Best Ways Get Rid of Mealybugs and Scale Insects 101% // Complete Guide

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some scenes contains graphic content of billy bugs in scale insects they are intended for educational purposes only viewer discretion is advised have you ever had an encounter with this white fluffy crawling insects how about this brown spots found on Sam some your plants are you tired of treating them because they keep on coming back here's a video about this insects and some of our tips on how to treat them and keep them from coming back hi there welcome to another episode of subtle lesson spikes before I continue do not forget to click the subscribe button as well as the Bell button to get updated on our latest episodes today I would like to share with you a topic on mealy bugs and scale insects one time our healthy plant was attacked by mealy bugs and skilled insects we did all the treatment we saw on the Internet but it still died then another one got infected and we did all the same treatments again but the Millie bugs his skills were there again and this time it had fungus we asked ourselves how could this happen we did everything others had said but the insects just keep on coming back so we really did a lot of experiments and discovered the most important key factors to eliminate Millie bugs in skills 101 percent let's just be honest most of us including me and you have really no idea about Millie bugs and skills right this insects come from a big family called him it Tara they are notorious plant killers and they are so common they could be crawling right now on your plants while watching this this is how many bugs look like we know it's disgusting to see but this is how they are the white powder you see on their bodies is wax it protects them from heat and moisture loss but what we have discovered that many doesn't know is that many bugs are resistant to insecticidal sprays this is because the rocks mix them repel water and it even makes them float on liquids most of our plants that died from Millie bugs had physical science that you can really observe some leaves were deformed like it was curling up sometimes you can see the leaves turning yellow until they fall or wilt the plants look so weak it's like they're so dehydrated there were also a lot of excess on the nodes at the bottom of the leaves and on the stems and if the infestation is severe you could even see yellow stains we learned that these stains are actually fungus and it is caused by the sweet honey do that mealy bugs secrete the tendency is the plant only has a 50/50 chance of surviving if you are in this situation meanwhile this is how skills look like they are small flat bumps or bulges that sticks on the surface of the plant the shiny covering you see on their body is their armor and it protects them from harm they are known to be common pests of indoor plants hedges and cacti especially Apprentice skills are just the same with melee bugs on how they damage plants they also secrete honeydew that causes fungus but skills only attack the body of the plant what makes milli bugs really dangerous is they can also attack the roots this are what you call wrote me leaf having root mealy bugs is a hardest to solve because you can't know their presence right away sometimes you just see the plant die before discovering them when practice we do now with our plants is to observe their overall health including the root system root Meili sucks all the nutrients from the roots that the plant is supposed to get so if you observe that your plants are slow growing even if you have given them everything they need or if they look dehydrated even if you are them frequently or if the leaves just fall off without any obvious signs of pests in the body and that's a positive sign of root belief you always see ants on your garden that could be a positive indication that your plants have Millie bugs Millie bugs secrete honeydew's that as feed on and in exchange plants protect them from other predators and parasites sometimes ants even transport bugs on the spot where they could easily get nutrients prevention is sometimes better than cure skills and Milly bugs can be acquired outdoors and indoors it's better to understand their nature so that we could anticipate their presence first if you have bought a new plant isolate it first before mixing it with the rest of your healthy plants check for insects and fungus and apply treatment if needed one sick plant can affect all the healthy ones you have collectors and non garden owners always do this process and it's highly effective most of the experiments we've done with scales involved humidity the more moist the area is the more chances you'll get skills at the warm environment and the chances would double third where air circulation can also contribute to the problem sometimes the more crowded the area is the more it is prone to have skills and the faster skills could proliferate and here's what you are all waiting for how do we get rid of mealy bugs in skills completely here's an old method it's fine but something is lacking that causes Milly bugs and other scales to come back let's try to find out what seems to be wrong in the litter of water you can mix up 10 ml of soap with a 5 to 8 ml of 70% alcohol first spray the solution all over the body especially on the nodes and hard-to-reach areas then we need to remove the insects manually using brush or any blunt objects and third we are advised to rinse it off with water it sounds very easy but the truth is not all mealy bugs his gills are killed when you spray when you brush the skills off the plant they fall to the soil those alive will just crawl back to the plant what's worse is this insects can lay about 200 eggs in one sitting problem is the alcohol soap solution does not 100% guarantee that they would kill the eggs of this insects so what happens is the eggs will be left on the body of the plant or will go to the soil this eggs will then hatch in a week or so and we'll turn into another batch of skills when they grow into a good size they will crawl back to the plant and suck its juices then this becomes a cycle this is a problem with this old method that's why this insects keep on coming back now here's the updated method based on all the experiments that we did which is way more effective in getting rid of the skills 101% first put a paper or plastic on the soil to catch the falling skills or mealy bugs and avoid them from coming in contact with the soil if you suspect root mealybugs try to uproot the plant and dispose the soil second spray the whole body with soap alcohol solution generously if it's uprooted you can soak a small plant in the solution for five minutes third use a brush to remove the skills or blunt pointed objects for the hard-to-reach areas fourth spray the plant again with a solution to ensure that nothing's left fifth this is the key spray the soil with the soap alcohol solution to kill any surviving insects that fell off from brushing and sixth this is another key repeat this process once a week for one to two months this will ensure the hatched eggs would also be eliminated some people suggest why not use a high-pressure pump to remove skills using water what is the truth in this method the answer is yes it can really remove most skills in plants but should you do it I suggest no because first you're not eliminating the skills but you're just removing them second the skills might transfer to another plant where they will proliferate and make another problem for you third it doesn't really solve your problem four skills some people rather prefer organic solutions they worry that chemicals might do harm in their plants than help can this be possible does it lessen the effect of the solution yes it is possible to use organic materials and I have observed that they also have the same potency and effectiveness here are the best organic materials you can use one use theme oil or any products with it it makes scale sweet and they are served neem oil right away like sponge horticultural oil are proven to smother the insects to the a domitius earth has good mechanical functions like sharp blades that cuts insects apply de on top of the soil this would hinder insects from crawling onto the plant you can also apply it with your soil mix for your plants three organic soaps as long as it forms bubbles then that's just fine if it disinfects - that would be better for organic insect killers there are now a lot of options in the market to choose from the one we use right now is about four or five organic ingredients and is very effective especially with spider mites five parasitic wasps ladybugs ladybird beetles encourage this insects to be in your garden they are also effective controllers of skills in mealy bugs what if the method still doesn't work or the skills has infested almost all of your plants is there another option yes there is you can have chemical treatment this is the application of certain insecticides to treat scales if the infestation isn't controllable or wide-scale insecticides can instantly kill insects and their eggs which guarantees to prevent them from coming back with little or less effort note use with precaution and always read the labels of the materials for instructions where proper protection the best insecticides to use our systemic insecticides these are usually granules in form you just have to put them on top of the soil when you water the plant the soil gets wet and the granules slowly release insecticides the roots absorb them and distributes all over the body this is how it becomes systemic a good thing about systemic insecticides is they usually stays for three months inside the plant so you don't have to apply it often so there you go for the most part doing the newest method is the safest in a small convenient we all must be vigilant in checking any signs of skills even if we have done this process because they could come from anywhere in addition it is important that both the newest and chem Oh treatment should never be done to any plant on a hot or bright sunny day as this will quickly lead to burning of the plant we hope you have learned something new today and if you have questions you can leave it on the comment section below and we will try to answer them also please do not forget to subscribe to our channel to keep you updated of all the things you need to know about cactus succulents and ornamental plants thank you you
Channel: Succulents and Spikes
Views: 80,008
Rating: 4.7448897 out of 5
Keywords: mealybugs on succulents, scale insects, how to treat mealybugs on succulents, how to treat scale on plants, how to kill mealybugs on plants, how to kill mealybugs naturally, how to get rid of mealybugs on plants, how to get rid of mealybugs on succulents, how to get rid of mealybugs on indoor plants, how to get rid of scales on plants, how to remove mealybugs from succulents, mealybugs, mealybugs treatment, how to treat mealy bug, pest control, how to remove mealybug
Id: YpHocd9nrCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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