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[Music] hello everybody welcome back to chief lazy vegan as you guys may know I have moved house yes I'm in a new location if you guys don't watch my vlog channel which you should don't forget to subscribe to it I will leave a link down below if you don't watch my vlog channel and you don't know I moved house well I just told you I moved house ok I filmed this video in my old place because I wanted to use up some extra things that were leftover in my kitchen because I wanted to make them move easier it didn't really make the move easier but that was my thought process ok so I wanted to make some of the Sonia because I found that I have some lasagna noodles leftover and I had a lot of ingredients that I thought would go well in a lasagna so I made a lasagna from scratch and it was absolutely divine it was delicious I am so proud of it I really want you guys to try this out is so good and even the sauce I made from scratch it was super flavorful and just mmm I can't even anyways I hope you guys try this out if you do don't forget to take me on instagram if you like this video of course click the like button if you're new here subscribe and let's get on with the lasagna recipe alright the first thing we are going to do is preheat our oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit for the sauce I'm using this giant can of whole plum tomatoes you can use whatever canned tomatoes you want and then I have here some diced onion and minced garlic and I'm just gonna cook those up in a frying pan with a little bit of oil until the onions become a little bit softer and then I'm just going to throw in the can of tomatoes and then I just broke them apart and now I'm just adding my spices I'm adding some basil some garlic powder and some paprika and you can also add salt if you wish and of course you want to mix it very well and I also had some fresh basil leaves left over so I'm just throwing them in there and then I'm just gonna bring this mixture to a boil and when it comes to a boil just turn it down to a simmer and you can just let it simmer while we prepare the tofu ricotta I've shown you guys how to make this tofu ricotta before in a previous video it was my vegan dinner party for $20 video if you guys haven't seen that I'm gonna leave a link to that down below but essentially you want to add your firm tofu or extra firm tofu into a food processor I'm also adding some lemon juice some nutritional yeast some basil garlic powder some salt and then you just want to blend it up and if you guys want the measurements for everything of course they will be in a blog post that will be linked in the description box and once that is done you just want to put it in a separate bowl or container or whatever because now we're just gonna put that tomato sauce mixture into the food processor and I'm just pulsing it just a few times I didn't feel the need to blend it for a long time I just pulsed it like four times and now I'm just gonna start assembling my lasagna obviously if you want to add other vegetables and other things then you could prepare those as well but this is just what I did so I just put some sauce on the bottom of the pan there and then I'm just adding a layer of the Dilla sonia noodles and then another layer of sauce and now i'm actually adding some seitan pieces this is just store-bought seitan that i had left over in the freezer so i thought i'd just stick this into the lasagne cuz you know i just wanted to get rid of it and it was actually really good in the lasagne so obviously you can skip this part or you can add your own like I don't know vegan sausage or your own seitan or whatever you want to add or and more vegetables totally up to you and then of course I added another layer of the lasagna noodles and then some of that tofu ricotta I'm adding about half of that so if we ricotta mixture and I'm adding more sauce and yeah I just kind of layer it however way I want so you can pretty much do the same thing I don't think there's really rules for layering lasagna I think the only thing I tried to do is make sure that there is enough moisture touching the lasagna noodles so that it cooks evenly that's basically the only thing that I have on mind when I layer these things and I make sure I have lots of sauce because I feel like that's what makes a very delicious lasagna tons and tons of sauce and of course I always actually top it with the sauce as well and then I'm also adding some more of those fresh basil leaves on top and I'm also sprinkling on a little bit of nutritional yeast that's totally optional and there is the delicious looking lasagna oh and I also had some vegan cheese left over in the freezer so I'm just gonna put some of that on top there and then I'm just covering that pan with some aluminum foil and we are going to stick it in the oven and bake at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes and then after the 30 minutes you want to take off the aluminum foil and bake for another 10 to 15 minutes and there is the lasagna oMG guys does that not look mouth-watering this is probably the best lasagna I've ever made so I'm pretty proud of myself and I do hope you guys try this out as well it is absolutely delicious and so flavorful and just perfect for a nice dinner party or I don't know just a Friday night alone by yourself watching Netflix who knows I'm not judging anyways this is so good [Music] if you do end up making this yourself don't forget to take some nice food porn photos and then tag me on instagram at cheap lazy vegan if you enjoy this video of course please give it a thumbs up and if you are new on this channel and you like this type of content of course do not forget to click the subscribe button for more videos like this and I will see you guys in my very next video thank you guys for watching bye [Music]
Channel: Cheap Lazy Vegan
Views: 304,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cheap lazy vegan, cheaplazyvegan, holiday vegan recipes, easy vegan recipes, easy vegan lasagna recipe, best vegan lasagna recipe, how to make vegan lasagna, vegan tofu ricotta, vegan tofu cheese, tofu cheese, tofu ricotta, easy vegan lasagna, vegan lasagne, best vegan lasagne, must try vegan lasagne, vegan holiday recipes, vegan christmas, vegan christmas dinner, vegan christmas recipe
Id: ZL1ydTJSxvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2017
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