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In this video, we will introduce the process of designing sake vessels. First, apply glue to the copper base. Sprinkle glaze on top. Spray water to moisten the surface. Press it down with a cloth to harden it. Apply glaze again and layer. Apply glue to the outside and repeat the process. We will put it in the kiln and bake it. The surface will harden. Apply glue and sprinkle with yellow glaze. When baked, it shines golden. Attach the silver wire. Shape the design using silver wire. There are hundreds of parts, and each one is made by hand. Create silver wire according to the design. Attach wire to the sake cup and design it. The design has been completed little by little. Since I recently introduced a macro lens, I am now able to take even more beautiful close-up shots. Design each piece one by one using tweezers. I will bake it once at this stage. Coloring is done using a wide variety of colored glazes. Color it carefully with a brush. Enjoy the careful craftsmanship! It's beautiful to see it filling up little by little. The surface is a mixture of blue, black, and brown. Let's bake it. Layer 2 layers, 3 layers, and glaze. Layer the glaze to the same height as the silver wire. Let's bake it. I'm going to polish it. The surface will become smooth. Wash and clean the surface. This is the final baking. Make the final adjustments and you're done. Thank you for watching until the end! You can view the products from the overview section. We will introduce the process of making iron kettles. We will introduce the process of making traditional art panels. I will show you the process of making a costume box for sumo wrestlers. We will introduce the process of making ceramics made in Shiga Prefecture.
Channel: Craftsmanship Process - SUIGENKYO
Views: 185,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: suigenkyo, Japan, handmade, craft, crafts, history, process, traditional, craftsmanship
Id: lc5kdnwWDXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 39sec (3939 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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