Best Worm Bin For Small Spaces- Red Wigglers

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hey guys it's an welcome to my home worm farming Channel if you are looking for a friendly warm vermac compost Community you are in the right place today we're outside because it's a lovely day and we have been cooped up inside for so long here in the Midwest that I thought I would take the red wigglers on a road trip outside for you guys and show you basically the best system that I have found for areas that are small so we have our red wigglers in here and I just wanted to show you that that this system is about 16 in by 16 actually it's about 16 1/2 by 16 1/2 and I'll put the metric over there up front um but basically this is the best system for being in small areas and not only that it is really really tidy so you can see that everything has its own label it's got a lid and so what we're going to do today is I'm just going to show you how clean you can be with a worm farm I know you guys have seen me if you've been in this channel for a really long time you've seen me up to my elbows in worm castings and worms but it's not necessary everybody you know some people are like ew and other people are like Yay but if you're one of those people that would really rather just the worms do their job and you have minimal inputs this is actually a really good system for you even the crows think so cuz they're mouthing off right now so any who I'm going to bring you up close here and I'm going to show you how nice and tidy this whole thing can be okay here we are at the top level and this is the foraging level where everybody is trying to finish up all of the the hard pieces I'm just going to start pulling these off these are not going to these are pineapple leaves and they're not going to finish up anytime soon so as I find them I'm just going to pull these off so that they can go to the feeding Zone and then we're going to look and see how close this is to getting finished up some of the other feedings that I've had have actually finished up a lot faster than these guys so I'm a little disappointed that I'm not going to get a harvest this time but that's okay worms do what they want and honestly you need to work at their schedule so one of the things that I wanted to show you about how nice and small and tidy this can be you don't actually have to do this part where I'm picking through you you could just leave this alone and walk away you don't need to to fiddle with this layer at all cuz this is the forging layer and I'm just doing this because well I have a worm Channel and even if I didn't I'm a little nosy but if you're not and you don't mind just leaving the worms to do whatever they're going to do then you don't need to actually mess with this you just have to wait for it to be finished now what I'm going to do is I'm going to pick this up and I'm going to put this into a bus tray I have have links to these in the Amazon links below but they fit exactly inside those bus trays and so you are not going to get this on your carpet get this on your floor you could just put this in your closet if you wanted to and these little guys are not going to run a muck you're not going to have any problems with them at all actually now this is the feeding area and you can see we fed a little bit of uh tomato skins or tomatoes I'm not sure which but you can still see the bedding in here so this one is not anywhere near done so this is actually the layer that we're going to feed again today so that all the nice juicy feedings are going to make them want to eat all the bedding and stuff like that but I'm willing to bet we will be able to harvest the top next time and then this will become the foraging area so it looks like they do have some things left over but not a lot so that's good and then I'm going to neatly pick this up and put this on the other one and I've made no mess at all this is actually a tray that has never been fed people food before this is only bedding it's never had any worm Chow it has never had any people scraps it is just bedding and then whatever good stuff has dripped from above so if I've given it especially wet feeding it's dripped down in into this you can tell this has a lot more bulk to it still and that's because the worms and their little buddies have not actually managed to reduce the bulk that much but what they have done is a lot of pooping look at that they're already making really great castings and there's never been any food in this layer in fact I actually just saw a cocoon so even though there isn't any food they're still even having cocoons in this layer and when we get down to this layer you're going to see I have these little risers that they are going to basically hold the weight of the above layers so that the plastic lives longer it doesn't come with those I made those myself and I'll put below what I made them out out of in metric and in Imperial and then nice and neat I'm going to pick that up and move that over and we're going to come down to the next layer here that again has never had any people food in it it has only had just bedding and this is the com this all of the bedding here is the combination of paper cardboard and some coconut quar or Pete um just so that it doesn't stick together if you have uh paper or cardboard in a bin it can Clump together and make kind of a glue so that is why I do choose to put some sort of uh something now some people I think it was Michael who said that I should try the wood chips that they have for wood burners um I think I haven't been able to find them around here lately I don't know if that's gone out of uh favor with the people here locally but I haven't been able to find the wood pallets but I imagine any kind of betting you could get at a pet store would also work and nice and neat there we go moving down to this layer which is the very bottom layer that is nothing more than paper bedding it's a little bit damp here but not much now let's see if we've got any worms down here yep we do but this is meant to start to prevent you from having any kind of leachate in the bottom of the bin this is meant to be dry down here this isn't meant to be actual worm habitat this is meant to be nice and dry and absorb any of the wet feedings that may drip through okay here we are down in the bottom sump area which in theory if you did not have nice good areas for them to live they come down here I try to keep a little betting down here just in case but um I would prefer they didn't come down here but as I've always told you worms do what they want but when I find them down here I do pick them up and I do move them back up because I have a sneaky suspicion if they stay down here for very long consider considering how dry this is they won't live very long in this system there's a worm right there and a worm right there and we're going to rescue those little buddies and put them in a bin that was higher up but I am going to add just a tiny bit of water down here just in case every time I come in here I try and make sure that uh if the worms do get down here they're not going to die so just just a tiny little bit of water that's probably only a couple spoonfuls but hopefully it will rescue anybody who manages to get down here I don't find that I can't tell you that the worm Tower doesn't work but what I can tell you is that the worms do seem to come down here and not make it up so if you have a system like this put in the comments below um what do you do to ensure the worms go back up should I put more of this stuff in the bottom I'm still pretty new at this system so I'm not really sure put in the comments below what your opinion is and so here we are nice and neat if this was inside my house I could just take a towel and clean up the edges here and then reassemble the tower we're not going to do anything to this one here this one here I can just make sure that stays nice and clean this is that layer that has never been fed but looks almost done and again if you wanted to keep this tidy in your closet or something so far we're not making any mess whatsoever and then this is the feeding layer that we are going to give them some food real quick I did not want to uh forget to tell you guys I did get a pair of these Garden shoes from high SE and I told them that I would give them a little um shout out they give me these for free and I did buy the unisex version they do come in all sorts of cool colors like little chickens and hearts and things like that I'll put a link uh up above but one of the things I did want to tell you is that they're they've got shoes and boots alike but I like these shoes here because a lot of times when I'm on my hands and knees weeding this part is like so hard on other shoes but look at that it's nice and soft and completely washable I've mowed the grass I've been running around in them for a couple of months now and I just wanted to let you know you do get a discount and I will put all of that in the pin comment below so what I'm going to do is I'm going to put those pineapple leaves in here and I've got some kale for them and some onions and some apples and I think a banana that should be enough for these guys um I made some kimchi and I decided to put a little bit of kale in there to see if I don't know get me more vitamins or whatever right but none of these are forbidden food and um you can kind of incorporate them into the castings just so that they get good contact so the worms can get in there but honestly you don't have to in this kind of a system because it is all sealed up because they're all nested together like Russian dolls then here we go we've got the top layer here now one of the things that I've started doing to try and make sure that the word worms are I don't know still interested in reducing things here is to uh give them a little bit of worm Chow so it's got really good moisture still so I'm just going to add a little bit of worm Chow to the top and this is almost powdered it's got um wheat flour rice flour I think this even might still have some of the uh so this worm Chow is has just got rice flour whatever was expired in my friend Cece's cabinet I found a bucket of dry goods that she had saved from me for almost a year ago and uh I just put that in the blender and blended it up so this will make this part maybe a little bit more palatable for the worms so that they will chew this all up and we will get a harvest next time so let me know if you have any questions below about the system and how it fits and how nice and clean it stays down in the comments below all right guys well if you like this video go ahead and give that a muddy thumbs up if you're not a member of my worm family click that subscribe button and if you want to know what I'm doing when I'm doing it ring that Bell icon if you want to see more about the worm Tower I have a whole playlist right over here and if you've already seen that YouTube thinks you're going to like this right over here all right guys thanks for hanging out with me and my worms and everybody have a good day
Channel: Plant Obsessed
Views: 1,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Red wiggler compost worms, vermiculture, manure worms, worms that eat food the fastest, easy compost worms, inside worm farm, worm cocoons, baby worms, what do worms eat, worm farm bedding, worm grit, worm bin moisture, worm castings, worm poop, vermicompost, worm farm, can worms eat pumpkin, worm ball, worm bedding, red wigglers, compost, vermicomposting, harvesting worms from worm bin, harvesting worms, harvesting worm castings, worm factory 360, worm tower system
Id: UkrMnDPDR7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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