Best Way to Grow Carrots. Never Thin Again!

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Siloé is great. He's really in it for the love of sharing. Very admirable and the information is presented beautifully.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/iandcorey 📅︎︎ Mar 22 2017 🗫︎ replies
sewing karat successfully can be difficult with the tiny seed in the slow erratic germination but I'm about to show you an easy way of sewing them they guarantee success without the tedious work of spinning I will also share with you and mouthwatering karat amaranth taco recipe you haven't seen anywhere i'm silhoue oliveira and i'm in a quest for growing easy food in my suburban homestead you may have noticed by now how much I like the plate termination method but as I've mentioned before it doesn't work for roots like carrots so I'm using a different strategy get a glass jar and pour some carrot seed into it you want to put each variety in a different drum because they sprout in different times you don't need to put too much seed a little goes a long way pour a bit of water into the jar enough to moisten the seed completely it will make the seed swell up and break the seed code close the chart lightly and put it in a warm place like close to a heater check every day opening the jar to vent it it should sprout in two to four days if kept in a warm place if it takes longer than that your seed may be too old or it may be dead as soon as you see the roots poking through you are ready to sow them outside put some extra water and reserve it to make sowing easier you need to create a gel with corn starch pour about a cup of water into a small pan add about two tablespoons of cornstarch and stir it doesn't have to be exact I'm guesstimating here in making a mess you don't have to using a whisk completely dissolve the cornstarch into the water it's good to work fast and vigorously to avoid lumps do this over high heat as soon as the mixture starts to boil and thicken you can turn off the heat and pour it into a bowl to let it cool it will have turned into a slurry like gel you must let it cool completely before continuing if the gel is hot it will effectively sterilize the scene by cooking it and you don't want that you can help it cool down by swirling the gel around the bowl when completely cooled get the jar with the sprouted seed and swivel the jar so that the seed stuck to the sides is suspended in the water quickly pour this into the jar as the water is rotating in order to get all the seeds out using a spatula gently fold a mixture over itself to completely incorporate it into the gel the purpose of this method is to suspend the germinated seeds into the gel so that it will space them out farther apart it is really important to be gentle at this point you don't want to damage the root tips causing the sea to die out once fully incorporated pour the mixture into a ziplock bag this will act like a pastry bag used to decorate confections zip the top up securely and using a pair of sharp scissors cut a corner off I'm sewing these in early spring in my last video on growing onions I showed how I prepared this bed and planted onions and leek into it I am interplanted the carrots in rows in between the onions make a shallow trench using a hand trowel about 1/2 an inch deep or less is good enough if it is too deep the seat may have a hard time finding the sunlight carefully let the gel drip into the trench in a steady line this should ensure that each seed is spaced a couple of inches apart it should also avoid clumps cover the seeds slightly with the soil and water them well if you've tried sowing dry carrot seeds you have noticed they are hard to handle and spaced evenly due to their small size pre sprouting also ensures that they germinate sooner and together in a few months the carrots will be ready to harvest at the same time as the onions I like to use this method for sowing carrots mainly because I don't have to thin out seedlings besides being another laborious step to growing Vinnie anyway it feels wrong and wasteful I know this is ridiculous but after watching seedlings grow I don't really want to destroy more than half of them to give others a better chance however it is essential to plan to be properly spaced otherwise the whole crop under produces I prefer just to use methods that ensure proper spacing in the beginning it saves time later on and money as in having to buy more seed packets carrots have a tendency to snap right in the middle when being harvested especially large mature carrots to help in harvesting I like to use a garden fork to pry the roots up without damaging it even with this assistance carrots don't always like to cooperate rocking them back and forth or tugging them a bit can help dislodge it from the ground of course doing this when the soil is not too dry or too wet is better growing carrots is rather thrilling unlike tomatoes or lettuces you cannot know how the carrot is developing under the ground except from the health of the foliage it is always a surprise at harvest time you can be left out in the cold with tiny or severely misshapen carrots or you become excited with nice well-formed roots that are truly a delicious and nutritious gift from the earth carrots are very versatile veggies in the kitchen this monochromatic taco recipe highlights their great flavor and color in an unexpected way it's orange yellow carrot and amaranth tacos measure a cup of dry corn masa into a bowl you can buy masa at any Latin grocery add a bit of powdered tumeric into it as well as a sprinkling of paprika this will add extra flavor and color to the tortillas add salt to taste I'm adding a teaspoon because I like a more salty tortilla mix the dry ingredients together until uniformed start by preparing the soft corn tortillas to use as taco shells of course you can buy store-bought but I like to make my own add water slowly as you mix with a spoon you want the dough to form a ball and be soft but not too soft and sticky as you mix the water in you will see the deep orange color blooming use your hands to make the dough come together ideally want your masa to be a little bit softer than what I'm showing here as I did this recipe after filming I discovered that it's best to have the masa be softer and more moist as long as it doesn't stick when in the dirty Apress you can adjust the masa consistency by adding water or masa flour to form the tortillas get a small ball and put it between two plastic sheets in the middle of the tortilla press press it down until you have a thin tortilla if your masa is softer and more moist it will press with one try I'm having to press it twice since I'm working with less than ideal dry masa carefully peel the plastic from the tortilla and put it into your hand this is easier to do with a dryer masa place the tortilla in a cast-iron skillet over mid heat flip it over when the edges start to become golden brown after a couple of minutes it should be done watch it carefully so it doesn't burn you will need pop amarant for this recipe to make it heat up a stainless steel skillet with a heavy bottomed over high heat do not add oil once hot drop a bit of amaranth and cover it immediately it's a good idea to use a glass cover so you can monitor what's happening start shaking the pan as the amaranth grain pops let the cover be slightly open so that the water vapor can escape but the grain is contained if you feel that it is burning take it out of the heat immediately put it to cool at once in a bowl it's a good idea to start with a small batch and slowly increase as you get used to it reserve the pop amaranth finely grate the carrot into longer shreds if possible you want it to have a nice fine texture put some oil into the stainless steel skillet and saute the carrots mixing frequently with a metal spatula add paprika to taste and continue mixing scraping the bottom of the pan so that the carrots don't start burning you want the water to evaporate and to make the carrots get slightly caramelized add black pepper and keep on mixing add salt only towards the end when the carrots have cooked add the popped emirate and mix the heat turned off keep the color theme going I'm using yellow tomatoes I grew to make the sauce but you can use red ones put the tomato into a blender cut it in slices so it blends more easily add half of an avocado it will add creaminess and body to the sauce add about a tablespoon of olive oil you also need the juice of two limes this will brighten up the flavor blend it up until smooth add a tablespoon of tahini and blend it well salt taste put some of the carrot amaranth mix on the tortilla and spoon the sauce over it fold it and enjoy level of entrance amazing levels ooh boy she is better laughs Chris ain't changing me now open the floodgates people wash the river wring out the ocean cry from the mountain steeples a brand new day has come join me next time for another garden adventure remember to send your questions and comments to seed of choice at and don't forget to subscribe to suburban homestead
Channel: suburban homestead
Views: 557,037
Rating: 4.8575382 out of 5
Keywords: Carrot, Vegetable Gardening, permaculture, gel, sprout, sprouting, growing, how to, organic, food, recipe, taco, cooking, amaranth, masa, tortilla, germination, press, pan, popped, vegan, vegetarian
Id: Ua7s_Inj55s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2016
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