Beta vs. Lucky - BattleBots
Video Statistics and Information
No captions available for this video.
Channel: ABC
Views: 29,796,499
Rating: 4.7662587 out of 5
Keywords: American Broadcasting Company, ABC, ABC Network, Television, TV, what to watch, trailer, tv show, Television Program, battle bots, beta, lucky, battlebots
Id: aIvljqOaQJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 6sec (186 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 24 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
YouTube algorithm weirdness will promote random videos sometimes. Of all of the ones I've seen, I'm glad it promoted this one the most.
It's a shame 4-Bar flippers are so uncommon because they're a thing of beauty. I always love to watch Lucky.
Looking at the comments. This is one of those few videos that got blessed by the Youtube algorithm and just throws in in EVERYONE'S reccomended feed. Remember when the 1000 degree knife wouldn't leave your feed for several weeks, or that time Youtube recommended me and everyone else a video on game console predictions... from eleven years ago.
comments are full of "razer could win against tombstone" lmao
16 Mil?
Oh this is fantastic. This is gonna make perfect comment diving.
Doing god's work Youtube algorithm.
But it leaves out the all-important question: who won?
Such a fun fight, action, banter, some destruction, good hitsยฎ, and the full 3 mins!
16million views?!? It must all be bots, everyone knows robot combat isn't popular!
eyeroll grumble grumble RobotWars...