Bethinking 5/6: William Lane Craig on Secularism & Islam (The Apologetic Task)
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: ReasonableFaithTour
Views: 33,657
Rating: 4.7274723 out of 5
Keywords: William Lane Craig, Reasonable Faith, Tour, apologetics, bethinking, conference, Christianity, God, atheism, theism, UK, church, secularism, apologetic task, Islam, postmodernism, delusion, Richard Dawkins, AC Grayling, debate, Damaris, Premier Chirstian Radio, UCCF, Koran, Qu'uarn, Muhammad, Jesus, enlightenment, scientism, modernism, evangelism, Defenders, podcast, Bible, New Atheism, New Testament, evidence, Muslim, university, Christ, history, crucifixion, England, attend, challenge, arguments, Paul, Darwin, Creationism
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 7sec (3547 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2013
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