Best & Worst Self Tanner Review | Tanologist, Loving Tan, B.Tan, St. Moriz, Jergens, Ulta, L'Oreal

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hey guys welcome back to my channel for today's video we are going to be doing a self-tanner showdown we have 7 different popular self tanners here I thought I would put them all to the test and I am so excited to be finally filming this video because that means I am frickin done with it obviously I can only use one self-tanner a week so that means this video has been in the making for 7 weeks actually technically 9 weeks because I also recently uploaded at a knowledge esteem Harrisson between their self-tanner drops mousse and water I'll put a card for that here and link it below we're just going to be talking about their mousse in this video because that's the vibe for the rest of these products so technically I've been doing this for 9 freaking weeks filming myself applying these self tanners filming the after shots and here we are so I can talk to you guys about all these products so you'll see the before-and-afters you'll hear my thoughts on all of them and I would say the top concerns when it comes to self tanner so aside from the color and how that actually develops on the skin I will talk through the smell how long it lasts how easy it is to apply and of course you guys didn't think I was going to do this without talking through the ingredients yes I looked up oh gosh they're gonna fall everywhere this whole video I already know that let's collectively prepare for that I looked up every single ingredient and every single one of these self tanners to get an idea for which ones may be better for sensitive skin types than others so if you want to hear all of that if you want to see my before-and-afters and see which self tanner wins let's jump right into it [Music] alright let's just start right off with loving tan let's start with a bang I know that this is a favorite for so many people I specifically have their two our Express deluxe bronzing mousse in the shade dark I don't even know if they have their original formula anymore in this shade they might the one that you're supposed to leave on for eight hours but this is just the one that I have always used and I find that they're really comparable I'll talk through how long I actually leave this on in a bed this one is no a purchase this is the priciest out of all the self tanners that I'm going to review here it's fifty nine ninety five for this size that is so expensive you guys especially know that I've tried so many other brands this is significantly pricier than the rest so Wow and I'm gonna rate each of these self tanners by walking through those lists of common concerns that I was talking about in the introduction so let's just start right off with ease of application this one is very easy to apply I apply all of my self tanners with a self tanner mitt that you see here I will link below the mitt that I use I've used quite a few and most are pretty good so this one's really easy to apply it has a very dark color guard as you can see in this clip and color guards have pros and cons one of the pros of color guards is that it's easier for you to see where you're laying down that color so that you don't miss spots so if you're a beginner with self tanner a color guard definitely makes it easier until you can get more comfortable with application very easy to apply the mousse is nice and smooth I don't have issues with you know anything crazy as far as streaking or patchiness when I'm actually blending it in so I would give ease of application a 5 out of 5 next is does this dry down fully after applying it that's something that really irritates me when you just have that lasting stick for the entire time that you're letting that tanner develop this does dry fully so another 5 out of 5 next is this transfer free so are you able to just throw clothes on after applying it and not have them get all over the place can you lay down on the couch comfortably and not worry about getting brown self-tanner smudges everywhere this is not completely transfer free because of that intensely darker color guard it does transfer under clothes you have to be careful so I would give that like a three out of five it's not horrible like it doesn't just get on everything but it still it's not completely transfer free the next concern is the smell while developing so I would break self-tanner smells into two different categories the first is while it's developing does it have a distinct smell the second is once you've rinsed it off do you have that kind of 24-hour what I like to call self tan Bo two different things so yes this does definitely have a smell while it's developing it's not a horrible scent but it's there and it's very apparent so I would give that like a two and a half out of five the smell is it's there and this also does have that 24-hour self tan Bo the next day after I apply this even though I shower and I use soap and water shower gel whatever you want to call it to rinse everything off I can just smell something that is not quite right that's a little bit funky whatever I'm wearing this after that full 24 hours after the next day it does go away but there is just something about the scent that lingers and it's definitely not pleasant you guys know what I'm talking about if your frequent self tan wears so that is another one I would give like a two two point five out of five all right now let's talk about once this is fully developed what the color looks like this does get really nice and dark for all of these after Clips I did try to do them in the same exact spot to at least give a fair comparison unfortunately the thing that I was not able to control of course is the weather and how much the sun was shining on those days so there may be certain lighting setups where something looks a little bit darker or lighter than it actually is and I feel like when I looked back at this clip it looked lighter than it truly is in person and this does get really really dark so I would give this color a 5 out of 5 it's not something that looks overly orange on me I mean most self tanners do have that warm toned undertone to them that kind of orange vibe but it's not something where you would look at someone and be like oh my gosh did you get a horrible spray tan it's just a really nice deep tan color and then as far as evenness of color and any patchiness I don't usually have an issue sometimes what is that it's like from a blanket sometimes I have an issue just in this part of my arm with Ludington in particular with it getting a little bit patchy and not applying or developing evenly I think that's just from bending my arm like that you know as it's developing but that's the one area where sometimes I will have an issue also my hands feet ankles areas like that that are pretty common to have streakiness and patchiness I just have to be really careful to make sure that I'm fully blending those areas so what I actually do is after I apply to my hands and feet and ankles and wrists as well I will take just a large and expensive makeup brush and use that to blend all of those spots with that I don't have any issues with streaking or patchiness there if I don't do that then I typically do so I will give this like a four out of five because usually I don't have major issues usually the color just looks really nice and even across the board but because I have to take a couple extra steps to get there it's not gonna get a full five all right now let's talk about the fading process and how long this lasts so loving tan I would say lasts a full six days on me and this one again it's relatively even as it fades but the issue that I mainly have is typically in this arm area it definitely starts to just kind of fade patchy and a little bit funky there so I will give the fade a four out of five as well all right finally let's talk about the ingredients here so this is not one that causes me to have any irritation on the skin I don't feel dry or itchy but of course that doesn't mean that it's going to work for you necessarily the ingredients in here that may pose an issue for you if you have sensitive skin or witch hazel fragrance and dyes almost all self tanners have fragrance added unfortunately and if you're somebody that can't use fragrance on your body I do have one that's going to be for you in this video but unfortunately loving tan is not it aside from that there's not really anything in here as majorly concerning to me while I do like to avoid fragrance and skincare while I can I'm a lot more lenient with it when it comes to the body and at the end of the day I would so much rather put self tanner on my body that has fragrance in it then lay out in the Sun for hours and hours to try to develop a tan those days are long gone for me it's not happening anymore and I can guarantee no dermatologist would recommend that you go lay out in the Sun for hours instead of just using a self-tanner that has fragrance in it unless you have a severe allergy to fragrance I just I don't see a dermatologist choosing that over this so those are the couple ingredients to look out for but otherwise no issues there so overall loving tan is a great product is it worth $60 I don't think so sorry I'm gonna say it I just I don't understand it's not perfect and if you're gonna be $60 when others are $15 $20 you better be dead near perfect so what I recommend it yes if you're willing to spend that kind of money is it the very best one I don't even think so alright next let's move on to the uLTA Beauty collection ultra dark express tan tinted mousse this one says it's our one hour Express tan but then on the label says that for an ultra dark tan you want to leave it on for up to three hours I forgot to say for all of these I typically leave them on for about 6 hours 6 to 8 I would say and then I rinse it off in the shower if you guys are interested in a dedicated weekly self-tanning routine video let me know I can definitely do that for you ok this one also has the same amount of product right this is yeah this was six point seven fluid ounces this one is point seven six fluid ounces for $12.99 so you guys see where I'm getting out with that price point what $12.99 ease of application here I would say is very similar to loving tan it might be a little bit patchy ER to apply but I really don't have any major issues with it so I would give that a four point five does this fully dry down not 100% on me I do feel a tiny bit of a stick again it's nothing major but it's not one that I feel like is completely dry so I would give that a 4 out of 5 is this transfer free definitely not I feel like maybe even a little bit more so than loving tan this just I mean it's a mess I actually a lot of the times we'll just put a robe on after I use this and when I take that robe off it is completely stained I've tried to sleep in this before it it looked like I just completely leaked all of my self tanners onto my sheets so I do not recommend sleeping in this unless you have black sheets and then wash them immediately after but holy cow so I would give this like a 2 out of 5 as far as the transfer rating goes all right let's talk about the smell for this one so I would say it's really similar to loving tan it does have a smell it's developing it's nothing that is intensely potent to where I can't stand having it on but it's there so I would give it a 4 out of 5 I'm being a little bit more lenient on all of these self tanners for that specific category and how I rate it because I have never had I mean there might actually be one in this video but a self-tanner that has zero smell well it's developing is very very difficult to come by because of the ingredients that are in it so I give that one a 4 out of 5 and then as far as the self-tan bo I actually don't have that with this so 5 out of 5 amazing color for this one this is one of the deepest self tanners that I own the color gets so dark which I just love in the summer months it's definitely something that is a bit too much for the wintertime but in this summer it is a gorgeous deep tan it might be a little bit warmer than the loving tan but I mean I'll have to see when I look back at these clips it's hard for me to remember what every single one looked like at this point but I still don't feel like it's something that is offensively orange that would be super noticeable except for the hands I mean I would say pretty much all self tanners when they're on your hands look orange this area is I mean the skin is much drier the color concentrates deeper there so that's another thing I can talk about in a dedicated self-tanner application video kind of how I get around that but that's the only area that you have to be worried about none like knees and Achilles tendon area but otherwise I love the color of this it gets so dark the color is also really nice and even so I don't really have any issues with streaks here I would give that a 5 out of 5 this lasts a full six days on me as well so 5 out of 5 there and then the fade is pretty even for me across the board so I mean maybe like a 4 or a 5 out of 5 no major issues as far as fade goes I mean most self tanners start to get a little bit splotchy as the color is fading but I would say just compared to other self tanners it's about the same the one issue that I personally have with this self tanner is it definitely makes my skin feel a bit itchy which is a huge bummer because everything else aside from the transfer which is very annoying is amazing like just how dark it gets how long it lasts how even the color looks the price point for $12.99 like it's insane so the first time that I actually ever tried this I slept in it overnight she threw a mess and my skin was crawling you guys I had never experienced anything like that with the self tanner except for okay quick story time when I was in college my roommate had her own spray tan machine which I feel like I should just invest in at this point because it was amazing we would all give each other spray tans every week before going out but one of those times my skin turned purple like from irritation that's actually really concerning thinking about that I turned like purple my armpits kind of turned green I definitely had hives I was like 5,000 degrees all of my roommates were looking at me like do we need to take you to the hospital so that's like the only time I've ever had something concerning happen with self-tanner aside from the severe edge of this so there's clearly something within this formulation that does not agree with my skin I have an easier time with it when I only let it develop for about six hours versus maybe leaving it on for nine to ten hours the itch is still there though and it's something that subsides once I put lotion on but I just feel like as time goes on I need to consistently reapply lotion to make sure that I'm not getting itchy so if you have super sensitive skin this might be a huge problem for you and one that you want to avoid and it's kind of interesting because I feel like this ingredient label is one of the more stripped-back ones out of all of the self tanners that I have this does have you know quite a few dies at the end of the label just like a loving tan one so I feel like it's not that because it's the same kind of dyes obviously I don't know the exact percentages that are included in each but I don't know I feel like it wouldn't be that the biggest thing is just that this has fragrance in it so I think just the form of fragrance and this specific solution does not agree with my skin it's something that I can still use like I said if I'm making sure to be careful with lotion but now that I've tried other self tanners that don't give me an edge but also still do get a really nice color this is just not one that I'm going to repurchase it's almost gone I honestly still have this from last summer this was the only one I was using I was putting up with the itch but I'm done with that my baby my love tan ologist I've done I think three separate videos on tan ologist at this point I have a review just on their self tan water I have a review on the self tan drops because I had a wild experience with those drops holy cow I'll link that video here in the scription box below and then like I said I do have the video where I compare each of them and let you know which formulation is my favorite for this video I thought I would just use the mousse I really really love this mousse and I mean I think it's clear at this point if you have watched all of those videos that Tana logist is my jam to clarify I am not sponsored by technologists I have no partnership with them I did receive a very aggressive comment on one of my videos just saying it's clear that this is sponsored by tan ologist it was not it still is not no part in this is in partnership with technologist I purchased these with my own money every time so ease of application for technologist at first was tricky for me because there is no color guard and any of their products and at first I was like oh my gosh this is going to be so difficult to apply I won't be able to see where it's actually applying I'm probably gonna have a huge issue with streaks or spots that I missed but once you get past that first time and become more confident with it it is the easiest most foolproof thing ever I was shocked the first time I used it that it actually turned out as well as it did because you just feel like you're gonna be missing spots when you don't have that color guard but now that I have used a product like this without a color guard I Wei Wei Wei prefer the no color guard because this means I can go about my day leave my apartment and I don't need to stay indoors because I look like I have cheeto dust all over my entire body you know what I mean so ease of application I will give a 4 because if you're a newbie it is definitely intimidating but now for me it's a 5 so if you're an experienced self tan user if you have you self tanners before that don't have a color guard it is so easy to apply the mousse is so light and smooth and even though you don't have color you still can see on your skin where it's a little bit damp from the mousse so that's just kind of how I go about applying it this one dries almost completely fully there self tan water fully dries on me this one I can feel the tiniest bit of a stick so I would give it like a 4.5 out of 5 I'm trying to be really nitpicky on these ratings but it's nothing that bugs me it's something I can totally wear comfortably with no issue this also does have a smell while it's developing it's nothing major but I would give that four out of five but this one really doesn't have that 24-hour self-tan do at least on myself so that is a huge win for me I just hate that I feel like I just feel so dirty when I have that initial self tan smell so I freaking love that there's no lasting lingering smell for this and I really love the way that the technologist color develops on me I think it's just a really really nice tan it gets nice and dark for me but the one downside is that I have found I have to use a bit more product than other self tanners to get it to the level of darkness that I want so I am wearing this now when did I apply this I think this is like day three or four so it stays nice and dark but I did have to do like two full applications of it to get it this dark so keep that in mind but I think you know the fact that this is 1699 this is $60 I would way rather just do two applications of this and have to repurchase this a little bit more frequently because it still is going to be less expensive for me a ton of this so I give the color a five out of five it's not Orange it just it looks really nice I have no issues with this formula streaking on me I find that the color develops very nice and evenly so I would give it a 5 on that and lasts a full six days on me just like the other two but the fade with this is definitely better than loving tan and Ulta those ones like I said can get a bit patchy this does not at all it really does fade nicely so five out of five on that category as well this one does have quite a few different fragrant plant extracts and it things like lemon eeen Linna looool grapefruit extract other citrus extracts so definitely not one that spreads free it might be an issue for you if you have sensitive skin but I find that actually super interesting and this also does just have Parfum or fragrance added this one has far more and ingredients again I don't know the amount of each that's in it than the Alta self-tanner which pretty much just has fragrance but the Alta self-tanner makes my skin itch like crazy and this is super comfortable for me and I don't have any issues with it so keep that in mind not one that's a problem for me but does have quite a few different fragrant plant extracts so all in all I love love love love technology but a lot of you already knew that all right let's move on to be tan this brand actually has quite a few different kinds of self-tanner this one is called not just your weekend lover and it's a violet based dark self tan mousse that says it's one hour but I wore this for about seven hours as well same as all the rest this one really intrigued me because I don't have any other self tanners that claim to be violet based and you will see in the application clips it is green like green eggs and ham so green I was shocked when I first used it but this one has six point seven fluid ounces and retails for $19.99 so aside from loving tan this one is the priciest out of those other ones so far application of this is very easy it has that dark color guard so you can see where you're blending out so I would say it's just comparable to all of the rest of the Tanners but for whatever reason this bottle was leaking quite a bit on me and I'm hoping that I just got a fluke and that's not normally an issue with their bottles because it was pretty messy so because of that I'll probably like not get a point for easy well no no I'm not going to do that you know that that was an issue for me so just be careful of that but as far as the actual ease of application with the mousse itself very easy no problems this one does not dry fully at all oh my gosh it's like on the bottom of this bottle I feel like I just got it I just got one that's totally messed up this does not fully dry down after you apply it unfortunately I will give that like a 3.5 out of 5 because it had a noticeable stick compared to some of these other self tanners that did fully dry or just have a slight stick I was like okay this just feels wet on the skin and it felt what pretty much the entire time so I mean that like just got out of the shower wet but you feel like you have something on your skin the whole time and because of that I'm sure you're able to guess but this is not at all transfer free either so be very careful I would probably not recommend sleeping in this one either I did not sleep in it but I'm sure it would get all over your sheets so I would give that one like a three out of five this also did have a smell while developing and I wrote I have a little grid here where I wrote down you know everything I thought about each of these categories I wrote yes in all caps for this and I didn't do that for any of the others I don't remember exactly what it smelled like but I do remember it had a very intense smell that was not super Pleasant and then this also did have that 24-hour self-tan Bo so application of this was just really not my favorite in general now that I've tried loving tan with no color guard and I just I feel like I've been spoiled with that I've seen the good side this with such a dark color guard that makes your skin literally look green while it's developing so you can't really leave and go anywhere it feels wet it transfers and then it smells it's like all of that just was not great for this one I feel like the color just didn't develop as dark as I wanted it to I mean for something that says it's the dark self tan mousse I think I was just expecting more color payoff so that was a bummer but I didn't really have any issues with it looking streaky it lasted a full six days on me and it faded really well so I'm sure if I added more product I could get it nice and dark so I would say once it was developed to the fade there were no major concerns but the application process however with all that being said the thing about this self tanner it's actually funny because on their site they say formulated with no nasties and usually when I see that I come I roll my eyes to be honest because that's hardly ever case and also nasties like what does that really mean that could mean something totally different from person to person but this formula truly doesn't have anything in it that I found that is known to be a skin sensitizer or irritant does that mean it's not going to irritate your skin no but there were no ingredients in the list that are known issues so no fragrance no essential oils no plant extracts that cause irritation so I actually was very impressed with the ingredient label and I would say out of all of the self tanners that I have here if you have sensitive skin this is probably going to be the one that you want to try out what I would recommend is trying one of their other formulations and not this violet based one because I just I don't feel like it's great but like I said they have a lot of others that seem promising and that I'm interested in trying out I just didn't have the best experience with this but the fact that it doesn't have fragrance in it is going to be a huge win for a lot of you so it's a brand I would recommend it just maybe go for a different one okay next let's move on to Seoul by jurgens that this one has five fluid ounces and retails for $19.99 as well so you're getting less product for the same amount as B tan but more than tan ologist and Ulta so that was a bit of a bummer especially because it's from Jergens I was expecting it to be more affordable but this is their sunless tanning water mousse in deep this one is very easy to apply as well there's no color guard so while that may not be easy for you if you're a beginner with self tanners I thought it was super easy and this one is similar as a tan ologist it dries down almost completely fully I do feel a slight stick so I would give that like a 4 out of 5 and then this one because it has no color guard is completely transfer free which okay smell for this one it has a very fragrant scent to it and it's the most noticeable scent I felt out of all of these I just was like that is so I want to smell this Oh I don't know how to describe this it's not horrible but it also doesn't smell super good it's not the same kind of smell that you would think of when it comes to self-tanner it's not that traditional self-tan smell it's just it's almost like a sharp citrusy floral scent okay clearly I do know how to describe it that's what I would say not in the most pleasant way when you're applying it it's very apparent I'm super sensitive to smells so some of you may actually think this smells good but you can definitely smell it while it's developing it's not as potent as when you're applying it so that's good while you're wearing it it's not going to be a huge concern but you can smell it while it's developing and I did have that 24 hour self-tan stink with this one unfortunately the color on this one I felt like at first I was fine with it but looking back at the clips and comparing it to the rest it definitely has an orange tint to it and just doesn't look like the most natural tan so I I would give the color like a 3.5 out of 5 just when you compare it to some of these other ones I feel like it definitely didn't hold up to those it lasted a full six days on me and it faded evenly so those can get a 5 out of 5 but the color was not my favorite so this one for me it because it's pricier than some of the others and I don't love the color and it has that kind of strange smell it's just not my favorite it's not one that I'm going to repurchase I mean compared to tan ologist which is so good for cheaper I just I don't feel a need to repurchase ingredients for this one of course this has parfum fragrance in it which I'm sure you could have guessed because it has such a strong scent this also has alcohol denature towards the top of the ingredient label that's not an ingredient in itself that needs to be demonized but it's something that can definitely be drying and irritating on the skin depending on the amount that's used so because it's towards the top of the ingredient label it's one of the more predominant ingredients in the formulation so just keep that in mind at my something that feels drying on the skin I personally didn't feel like my skin felt irritated or itchy but just something worth mentioning all right second to last we have the L'Oreal sublime bronze self-tanning water most this one is five fluid ounces and retails for $11.99 and this is in the shade medium when I purchased this I didn't see any other shades available and I checked on the site and there was not a dark shade at the time I don't know if they have one now or if it was just out of stock at the time but I didn't have the option to purchase a dark shade which I did with the rest of these this one was so promising I thought I'd maybe found a new all-time favorite while I was applying this oh my gosh okay hit myself in the face you can see there's no color guard I thought it was so easy to apply no issues with streaking or patching it fully dried down like 100% I would give that a full 5 out of 5 so even compared to tan ologist which has that split stick zero stick with this zero smell with this really no smell while it was developing no 24-hour self tan vo so like oh my gosh check check check fives across the board until it came time to see how the color developed I mean it's the shade medium so I guess I can't expect that to develop as deeply as these other ones but since I didn't have the option to buy dark I just was maybe hoping this would be a little bit darker it just definitely was not dark enough for me and then this one out of all of them I noticed lasted maybe four days maybe five but closer to four so this one faded a lot faster on me than the rest this one is not fragrance free it does have a few plant extracts in it so just to keep that in mind it didn't irritate my skin but you never know so unfortunately this is not going to be one that I repurchase because it just did not get as dark on me as I wanted it to and it didn't last as long as the others sad alright last but um I was gonna say not least but this deserves to be last this is the Maury's professional tanning mist in the shade dark it has five fluid ounces and retails for $12.99 I apologize I did not really realize that this was going to be a mist like it is I think I was thinking maybe it would be more of a self tan water like Technologist is and could be more comparable but this is really a completely different kind of product than the rest of those which were mousse is so it's a little bit unfair to directly compare but I'm still going to include it because I have clips of it I mean if you're curious so mm-hmm this is a full on mist like hairspray spray sunscreen something like that and the application of it for me was a disaster not so much because of the actual mist itself and the way that it applies to the skin I would say it's pretty comparable to a self-tan water but because there is a color guard in this and because it's a spray mist it got everywhere and also was definitely leaking a little bit so the note I have on here is just packaging sucks it really was not a good situation I got product little splotches of it all over my bathroom so if you are going to use this use it in the shower please God so but you can clean it off that was just a mess it was by far the worst application process out of all of these products again it's not fair to directly compare because none of the rest of these are sprays but the bottoms of my feet were completely stained like such a dark brown color because it was all over my floor so be so so careful with this this did fully dry down on me so that aspect of it was great because it does have a color guard anything that doesn't dry down fully when it has the color guard is going to be something you have to be really careful with it's not going to be 100% transfer free in the sense that it won't get on your sheets when you sleep but I didn't have issues with it getting on to my blankets or my couch or clothes because it dried down so that's good it definitely did have a smell while developing but I didn't notice a 24-hour stink afterwards so that's another good bonus and the color of this one was okay it didn't get as dark as I wanted it to and I do feel like it's one of the ones that looked a little bit more orange on me and person and some of the others that's the other thing I feel like these videos are just kind of hard to capture the true color compared to in person so I just wasn't obsessed with the color and it definitely wasn't as dark as some of my others while the color did develop on me evenly and I would say last about six days as well the fading process was pretty iffy with this one I felt like it started to get really splotchy around my neck area so the faith's not great the colors not great the application is really brutal this one is also not fragrance free and I would say compared to the other self tanners it had the most potentially concerning ingredients and the fact that they may be sensitizing and irritating to the skin the first ingredient in this well I guess technically the second the first ingredients water is denatured alcohol and again that's not an ingredient that needs to be demonized but when it's the second ingredient with henna products like this that you are leaving on your body for hours it definitely could be something that's irritating and feels dry or itchy on the skin so this is not one that I would recommend at all even though there were some benefits with it I just honestly didn't enjoy any aspect of that application process it was such a mess so I would stay away from that one but that's not speaking to that entire brand I haven't tried any of their mooses and I actually would be interested in trying them out I did look at some of the ingredients on there mooses and they aren't the same as this when you have a product like that that needs to actually spray out it's going to have different ingredients and something like a most wood so if you're interested in that brand I would say just stay away from the mist and test out the Moose is instead alright you guys I feel like I was just talking so fast that is everything those are all the self tanners that I've tried I feel like we have some clear winners and losers here I would say the two that I would just avoid for sure that I think are not worth the money are the st. Murrays mist and this soul tan by Jergens one that I also personally don't find worth the money but that you may still like is this L'Oreal tan if you want something that doesn't get to a dark color but just has a little bit of color to it this could be a really good option for you so I'm not gonna say it's a 100% no well that's a no for me I know but everyone has different preferences the Ulta self tan is another one that I can't say is a complete no well I'm not going to repurchase it because it did make my skin feel itchy I feel like it had one of the best color payoffs out of all of these tanners so if you don't have sensitive skin if you don't mind a little bit of transfer and you don't mind having to just kind of sit around your apartment or house while self-tanner develops you might really really love this one and it's so affordable so that's gonna be a maybe and then the top three winners for me are going to be tan ologist in first place this is still my favorite I think it's so easy to apply I love the way that the color develops the price is right and it doesn't irritate my skin at all loving tan I'm going to still include in my top three favorites because the color is so amazing but I think the price points a bit absurd so maybe that should even be a maybe you know do what you will with that and then be tan while I was not obsessed with this specific color I think this is such a promising brand that I want to look into more I honestly didn't think any of these self tanners were going to be totally fragrance free and free from sensitizing ingredients and this is so that is amazing go UV tan I really want to try out some of their other products so that is everything I really freakin hope this was hopeful for you guys because this is the most time consuming video I have ever found so please give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it my goodness 9 weeks that's actually insane to think about anyway please give it a thumbs up if you did enjoy it and don't forget to subscribe and click on the notification valve because I upload three to five days a week for you guys you're definitely gonna have to let me know in the comments let's chat have you tried any of these did you have similar experiences to mine what's your all-time favorite self tanner I'm sure a lot of you have a favorite that I didn't include in here so let me know in the comments below we will chat there if there's anything else you would like to see for me next on this channel leave that request in the comments as well otherwise my next video will be up in a few days so until then I hope you have a great few days [Music]
Channel: Abbey Yung
Views: 248,812
Rating: 4.9186721 out of 5
Keywords: self tanner, self tanning, self tanner review, self tan, self tan review, fake tan, sunless tan, tanning routine, fake tan tutorial, self tan tutorial, loving tan, tanologist, b. tan, sol by jergens, st moriz self tanner, l'oreal sublime bronze, ulta self tanner, best self tanner, loving tan 2 hour express, b. tan review, sol by jergens water mousse review, ulta self tanning express mousse, self tan before and after, l'oreal sublime bronze water mousse, b tan
Id: 97y1s7xsvsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 6sec (2346 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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