Best Warframe Weapon Mods For High Damage And invincible Warframes!

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hey everyone my name is pupsker and today in Warframe we're going to go over all of the weapon Warframe mods in general not all of them but a lot of them how you can Warframe and weapon mod to be both invincible and do an absolute ton of damage so we're going to start off going over just general Warframe modding how it works how shield gating armor Health Works the mods you use around that and then we'll take a look at weapons and how you can do an absolute ton of damage the defensive rules right now in Warframe pretty Universal and the Damage rules across all weapons are pretty Universal but there is going to be an update soon in the game and that'll be a general rework around statuses damage and armors so I'm not going to bring up a lot of statuses specifically I'm just going to talk about them in the general terms okay so let's go over and start off I'm just going to throw on a Warframe like I could do in Naros just for health to talk about it but I'm going to use a nice simple one like citrine so if you go to her kit you can take a look and see what general mods I have on but we're going to go at a config C we're going to mod her as if she doesn't have any real okay any sort of abilities and we're just going to talk about defenses you have multiple forms of Defense in Warframe you have health you have Shield you have armor and you have overguard and then you have straight up invulnerability States Arm armor reduces damage only to health so armor is not effective at all on Shields but I think it might do some with overguard either way whatever so we have armor here okay I just wanted to double check overgard is not affected by armor but it is affected by damage reduction type abilities so those are your main defenses in Warframe in Warframe we have something called Shield gating it reads it right there when your Shield breaks at Max Shield you have 1.4 Seconds of invulnerability ility I have a 1 second Shield delay and my shield recharges at 9.1% per second when you get early game in Warframe you can not really care too much about defenses you can throw on really whatever Health Shield it doesn't really matter cuz you aren't going to be taking tons of damage but once you get into steel path you will be taking a lot of damage so you are going to want to mod a handful of ways you can mod around invulnerability States you can mod around health and armor you can mod around Shield gating there are a ton of separate ways using both your operator and your Warframe to survive in this game I myself tend to jump between my operator hide around sometimes if I need to survive if I'm playing on a squishier Warframe right but those are the general stats we have here and in general some warframes have something like damage reduction citrine does which is just good in general taking 90 % which is when it's maxed out usually 90% damage reduction is really good you just take 90% less damage from everything works with overguard your health I think it works with Shield but maybe not fully with Shield because Shield's really weird like that so I can't fully remember on that one but overguard and sorry overguard health and damage reduction is really nice so in lower level steel path you can just build Health armor and damage reduction on some warframes you can use the helmouth to get Dam damage reduction onto your warframes you can do that I wouldn't do it for a lot of warframes but hey you can do that for sure and that's just generally how you survive in Warframe so now let's take a look at all of the mods casually that'll help you survive in stuff you have ones like archon Vitality which just straight up increase your health but they also increase damage and whatnot you have stuff like primed redirection which is more Shield you have Prime surefooted which is a very good defensive mod a lot of enemies especially nowadays in Warframe exus units yeah they just knock you down easily so this is a nice mod it's one of those mods you can Splash into every Warframe casually as long as the Warframe doesn't have like knockdown resistance built into their frame but hey you can do the entire umbrell mod set it gives health and armor it's really good set if you're looking for health tanking obviously something like inaros would be ideal CU it builds up your health and it builds up your armor so you can also then throw on a form of damage reduction or even more defenses and just be even tankier so it all helps out 100% equilibrium is something people also like it's more so for you to convert Health into energy but it also works for you to convert energy orbs into health so hey if you need some defensive that's okay but this is more of an energy thing quick thinking is also very good the reason quick thinking is good is because it's pretty easy in a game like Warframe where everything's going so fast to mess up your invulnerability like time gate Shield gate it's really easy to mess it up so quick thinking is a nice mod I've thrown it on prodia and thrown it on other frames here and there you can take it on throw it off like experiment around with this it's just a good mod to Splash in to avoid dying it's probably not needed if you're running more Publix but if you're trying to do solo stuff and you you know just hit those issues where once in a while you have zero uh energy or zero any or zero Health sorry zero Shield something like that and you just get slapped hey this might save you so it does help a lot but it's not a main mod for me to use a lot but I do use it once in a while and again it's not something you need to do if you're running a lot of Publix but more so if you want to specifically mod for survivability right you have primed Vigor for shield and health it's good if you have plans around it but mostly you wouldn't bother using uh Shield health ones but hey maybe you want to do a different shield gate build up to you generally just armor for steel fiber whatever catalyzing Shields is a really good mod if you want to play around round Shield gating it Maxes your full shield gate duration immunity for 1.33 seconds and it destroys your Shield capacity because you're constantly regenerating and then losing regenerating and losing your Shields and you usually do that built around both like augur type mods and the aura mod where it's energy spent on abilities is converted onto Shields okay we can see a lot of converted mods like that right boom boom boom boom all the augur mods and then it's just a there's a lot of energy type mods I'm looking for specifically one like Energy Siphon where energy it's okay buddy Squad Regens and then there's briefer spite that's the one it converts your energy spend on Shields but it's an aura mod and it's 150% so that is an easy way that you can Shield gate in Warframe then when we start going around here right we still have like Health Shield rolling guard and adaptation I believe are either like Tes or steel path or you get them in the straighter relay at this point I can't fully remember but they are really good mods and you should 100% get these right oh I should probably Google adaptation Warframe instead of just adaptation I just want to confirm where you get it if it's like a the steel path Tes ESO so it's one of those weird game modes where you use like the arbitrations yeah okay it's an arbitr ations acquiring oh yes and then I believe you can always buy it from the arbs store with the loot but the overall way to get all of these mods is not really too bad rolling guard and adaptation I think are in the same vein where you can Farm them at the same time cuz I think they're both from that one Mission type you straight up run arbitrations and then you can spend the currency in the arbitrations of honor shop in order to buy rolling guard and I think I'm always bad with it but I think the arbitrations of Honor shop is that like Arbiters of the hexus for 20 Vite assassins it's possible that you can't buy adaptation but I think you can maybe you can only buy rolling guard maybe adaptation is just a drop but that's how you get those mods and I would recommend that everyone at least does get rolling guard because on Dodge becomes invulnerable for 3 seconds and removes all status effect and after that 3 seconds is done it then goes on a 7c cool down so with rolling guard you have 3 seconds you then Shield gate a little bit you are can then get knocked back down Shield gate more with rolling guard you can jump between your operator cuz when you're in operator mode I think your Warframe gets like 99% damage reduction and depending on what amps or what upgrades you have AR arcanes you have you can start restoring energy onto your Warframe we'll talk about arcanes and stuff after that this is going to be a very long video but as adaptation and rolling guard are both very good rolling guard for that adaptation is because it's a pseudo damage resistance not fully but like a little bit it's it's a damage resistance type of mod when damaged uh plus 10% resistance to that damage type for 20 uh seconds and then it Stacks up to 90% so think of it like I think the math doesn't actually make it a technical 90% damage reduction but think of it like a high tier status type of damage reduction You' probably use adaptation if you're Shield gating Health gating rolling guard can also be really good if you're Health gating I should say you'd use adaptation if you're Health tanking and rolling guard in general but adaptation is for mainly for health tanking yeahh words are hard but you would want to choose when you use these adaptation I've used many times for a lot of Health tanks throw it on a Naros stuff like that just throw it on lazily and I've used rolling guard on a lot of Warframe so these are two very good mods plus catalyzing shield now that I would recommend a lot of people at least check out from there we have more casual ones right like Hunter adrenaline where you just get restores Vigor where you get more uh increases Mars hatred where it's like armor and strength but it's not amazing like there's nothing else uh great but there are a lot of General mods that give you like hey armor General survival multipliers there are rage type mods which converts damage on health to energy and then you can do survival Ally overguard image Ates health so there's a lot of different survival ways you can use in the game I don't use rage but I think it is really good if you choose to build around that you have a ton of General mods again brief for spite if you feel like uh Shield gating a lot better this is a pretty good Aura mod for that naturally because it does everything that Shield gating needs it's an auger mod all at once you have corrosive projection to lose energy but other than that there's just a ton of different ones reduce damage by 40% while Airborne Aviator is a really mod for one Warframe and one Warframe alone Zephyr and that is probably why they put Zephyr on Aviator cuz this [ __ ] was made for Zephyr can work pretty well with other General warframes but they need to be warframes where they are in the air so you wouldn't want to use it a lot either way man you have Stand United oh totally forgot about this entire like Squad gets armor more augur mods there are as you can see so many mods in the game there's probably even more that I could talk about that I haven't talked about because of how big the game is right so if there are any specific mods that I talk about or don't talk about and you want to bring them up throw them in the comment section because uh I am just one human and I feel like a lot of us start playing Warframe and after a while we just get into a rhythm of things we like to use more so and then other people might not like it and yeah either way warframes op op and they're really strong a lot of survival mechanics too we have stuff like Arcane barrier on Shield damage instantly restores all shields for 6C coold down this is also pretty good for shield gating it's not like insane but your Shields get hit a lot so there's a good chance it pops off every 6 to 12 or so seconds right 6sec cool down and then it'll you'll get shot enough right so there's a lot of defensive ones some you take damage and do more damage but other than that like Arcane barriers really good Arcane blessing there we go I'm just trying to look for the tanky ones you gain Max Health Stacks up to 50 times right boom that's uh that's what 1,200 health so really good type of mod if you're going for health tanking if you want that on melee kills heals companion not really something you're looking for energize is good cuz it restores energy and you can use that defensively so you can still do that you have Arcane Grace which is nice for health tanks of course on health damage 9% chance for 6% Health regeneration a second for 9 seconds so you can just keep that on uh inaros and certain Health than frames for life you have on damage chance for armor so Arcane Guardian is another really good one for that Arcane healing these ones are useless cuz their chance to resist just status effects there's a lot of them out there and it's kind of funny this one's goofy Max Health per active channeled ability if you're running a Warframe with a bunch of channels yeah sure whatever but I just feel like it's so Niche it's not even that amazing defensively that it just doesn't make any goddamn sense to exist but hey that's how the Warframe arcanes work no the Arcane rage I think that's most of the defensive ones there there might be one or two more and there's all the just status resistance ones which can be good if you're building for something but it's just not really okay you're probably not going to use it oh this one's nice on finisher kill you have a chance to become invisible so this is why Arcane trickery is so good like this [ __ ] is actually insane if you build around it sometimes it's just annoying because you have to stay invisible and get a lot of finishers but if you're just invisible the entire time you will not die probably so keep that in mind Arcane trickery hey you could do it on finisher kill get more armor a good for health tanking there's a lot of Health tanking mods I don't know if you've noticed that but or sorry not mods arcanes lot of Health tanking ones Mt Vigor is not you could use ones like mol efficiency but those are more for Ability duration which you can use defensively but nah nothing nothing huge there but those are some of the mods and arcanes that are used offensively so that you can never die you want to start comboing those Mods together so that you just end up not dying right it's pretty nice it's pretty nice I wanted to before I go into weapon modding let me go and look at can I I'm like can I actually do tenno stuff here no I can't do tenno stuff I just wanted to quickly show you the arcanes and stuff that your operator can throw on that make you more defensive but yeah oh well it is what it is now let's talk about General weapon damage modding okay the general sense of modding in Warframe is everything is a multiplier so you have damage as a multiplier times that by multi-shot to do more damage times that by attack speed okay times that by punch through if you will then start times timesing that by the heat damage because heat is a different damage and it is a multiplier so every separate thing in war frame is a damage multiplier to something else essentially so you have multi-shot which will just be a multiplier you have damage you have crit you have attack speed you have punch through and then you have statuses you have a ton of different type you have faction specific as well type of damage mods so you can do more damage to a specific faction and that is another unique multiplier so one thing you need to learn about Warframe modding is it's all multiplying the damage upon each other's modding you have your base set up of this and your damage goes from 91 theoretical to freaking 1,700 right so obviously you mod for an insane amount of damage having too much damage might be bad you might see my torid incaran I have 200 damage on this Riven so I have no other damage mods for flat damage here but I do have Prime Mary mercilus that adds 360% damage at Max Stacks so this would add on to the damage here so that would be at the total about 5 63.3% damage on primary merciless and Tor incarn together right because they're both just damage percent they are additive to each other but a multiplier to everything else so in Warframe damage is additive to its own damage type and it multiplies and is a multiplier for every other damage type so you're going to want to always have a variety of mods usually okay there are specific setups in Warframe where you can just Mill uh build status weapons and those are called primers you throw those on hit the enemy a bit and then they get hit with a ton of status effects to increase your damage when you swap to another weapon or use your Warframe ability and then completely kill them off so let's talk about all of these now now primary merciless there are a ton of primary secondary and general arcanes for weapons they all add damage in one way or another ones that are really nice for example primary frostbite if you're using cold for some reason getting a ton of crit and multi-shot damage is nice okay primary mercilus is good for just damage and reload speed makes sense fractalized reset oh on ability cast reload speed probably never going to use that primary BL really nice crit damage and multi-shot on toxin status and toxin's still a really good status so it's good plus 50 damage for seconds on melee kill you get more combo duration so you can also build arcanes on a primary that'll help your melee if we just went over every single one of them you'd see how insane they are but build for what you have at the time you can't build everything this one on weapon impact status effect energy regen per second for 10 seconds Stacks up to 3x you can get 3.6 energy regen for 10 seconds okay and constantly stack it as long as your weapons hit and impact so there's a ton of things you can build right now for weapon modding for mods you have insanely High primed damage mods like Prime cryo rounds for insanely High Prime status you have Prime Firestorm for AOE shred it's what I was talking about like really good mods you might not use prime shred but it is really good 55% fire rate is its own little multiplier and it is really nice and then punch through less of a multiplier more of just an additive right because no matter what punch through it will only go through 2.2 so it'll go through people and then stop at the third technically so like the third point2 person and do a little bit of damage to them so punch through just add some more damage if enemies are in a group so it's like theoretical more damage you have internal bleeding which is good if you impact the enemy's bleed out of Slash and it's good same with 100 Munitions on crit enemies bleed so it's really nice crit damage really strong crit chance really strong because the higher your crit chance the more crit damage you do because 100% crit chance guarantees crit 200% crit chance guarantees what like yellow crit at 2x the rate and then orange crit at 300% at like 3x rate and then red crit at like 400% 4X the rate or I it's like one tier down it goes like crit yellow crits regular crit then orange crit then red crit red crit at 3x orange at uh no orange at 3x red at 4 4X regular crit is still at 2x though so yeah or even higher if your crit multiplier so then it goes and it and it multiplies itself even more if you hit red crits that's like two 2x of like uh no 3x of 4.4 so oh orange crits orange crits are 3x of 4.4 so if you hit an orange crit off of this you would hit like [ __ ] 12 13.2 type damage so build up multipliers to do Insane amounts of damage and build up straight up damage to do even more I plan to swap out that's right cryo rounds right there I was planning to do this and do even more damage right look at that oh my God I am doing even more damage I can still swap out vile acceleration because you know you could do other stuff sadly Prime Shad on a beam weapon does not work that is why I'm using vile acceleration Warframe also has a ton of rules and such for just everything in Warframe um a lot of things work and then don't work properly so so keep that in mind everything can be a little broken galvanized mods are insane plus 80% status chance not bad and then 40% direct damage per status type affecting the target for 20 seconds Stacks up to 2x at first I don't didn't use this mod a ton and I still don't care to use it just cuz it costs a good chunk but it is a good mod the thing is you need to have at least two stacks of two statuses on an enemy which means you need to have at least two stacks of something like radiation and Heat like viral and corrosive which is not that bad it's just sometimes enemies die the first time you hit them so galvanized aptitude it is very good for high theoretical damage you just might not want it or need it but I would definitely pick it up it is really good and you should probably start swapping out the general serration mod for galvanized aptitude uh I'm just lazy and I don't give a [ __ ] so I still use serration half the time and like the math on galvanized aptitude was very very weird and I always forget that it's uh technically build up it's a condition overload for rifles essentially so yeah you have galvanized scope here which means you'll do an insane amount of crit chance increase but you have to scope in and hit head shot while you're killing the enemy so it's a specific style of Game Play I Don't Like scoping in a ton so I almost never use this because you're just moving your mouse around and looking around the map so much and you kill enemies so fast that you just don't usually scope in so yeah primed reload speed me it's okay then you have General Elemental damage shred cautious shot all good General mods Hammer shot for status and crit it's it adds to the multiplier so it's not terrible it could be worse could be better but it only does add 60% crit chance and 80% status chance isn't insane so it could be better could be worse bladed rounds is pretty interesting on kill crit damage when aiming but you have to aim crappy Firestorm for blast radius tainted mag right wouldn't really use a lot of that but there as you can see a ton of different mods vigilante armor armaments in the armaments set to get more crits and then like this one gives it shot okay go on this one gives fire rate Reuben go upstairs this one gives statuses statuses right radiation reload speed all of these pretty good amalgam mods for damage and Sprint speed so you want to start just chaining all of the multiplier damages like all of them together adding some slash status on that eh it's good but you might swap that out it's up to you right we're adding crit we're adding crit chance we're adding fire rate we're adding statuses and Status chance we're adding multi-shot we're adding more crit more damage and more status so it's just multiplying constantly in order to do so much damage that the enemies die half the time in like seconds so it's up to you that is generally how you mod in the game but there are a lot of other weapons too like secondary weapons the rules for modding stay the same but they change because there's different mods so generally do the same stuff but when you have different mods you can do things differently right Prime pistol Gambit 187 crit chance yeah maybe you use that over something else right I'm just using Magnum Force here probably a better idea for me to throw on something else but this is the Lum so this gun has separate rules where you don't want crit for it because it's the L them and then there's a ton of secondary type uh arcanes as well you can add more damage you can add more damage if you're hitting cold you can do a swapping type build oh God so annoying there's so many Cascadia accuracy insane crit chance on head shot Cascadia flare ton of damage if you heat status AFF the enemy electricity ton of boosted multi-shot and reload speed if you end up hitting them with electricity overcharge is an overshield crit chance god build which is so good if you're using a Warframe with a lot of overshield that doesn't get taken out maybe has invulnerability prodia can use it sometimes especially prodia right cuz she can just throw her overshield balls so this can be really good depending depending a lot of these are just situational Niche builds but build everything similarly to do a lot of damage or a lot of status it's very much up to you cuz this is a build where where I don't want crit because this weapon's not supposed to crit so I want all of the damage the attack speed the fire multi-shot lethal Torrance a Godly secondary pistol weapon mod like multi-shot and fire rate this is pretty much mandatory on every secondary almost cuz it's just like what the [ __ ] so good so good I love it at least maybe you don't I don't know so there's a lot of mods there and it continues on and that's just continually how it goes the only last thing I should really talk about is modding melee cuz it's the same as guns other than the fact that it has a combo chance combo in melee for Warframe is another multiplier you build up your combo to 1 2 3 4 and I think by base each combo increase is a25 multiplier to damage so I think going from one to two combos like a one multiplier to a 1.25 two Com or three combo would be a 1.5 multiplier yeah so on so forth or maybe combo is A5 multiplier something like that but either way with melee you build that [ __ ] the same you throw on your stance which will affect how you attack your attack patterns and then you throw on all your mods you throw on straight damage crits status you have berserk Fury for melee attack speed you have sacrificial for crit and damage viral and Scourge you can use condition overload modding with uh combo is also op stuff like blood rush where it's combo chance or crit chance per combo healing return if you need some more defensive there's even more combo uh builds so the amount of builds you can set up also insane like look at that more crit chance per combo more combo duration more crit damage and melee crit chance more combo duration melee crit chance attack speed melee crit chance right quickening is just a attack speed and combo count chance ah increase combo counter and slash damage is done weeping wounds status chance per combo so there's so many mods in this game such an insane amount it'll take you a lot of time to get through it and once you start getting the good mods you can really start slapping enemies around oh wait no I did want to look at the my zenic [ __ ] here I use zenic to gain energy in general there's a lot of uh stuff you can do like heart low Wellspring here you know gain a little bit of energy for second per second so I would recommend you look through the entirety of the operator but oh God it's annoying I did want to bring this up though for my damage and everything when I use my my operator I can go invisible when I go invisible I have an Arcane that heals my Warframe so that is another invulnerability state that you can use and if I guess I want to show off like quick enemies I'll show off both the Lum and the incaran cuz why not this was more about just talking about weapons and modding right like everyone dies so quickly when you have high tier strong weapons that you don't really have to think right you just hit them they die you just look at them they die you can spawn out your Lum which relies on you to get head shot on the enemy as you can see non- incarnate mode it's strong but it's not insane but then you go like that and everyone's just dead they all just slowly die cuz it's a little like AOE explosive gun and then you hit insane high damage here and there so that's how you mod around Warframe it's an odd game I have so much gameplay out there if anyone's ever curious and a lot of people like playing the game differently some people like specifically building to play solo some people like specifically building to play to level 9999 which is the highest in Warframe you can quickly get there through I think like void Cascade missions void missions like that on the zerman you can do it quickly in duviri to make it easy uh Lua Apollo disruption like Fast disruptions there's a lot of methods but a lot of people like doing that I get bored if I'm in a mission usually an hour I would want to fall asleep cuz I've been playing Warframe so many years it's just boringly easy if you're just doing that and if youve played anything so long it just gets boring and simple right so it is what it is some people might like playing that long and if that catches or like scratches their itch nice but a lot of people you know they just want to build to be able to kill everything and not die and play through the game however they so choose so once you start collecting mods all those mods we went over defensive mods and damage mods start building up your multipliers for your weapons start using all of your defensiveness on your warframes and then go from there we could probably talk about Warframe modding for another hour casually because there's also companion mods which can buff your both warframes they can buff your weapons they can add utility so you have companion and companion weapon mods mainly companion weapons are just shittier version of your weapons right so it's all like rifle but your companion can have different statuses on them so they could status Prime the enemy better right the amount of variation and stuff in this godforsaken game at this point is insane and you can build everything to murder everything we could go over void rigs never die go over void rig uh weapon modding for just Arc guns it's all the same rules multi-shot damage crit status all of that we could keep going over it but it all boils down to being pretty similar damage is adding a bunch of increased damage multipliers and defenses is either cheesing invulnerability States or playing around in invulnerability states or just straight up building yourself so tanky that it's hard to die and the game has just too many arcanes too many mods too many abilities that you can build yourself to never die any which way possible you can play Revenant hit his second ability and never die you can use citrine right here hit my damage reduction makes it a lot harder to die the thing with like her damage reduction though is you need to start getting kills because you'll see like in the bottom right once I start getting kills it builds up the damage reduction so it's a little Annoying that you have to actively kill people you can't like run away or else it'll start going down but hey that is what it is so that's how you mod in Warframe weapons warframes themselves for survivability and just casually high ass damage let me know what you think sub like you can use the epic games Creator code pupsker if you want to support the channel but I'm probably going to do more General guides and videos just talking about all the things in Warframe more beginner guides and just general ones cuz there's just so much to go over in the game so until there's new stuff uh we chill I will be going on vacation about like a week and a half so I might pre-make a lot of casual small videos either guides or just talking about stuff like yeah so we'll see thank you all for watching subscribing liking using epic games Creator code pups group checking out any of the socials second YouTube channel Pupa where I'm just doing AFK Journey videos and May eventually maybe weaing waves or Zen Zone zero who knows right gotcha games right either way thank you all I'll see you next time cheers
Channel: Pupsker
Views: 8,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pupsker, pup, gameplay, games, Warframe, free to play, warframe beginners guide, warframe guide, warframe damage guide, warframe mod guide, warframe damage, warframe steel path guide, warframe modding, warframe weapon modding guide, warframe how to do more damage, warframe how to mod, warframe beginner guide, warframe modding guide, warframe new player, warframe steel path build, warframe tips and tricks, warframe more damage, warframe gameplay, how to mod in warframe
Id: dZ6iYaoJsJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 35sec (1955 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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