Best Youvarelakia - Greek Meatball Soup

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[Music] hi there youtube friends carlos arisate and welcome back to mom's great kitchen the channel where i teach you my mom's greek recipes in her memory today we're making another soup we're making a variation of avo lemon um whatever normally is the method of uh making the soup out of a beef stock or meat stock and then adding your rice or hilopites or pasta or whatever and finishing it off with the avocado so we normally would say like chicken avo lemon or beef avo lemon but this one is uh more focused on the meat part or the or the protein part and those are called yuvare liquia all right it's a long word you've and it means little barrels avarelli is a barrel and uh you what i like are little barrels i guess um we make uh sort of little um um what do we call them uh little oblong uh meatballs um so little squat sausages sort of thing uh and uh in my case mom's case she always i don't think she ever made it with anything other than beef ground beef and we have rice to add starch and we have onions and green onions and mom flavored hers with dill and salt and pepper and of course the lemon juice and the lemon all the way we normally finish or have a lemon sauce oh soup so i'm going to get my ingredients together and we will make yuvara like avo lemono together see you in a minute bye all right so in my bowl here i have some ground beef um i had about a pound of regular ground um i wanted a little bit more and i had some leftover lean or actually i think this one's extra lean so i've got about a pound and a half two pounds about a kilogram for those of us who use metric and i'm going to start adding the rest of my ingredients so here i have a large onion finely chopped i've got about two three four green onions depending on how big they are finely chopped sliced i've got a cup of rice now mom used to use just regular rice i didn't have any so this is converted rice and that's a cup and i've got my dill this is about a good 2-3 stalks of dill uh finely minced uh maybe about a tablespoon or so maybe a bit more we're gonna add some salt and some pepper and we're going to mix this together and then we're going to add an egg to help bind it you want a very nice uh even mixture now um mom made this on occasion it's one of my favorite soups from my childhood mom would also make this um when she made yamista which are the stuffed bell peppers or tomatoes or other vegetables and if she had leftover filling she would make you viralica now you're welcome to do that as well the only problem is is that um i didn't do a very good job with my onion um she uh though those meatballs tend to fall apart because of the vegetable matter in them so the soup isn't quite as pretty but it's just as tasty so we're just gonna keep mixing and we got that pretty good now we're going to add an egg or two depending on what it needs so i think one egg will be enough for us as long as it holds together but it's not too loose because these are going to be boiled and if they're too loose to start they'll fall apart they're going directly into boiling water so they need to hold together all right so we're going to grab a handful make a large size meatball so something about that size and then we're going to turn them into little barrels so something that looks like that all right so i'm going to continue making them and i will be back when we are ready for the next step okey doke see you soon all right we're back for the next step so as you can see i made made my yuvara laika i got quite a few of them our next step is to uh roll them in flour and then put them into some boiling water so i've got my water here boiling along i'm going to add some salt to it so it's not so the stock isn't bland and i'm just going to roll each one in flour pat off the extra and drop it into our boiling water so the flour helps to slightly thicken the stock as well as to keep them from falling apart too much so this is just a plain flower it hasn't been seasoned or anything keep your um stove on high for the uh water you want to bring it back to the boil as quickly as possible but this many liver like it will of course stop it from boiling all right that's our last one i'm going to now uh wait for the um soup to get to a boil and then we're going to reduce it to a little simmer and we're going to cook them until the rice is tender and they're cooked all the way through and i'll be back to show you the next step you want to treat them very gently you don't want them breaking apart and then once they come back to the boil they probably won't stick on the bottom there'll be enough movement but until then give them a little nudge here and there so they don't stick and once it comes to the boil you can skim the foam from the top all right so i'm going to uh skim the foam i'm going to reduce the temperature and i'm going to let them cook and i'll be back to tell you how long that took all right i'll see you when they are ready for the next step all right we're back our soup is done our meatballs are done or little we've already like our little little barrels they're tender it took about 45 minutes um i have tasted one to see if it was done all the way to the middle it is um so our next step is to make the avo lemon right so in our bowl here we have uh two egg whites i've got the egg yolks in another bowl and i have a lemon that i have squeezed and it's sitting on the side here for our next step uh you do not want your soup to be boiling but you do want it to be hot when we do this step so uh excuse the noise but here we go all right we're at stiff peaks as you can see and now we're going to add in the egg yolks and a little bit of the lemon juice you don't want to put too much lemon juice in this mixture because it gets mixed into the soup uh you can always adjust how much each person likes um how much lemon they want in their soup how tangy they like it dad and i always liked it tangier than my mom my brother and my sister so you adjust that at the table so i put in about a tablespoon or two of the lemon juice and now while i'm beating i'm gonna add the hot broth slowly to temper the egg mixture [Music] all right our avolemono is done i'm going to switch the camera over to the soup side there we are and now we're just going to basically just stir this in gently again not you don't want to put this in all quickly you want to slowly put it in and slowly stir it around trying not to break your yuvar laika and there is our nice big pot of avocado or you are like actually you were like it would come first all right and that's pretty much done now all i have to do is serve it up nice crusty bread and any sort of condiments like olives or cheese or anything like that you'd like so i'll be back with a bowl full and a taste test and i will see you in a minute and here we are with our portion of you are like uh three is a good size for the size we made um as you can see they're quite tender there's a nice the nice suit below they're done all the way through it's probably gonna be searing hot so i will be careful um that hits the spot it's been a while since we made this it actually could use a bit for me it would need more dill and more lemon but my husband does not care for gel all that much or lemon so for him it's probably gonna be perfect for me it needs a bit more but that's up to you you can add as much or as little uh dill as you like other people use parsley so that is another option for you but mom always use dill so this is yuvara laika or you are like avo lemono whichever way you want to say it it's a wonderful comfort soup it's got a nice tang it's got a great flavor it's uh not common in greek food this flavor we only really use dill in only a few things but in this it's one of my favorites so i hope you try it i hope you enjoy it give the video a thumbs up if you like it subscribe if you haven't already let your friends know and i'll see you next time on mom's geek kitchen have a good day bye [Music]
Channel: Mom's Greek Kitchen
Views: 387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: greek cuisine, greek food, tutorial, best, youvarelakia, uvarelakia, meatball soup, greek soup
Id: Ql1e8xFPuC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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