BEST & WORST LUXURY DESIGNER BRACELETS | Ranking My Collection on 5 Factors & Best Bracelet Stacks

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hi everyone welcome back to my channel so today's video is going to be filmed quite differently than all of my other videos but since this video is all about the best and worst luxury Fine Jewelry bracelets in my collection I wanted to film it in this type of angle so you can really see the details of the bracelets up close and I have to say I am kind of biased in terms of which bracelets are my favorites and which ones I don't quite like as much but for this video I wanted it to be a little bit more objective so I came up with five different criteria to rate these bracelets on so that looks stackability ease of use wear and tear and of course very important is the value for money so I'm going to rate these bracelets on a scale of one to ten for each of these different criteria and then average it out for you guys so you can really see how all six of these bracelets rank compared to one another and I am going to give you guys some ideas for stacking options too just to have a little bit of inspiration for you guys and yeah without further Ado let's get into this video to start things off I have my small love bracelet from Cartier here and this is probably the most popular bracelet in my entire collection so let's talk about the looks of this bracelet first now generally speaking I won't buy any piece of jewelry if I don't think it's pretty so most of these bracelets do rank pretty high in this category with the exception of this bracelet though because I do feel like the love bracelet is very plain there's nothing really spectacular about the design yes you do have these screw motifs all along the bracelet but I also feel like you could get something that is like a plain bangle from your local jeweler and it won't look all that different from this bracelet so I am giving it a seven in terms of looks now next up is ease of use so I do think this bracelet is really comfortable there was a span of time probably about at least half a year where I wore this 24 7 non-stop with my small Juiced and clue also from Cartier which I'll talk about next but it's not easy to put on because you do need a screwdriver to put it on so how you put this bracelet on is you basically lift one side of the bracelet up and then you pull the other side down a little bit and it comes apart like this you snap it onto your wrist and this is kind of okay secure like you can't just pull it apart easily but what you're supposed to do is you're supposed to use this screw that you get when you purchase this bracelet and you basically turn one of the motifs a quarter turn and it locks it into place and when it's locked into place that one that you screwed on that Motif should match all the other ones that are flat along the bracelet so if you're wearing this and you're out and about and for whatever reason you have to go through a metal detector or something like that and you don't have the screwdriver you can actually take this off not to say that that's ever happened to me personally but because it's not the most convenient in that sense I am only giving this bracelet a 9 in this category now next up is the stackability so remember how I said that it doesn't look the greatest because it's so plain mean but that actually helps it in terms of stackability because this is so plain it goes with a lot of other bracelets at least decently well I do have my preferred Stacks um in terms of all the bracelets that I own but I don't think it looks horrible with anything in my collection and I also think that this bracelet does go really nicely with everything else that Cartier offers so I do like how their range of bracelets is really cohesive so as I mentioned I do like to stack this with my small juice include from Cartier so this is how I usually wear the two bracelets together and I do like how this looks together the best out of all the other bracelets in my collection so this is one option and what I've been quite enjoying recently is stacking it with the newest bracelet to my collection which is my pearly sweet clovers bracelet from Van Cleef and our Pals so because these two Bangles are a similar whiff it's really balanced when I have the two bracelets together so because of how it is very easily stackable I am giving it a 9.5 for stackability so where it kind of lacks a little bit in terms of the looks it makes up for in terms of stackability now wear and tear of this bracelet and this is not going to be that high either because it is a smooth flat surface so it shows scratches so easily I have so many scratches on mine and I don't really really care too much about it at this point but yes it does really show scratches and especially I have a lot of scratches around that one screw that you're supposed to tighten and secure and I do think it's kind of funny how you know the mechanism for tightening it actually could scratch up your bracelet and within like a week or so of owning this um as I was kind of screwing this on I actually left this really big scratch around there so it really doesn't take long to scratch this bracelet up just keep that in mind so yes because it wears quite easily I am giving it a six for wear and tear so that's quite low it's even lower than the looks now value for money so Cartier did recently have a price increase I actually weighed it until they had their price increase in effect before I made this video so I could have the most updated prices for you guys so this one is currently 5100 US Dollars and in terms of how often you can wear this bracelet you know because of its Simplicity and how easy it is to stack and how comfortable it is it's not a really bad value and the price isn't too bad either it's gone up by maybe a thousand dollars since I got mine so that's like about 20 or so but it's not like outrageous like there's been other bracelets that have gone up by more so this I'm giving it an 8.5 All Things Considered so when you average all these ratings out this has an average of eight so this is actually like a good midpoint when you see some of the other ratings I think this is kind of like right in the center and next up is my small juice and clue also from Cartier and I love the nail design on this bracelet I think it's the perfect amount of edginess but I do feel like this is one of those bracelets where having a few diamonds on it really makes such a big difference and it's completely worth it to pay the extra money for those diamonds so they do make this bracelet with a few diamonds on the nail head as well as the tail and if that bracelet was available when I purchased this one I would have gotten that one over this one so all things considered I am giving the specific bracelet a 9 in terms of looks now ease of use also also gets annoying from me so it is really easy to slip on and off because this is a flexible bracelet you kind of just pull the two sides apart slip it onto your arm and then rotate the other end over and it just snaps right into place like this so super convenient to put on not like a two-step process like the love bracelet is but this bracelet does flip sometimes so I've noticed it happen a few times when I was wearing it 24 7 and when I would wake up in the morning the nail head would end up on the bottom of my wrist it's not even easy to demonstrate because it just happens over time and by no means am I saying that this is a common occurrence but just something to keep in mind I know that some people are worried about this bracelet warping over time so yeah there's that and also if you're layering the stacking this with other bracelets because the end the tail of this juice conclude is Sultan sometimes it does end up over the other bracelet or underneath it and it does cause swear and tear to the other bracelet not this one but to whatever you're stacking it with the last thing I wanted to mention in terms of the use is people do say that this can't get caught in clothes so if you have like a loose knit it can get caught in that I haven't really noticed that happening but I still wanted to mention it I think it might have to do with how I wear this bracelet because I think a lot of people like wearing it like this where the nail head is higher up on your arm but for me because I only wear this bracelet stacked with my love bracelet I actually wear it the other way around so I usually wear it like this so I feel like this makes it so it doesn't get caught in my clothes as easily and moving on to stackability so stackability doesn't rank that high AI because like I mentioned I only stacked this bracelet with my love bracelet so that is the only option out of all six bracelets that I'm talking about today that I stacked together so this is how I usually wear the two of them together and I feel like for the shape and the thinness of the small juice and glue it makes it a little challenging to stack it with other bracelets because it's just not a really balanced look in my opinion so because I never wear this bracelet alone and because I only like a stacked with the love bracelet that's why it gets only a seven in this category now wear and tear as I mentioned when you're stacking this with other bracelet it's not really going to cause any wear to the juice and clue rather for example if I wear it with the love bracelet it causes scratches on the love bracelet and I think what's great about the the juice and clue is because it is this rounded circular design you really don't see scratches on it all that much um yes maybe the nail head you'll see some scratches on because that is more of a flat surface but because this is so thin and it's completely rounded it really doesn't show scratches which is great but I don't want to mention that this bracelet I don't know if you can tell from this video but it's actually the rose gold juice include not the yellow gold one and it probably does appear quite yellow on screen because it has changed colors pretty drastically over time actually I want to say that it doesn't take long for it to change from a more pink go to more of a yellow tone to be fair to this bracelet this is the only piece of rose gold jewelry that I've ever really worn 24 7 for an extended period of time but I do have rose gold jewelry that is like many years older than this one and that still looks a lot Pinker than this so I don't know I don't know if it's because wearing it 24 7 made this change or if it's some of the Alloys in Cartier's rose gold jewelry but just wanted to mention that because if I put it side by side with say my Van Cleef rose gold jewelry you can see that there is such a big difference in terms of the color and as I mentioned some people are worried about this bracelet warping over time I've never had that issue with mine but just wanted to mention that so factoring all the things that I just mentioned this bracelet gets an 8.5 for wear and tear now lastly value for money so the one right here without the diamonds is three thousand six hundred US Dollars and the one with the diamonds is 5050 US dollars so I'm giving it an eight in terms of value for money because it's kind of a really light bracelet it's Hollow on the inside and I never wear it alone and plus I think the one with the diamonds is more worth it even though there's about like a thousand five hundred difference in price um so I'm giving it an eight for value for money if it was the one with the diamonds it would be a little bit higher I would say that is an 8.5 but averaging everything out this bracelet gets an 8.3 and now for my five Motif vintage alambra bracelets from Van Cleef and our Pals so I have two of the guilla ones I have this waiko version and then the yellow gold which I'll talk about next and I just love this shiny disco ball effect on these gyasha motifs you can see on camera right now just how shiny they are and it's so eye-catching so in terms of the looks I'm giving this a full 10 points I just can't say enough good things about it now now next stop is ease of use and you might have noticed that unlike my love bracelet and the juice and clue that I put on on camera I already have this on my arm because if I were to put this on on camera we would be here all day I had to get my husband to help me with this because honestly I often struggle with putting this on and different people have like different complaints about how hard this is to put on some people have um struggled with putting this on keeping the bracelet in place while they hook it on so there is a tool that you can buy to help you keep it in place while you hook the bracelet on I'll leave a link to that in the description box down below for me it's not so much that issue it's more so that I can't really keep this clasp open long enough for me to hook it on the other end um I don't know something about it especially when I have longer nails like I do now it just keep snapping clothes and that happens to my husband too when he's helping me with this and you can I have been told um switch this class to a bigger one and that has helped some people but I don't really want this clasp to stand out more than it already does so for that reason I decided to just stick with this one it's not a bracelet that I wear all the time so it's not as inconvenient as it would be if I were putting this on on a daily basis so there's that and another thing is because this is a chain bracelet I do think it looks nicer a little bit looser so it does fall a little bit lower on my arm compared to a more form-fitting bangle so because of that also it's not quite as carefree as say my love bracelet or my Juiced and clue so in this category I am giving it a 7.5 now for stackability so these big motifs in my opinion um it's not very balanced when you stack it with like a thinner bangle so for example if I put on my love bracelet next to it I just don't feel like it's the most balanced type of look because on the Vintage Alhambra bracelet you have these big motifs and then you have this really thin chain so I really do think that this looks the best stacked with another um five Motif vintage alambra bracelet and sometimes you'll have basically like the other motifs on the other bracelet just filling these gaps over here and I think that looks really nice together so those would be the stacks that I think look the best with this bracelet but I don't really like wearing it with my yellow gold one just because I feel like it's a little bit too much when they're together so I don't have another um similar bracelets in stack it love so usually I do just wear this alone but from what I do have in my collection this isn't a you know like luxury branded bracelet in any way but I do have this diamond tennis bracelet which I do think looks quite nice together I like the contrast in the shiny metal on the key of Shea motifs and then you have the Sparkle from the diamonds I think that's a really nice contrast you know the diamonds look really white and then this is like silver so I think this goes really nicely together um this diamond tennis bracelet of mine is just a little bit thicker than my love bracelet is so I think that also helps in how it looks together so I have been wearing it like this sometimes but yeah most of the times I do just wear it on its own like this so for stackability I am giving it a 7.5 now wear and tear so wear and tear it definitely is the lowest score out of all these five categories I'm giving it a five because it is prone to scratches and the scratches cannot be repaired so for example on the love bracelet if you wanted to polish that down you could it's not recommended to do it often but you definitely could polish that down to get rid of the scratches but you can't do the same thing for this bracelet because of that kind of guilla Shea pattern on it so if you get scratches on it it really is permanent um it depends how much you mine something like that I haven't really gotten any major scratches on mine yet either this white gold one or the yellow gold one um but I feel like it would bother me so I'm hoping to hold that off as long as possible and another thing is I'm just not a big fan of how I can see all the little specks of dust on this bracelet um I did clean them before filming this video so maybe you can't see it too much right now but I'm sure as I'm filming this it's also Gathering dust I'm just not sure how well you're able to see it on camera so it's a five it's definitely not great in this category and last part is value for money so it definitely is a better value than many of the five Motif vintage alambra bracelets from Van Cleef and our Pals and it does look quite nice worn on its own so even though it is six thousand one hundred US dollars I do think this is pretty good value for money it's not like absolutely amazing because I don't think really any designer luxury branded Fine Jewelry will get a full 10 points from me but this is an 8.5 so all in all it is averaging out to a 7.7 now as I mentioned this is a more objective rating so if I was being more subjective the looks of this bracelet would outweigh everything else and it would be a higher rating but because I'm being objective this averages out to a 7.7 which is definitely on the lower end and now for my yellow gold gear shade bracelet and I'm just going to kind of Breeze past this section because there's not much that's different compared to my white gold one um it's the same in terms her himself locks it's a full 10 points ease of use gets a 7.5 wear and tear gets a five value for money gets an 8.5 it does cost a little bit less than the white gold Geisha version this one is 5650 US dollars compared to the 6100 for the white gold but white gold always costs a little bit more so I'm not going to fault that one for costing more and I'm not going to give this one a slightly higher score for value of money either so that's an 8.5 and the only aspect where I would say that it rates a little bit differently than the white gold version is for stackability so stackability I'm giving this 0.5 lower at seven instead of 7.5 it's mainly the same but as I mentioned I do sometimes wear the white gold gear shade bracelet with my diamond tennis bracelet and whereas that looks really nice together this doesn't have the same effect like it just doesn't really match in my opinion for it to have the same effect I would have to have a diamond tennis bracelet in yellow gold with yellow diamonds and that's you know to be honest it's not quite as common and it probably costs more than that version that I have too so for that reason I'm dropping it by a little bit but as I mentioned I still do love wearing this bracelet on its own and I love the shade of yellow gold on the ski shame Motif I actually think it looks really nice um up against all my bags that have white gold Hardware so averaging everything out this is a 7.6 so it's just a tiny little bit lower than the white gold version I do have to say though that this is the lowest ranked out of all of my bracelets but I do really love both of these bracelets just because they're so pretty anyways and next is my Bulgari serpenti Viper bracelet which I have in the Demi pave version in rose gold and similar to my gear shape bracelets I'm giving this a full 10 point in terms of looks it's just such a super stunning snake design I love all the details on the scales of the snake and I love the details on the head as well as the tail of it too I just can't give it anything lower than a full 10 points now for ease of use it's really easy to put on there's really no complaints in that aspect it's really similar to how you put on the Cartier Juiced and clue for example so it just snaps right into place like so the only thing that I want to mention is that it's a little bit smaller than my other bracelets um in like a similar size so I got this in a size small I have um the juice and clue in a 15 the love in a 16 and then my pearly sweet clovers which I'll talk about next is in a size extra small so they're all kind of about the same size um but this is just a little bit smaller than the other ones so it's a little bit tighter on my arm but the next size I would have been too big and the thing with these serpenti Viper bracelets is that there is a little bit of a variation in every single bracelet so maybe if I got another size small then it would have been a little bit looser but yeah that's the only reason that I'm taking off a half a point so ease of use gets a 9.5 now the stack ability is the part where this bracelet kind of doesn't match up to the other categories so it gets like a 10 in logs it gets a 9.5 in ease of use and the ones that I haven't talked about yet are also pretty high but stackability I'm giving an eight because I just have nothing to say stack this with not that I think I need to stack this with anything because this looks really stunning on its own but I think that it needs to be stacked with another bracelet that has this similar type of repeating pattern for it to look the most cohesive so for example the Cartier Clash would look nice with this um so yeah because I have nothing to stack it with and it's a little finicky in that regard I'm giving it an eight for this category and for wear and tear I'm giving it a nine because it's pretty good so far I don't really notice any major scratches even though this is like a smooth surface um I've owned this for a little bit over a year at this point and I have worn it a decent amount um I've never worn it non-stop 24 7 but I've worn it a good amount both in more casual settings and more dressy settings too so it's held up pretty well and the rose gold hasn't changed color but I do have to clean this a little bit more often than my other bracelets because if I take this back off um I think you'll be able to see that like over here there is a whole lot of crevices and also like underneath the bracelet too there's just a lot of little holes that can't get gunked up so I do find myself cleaning this more than I do my other bracelets so wear and tear is a nine and value for money I'm giving it a nine also currently this bracelet costs a flat ten thousand dollars I mean you are getting a good amount of diamonds and the weight of this bracelet is quite substantial for the price so I'm giving it a nine but it would have been higher if I was ranking this rating this about a year ago when I bought it because they keep increasing the price on this so I feel like eventually I wouldn't really think it's as worth it as good value for money as it is right now but currently it's a nine in that regards so on average the score is a 9.1 and yeah I just really really love this bracelet there is honestly not many bad things I can say about it even the ones that I mentioned in this video they're not that major at all and finally here's the newest bracelet to my collection which is the Van Cleef and Arpels Pearl a sweet clovers bracelet and I love how feminine this design is especially in the rose gold which is the one that I have it's definitely the most feminine looking bracelet in my entire collection even more sold than my vintage Elan bra gear shape bracelets and I love this beaded Edge on the bracelet I love the diamonds that form that Clover shape if I had to change something about this bracelet lit which I don't even think is possible is I wish that the clovers didn't kind of cut into the beaded Edge but I like the size of the clovers if it were to fit completely in this kind of shiny part of the metal between the beads the clovers would be so small that you can't even tell that it's a clover shape so I don't want that to get smaller and I don't want the whip of the bracelet to get wider either so yeah such a change is just not possible but I'm taking off a half a point because that is just this really small complaint that I have now in terms of ease of use the bracelet is pretty easy to put on you have the safety feature on the side that you open up at a 45 degree angle and then you push down on this little bead and then slide the two sides of the bracelet apart and then it comes apart like this you snap it onto your wrist and then you just do up that safety again and it's really simple you don't need like a screwdriver or anything sometimes I do have trouble getting the two sides of the bracelet apart because sometimes I can't push that bead down far enough to slide it apart um so that's kind of one of the complaints that makes it a slightly challenging still not as much as the love bracelet which requires a whole nother tool and the other thing I want to mention is that sometimes these beads so the one over here in the locking mechanism as well as the ones at the centers of the clovers they do get caught on like a looser knit sweater I don't have that issue with the juice and glue but surprisingly that is something that happens to this bracelet so because of all those like little things that I mentioned ease of use gets a nun from me now for stack ability it's very similar to The Love bracelet in that it goes with a lot of other things from Van Cleef and our Pals I think this looks really pretty stacked with the other pieces in the perley collection specifically and this also looks really nice stacked with the sweet Alhambra 6 Motif bracelet too it doesn't look as nice with say the five Motif vintage alambra ones because I think that these vintage alambra motifs are just too big in comparison to the clovers on the perlier bracelet but the sweet alumbra size is perfect next to this in my opinion and this is not quite as versatile as say the love bracelet is in terms of stacking but as I mentioned earlier in this video I do like the two of them stacked together so for stackability I am giving it a nine now for wear and tear you would think that with a smooth surface like the love bracelet it would scratch similarly but surprisingly because you have these Diamond clovers that's a little bit more raised as well as the beaded Edge that metal on the inside doesn't really touch anything so it doesn't get scratched up like I haven't gotten a single scratch on this bracelet I don't think I'm still not giving it a perfect score because you know eventually it will scratch but it gets a nine for wear and tear which is definitely much higher than the love bracelet got in the same category now for value for money this bracelet is really expensive there is no way around that there's no denying that it's 16 600 US Dollars currently and it is significantly more expensive than even the second most expensive bracelet in my collection which is the Bulgari serpenti Viper bracelet at 10 000 US Dollars and in comparison to that that is is definitely a way better value for money than this bracelet this is just I don't know I don't think you get enough diamonds or enough um gold for it to cost that much more so it gets a 6.5 for this category it's just really expensive but I also do really really like this design and I think that there were aspects of this that definitely made up for how expensive this bracelet is because overall it does get an 8.6 which is the second highest rated out of all six bracelets so those are all the designer branded bracelets in my collection and just to do a quick Roundup of the rating and ranking of all of these bracelets in last place is my yellow gold gear shape bracelet with an average score of 7.6 and then following that we have my white gold gear shade bracelet which is a little bit higher at an average rating of 7.7 and then we have my love bracelet which has an average rating of eight next stop is the Houston clue with 8.3 and then we have the Pearly sweet clovers at 8.6 and then the last one is the Bulgari serpenti Viper bracelet at 9.1 so I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did please do give it a thumbs up and let me know in the comments down below how you would rank and maybe even rate all of these bracelets if you have them in your collection and if you haven't already subscribed to my Channel please do consider subscribing for new videos every single week on luxury or fashion and I'll leave two videos on the screen for you to watch next so I'll see you very soon bye for now thank you
Views: 129,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartier jewelry collection, van cleef and arpels jewelry collection, bvlgari jewelry collection, luxury fine jewelry collection, designer fine jewelry collection, luxury designer bracelets ranked best to worst, best designer bracelets, worst luxury bracelets to buy, cartier vs van cleef, cartier small love bracelet, cartier small juste un clou bracelet, vca 5 motif vintage alhambra bracelet, van cleef vintage alhambra, bvlgari serpenti viper, vca perlee sweet clovers bracelet
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 42sec (1962 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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