Best Vocal Microphones 2020 | Top 3 Budget Microphones Under $100 (2020)

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fly away you my angel Paula Pratt for this microphone is cardi your cardioid that's the hard shape picks up mostly at the front a little bit on the side and virtually none at the back of the mark what's up YouTube welcome back to my channel this is your bar to beat and I am here to help today we're discussing these three microphones for under $100 with the actual vocal test from each one of these microphones [Music] [Applause] [Music] when it comes to recording vocals having the right microphone is king fortunate for us we live in a awesome music technology age to where we have a lot of great gear at a budget price and when you refer to budget in the audio industry $100 to get professional sound it's actually a budget price this is actually perfect because a lot of hundred dollar microphones are really worth about two or three hundred bucks to be quite honest this is technology here guys this technology was worth thousands of dollars fifty years ago so if we can get something for hundred dollars that's actually pretty awesome I don't want to get into all the details about the capacitor and the cold you guys run away cuz I'll say hey thank I Archie as a nerd so before we get started I don't talk about any gear on my channel unless I've used it before it's just not fair to you guys what am I giving an opinion about something when I've never used it and then I tell you guys to go buy it you get it you hate it we're not gonna do that we're a team we are audio ecosystem so we have to do what's right with that being said I actually own all of these microphones so I can give a detailed and a professional opinion about it also we are discussing XLR microphones I'm sorry we won't be discussing in the USB but the good news is this beautiful black baby here the 18 2020 has a USB version and the sound quality is the same but before we get started if you guys are interested in anything that you've seen in my home studio be sure to click below because I am an Amazon influencer and I have other girl there that could possible to help you on your creative journey don't forget to subscribe hit the notification bell and give me a thumbs up I really do appreciate you guys the difference between a USB microphone and a regular XLR microphone is the USB microphone actually has a built-in audio interface a built-in converter that converts the signal to your computer with the USB cable so you have that all in one package I'm a fan of traditional signal flow which is a microphone transducer to a preamp to the audio interface the converter and then to the computer then back out to the converter and all that jazz basic signal flow we're gonna do that in another video let's get right to it guys first we're going to discuss what's in a box of each one of these microphones and in the second portion of this review we're going to cover four key highlights the application their polar pattern their frequency response and also the max SPL how much volume you can put in this microphone before we get that crunchy distortion terrible unusable audio unless you doing some crazy effect and you want it to be organic or something and the final part of this video we're gonna do an actual audio test we're gonna do a talk test and a singing test they're talking you can kind of hear the tone of my vocal so if you're a rapper you have a pretty good idea of how this microphone will sound on your vocals I have a pretty deep voice I'm between a baritone and a tenor I'm although I can sing bass as well but hey I stay in my lane so guys without further ado let's get to this review here it is the Magnificent at2020 the Box pretty much looked the same over the course of ten years this is pretty much what it looks like not much has changed but let's go ahead and crack it open right here and soon as you open to eighteen twenty twenty there you go you already see guys as a budget YouTube Pro audio expert guy or whatever I'm considered on YouTube this is actually a pretty heavy microphone for the actual price got a little weight to it y'all it has some pretty cool material this microphone is trusted for a reason guys this microphone has been around a long time go to budget-friendly microphone for a lot of people this was the first microphone I use see that XLR it's XLR and let's put that down but right here is the mic clip it basically goes on your standard microphone stands or whatnot little leather bag that is come with a condenser microphone around 100 bucks and of course the must-reads that's what we call them this is pretty much what's in the box guys it's pretty much cut and dry and here's their back nificent AKG p120 condenser microphone this is an XLR microphone it's great for recording vocals and whatever you need it for hey guys let's go ahead and see what's in this box right here actually I've never unboxed a AKG p120 so this is gonna be pretty interesting I'm seeing some cool stuff here already I think I like this but most of the mics around this price so here's the warranty card they want you to make sure you see this first the warranty card put that to the side and right here is the microphone look at that there she is yeah it's almost like the of the at2020 it comes with a clip the clip is a little heavier than I expected Wow this is a heavy-duty clip I always recommend shock mounts for microphones and this is pretty much the mic here she is don't slide out there and this is the unboxing and oh look at this guy's it has a low cut filter on the guys right here which is really convenient a pad right here as well - 20 right here 0 20 this is cool my normal u87 have the switches on the front of it honestly guys this microphone feels really heavy-duty for this price that's the reason I have a certain taste of budget microphones it feels like it's made out of great material almost as heavy as my $3,500 Normand u-87 it's almost as heavy and it's not even nowhere near as big as that microphone so so just to clarify guys this is my $3,500 Norman u-87 and this is $100 microphone right here guys they literally feel around the same weight and the material and the build is really similar this is crazy I can't wait to hear how they sound next to each other when I actually do that test but whoa this is crazy so we're gonna put this right here so you guys can actually see it better it has an XLR connector it's not USD I really like a box man it looks like almost like a dynamic microphone oh look at that and it slides right out guys so it comes in this cover this sleeve right here some hand-tuned condenser microphone capsule cardioid pick up some going over some stuff real quick compact size that's the part of this and it's open detailed sound and let's go ahead and open it man oh nice and this is the blue amber very heavy duty to be honest it actually feels a little heavier than like an SM 58 Asher dynamic microphone so when you guys hit them refer to site address the pickup is not here up top it's right at the front basically on the site where the emblem is on the microphone so you don't sing into it like this you don't sing into it from the top you sing into it or talking to it from the front of the diaphragm like that so yeah it's really sturdy guys here's an XLR the XLR connector and at the end it feels really expensive guys but it's only $99 of course it comes with the microphone and it comes with the microphone stand mount right here which it reminds me of my norm until m103 this is really nice guys like I said it's really heavy-duty and blue did a fantastic job with this especially with the big $99 can't wait to hear how it actually sounds so let's begin with the 18 20 20 I have the most experience out of all of these microphones with the at2020 it's my first microphone as I stated that got a song on radio this microphone is pretty much a super super super versatile microphone I find it useful with vocals and any type of instrument with a barrel and this microphone is an XLR of course and they do have a USB version to it which you guys want to go the route and you just want to all in one package go for it definitely go for it the polar powder for this microphone is cardi your cardioid that's the hard shape picks up mostly at the front a little bit on the side and virtually none at the back of the microphone diaphragm the neck spec key highlight is the frequency response the microphone is the 18 20 20 therefore is 20 Hertz to 20 K to 20 kilohertz ever cords more than enough information on the frequency spectrum that's pretty awesome and the match SPL level is 144 12 times 12 is 144 DB decibel and the at2020 is a little bit one hundred dollars it's 99 bucks the next microphone is the AKG p120 my experience with this microphone it performs really awesome on vocals and also the barrel of woodwind instruments this microphone right here is pretty much is very close to the at2020 very close just has a little AKG about it it's still a great microphone I do recommend it it's a large diaphragm microphone it performs just as well as the 1820 20 at this point it just depend on which brand you kind of want to go with the AKG gives you an extra 6 decibels on the max SPL which we're about to discuss in a couple seconds so it's slightly better with volume intake and the polar pattern is cardioid once again that's the hard shape lot at the front load on the side virtually none at the back the frequency response is 20 to 20 like I said it's virtually identical to the at2020 this has a little a K genus about it but the frequency response is pretty much that's a lot of information that you can record if it's putting a lot of information on the frequency spectrum and at2020 on this microphone has very low noise and there's another awesome thing about this microphone and it's the same price at the at2020 it has two switches at the front a roll off a bass roll-off at 300 Hertz which is pretty useful because when mixing vocals especially the harmonies of vocals if you do R&B music or rap style music that 300 Hertz is really essential when it comes to mixing the vocals overall I always pull out around that so it won't clash with a with a snare frequency or the kick frequencies I always pull that information out slightly and also at the front that is a 20 DB peg so the parameters and the control of this microphone to me is slightly better than the 80/20 20 but the 18 20 20 is less complicated straight to-the-point plug and go nothing special just get to the point and get a quality great recording and the max SPL is 150 as I stated you get a little extra 6 decibels right there but you can pull it down to 130 using the pay this microphone is absolutely it's where it is man is definitely where it is this is a great microphone for that price large diaphragm switches if this is something that's been calling your eye I guarantee you remember guys all the microphones that I'm discussing they are listed below in the description so click them check them out this little baby here is the blue amber guy this microphone is actually super versatile the big difference between this microphone and the other microphone this is a small diaphragm microphone and these are locked out for our microphones that means the diaphragm is really small but it still gets great quality recording this microphone the blue amber is extremely versatile it can record a lot of things to be honest from podcast to regular vocal singing vocals you can stick it in a barrel a saxophone or clarinet and it actually sounds or close to it you want to stick it all the way up the barrel you know but it sounds really great really awesome I've used it a few times with some of my film scoring the competitions and composing with woodwinds live woodwinds live instruments it's it's just it is what it is brass awesome microphone it has no switches at the front like the AKG p120 so you'll be pretty good with this microphone if you kind of slide between singing rapping and podcast this microphone is pretty awesome for that the polar pattern for this microphone is cardioid that's still the heart shape mostly at the front a little bit on the side and virtually none at the back and this microphone it's just some great sounding microphone guides and the frequency response is 38 Hertz to 20 K you're losing a little bit on the low end but it's not that big of a difference but you won't less than that thirty eight Hertz then you got to get another microphone this isn't the microphone for you and the max SPL is 132 decibels that's more than enough way pass club volume guys this microphone is a really awesome microphone the blue amber if this is something you're looking for this style of microphone it's pretty awesome is that $99 just like all of these microphones guys it's all about the preference you have to get the microphone you want use it to the best of its ability don't let me keep talking about these guys let's get to the audio test of these microphones let's get it Mic Check one two Mic Check 1 2 this is the at2020 and this is a talk test I have a pretty deep voice and this is exactly how the microphone sound with no no pre-amp no unison tree none of that this is going directly into my Apollo and interpro tools we have no unison tree we have no coloration anything this is how the microphone sounds and we have it turned up to a decent level right now if I were to talk on it this is how the microphones sound if you are a rapper with a deep voice this is pretty much how it's going to sound and also a singing test you my girl let's fly away you my angel and this is the AKG P 120 and this is flat-out there is no pad there's no roll-off applied this is how the microphone sounds this is the microphone through a canary cable from Newman going into the Apollo 8 quad and right now it surrounded this little Spacey looking thing is the Aston reflection filter just like the SE reflection filter this one is different I like this one a little better and this video is not sponsored with this or either of these microphones but I like this better and this if you are rapper this is how the AKG sound you see it sounds a little different and guys don't forget to stand about six inches I do about six to eight inches away from the microphone I'm a little bit closer so we may be getting a little extra proximity some of the low end right there but this is pretty much how the microphone sounds if you are rapper this is similar to the tone of a rapper if you a rapper with a deep voice this is pretty much hoggle town a singing test you my angel let's fly away you drop me well every day mic check mic check and this is the blue ember you guys hear that let me get you guys so you get a good look you see that that's that little baby there this is the blue ember and it sounds cool man for this to be a small diaphragm microphone sounds pretty great and I told you guys this microphone sounds good especially on instruments barrel instruments vocals podcast vocals this microphone there is no preamp there is nothing right now is going directly until the Apollo no unison no none of that no effects no none of that just Aston halo we have here is doing its thing so this is a talk test you guys tell me what you hear comment below but this is how this microphone sound if I was a rapper similar to a rapper vocals lower vocals Lorde register so it's dude like amazing I'm so we're singing test let's fly away you mining tail let's fly away you drop me well every day I really do hope that you guys enjoyed this video I love to sing I love to produce film compose engineer I really love this stuff and I hope that you guys are having an awesome time on your creative journey it's hard out in here especially with this coronavirus going but hey we are strong we are creators and we are constantly keep getting it in let me know if you guys have any additional questions about these microphones I think they are go I recommend all three of these microphones if you are on a budget you can get some crazy quality audio recording with these microphones I stand by them don't forget to notification be able to subscribe to my channel so you won't miss another video and don't forget to follow me on Instagram and Twitter at Archie beat hey guys we got to keep this audio ecosystem going I followed my people back so y'all follow me on there you guys are absolutely phenomenal get out there be great and create this is your bar to beat and I'm signing off
Channel: Archie Beatz
Views: 403,027
Rating: 4.9514837 out of 5
Keywords: best microphone for recording, best microphones, best recording mic, condenser mic, vocal mic comparison, Best budget recording mic, cheap vocal microphones, microphones for cheap, how to record music on a budget, Top Budget microphones, studio microphones for cheap, blue microphones blue sparks sl, rode nt1, audio-technica at2020, aston origin microphone, microphones for recording vocals, best microphone for rappers, best microphone for singing, Best Vocal Microphones 2020
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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