BEST & WORST Side Hustles Of 2023 (ULTIMATE Tier List)

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if you're looking for a side hustle this is going to be your complete guide because my name is Mike I've been working in this side hustle space since 2015 and in this video I have 40 of the most popular side hustles and I'm gonna rank them after yeah working on this stuff since 2015 thousands of trips and transactions across the different marketplaces I have worked on just about every single one of these or at least heavily researched it because this is all I do here let me know in the comments the live stream where you're watching from and you and I are gonna rank these in order updated for 2023 again from first hand experience as a driver worker in different marketplaces talking with other side Hustlers like you and doing this for years and years there's a lot of options here so I'm very curious where you're watching from we're gonna go over this link list together so we have a lot of options here again 40 and when you're trying to decide on a side hustle there's a lot of options out there I need you to think about how much free time do I have to do this what kind of workload do I want to do where can I do this do I want to do this from home can I be on the road do I have access to a vehicle what if I don't have access to a vehicle so this is why we need to rank these and the way this is going to work is we have this tier list s tier dude this is the best side hustle this is what you should sign up for right now it is the S tier the best of the best and then a b c and the D like I think you could make better money doing most anything else so I'm excited to go over with this with you today now also as we go over this appreciate your patience we got some construction up above conveniently I know so uh let's power through it a little distracting but I still want to get this value to you number one instacart so as an instacart Shopper this is going to be really interesting is thinking about what's worth it what's not worth it so when it comes to instacart folks if you didn't know here we go sign up now get paid make money make someone's day right so as an instacart Shopper if you're not familiar we're going to go to grocery stores and like and you'll have that shopping list now I've only done a few batches but in my opinion I haven't have experience between this and competitor shift which is basically the same thing to tell you a lot about instacart so how shopping with instacart Works only shop for orders you want so like a lot of these apps you're going to get all the details you know how much am I going to make we can see here on the screen where it's from I'm gonna have to go there to the store I'm gonna go go to the store to pick up items for the order so I have my list of items if there's stuff you can see here chat with customers for questions or changes what if something's out of stock I gotta contact the customer for Replacements here is the biggest problem that you're going to run into on instacart it's time management so folks what do we teach you here it's two things it is the dollars to mile ratio how much am I getting paid and how many miles am I driving because if you're using your personal vehicle that's a very important asset for you that is your personal vehicle so I want to minimize those miles and maximize the pay because I want to minimize that awaren tear on the vehicle secondly the dollars to time ratio how much am I getting paid but how much time is it really going to take and in my opinion that's where I think it's going to sting you on instacart so going back to our list here where am I going to rank instacart for 2023. and stay until the end of the video and by the way there'll be show notes in the description for every single app so if you just want to jump to the app you can go ahead and do so I'm going to say it's a c i don't like the list of shopping the dollar is a Time ratio in my opinion is not as good as other apps and I don't like the roadblocks because I've only done a well I did shift and instacart I did a shift on instacart a couple of months ago just as a refresher but I don't like the roadblocks of okay stop everything Nancy's eggs aren't in stock I'm sorry Nancy you gotta call or text to customer it's going to be a roadblock folks I appreciate you joining here Chris is joining Tanya as well always good to see Kevin and everyone in the live stream if you're not watching live don't worry again comment down below where you're watching from I'm excited to help you accelerate your side hustle into 2023. next Toro so with Toro we're going to be renting our personal vehicle and it seems intimidating I understand that I know and here's my listing on Toro as a host my personal vehicle again really the biggest asset you have other than your home and I'm renting maybe you're renting an apartment so this could literally be your biggest owned asset is your vehicle so take a look here here's my 2015 Volkswagen Passat and I want to give you some tips on these apps too because again I've done these apps and platforms tip number one you gotta take enough pictures and good pictures I am astounded by how many Toro hosts that I see their vehicle it's not detailed it's not cleaned dude you're taking your pictures on like I don't know the lens is all dirty like like clean your lens off man clean your car so again here's my Passat freshly detailed you only want to take pictures when it's super clean because customers are going to be renting this vehicle number two you'll see here I don't love the aspect ratio on these pictures on Toro it really crops it in so when you're taking pictures of your vehicle it really cuts off the outer frame so you can take a picture further away like this one so when you get that crop it still looks presentable on the Toro websites you want to have a lot of good angles again presentable vehicle and when it comes to price point look at this so here's myself three trips so far and I'm charged at 119 a day for a 2015 Volkswagen Passat so my tip for you is to not undervalue your vehicle so they're having your vehicle for the entire day 200 miles a day is included okay so here's the distance included this is just given an estimate of three days hence 600 miles that's just the default listing here so they're getting your vehicle for 200 miles a day I mean what is that worth it for you when I teach you that dollars to mile ratio I want you to have at least a dollar 75 earned per mile because depending on the time you're watching this video you get X amounts cents per business mile so these are business Miles because you're using that vehicle for business purposes so per the IRS here in the US you can write off a proportion of those business miles so think about it I mean you would honestly think if they're getting 200 miles a day I mean you're gonna have to charge what like over 200 dollars a day but I'm not even doing that I'm doing 119 here so when it comes to Toro price point is number one now can I price a 2015 Volkswagen Passat for like 250 a day no and there's a problem with Toro is pricing its uh challenging yeah tough on compact economy and moderate vehicles so Vehicles you can charge 250 plus a day or your new vehicles your luxury vehicles so then I'm getting a good dollars to mile ratio that's if they're driving the 200 miles a day hopefully they just want to look cool go to dinner rent your 2021 vehicle whatever it is and you're getting like what 200 some dollars a day for 60 miles driven or 80 miles driven and again you kind of have to have a premium vehicle and again the nicer and nicer vehicle it gets the more risk maybe if that's like your baby like this is my nice vehicle common if you agree here you don't want to rent that like for instance I have a new 2022 Tesla Model y performance you think I'm renting that on Toro no have I seen model y performances on Toro yes and frankly I think they're still under pricing that what are your thoughts on Toro let's go to our leaderboard here and let me get you my thoughts on Toro as a side Hustle to review pricing okay margin hopefully and you can't control how many miles I they in Toro encourages encourages you to set unlimited miles I will keep it at 200 miles a day which is the minimum that's required to set because I don't want them like driving and I had customers that drove even more than that and they have to pay a premium if they do still the dollars to mile okay so because of that I'm gonna also put it as C now here's what we can do we did this last year this is the 2023 updates so I'm really curious at the end of this video how these ratings are going to compare I have that ranking from last year but what we're going to do this year is also rank within the segment you can see here so the best app will be pulled to the front and the worst app will be pulled to the far right end of the list for the respective tier so I'm going to put Toro even lower than instacart so folks if you're just joining or if you're watching the replay again my name is Mike I've been working in this gig economy space since 2015 I've started here in Pittsburgh I did it in San Diego and I did thousands and I still do you know tens of thousands of trips and transactions since then if you're new consider subscribing drop a like on this video because even more is coming in 2023 ideally can we be real here I want to build you wealth I'm trying to do the same thing for myself and my goal is to pass that on to you so I want to take your side hustle start growing dominate it and then LeapFrog into truly maybe taking some of that income doing something else and truly Building Wealth for you that's where we're going in 2023 Rover do you like dogs man's best friend what do you feel about uh dog sitting they make it sound pretty good right it's getting paid to play with dogs that sounds pretty sweet right so I did a video on this and again this is going to be the best channel to help you with your side hustle so again make sure to subscribe you can search for Rover and watch our video on it but here's my tip for you on Rover this is what I have not done but I have researched this is an app that you can set your own pricing so the way Rover's going to work is you can have different kinds of appointments basically with the clients and the clients fuzzy animal so you can have check-in appointments you just go in there you you know flip the food whatever you need to do outside for bathroom go for a walk the whole thing's going to take maybe 30 minutes and then you can fully be a kennel so if you have a space you can do overnights and that's obviously going to pay more but and we can see right here some of the services you can offer as a Rover host pricing this is another side hustle where you set your own pricing folks do not undervalue and low ball yourself when it comes to pricing I don't care what the market average is I don't care what you see other people doing I would tell you that sometimes that bell curve of earners is operating not at a loss but at least a smaller margin than really what you should be getting so price yourself accordingly because you have to drive to that client spend 30 minutes taking care of the animal obviously you're going to have a higher price point if you're doing the kennel and they have to drive back home so there's transportation in there as well considering that with your pricing now I don't hate it why because this is a side hustle that could become stronger when it comes to recurring clients you're not going to have a recurring client doing doordash or breathes or even Uber some of these apps they can Mark favorites not yet with those apps so this one you can truly build a client base and if you have a good price point eighty ninety dollars an hour whatever it is okay that's for you to decide then it's almost guaranteed income well Susie I see her on Tuesdays Mark I see him on Wednesdays then your calendar is becoming even more booked that's the goal if this is something you want to do so we're over folks uh today we are raiding the well some of the most popular side hustles 40 of them to give you a guide really from my experience into 2023. I'm gonna say what do you think comment below Rover is gonna be a b I'm thinking it's going to be towards the end of a b maybe a b you know a solid B B minus so I'll tell you a little bit more later as we see that radiant shift Robin Hood this is investing in general now I'm not a financial analyst okay I'm not a financial analyst CPA this is not a legal professional investing or tax advice okay this is my stance on Robinhood there's also weibull there's other apps and platforms that's just the one I use okay I'm not endorsed I don't get a commission or anything like that there are affiliate links Down Below in the description full disclosure with you because I want to have you know full disclosure with you here as a team member but when it comes to investing I think I think you know it is smart to build and invest in portfolio whether that be on the micro you know investing with apps like Acorn or whatever like ten dollars five bucks a month frankly I'm gonna be real with you because I want you to succeed I don't see a ton of value in a profile or a portfolio rather at like five ten bucks a month I think you're really gonna have to invest about a hundred dollars a month plus now the barometer there is what's going to be the better return you know uh high yield savings we all know that I mean come on interest rates now at a high yield say it's not even a high yield savings anymore so stocks could be a higher return but it's volatile okay stocks are going up and down all the time I mean you've seen it if you have a portfolio dude my profile Pro portfolio there we go is getting crushed right now that's the landscape that we're in hold long that's my game plan right but there's bonds and ETFs there's precious metals there's a lot of different things you can do okay but again I just want to touch on this one because I think it's smart I think you should start I think recurrent Investments is the most powerful thing you can do because dude I don't like partying with my money yeah I mean no let me clarify I love partying with my money when I can buy something cool when I'm I'm shopping and they drop the new airpods Pro you know shout me out if you like these things they're awesome but you know sometimes it's hard for us let's be real it's a part with our money if it's like an investing thing something like that because the ROI that return on investment it's not as shiny right it's not as attractive and fun if we're real but this is what's proven and at least I mean come on S P 500 usually the boring bets are the safest okay not legal investing advice but I like investing and again this doesn't pertain necessarily to Robin Hood I'm gonna put it as an a tier just for its stability now I'm not talking about again stocks are volatile okay talk to your own financial planner but safer Investments a balanced portfolio of stocks ETFs what have you then I feel good about that nextly and hey what we're going to do here folks because I got a lot of apps to go over and stay until the end we're going to have a q a exclusively for you if you missed that comment down below because I want to help you down below in the comments section as well and I appreciate everyone joining live if you missed the live stream you need to click that Bell icon so you can get notified when we we go live and I hope you're also enjoying the Ambiance of the construction sounds they're going nuts speaking of construction what a transition into real estate this house icon right here okay again I'm gonna be real with you I do not want you to get locked in to thinking I only have to do app-based work I say it again I don't want you to get mentally locked in I just have to do app-based work that's easy this is this is my thing I get it if you're just trying to make an extra 500 bucks a thousand bucks that's cool and when I tell you I want to build your wealth I always say I want you to hit your number if you want to make 30k a year 50 100 300K like I just want you to hit your number so to do that when we're Building Wealth you need to be aware of different income streams real estate is tried and proven and that's why so many successful people business owners entrepreneurs Etc they have real estate now this is something we're going to really visit in 2023 I'm looking to get my first income property that's another reason why you're going to want to subscribe here but I have the same questions as you it's like dude what about The Upfront Capital right don't I need like 20K 30k to invest this is what we're going to research because I'm not trying to drop you know six figures on on an income property I want to be smart with it go over cash flow go over comps what's the market going rate for rent can I do well I plan to do simple flips smart flips safe flips and to have that property cash flow then we're going to use that cash flow to what expand buy more doors get other income properties so when it comes to real estate I love it I know it look again I I want you to succeed and some of the stuff's going to take real work and it's going to be a long play but something because we just talked about Investments right and like the safer Investments real estate is one of those things that is proven to appreciate over time you know no guarantees of course right but real estate is so powerful I'm going to put it a I'm going to put it a above the invested just because I think the rois and to have actual land and a property is something to really be proud of and is going to really reward Hustlers because obviously you know you're paying for your own home apartment Etc next offer up and or Facebook Marketplace that's that little icon right there so let me show you because again I'm not just like making this stuff up I'm actually you know doing this stuff I just want to show you from uh experience here let me show you uh Facebook and uh OfferUp so I've done both I've sold items on both not not a ton of Facebook Marketplace but here's my current listings on OfferUp so we can see here I got just like think about it think about things that you're not using are there any things you're not any things that you're not using that's sitting around now yes you can always donate stuff that's up to you like it's fine you want to donate stuff that's fine but if you want to maybe get some uh cash flow out of this stuff then go to OfferUp or Facebook Marketplace so check it out I just showed you those new airpods Pro so I'm selling my first gen airpods Pro I have an extra charging case um because I'm trying to remember why a warranty replacement or something like that I can't remember but we can see here 567 views four conversations or warm leads on that purchase then I have some gym apparel and some other stuff that frankly I just didn't wear you know it passed that return window or just didn't like it or just kind of sat around and didn't use it as much as I wanted to now here's a tip for you is I would diversify your selling options so for instance those gym clothes aren't moving as fast as I wanted them to move so with OfferUp you have the option to ship uh nationally yes Nationwide so you pay a little bit of a fee for that obviously you got to do some shipping there as well but if your Market is not buying locally because that's who's reaching these listings first it's your local market then go National go to eBay go to uh depart I can't remember the website there's another uh site for selling you know clothes whatever go to the Facebook Marketplace and list across several platforms because obviously we want more eyes on it to move those products faster so let's look here on our Master sheets where is offer up and Facebook Marketplace I'm a little torn and I'm doing this in real time as you can see I don't have any of this stuff planned ahead of time I'm gonna put offer up in Facebook Marketplace as a lower B and the only reason why is there's a little bit of a workload there obviously because when we actually transact that product we have to usually meet a customer or ship at least shipping I don't think is as bad I've done some of that stuff when I sold on eBay you know going to you UPS or whatever and package and ship it there but it is a little harder to keep that going because you have to have something to sell you gotta Source Products so that's why I'm ranking it lower than Rover because Rover once you're set in with those clients again it's more recurring Revenue there for you all right folks from the Battle Zone as I have hammering Nails going all over above me that's why we have the good mic right we have survey platforms with respondents and user testing but before we do that let's just let's take a little stretch break which one of these side hustles are you most eager to see which ones have you tried and loved which have you tried and hated and again if you're watching livestand till the end for a q a or down below in the comments you can post your questions there as well so what do you think so far I'm curious to know there so next respondent and user testing let me show you these actually I did want to show you so these are survey platforms now there's survey plan there's no shortage of survey platforms out there that aren't worth it let me repeat that are not worth it in my opinion I've done these I've done all of these ones I'm going to mention I don't like Swagbucks I don't like Inbox Dollars I do not like Google opinions I don't like I'm trying to remember some other ones if I still have them on my phone here can we find okay yes there's no actually I I listed one of these separately we'll get to it later but these are the ones that I found are like actually worth it because look at these payouts here 125 dollars for a 30 minute one-on-one interview 125 what's the next one seeking trash bag users hmm I use trash bags a hundred dollars for 90 minutes okay well that's obviously much more you know time but okay do you drive a truck for a living there you go if you're a trucker and this fits you if you're doing that as your job 125 for an hour you can knock that out what about this one parents uh and kids age three and a half to five there you go for parent so the thing as you're seeing here this is responding again I'm not sponsored by any of these some of these may have a commission I'm just telling you that because there's referrals here for some of these apps linked Down Below in the description all that does is you know if you sign up via the link basically if you don't want to do that feel free you know just Google these these websites now with this you do obviously have to you have to fit the demo the demographic and what I found is responding can be a little more challenging to qualify so for instance if I click on so you can trash bag users I use trash bags and I'll click on start screener actually let's just do it why not let's do it together are you available to participate in an upcoming research on December blah blah blah this study will pay 100 for your participation this study will require you to do in a 90-minute one-on-one virtual interview and by the way I've done a virtual interview on user testing it's like a zoom call it's very easy so I'll say sure yeah I'm free enter your name hi I'm Mike I don't think uh enter initial oh initial for last then okay there you go okay now here we go now there's more questions so I'm not going to do the whole qualifier with you but you get it okay age I get the next one's gonna say is there income you'll see this a lot here's another thing who makes the decisions about specific brand and purchases for household products you'll see that a lot because they want to survey the decision maker a lot of the times anyway I'm not going to go through her the whole uh qualifier but you have three screeners a day so I'm taking one screener okay right here on the top left so I can do three of these screeners a day but it doesn't take that long like 24 questions I'm only on question six okay read it boom read it boom do your three screeners and then on to the next one honestly even if you don't qualify you're not gonna qualify for a lot I think they say maybe one in five but it doesn't take a lot of time to do the screeners and then once you qualify you take the thing you give them the this honest you know feedback just just a survey you can do what we saw like a hundred an hour and stuff it's very good um let me show you the user testing as well because that was respondent so here's user testing that's a similar kind of thing but what I like about user testing is it's smaller dollar amounts because you can see here 10 bucks 10 bucks whatever it is but it's quick qualifier like you'll know instantly with respondent they really are business research projects so you'll submit then it takes a couple of days or a week to get qualified so if you just want to know like hey can I start making money then user testing might be better for you okay let's rank user testing and respondent I would put it at a b as well I'd put it at a B and I'm going to put it above OfferUp a below Rover because I like the payouts the qualifiers are fast and clearly you can do it from home I mean it's super easy you can do it from home and I know not everyone has access to another vehicle so this is perfect if you're looking for an at-home side hustle respondents and user testing and again there's other side hustles I'm just not a huge fan of them moving on so our next one is rapify RT the brand says they do Walmart spark mostly and here's the thing Johnny commenting about OfferUp is not bad once you find one of these that'll work in your Market Go For It Go all in because you don't know how hot it's going to be like I did shift in San Diego and I called it the hottest app of whatever it was 2019 and then it cooled off for me I did lime scooter well I'll I'll tell you here in a second because I'm we have the apps as well wrapify I have I don't know why folks I have a soft spot for rapify so check it out here's a rapify you're going to wrap that personal vehicle with an advertisement it's pretty neat either in parts or in full in all you have to do is drive I think this could be one of the easiest side hustles in 2023 and Beyond I mean it was easy when I did it I did it this year in 2022 at the time of filming this video but here's how it's going to work let me go over the pay because obviously we want some quotes here earn hundreds per month know our front cost by the way so getting it installed and taken off you don't pay for that and then it's done through a you know well not a detailer I had it done at a vinyl like a business uh shop you know they do business finals and displays and stuff and obviously they do car wraps so how much can you make so with full coverage you can see here the vehicle completely covered in the wrap 264 to 452 per month now look at the vehicle okay partial wrap so front is not touched roof is in touch but we have these uh bottom panels the doors 196 to 280. now the light wrap this is what I had done on that Passat that you saw minimally invasive in this example actually this is what was done on my Passat this exact setup we did these doors and then we did the back here 181 to 280 per month now you'll get paid by driving in different zones I'm not going to give you the full review we have a whole playlist if you want to see that but you get paid driving in different zones your incentivized to drive into hot zones but the zones are capped on how many miles a day and per week you can you can earn really so it's pretty close to these quotes here now it's not a ton of money okay and let's transition into our rating screen yeah it's not a ton of money but it is super passive really I mean you just have to drive around with the thing on it's installed taken off for free and that's basically it so pretty simple I didn't really have any problem anyway if you want to see the full review there we just got to move on for time's sake you can check out the playlist so because of that rapify I'm going to put as a high C the the highest high c I'm thinking of the drink now but I like that it's super it's so easy it is so passive it's just not a lot of money let's be real here it's not a lot of money I did like 300 some uh not a lot moving on so the coin app let me show you the coin app here I'm just going to punch it in the uh laptop right now to give you a vantage point and show you what this is so the coin app is going to be a Geo locator that rewards you for sending Anonymous location data so their whole value statement is well you're sharing your location data anyway you know with a lot of these apps like well you'll if you have an iPhone I have an iPhone I don't know about Android but it'll say you know such and such is using your location in the background do you want to keep this on or turn it off so a lot of these apps they're constantly pinging your location on honest anonymously you know encrypted and I'm not here to debate that validity but you know encrypted what have you it's the same thing so coin will give you digital currency you reward I'm sorry you redeem that digital currency for cryptocurrency or a physical product so as you drive it just pings it rewards you in coin which is that digital currency you can convert the coin to cryptocurrency or you can redeem it for like you know physical product headphones speakers Oculus uh Amazon Echo and stuff like that and again folks if you want to know about this because this is really meant to be your One-Stop rating for Sarah in my opinion you know in my opinion you can check out playlists for more info but the coin app I'm gonna put it that's a tough one it's a tough one because I like coin I'm gonna put it as a c below rapify it is a very very slow burn so what I mean by that is it's even slower than rapify so this is meant just to give you just nominal amounts of pay but again if you're like that trucker that we talked about if you're the trucker fantastic if you're an Uber driver you do a bunch of delivery you have long commutes if you drive a lot then it's free there's paid plans to you know multiply your earnings but there's a paid plan and it can reward you and you just accumulate over time but it's going to take you some time to redeem that now if you have again the pro plans Etc but you're pinging your location to it anyway that's their value statement anyway Airbnb so I have not done Airbnb I know the the value in it my brother did it years ago here in Pittsburgh so I just want to give you a quick rating on this I know there's a lot of regulations you have to look at zoning let me take a sip of coffee here but I want to mention why wouldn't I just do Aaron Airbnb versus renting my space so why wouldn't I like why would if I'm going to get an income property why would I knock because I I don't really want to do Airbnb my concern is it's like the Toro for a home or apartment it's clients that you don't know how they're going to treat that thing because they have your space for like a weekend or a week or maybe even a month so I don't love that for liability obviously this is an insurance I get that but there's a constant or at least a more regular flipping of that space versus having a renter you're going to lock them in a lease for usually a minimum of a year now when I was in California there was monthly leases that was the first time I saw monthly leases I don't love monthly leases because again it's constantly trying to find a tenant but I think there's more productivity a predictability in that you know in a yearly lease clearly versus uh daily rentals so Airbnb I'm gonna put it I'm gonna put it as a high C and I think that's a little critical because I could see it in the B range but I have concerns about regulations about flip now here's the thing across the street actually now that I think about it across the street from my brother's house is an Airbnb and he's been in his house for I don't know four years or whatever it is he recently told me I've had I've never had a problem over there they've never been a problem so I think that comes to just screening your client obviously you'll never know you know even with Torah I met my clients in person you'll never know but screening clients um and I think it can be I'm tempted to bump it to a low B I'm tempted I think I'm gonna keep it at a high C though I think it could really swing either way YouTube so folks again my name is Mike I help you make money in different side hustles and I've been on YouTube part-time now full time since 2017. a thousand videos 15 million views and in fact this is the best time to tell you that I have begun to develop the best A to Z course on mastering YouTube and which now generates six figures a year that hammering folks but it's now a six-figure business right here on YouTube so if you're interested in generating extra income or going big and eventually doing YouTube full-time I don't care what the niche is cooking Tech entertainment whatever making money like I do then I'm gonna help you do that it's going to be the best course and if you're interested subscribe here because I'm going to give you the pre-sale info whenever that is ready for the pre-sale to give you exclusive pricing on that because I'm telling you pricing will never be as cheap as a pre-sale so look for that now YouTube folks it is a long game but I'll tell you this honestly that I didn't go full time until four years maybe five years well four-ish years of doing this part-time first and grinding and learning every single day which is what I can continually do learning every single day the best practices so in that course and this isn't meant to be a whole pitch for the course but you know whatever hey we gotta hustle right that I'm gonna massively accelerate that learning curve from again I'm going on my seventh year down to just massively you taking action to succeed so I've seen it I've seen it in practice I'm gonna put it you know what I'm going asked here and I don't even I don't even think I did that last year but I'm going s here because YouTube It's So massively powerful I mean to now do this full time to do a six-figure business that is after taxes folks because I know we got some haters not a lot which I love I think we have a really supportive team here but six figures after taxes that I've seen it in practice I have helped my brother build his channel which is generating hundreds of dollars extra for him a month over 5600 subscribers at Frank to trunk f r u1k by teaching him the best practices I have YouTube coaching if you want to get started now if you don't want to wait to go to your click on YouTube coaching and make the investment so I can help you one-on-one and that pricing might actually even go up so get it before the pricing goes up on that I had a recent client call Channel with 40 some thousand subscribers and that individual who's generating thousands of dollars a month 40 some thousand subscribers I found a laundry list of things that we needed to improve so even a successful Creator I have studied this so deeply that I know I can help you let's move on I'm very passionate about it I think a one-on-one coaching call is the best place for that or that course it's going to be massive if you or if you know someone that wants to do YouTube frankly lime scooter charging I charged lime in San Diego those electric scooters so the pricing went down it used to be like seven dollars a scooter then they dropped it you know six five four dollars a scooter we are it's a lot of talking folks another sip of coffee you know it is a iced Chestnut praline latte what is your Starbucks order comment that in the live chat on the comments down below but yeah any app that I don't love it I'm I'm going to I'm not I'm not going to second-guess myself my mind was thinking D it's going d i it's not worth it unless here's the thing folks lime is what I and bird scooter charge and if they're even still doing that I don't think they are but anyway I think they have employees now but this is what I call an A to Z platform or an app whereas you're doing like everything so you're picking up the dead scooter you're loading it into your vehicle ideally a box trucker van take it back home yeah charge it overnight then you have to drop it off the next morning it is a whole process so I feel like the people who are winning at this have the box truck or van they can collect a ton of them and basically it's a volume strategy especially if prices are decreasing you're gonna have to have the charging infrastructure at home to safely you know have other cords in the wires set up like a garage or a space to do this and then again load them up the point the next morning I don't love it I do see some Starbucks orders in in the chat there appreciate that folks comment down below if you'd like appreciate you being here uh nextly taskrabbits and winolo this should technically be separate they're two different apps um but the way this um tier maker is set up you can't delete an option otherwise it nukes the whole uh tier and it's and I don't even know if I have the it would take a lot of work to rebuild so so bear with me so taskrabbit you can set your own pricing as well it's one of those apps like hey I'll assemble Ikea furniture for x amount of dollars an hour like you're setting your own price and it can be you know it can be personal assistant it can be assembling a Kia Furniture it can be you know whatever it can be delivery and it's a task right it's taskrabbit again don't under price yourself banolo it's temp work so one of my first jobs out of college is I went through a temp agency it was temp to full time not a healthcare manufacturer actually so this is kind of a modern age of its temp work so if someone needs an assistant for the day some uh a lot of catering at least here in Pittsburgh like a catering assistant we need you to help set up and serve food at this event oneolo that's the app there so let's see task rabbit in winolo I'm gonna put it at I'm thinking it is a low B because any app that lets you set your pricing you can hustle that because here's what you do here's a strategy folks this is this is a huge lenient for this listen to this if you're considering any app that you set your own pricing what I would do and this is actually what I do with Toro is you can ramp that pricing so you start low because you want clients you want reviews then you get clients you get positive reviews it adds credibility to your profile and then you increase the prices over time so because again we don't want to undervalue you know your own time there so you can really hustle on taskrabbit is get into clients low pricing and then ramp it up to higher than Market average I don't want you to make Market average I I don't I want you to be a top 15 earner so that would be my strategy um hey folks can you drop a like on this video it is like the YouTube um value system you know currency whatever can you drop a like in this video uh if you're interested check out Amazon storefront linked down below it is our affiliate team storefront for the best accessories for like any side Hustle YouTube delivery ride share work from home uh some great holiday deals going on right now so check out that affiliate storefront so you can get the um accessories and stuff to make your work easier well speaking of affiliate income boom there oh man that was a Shameless transition affiliate income is uh just like what I mentioned I'm just going to keep it up with things like this that is an affiliate storefront so when signing up for affiliate program you know what it is you know commissions it can either be a percent commission it can be a recurring commission or it can be a one-time Commission so earlier in this video I mentioned respondent commissions so if you sign up not here but way down there in the description if you sign up with my affiliate link then I'll get I think 19 per sign up after you complete like a certain amount of uh you complete one project or something like that so I love affiliate income because think about it nowadays you can reach like an endless amount of well leads prospective leads conversions through social I mean on the internet you can read so many people so I I love you you don't have to be a person on YouTube all right you don't got to be this this guy talking to you on YouTube it's it could be Walmart it can be the B H Photo it can be like Best Buy just search for the company in Google and then affiliate like Best Buy affiliate Walmart affiliate and then look at it and then across your platforms again it can be on any platform twitch it can be tick to I've seen tick talkers do this more and more recently I think they're so smart is they'll highlight products they'll talk about stuff or they'll have a link what you can also do is have a group of links via link tree that's a platform that lets you have one link but like a tree with branches it opens that one link opens a list of links so one can be like best Christmas gifts 2022 you can have a little uh list like oh here's another one kit dot Co k i t kit dot Co so if you're talking in forums okay if you're if you are making videos if you're doing Tick Tock Instagram then you can say oh actually um my entire work from home setup right here I have a standing desk I have lights don't worry about you know try to find everything on Amazon here's my kit for everything it's Mike's work from home setup it'll have all my products bundled so you can do like well here's the best Winter Ski you know gear setup skis polls all the stuff right so then you have even more commission opportunities there affiliate I'm gonna put it I like real estate so I'm gonna put it right below real estate I I know if this stuff seems intimidating to folks you you have to follow what we teach here educate on the best practices look up YouTube videos that's how I learned most everything nowadays you know from other experts in this space educates learn from those kind of virtual mentors or reach out to mentors execute on it so try one affiliate program try just across Facebook or Reddit or whatever then we expand so you can try even more forums you can try to make videos down cross use that video for Instagram reels but also make it a tick tock and then have each has affiliate programs you can use genius links genius links Auto convert the link for international markets yeah you you I guarantee you International viewers are going to be watching your post and whatnot so what Genie a link will automatically reroute them to their respective country for traffic so you still get the commission all right next hope that was value added you know I hope this is just like knowledge bombs here if it is drop a like consider subscribing if you're just joining my name is Mike and uh I help you make money in different side hustles and honestly Beyond I I help you hustle I want to build wealth I want to I want you to build wealth and that's what we're talking about that's where we're going to be going into in 2023 so this is the best place for it I I wouldn't miss out I mean unless you know unless you don't want to build a wealth then don't subscribe but if you do you should probably subscribe Health side hustles plasma donations that other thing that male clients can do donations and the like now I haven't done plasma I haven't done that other thing uh it's predictable it's stable a lot of the times coffee break okay a lot of the times we're gonna have like tiered rewards so like plasma donations it's gonna say get an extra like 200 bucks or whatever it is on your first session so you get the pay then you get like a bonus so that's how they get you right and then there's increasing pay with more visits so whatever it is if you can come seven times a month I don't know what it is but they'll say you get 20 bucks whatever you know 20 bucks your first visit 25 your second 30 or third and then it's like tiered right so encourage you to come more often and then there's other bonuses and stuff like that that's um just for my research honest so yeah plasma and other health donations I'll put it I'll put it as a b right here a mid B because I feel like it's more stable than a lot of side hustles because it's like professional medical stuff it's it's ingrained this is not going anywhere it's been around before you know Uber and these other companies these you know plasma and whatnot it's predictable it's like safe it's controlled it's an established business there it's just a little more inconvenient you know you're donating whatever you know bodily fluids what have you you got to sit there for a couple of hours so it's not as convenient as like the survey platforms but it's probably gonna pay more than some of those other side hustles entrepreneurship uh this was an s-tier last year I'm gonna put a nest here again and frankly this was the highest ranking from last year I think I'm gonna put it highest ranking again why even above YouTube because I mean entrepreneurship it's very wide reaching like I get it hey dude that's that's can you go any more macro like I I completely get that but what I think of is selling a product a course or service because that's what entrepreneurship is it's selling something but on the macro it's learning how to sell something like for instance today I was uh learning how to create a sales funnel because I have a landing page uh sales product page but I don't have a true sales funnel like a five-step funnel I don't have a five-step email drip campaign so that's what I need to learn so entrepreneurship again selling a product course or service entails learning you know marketing whatever leadership if you have to actually I also contracted an independent contractor recently as well for for editing so that really entails entrepreneurship now you don't need to be the accountant because if well actually you know what you do when you first get started because like I do my own taxes so I have to research like how do I do this stuff because I want to actually see what was going on and making those decisions but as you know I mean the money is even higher than most well it is it's higher than everything every successful person that I have seen if they're not in a traditional field like I'm a doctor I'm a lawyer that's how I make 200 a year 300 a year as a surgeon they're an entrepreneur how does someone afford the 15 million dollar home in San Diego I'm betting they're an entrepreneur unless they're extremely lucky in life okay so I want to motivate you to get in that mindset okay to really why whatever Forex your income whatever the number is for you again because I I want well frankly I'll be real with you because that's you know that's what I try to do here and not be afraid to talk about money I want to 3x my Revenue so if I'm doing the low 100s in Revenue I want to do 300s in a year 300 in a year is my next goal so I think because I can go on and on and hopefully this is helping you out drop a like if this is helping you out but I don't want you to be afraid of these numbers if you make 30 and you want to like double it plus to get to 70. like don't be afraid of that 70. do not be afraid and think like I've never even got close to seven days there's no way I can make it do the E3 educate execute expand on how to get there then do it do it and you're gonna have to fit and trust me I I failed on a lot of different Ventures you want to fail falling forward they say all right enough of that but this is this is all what this is this is all entrepreneurship okay moving on ubereats um tried true we're gonna start flying folks for time okay we're gonna start flying here Uber Eats proven surge pay which is the most real-time changing bonus pay in my opinion Uber and ubereats it's the best fastest change in Surge pay it can be good and bad because of that though I feel good about delivery I feel better than ride share I think I I still feel like delivery is still maintaining the lead post-pandemic override share because before the pandemic Rideshare was really the bigger market cap so ubereats I'm gonna say it's a high B like right at the B plus the top one I like it it's steady they don't have the market share that doordash has but it's very I think it's still very close for a lot of marketplaces as in it's going to keep you busy just like doordash GrubHub speaking of I recently called GrubHub as having the most potential in 2023 they had a partnership with well they still do they have a partnership with Amazon that gave Amazon I believe a two percent stake with the option of buying an additional third well vesting an additional 13 ownership stake in the company so they could invest like 15 ownership I'm excited for where that's going to go but I'm excited for coffee here as well one sec let's switch to water The Voice gets scratchy fast anyway um I like the opportunities on GrubHub I I know it's going to be slower for a lot of marketplaces because they're third in market share by a lot they have like 19 market share uh doordash as of May 2022 has 59 that Uber has whatever it was 29 or something so it's going to be slower but it is a great filler app this is why you have to get active you might as well get activated okay we got it we gotta move um GrubHub is yeah put it right below I do think food delivery is going to dominate this B tier um it's just not obviously you know not as good not as busy as ubereats Uber ride now we're getting into ride share so it's a staple okay it's a staple side Hustle the bonus is from what I've seen are picking up excuse me at least in my Marketplace they're pushing me to get back into ride share when I I did a a whole week's shift you can watch that writing a Tesla a couple of weeks ago heavy on bonus pay and this coming week I got another 10 plus dollar a ride incentive very good so because of that I'm going to put it this is tough I want to put it I'm gonna put it above GrubHub because it's a staple it's a staple the the customers are matured into the apps they know how this stuff worth Lyft I'm gonna put it a hair below uh Lyft is still offering bonus pay there's still the uh per ride bonuses it it's just it's not as busy as Uber that's the only thing they're the half step behind Uber and as a company they have not innovated they have not Diversified so when Uber and uh dual doordash to an extent but Uber really rolled with the punches of the pandemic because they have the food delivery vertical Lyft has nothing and their stock price reflected that but as a driver it's still steady it's again we're gonna have to I'm a little worried about Lyft I'm a little worried about Lyft in the next three years gopuff so I've been getting more excited about GOP because I just started it in 2022 so go puff I want to go to the warehouse in your Marketplace we have two here in Pittsburgh you're going to get a bin assignments you go in the warehouse there's bins with bags of stuff sealed I love the go puff bags it sounds funny but it's actually like really important because you're gonna be doing all these different apps and stuff like a bag that feels secure it's not gonna like bust open everywhere anyway you pick up the stuff and you just deliver it but you don't know how many bins you're gonna get one two or three you get paid per Stop Plus tips not a lot of bonus pay that's one thing I don't love about GOP is the bonus pay it's just not there at all at least in my market okay I mean your mileage is going to vary clearly you're in a different Marketplace so go Puff they just changed their pay they're adding wait time at the facility but I mean look I don't I don't want to wait at the facility at all I want you to be busy enough where I don't even have to wait because I wait time here in Pittsburgh equates to nine dollars an hour so it's not worth it all right I'll just do another app so because of that this hammering is ridiculous folks the best time to do construction Saturday morning right that's not going to inconvenience anybody that's okay no one knows I'm live streaming right so go puff I'm gonna put it as a c yeah below Airbnb I think you can make more money on Airbnb if you're a hustler much bigger margin but it pays more and more consistently the rapify than coin um less risk than Toro so I think a seats here for that and folks like Jennifer says Jennifer thanks for being here some of these apps are going to put you on a wait list Amazon Flex where is Amazon oh it's next hey look at that transition there it is Amazon so some of these apps are going to put you on a wait list Amazon Flex so here like gopuff I'm going to drive to the warehouse first I've already claimed a shift you have to do that first claim a go puff you don't have to go puff you can just go online or claim a shift but Amazon you have to claim a shift other than doing instant offers but instant offers don't have to necessarily be from where I did a video on if Amazon Flex is worth it in 2023 you can watch that after this but you can also do Whole Foods runs so I mean obviously it's not in a warehouse I just go to My Whole Foods and I pick up those orders and deliver because Amazon now owns Whole Foods and then the instant offers that I talked about so it's predictable pay Amazon's going to contribute 15 to 19 an hour so in that video I talked about signing up for those Warehouse shifts you know it's packages and envelopes closer to the shift start time that's when Flex offers bonus pay so that 15 to 19 dollars here in Pittsburgh a lot of the times it is 18 20 25 an hour that I think Flex only makes sense upwards of 20 an hour honestly like 22 an hour I think is is usually what I aim for because you want to do more oh no sound should be good sound should be good folks but the the pay yes the stocks that you're going to do on Flex it is more stops than food delivery so you're gonna get 30 40 maybe 50 packages depending on if you're doing a three hour or four hour shift so there's that too and then if you don't have if you have returns you gotta you gotta drive back to the warehouse which is a huge pain I'm gonna put it though as I'm gonna split these guys I'll put it above lift but below Uber because I hate the returns I've only had to do like one or two returns but it's such a pain to drive you have to go back to the warehouse the same day or the next morning it's a pain uh you don't know where you're going until you get the route code I had a shift that was an hour away it was an hour away uh but I had other shifts that you know like 15 20 minutes away and then obviously you drive back home once you're done and it's more labor intensive you know more stops packages medium and large sized box nothing super heavy like 40 pounds Max but it's a lot roadie I need to turn up the speed again folks Roadie um it's kind of an odds and ends delivery platform so I need to you to deliver two by fours I need you to deliver uh hand cart I got like a pallet hand cart thing I need you to deliver a paint bucket well a lot of times it is Hardware stuff like like uh Home Depot but for Roadie it comes down again dollars to mile ratio dollars to time ratio and is it gonna fit my car also with Roadie you have to bid on an order like you have to submit for it so there they give you give you the dimensions of the item which is obviously good if it's going to fit in my car trucks and vans I think are better for Roadie a lot of larger items because of it and I'm concerned about pay because UPS now owns roadie and I I've seen on Reddit I've seen drivers comment that pay is just not the same and I I go in there you know weekly and I've never taken a run just because it's not worth it so because of that I'm going last row C tier because I think there's some stragglers that make sense for drivers but I think there's some that just don't moving on to ships all right so shipt I mentioned I called it like the hottest app of 2019 or whatever it was like I was making like 40 an hour I I it's a shopping app it's owned by Target now that was acquired a couple of years ago I'm not a fan of shopping apps I've said before I am not a fan it is the dollar to time ratio going into the the store I mean a lot of these are targets because obviously they own ship now and shopping for like 15 items 12 items are like 30 some items so that pay better be good because it's not necessarily the miles the miles still makes sense for shopping apps it is the dollar to time ratio and shipped put its I'm gonna put it below instacart but I think they're pretty close doordash doordash the leader in the food delivery space 59 market share but um a little bit of cost cutting on the company uh just this past Wednesday the time of filming this CEO Tony Shu announced layoffs approximately 1250 employees now that was due to an over higher Reign Over the pandemic and a mismanagement of operational expenses so operational overhead got ahead of them and spending too much uh frankly I think they said more operating expenses than Revenue so they're operating at least at a cash flow negative I mean they're a public company you can look at their entire you know reporting uh financials if you'd like but I don't think that's gonna affect a ton for Dashers a lot of new features in 2022 so 2021 we we saw what contract violations that was a big thing uh we saw Dash marks in 2019 20 2019 maybe 2018. um 2021 2022 we've seen the emphasis of non-food delivery so Grocery and dashmart runs trying to think what else uh so much is new we've we've seen cash on delivery where the customer is going to pay with cash it's optional it's optional we've seen except more earn more we've seen time earnings mode I have videos on all of this again this is why you want to subscribe there's so much info it's gonna help you make money so much has been going on on doordash but here's why they are a ranking of where am I going to put them I'm gonna go I'm gonna go a above Robin Hood and investing but they're completely different niches okay completely different apples and oranges investing is completely different but I like doordash because for a traditional side hustle it is a traditional side Hustle they have market share 59 as of May 2022 what does that mean it just means they have more overall sales usually more Merchants signed up in the respective cities and I like the fact that they are changing so much for Dashers so I feel like some apps are not like instacart and shift are doing nothing I have not seen huge new features on those platforms in years and that's why they fall off my radar obviously I'm still looking at them Amazon Flex similar there's been some improvements some navigational in-app things but no new features help drivers earn differently Uber and ubereats has done some stuff but I don't think I've seen more Innovation and changes than anyone else than I top of mind at least than doordash now I report on all of this as soon as it breaks anything new I report on now some of it is not worth it like time earnings mode you have to have 50 well accept more earn more you have to have 50 or 70 acceptance rate they said that program was going to end in September of 2022 it is uh December of 2022 now possibly 2023 when you're watching this and I bet some of those programs are still going to be live because they are still live here in Pittsburgh today when they said I was going to Pro probably end in September again they're doing so much new stuff which I think you have to do you have to constantly be changing you have to give dashes other options they're expanding Dash mark they're expanding the grocery vertical which I think is and doordash knows this there's so many opportunities in grocery Walmart spark is doing it and they were kind of early to that and so is you know instacart and shipped obviously now if these platforms aren't worth it like time earnings mode 100 not worth it in my opinion but top Dasher might be worth it but then there's a 70 acceptance rate with that but you can Dash any time so if your Marketplace is highly competitive for Peak pay it all comes down to the numbers and again what we can we'll go deeper on those videos but I like it you know I know I mean these apps aren't perfect oh yeah offer up I do I duplicated off Rob's I'm just going to put it back because again I can't delete these images for whatever reason okay we're on the final stretch folks on the final stretch should drop a like in this video appreciate you being here consider subscribing make sure to check that Amazon storefront down below for the best accessories for any side Hustle and uh we do have a course the best course to master food delivery platforms is called mastering delivery it's on your risk three risk risk free for 30 days you can get your money back but it is the A to Z course on again mastering food delivery positioning bonuses different app strategies a word script for customers all that's a setting up your vehicle all very important to make the job easier so that's mastering delivery go check that out uh but Bungie so this one it is a let me show you because we have not showed you stuff in a second so with Banji look at this so kind of a niched side hustle where it's for heavier moving transport items heavier that's that's really kind of the thing here so earn over 45 dollars an hour with Bungie which I really like but the thing is it says you have to be able to lift and carry up to 125 pounds so look at the uh the picture they have here you know someone with a truck so yeah this is for the people with the trucks the box trucks the Vans you can get larger equipment in here pallets uh I saw a driver testimonial where he was delivering pallets on his truck you don't have to have the electric pallet jack and the forklift they these places you know they'll have that for you but uh that's it it's just like bigger heavier items this is bungee and the pay seems pretty good okay so having said that where does Bungie rank um it's a newer side hustle that I've heard about I'm gonna put it it's a niched side Hustle and because of that I'm going to put it as us or where I'm at a B I'm gonna put it right here below Health side hustles because 45 an hour is very good it is more probably yeah it's probably more than going to make on doordash it's more gonna make an Uber rates an Uber it's more per hour if you it's not a guarantee okay it's it's not against you can I know they said up to 45 on one part of their website there it says 45 full transparency but let's assume you're making 45. it's more than most any app the only thing is it is niched I'm not even even you know worried about the workload as long as you can you know lift it and move some of that stuff but it is more niched uh field agent we got to fly I'm gonna fly on some of these filled agent um it is a individual task app a lot of mystery shopping but it is a low dollar amount like five bucks here five bucks there but it's easy like go to your Wegmans go to your HEB go to your Publix your Sprouts John Eagle and take a picture of their Dairy aisle because it's a visual audit it's called and you'll get five bucks so if you like shop there anyway and you're you're a field agent like I can do that I can get five bucks so pretty simple uh let's put this yeah I'm gonna put it as a low C just because it's a lower dollar value it feels kind of weird to take pictures in a grocery store which field ages website like addresses it they're like is that legal and they like yes it's legal it's just they can ask you to leave in which case you leave and I'm like that's very awkward but that's field agent point pickup um not a lot either with Point pickup so let me show you this is probably what I'm most uh least familiar with just because I have not done a point pickup either it's another delivery app it's a last mile app I can't say too much with it so you can see here Jordan is a flex worker okay there you go so it's just another last mile delivery service so um if I need to give them a rating because like keep in mind with a grain of salt with with a point pickup just me and not having done it as long as the pain makes sense I'll put it as a uh the B minus but that's completely surface level oh wait you can't see that there we go I put him as B minus okay Walmart spark a bit Walmart Spark kind of took over 2022. it's I'm really I'm really interested in Walmart Spark I I want to love them more I think their app is one of the best apps as far as user interface like well it doesn't really matter but it looks great they put some money into it it works great it's so cleanly laid out I love the app for some reason it's like super the offers are good so for spark you're going to go to the Walmart 's Park you go to the uh Walmart Sam's or an AutoZone or there may be some other providers in your Market but that's what we have in Pittsburgh so you're going to go to a Walmart typically you go to the pickup area they load your vehicle so you don't have to pull any items which is great while there are options to go in the store and like pull items yourself I I've done it it's it's a pain any app we have to pull stuff yourself but the simple ones you just go there they load in your vehicle and the dollars to mile ratio because again it comes down to math like is it gonna make sense I like the dollars to mile ratio a lot on spark because usually they're pretty good like two plus dollars a mile Stone recently has been the dollars to time ratio that's what's been hurting us on some of these apps here is the time at the uh store at the Sam's or the Walmarts folks now I might listen here's a little red flag alert if we can coconut pizza at forty dollars in two hours on spark this morning thanks for watching here that's now might be the best time to look at parcel delivery so it's gonna be your Amazon Flex it's gonna be your Walmart's well yeah it can be Walmart spark because you can orders which is like GM or general merchandise stuff so coming up on the holidays or you know whenever you're watching this just consider that for the holidays is it might be the best time for that but my problem is as I've had a with the stores a bit so in-store shopping can pay well Sarah thanks for being here it's uh it's time you just gotta weigh your cost benefit you can try it if it's like dude we're gonna pay you 50 bucks you drive 10 miles so it's five dollars a mile and you're gonna shop for like six items like oh I can do six items all right and then you go to the self-checkout you don't have to pay it's done through the app the app will you know you scan the app it's all very nicely laid out as far as instructions so spark is gonna be a wow this is a tough one it's gonna be a d no a c no I think it's gonna be a b I'm gonna put it I'm gonna put it way up here I'm gonna put it as a B plus range above all these other players because I like the payouts ideally if you're close to a Walmart or Sam's because for me I have to commute a pretty good ways to a Walmart or the Sams but that might not be your case if you're like close to a Walmart or Sam's you know 10 minutes 15 minutes away and as long as the wait time makes sense of the store I like Spark but it comes in the wait time okay next peer space so yeah Trey says it's an a I think it could be an a I think it very well could be an A minus for Walmart spark pure space so I recently did a video reacting to an entrepreneur uh couple who's listing an industrial space on on peer space so it could be your home it can be an industrial space a film studio recording studio whatever it is so that's what I used when I needed a space to film my course mastering delivery link down below you should take it but this couple did a hundred thousand dollars in one year hosting their industrial space for like photo shoots rap artists just content Creation in general I think there's a definite market for that for businesses and the like in different marketplaces that's another app where you set your own price and they had add-ons which I talked about in that video I love add-ons Toro has this as well if you want to use if you want me to provide the lights for the shoot but most spacers are probably going to have lights but but maybe maybe specialty lights you know the umbrella lights or spotlights that's an extra 50 bucks for your session or I can provide like everything for like 120 bucks or you know add-ons because the space is going to be the space your monthly commercial rent is going to be X it's not going to change so if you can increase that margin I like it this is something I would consider doing here in Pittsburgh so if the cash flows there then the numbers make sense I would be interested in renting what uh 700 square foot space and and setting up a few different scenes for filming you have a podcast set up you know you there you go how hot are podcasts right now you could have podcast equipment I have most of the stuff already I could set it up there I could say hey do you want a podcast I got it do you want to do photo shoots I got it do you want to do whatever so you can Market that space to different people so it's another Hustler app okay it's another Hustler app it's not going to be super easy but that's usually where there's more money when it's not you know just go online and make money I'm gonna say I'm going to say it is a b below spark new breeds but it could really be whatever you make it I truly feel that I like the potential in pure space it is it's more of a bigger entrepreneurial play but a lot of as long as you do your research right and run the projections first I like it okay Fiverr um being a freelancer graphic designer artist uh video editor voice over artist I used Fiverr recently in our celebratory hundreds a hundred thousand subscriber live stream I contracted a voice over artist on Fiverr I contracted an artist to do our emotes for this our VIP program click the join button down below to get access to those exclusive Badges and emotes get access to behind the scenes exclusive polls and announcements before the community at large click that join button down below but I used someone on Fiverr okay you can set your own price I love it there's some high dollar per hour people on there especially if you're in one of those creative spaces like an animator or whatever you can charge a good amount and have recurring clients now on the downside there's obviously fiverr's commission that they're going to take but I'm going to say I'm going to put it in the mid B rank but again I think that could be a very transitory rating I think it can be as high as in a or an S tier it's another one of those where it's going to be really what you make it but on like the base level as far as the opportunities it provides and the reach that they have I feel good about it survey junkie this is a survey app remember I mentioned the surveys that I liked this is one that I don't like I'm gonna put it in the D uh because it's one of them you have to earn points taking surveys and it takes too long to get points to take surveys it just takes too long to redeem it for something of actual value of a dollar amount medical Courier uh something else that's new to me I recently did a collaboration with Sean with Sean in town who it really has a a Channel full of more videos on the medical career space again that's Sean in town you can check them out uh whole again check out our collab if you want info on the medical career space my only concern with medical Courier is I'm going to put it as a lower B because I'm a little concerned about the contracts for the mileage so you know in watching some of Sean's videos and some other videos you know you'll get contracted like 200 bucks to deliver whatever it is uh medical equipment what have you in your States but again it's great in all the cat there's cash flow and then there's actually like margin and net revenue okay so if they're giving me 150 but I have to drive a hundred miles well the dollars to mile ratio because I gotta drive back home I don't love that so that's my concern with medical Courier space now I'm going to do more research on it look for more videos as well as the best medical career platforms after I do my research on that I'll report back to you that's the only thing I'd watch as long if the contracts make sense if the dollars to mile makes sense if the time makes sense then it's a good side Hustle because I'm not worried about I mean delivering super easy well speaking of delivering lost luggage delivery this is another new one uh Sean had a video on this actually did a similar video as well so it's a lesser known side hustle you'd really have to Google search in your Marketplace like is there even anything available now Roadie does this we talked about Roadie that you can deliver lost luggage you'll go to the airport you go to the Delta uh lost baggage office this is what we have here in Pittsburgh at least and then it gives you them the dollars to my it says Hey 40 bucks 15 miles that's that would be a good one 40 bucks 30 miles man not as good right and they give you all that info so my only concern with lost luggage delivery are the first deliveries like I've only gotten to the airport via Uber basically or taking a shuttle so where do I park but obviously that's that's an operational thing so once you get that figured out operationally then you'll uh know where to go and but again as long as okay we need to write that though I'm gonna say right with a courier space yeah it's going to depend on um are there any opportunities in your Marketplace hamper as my water rumbles from the hammering that's been going on for almost two hours but uh hamper is a side hustle platform that'll pay you to do someone's laundry yeah and could you get what you're thinking in the laundry yeah now there's restricted items like heavily oiled right gasoline saturated items large tarps curtains you know right things that this is conventional laundry clothes conventional laundry no no dry cleaning stuff like that so they're in about 14 States or 17 States something like that launched in 2020 so this is a newer company I just did a video on hamper so I'll uh I'll keep so here's the thing um if you're worried about and they have one of the most comprehensive FAQ sections that I have seen so hats off to hamper if you go to their website they have FAQs for like a ton of stuff excuse me including you do not have to launder actually you don't have to even accept items with bodily fluids okay let's just knock that one out of the park already so you don't got to worry about anything garments with bodily fluids that's per their policy so they again they have a ton of what ifs like well what if this happens what if that happens but all right I didn't like their pay so the way you get paid you get 70 of the per load costs so in a lot of marketplaces it's going to be 10 to I think 20 dollars to charge the customer so you're going to get 70 like you know what is that seven bucks to whatever it is 14 bucks per load now the thing is this is kind of like the volume apps like lime with the scooters so for a hamper to make sense it is a volume strategy so I want as many laundry loads as I can get because I'm picking up from Susie's house whatever she just has one bag that's whatever now you'll see ahead of time okay so they they show the map you can set your radius from your house which I like but you can see the payouts so obviously you're going to want to grab the bigger payouts but how's that controlled is it first come first serve now customers can mark you as a favorite which I like so I'm going to want like the four load orders because that's like what let's say at the best eighty dollars so I get 70 of that and then there's some other fees like at 70 of fees what have you but if I have just one washer dryer it's gonna take like what five hours if it's an hour per cycle and then the last load has to finish in the dryer I mean it's a lot it's it's marketed as people who are you know staying home because you got to manage that thing look I love the idea I'm a little concerned about Utilities in your water bill after that I don't think it's gonna crush it because when I did lime my electric bill didn't you know shoot up granted I don't know can I use the quick wash cycle to save some time I didn't see that in the well I'm sure it's in there some were buried in the terms of service I get honestly I Gotta Give hamper yeah if I'm honest I got sorry guys um I didn't like it in that video I'm gonna go bottom C minus it's a lot it's another A to Z side hustle like lime the only reason I put it above lime is I think they probably have higher payouts I think than lime uh but it's gonna reward someone who has like bore washers and dryers I guess it's a great idea oh I think the paint needs to be a little bit higher and I'm concerned about the time just to flip all those loads of laundry print on demand our last one folks uh this is a 80 well mostly an A to Z guide for some of the most popular side hustles my name is Mike I've been doing side hustle stuff since 2015. different marketplaces thousands of trips and transactions I've done most all of these if not researched them heavily drop a like on this video consider if you've made it to this point you better subscribe come on if you met at this point just you're getting value let's let's do it right let's welcome you to the team print on demand really quickly I like it I like it I'm going to put it as again right by pure space it's high it's a solid B if not B plus y so print on demand it has a picture of a t-shirt but a lot of this stuff it's like Drop Shipping so print on demand means I don't print it or make it until it's ordered so Shopify does this that's what Shopify is it's a print-on-demand store so I think finding and capitalizing on the niche is going to be the move there so if I'm going to do t-shirts everyone there's tons of people doing custom t-shirts there's a red bubble which is another print on demand site you can list it on Shopify but if you find the niche if you work with a graphic designer if you if you truly find a product in a niche this can be private labeled well a white label they call it where you'll buy something in bulk and then you will put your private label on it so you're not making the product itself you're just white labeling it you're putting your product or your logo your value statement you know whatever it is on the product listing that on like a Shopify store uh Amazon FBA kind of but that's a little bit different that's not necessarily print on demand I like it I've seen some huge numbers from some print on demand experts uh I'm going to reach out to a few to see if we can get some on the channel for interviews I like it but again it's going to be another one of those like big you know uh research kind of things here but folks that is it I hope you got value here uh drop a like on this video let me know which side hustle you enjoyed most any questions Down Below in the comments you can click or tap the screen here for my newest video as well as a video recommended for you and I'll see in the next one
Channel: Your Driver Mike
Views: 211,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best side hustles 2023, side hustles 2023, worst side hustles 2023, best side gigs 2023, best gig apps 2023, worst side gigs 2023, new side hustles 2023, side hustle ideas 2023, side hustle ideas, best side hustles to make money, best side hustle jobs, best side hustle jobs 2023, at home side hustles, best at home side hustles, side hustles to make money, side hustles 2022, side hustles that pay well
Id: Xw7TUbFhxGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 47sec (5747 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 03 2022
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