. At that point, let it go for like another two minutes, because that will just help that puff pastry get really crisped up. If you take it out too soon and it's still a little doughy, it'll start to deflate and won't hold its shape as well. So 20 minutes, check on it, and then if it looks like it needs another two minutes, go another two. And the way that people eat it is you just grab a little sun ray and pull it off. And puff pastry can be a little bit messy, so I do make sure that I serve these with some cocktail napkins. And this time of year I really pull out all the stops and I go with the linen cocktail napkins. (laughs) There's nothing more elegant than offering your guest a linen cocktail napkin. And I found these online through a company called Bumblebee Linens, so I'll leave you a link in the description on where you can get them. I was really impressed with the quality, I have to say. Okay, so now for the dessert variety. This would be really fun to make for a dessert buffet or an open house that you might be having around the holidays. And all we're gonna do is fill it with a little bit of chocolate hazelnut spread, about three tablespoons or so. And you can go ahead and just make sure that it's all well-distributed. And we're just gonna do the same exact thing. We're gonna put our glass on top, cut our rays, and then wash it with a little bit of egg wash. Pop it in the oven for the same amount of time. And if you wanted to gild the lily, you could just add a little bit of powdered sugar on top. (laughs) It is a bit sweet, but it does look so pretty, especially for Christmas. So now, Christmas day is crazy and insane, as we all know, so this could be completely prepped ahead of time. You could even put the egg wash on it and everything and just let it sit like this, covered with maybe a little bit of parchment paper or plastic wrap in your freezer. And then all you have to do is get up on Christmas morning and put it in the oven, and people will be so impressed when you get it to the table. All right, you guys, be sure to subscribe for more holiday recipes, and I will see you back here next week with another one. Until then, bye.
Channel: Entertaining With Beth
Views: 764,986
Rating: 4.9368272 out of 5
Keywords: holiday party planning, food tutorials video, cooking channel, cooking, recipes easy recipes, baking, Party Planning, Party Planning Ideas, Holiday Entertaining, beth le manach, entertaining with beth, recipe videos, Tarte au soleil, tarte soleil apero, tarte soleil au nutella, tarte soleil, tarte soleil sale, tarte soleil nutella, tarte soleil chocolat, tarte soleil pesto, christmas party, party planning, holiday appetizers, puff pastry, the beth kitchen
Id: ZIF-6CFsYxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 23sec (323 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2017
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