Best Unreal Engine 5 Water Plugin! (Oceanology 5.1.7-Getting Started) Pt. 1

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welcome back my name's Levi from the I Revelations some of you may know me as paper planes on Discord and today I got something super excited to tell you about after speaking to some of the devs at oceanology uh they're actually talking about giving a couple uh Keys away for the oceanology plugin and they just released the 5.1.7 uh 5.1.8 is coming up and 5. six is right around the corner which is going to also feature uh Shoreline waves uh a few extra things like that which I'm really excited about and they actually look totally awesome but for right now we're going to go and we're going to just uh go through the setup procedure of just getting started with oceanology uh this is for people that have not used it and don't know exactly where or what they need to do to get it set up so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to go into our epic Marketplace and you can just search oceanology it'll pop right up and this is where you can get it and if you look down here you'll get all of your information so you can get your Discord and documentation uh you'll have to verify in Discord to get all the documentation and everything and once that's done you'll open up the Discord itself where you can go through and get all of the information that you'll need and speak to other people that are working on it or if you have a project say you want uh water that's uh stylized you there are people on there that definitely have done that so you can ask around a little bit and find out how to do that but for right now we're going to go ahead and go into our library system we'll go ahead and click on oceanology and that's the wrong one we'll click on oceanology and we can install directly here into the engine right now I'm using 5.3.2 this one is already installed just because that does take a little while to download and install and once that's done we can go ahead and hop in and open up our 5 uh 3.2 browser and create a new game and you can do blank or add in any of the options that you want here go ahead and name it what you want turn on or off R tracing keep your maximum in your desktop and then create your new game I already have one created just because that does take a little while to compile all the shaders and everything and we're going to go ahead and open that up and this will probably take about a minute just to get all the shaders uh that I didn't get cuz I did do a couple uh plugins and everything so the plugins that I'm going to use are added in and we have some plugins a few plugins that we're going to use just to simplify things just a little bit so the first one we're going to do is go ahead into our settings once this is set up you'll see your manage plugins here and that's because we have some plugins installed but we don't have them enabled yet so you're actually going to go into your plugins uh bar like this you can go ahead and type in Ocean and you should see oceanology 5 which we'll go ahead and tick on that one and I have a few more so I'm going to really quickly put those on just to make sure they're done uh these are just ones that I always use let's go ahead and turn that one on and we'll turn on the electric oops we'll turn that one on and the last one so I use quite a bit of brush uh brushify and to use brushify with all of their brushes which we'll play around with here in just a little bit we actually going to use the land mass uh plugin and that will help uh the brush five plugins work so let's go ahead and exit out it there we've already got that done so it did pop up if if you want to restart which you will want to do I'm not going to do that I'm actually going to just exit out and restart it and then I'll just skip back when it's open and here we are we're back so uh you're going to get a default map like this which is not what we're going to use we're actually going to create create a new map right now but since this is the new version 5.1.7 we're going to go ahead and take a look at a couple of the features really quickly that they added uh in some of their Maps which is really really cool so the first thing we're going to do is whenever you get yours uh once again I'm going to iterate that sometimes the plug-in and the show engine content folder so you won't actually see those here on the bottom and you won't be able to get to uh the plugins so you're going to actually want to go up here in your dock menu and if you don't know how to do that you can control spacebar to open it control spacebar to close once you have it open you can actually dock in layer if you uh dock in the layout uh just like you did back in the old uh 4.27 days stuff like that uh personally I kind of got used to not using it that way so if you want to get rid of it just hit the little X here and control space to open it it just keeps out of the way gives you more room to look at everything so hit your settings go ahead and engine and you also want to make sure you put on your plug-in to show that folder as well then we can hit our engines go into plugins and then scroll down to oceanology right here and let's take a look at some of these new maps that they have which is pretty awesome uh before we do anything real quick I'm just going to open it up let's go ahead and pull it here and there is one thing that you will want to uh address once you have it and you are verified there's some extra code that you can put in just to make the render times a little faster and also make it a little bit smoother on the water so this is base right out of the box this is what you'll get is the second that you plug everything in uh once you're verified you can go into your Discord and you're going to look at the oceanology 5.1.6 uh this is the code that it'll give you all of the code that you're going to add in and once you have that code You're Going to exit out of oceanology once again and we're just going to speed through this real quick so we can get get it done you're going to go into your main storage y or in most cases it's actually going to be in your documents and then it'll be in your unreal projects I just used another hard drive so have more space there so I'm going to go into the unreal projects I'm going to get my oceanology starter pack uh this is the actual project that we're working on I'm going to go to the config and I want to go to the default engine inii and you're going to see uh right here we have the render settings script engine render settings the code that you will get there will be a little bit longer string with a lot of uh extra code to maximize your render settings to get the water to run smooth and get some really good frame rate I mean right now the frame rate was great but we can actually get more so we're going to do that so uh I'm going to jump through right now I'm going to add my code in here and the way you're going to do it is you're actually going to copy you're going to just select all of this and replace all of this with the code that you're going to get so right now I'm going to go ahead and add mine in and I'll see you in just a moment when I'm back in the editor all right here we are back in again exactly where we were just had to let a few uh shaders compile and everything so we could get back in here and once again we can go back through the few maps that we had for the larger waves and these waves are very very customizable and let me go ahead and just throw this on for now so this is running just the uh just the wave engine itself right now 120 and you have to understand that I'm actually recording uh highdefinition video and I'm actually recording audio on another program as well called Protools which is super hungry so it it definitely works very well and if you want to maximize just a little bit I'll give you a quick one here so if you go into your settings we can go into our project settings go into our rendering I've already done all this uh but I'll show you where they are so the most important ones is that these right here will be set to lumen and Lumen for these two and you will also have this one set to uh virtual Shadow Maps which gives very very nice uh look to everything but if you see it is running us a little bit less we're running about 115 with both those on which isn't much right now but once you have a world built and then you have a whole bunch of trees and everything that are moving and uh Ai and stuff you'll start seeing that degrade even further uh it looks really good for smaller things but when you're doing large Giant open worlds I actually prefer to just go with the old school drop the Lumen for right now it looks amazing but you really don't lose all that much uh when you're not using the Lumen so I am going to put it back on screen space beta on both of these and I will put my shadow Maps back here again so we can get back up and Peg it at 120 all right so perfect so now we're going to go ahead and jump into a couple of the new features so when we go in our demonstration Maps uh I have to find this one real quick it was pretty awesome so I believe we had not this one we had the uh this one here uh this one is interesting but you can take a look at that one I had a few more that I wanted to see I guess it's in the physics so we do have this one here with which is really cool so let's go ahead and drop out the background uh so if you saw those boxes there if you want to get rid of those you can push the G or game key to get rid of any so if you're even highlighting you can push G to quickly look at it without all that so this is a little map that they put together to show you some of the functionality that they added into the ship uh which you'll get right out of the box and you can actually play and drive your ship around and see how the um functionality of the waves are on the ship now adding in things like Ocean Spray and stuff like that that's generally done with uh Niagara uh particle systems which is one of the things I'm working on right now my game as well but uh you definitely have the buoyancy and you definitely have it following the ocean waves really well and like I said this whole thing is already in there so you can actually break get apart in this ship and look and see how they done it or even copied into other vehicles if you wanted so for now we're going to go ahead and call that cuz I thought that was really cool and Worth showing and another really nice one that we have is they updated the new open world Horizon map this one's going to take a second to load so I'm going to get back to you as soon as it gets because I just opened it for the first time all right everything loaded up for me there and if you look at this now it is massive just to show exactly what you can do here I haven't changed any of the settings here and I haven't set the rvts so you do have to set the rvt render targets for it to work we'll get into that a little bit later and how to set those up and everything but for right now I just wanted to let to show you this new setup they have they actually have a really cool uh where did they hide it from me I know it's here uh where did you go so they did add some pretty cool new features and places to look at so you can just run around the island and find all these cool things here we go so we got us a little cave right here they have set up make some really cool settings there you can also push g once again to get rid of all the uh icons and everything out there so I'm definitely going to leave you some time to play around with this one cuz it's amazing and you can learn a lot just by tearing apart this landscape and seeing exactly what they did there and this is all World partitioned and it loads and unloads as it should works very very well and of course we do still have the underwater with all of the mini mini bubbles see if we can get closer to shore here there we go with all of its functionality perfect so now for the fun part let's go ahead and let's build something new so we're going to go up to file we're going to go to new and we're going to start with an empty open world and we're going to create so one of the big ones we're going to do is um usually you would go in I'm actually going to use a few plugins cuz these are plugins that I use all the time uh the first thing I'm going to do is open up my world partition I just go ahead and select a pretty good size area just so I know everything's loaded in cuz you can play with what's loading and what's not loading later so right now I want to see everything while we're working on it so generally the first thing you do is go into windows and then go into your light mixer uh your environmental light mixer right here and you can create your lights like this and voila let there be light haha but we're not going to do it that way I'm actually going to delete all these uh because one thing that I do use a lot and when you really get into this I would suggest you try it out at some point is the ultra Dynamic Sky it is by far the best day night cycle uh light setup you can get on the marketplace and one thing is right now you'll see that it's in a odd position so if you look here you can see your position we actually want to reset that so we're just going to set it to zero and then we can adjust the height of the fog a little later just by moving it up and down so so there's our zero we were way off perfect so once we have that set now we can go ahead and start building in our landscape so we can go up to the select mode go into landscape and we're going to do a fairly decent one I'm going to get as big as I can with uh running all this gear and doing the video without too much waiting for loading and stuff like that so I'm going to do a 127 127 by 2 x two and we're going to go ahead and create that so that's going to give us a 2033 X 2033 resolution you can also check it if you click on landscape you can check what your resolution here is for your overall and that'll help you when you're deciding also what textures to use especially if you're using brushify like I will be for this so we are going to go ahead and start that now so if you select your main landscape so if you open it you'll have all your proxies for your individual landscape uh so these can load in and out as you're playing the game and stream uh we're just going to do the main here which will change all the values on all of them at once we can go down to the landscape material and I already know that this one will be 2041 for my size I'm going to choose the second one here and that'll load in it should turn black like this that's exactly what we want so this one is the brushify Auto material and this is not just a brushify auto material this is actually the brushify complete pack so it will come with a whole bunch of brushes that we can actually use to edit this landscape generally what I would do is I would use uh Gaia which I have here to make a base landscape with all the valleys and all that stuff that I want and then I would use brushify just to add Sparkle to it and add little pieces uh right now we're just going to build something fairly quickly and we're just going to use brush F uh Alpha mask to do that and you can get some something really nice too so right now we're going to this one is bothering me so we're going to go ahead and disable the uh screen messages like that just so I don't have to keep looking at that until I start building anyway cuz I will but I don't need to do it right now so let's go ahead and open up our landscape we're going to go into our paint system now that we have our landscape added we're going to have to assign weights to these that way when you paint on you can assign your weights to which one of these automat materials will take that space so we'll go ahead and click on the first one these are going to be the weighted Blends uh not all of them will be the same see once we got that first one on you can see that we had already filled that one cuz the whole map is already done with the grass we can go for the second one here and we're going to use weighted on all of them except the last one and I'll show you why and exactly what that does so let's go ahead and put all these on most of these we're not going to use but I do put them all because one of the beautiful things that I really like about o uh brushify is that it's very easy to uh customize what textures you're using and how the textures work and everything so all I would do is just change the names of these and add in the texturing that I want instead of like say this one is crater so this is for the moon you can actually make it like another say mud layer call it mud two and add a different mud texture so this last one down here will be different so when we click on this one we're going to actually do the non-weighted blend cuz we don't want to assign a weighted blend to this the only thing this is going to do is remove any grass so if we go in there and let's go ahead and build everything real quick oh you know what it is I got to save let me save we're going to go all the way to the top let's go ahead and make this a new folder called maps and we'll call this one our map and once we save that let's go ahead and build again build grass Maps all right there we go I just had to take it off and reapply it I'm not sure sometimes Unreal Engine just says Nope you can't do that but I do have it set up now so you can see we have plenty of grass in here and where were we at a minute ago so if we go back into our foliage setup and we go back to our paint we have this last one down here which is remove procedural and we can actually grab that give us a nice small brush and we can paint out the um I did not set set that for some reason oh give me one second let me finish these real quick grass dry desert forest forest dry snow Beach Dunes mud huddles craters and the procedural all right perfect I put all those back on uh for some reason when I took it off I forgot it removes all those I have to read add them so now we have our our remove procedural this is the one we added to the nonweighted blend and when you use this one all it's going to do is get rid of the grass in that area or whatever uh foliage that you have using the grass node will be removed from here and we can shift to bring that back and we actually have quite a few so if we select say the forest and we add that in then you're going to see we're going to get a little bit different set of items so we have a few sticks and some other um flowers things like that that are a little different than our grass and we can also do the same there so if we use this here we can actually remove that as well but you can take those out completely or individually whichever ones you don't want as well so I'm just going to go ahead and put this back to grass and I do have to use this one again because it will leave that there and you just shift on that one to bring it back so or excuse me uh yeah shift so if you press down and paint it you're going to take it away shift you're going to put it back just like that perfect all right and now the one of the reasons that we were using the brush F so we're going to go ahead into our sculpt and we're going to use uh two layers so we're going to create a new layer and this one is going to be called our sculpt layer and this is the one that will'll be doing all of our sculpt brushes on and this layer will be the ones that we will actually use for all of our blueprint uh brushify assets so we're going to go ahead right now and just start on those first so we have brush fly in here and we can bring in uh once you hit your blueprint and I already have it installed and I already have it loaded uh into the the plugins I get all of my brushify items here that I can change with the alpha Maps so we're going to start off uh we'll add a couple more lenss in here real quick just to show you exactly what those can do and we can do these real time push them up however you want and let's just go on ahead and we'll just add a few of these in here let's do another let's do a let's do a mountain a mountain back here and we're going to bring this one we're not going to do it like that we're actually going to scale it so we can get a little bit higher and we'll scale it and we're going to add another Mountain just to give kind of a mountain uh a mountain range back here in the back and we'll scale that one up real big move that one here and bring that one about like this gives us a nice Mountain set up there and you can very very very quickly go through and uh so you can see right now we're on the first layer so if we rename this rename this is our brush layer we'll call this brush so this is where all of our brushify brushes are going to go so each one of these is a different brush and we're going to make sure this one's selected when we add these cuz when we sculpt over top of them so if you use your sculpting tools on top of the brushes it will actually uh give you a few errors the sculpt seems to work okay but the one going to be using the most will probably be the smooth and if we smooth these out you'll see that it kind of bugs it a little bit so you can't do it directly on the brushes you have to use another layer so now if we smooth them you can see that it will smooth it without ruining it so let's go ahead and undo that go back to our brush let's add in a few more cool things and then we'll kind of uh do the edge around so we're going to add kind of a let's do a um let's do kind of like an island type thing I like to use the erosion brushes when I'm doing the island and what we'll do we'll put it here we're going to scale it up really big about like that and we're going to invert it so when we're on the landscape brushes and you have it selected you have some options here so you have your brush you can actually change it here if you want to a different one and you have your height and size and the one thing we're going to do is we're going to minus this by 5,000 just about like that and now we can move this around and get it where we want it to be uh let's actually scale it a little bit more so we can get a nice Edge there and another thing we can do with it is we can fix this fallof so this fallof is kind of heavy and I didn't really want that so you have your Edge fall off and you have your incline strength I'm actually going to use the incline strength to try and bring that down a bit uh no that's yeah let's leave that right about there we're going to use the edge fall off go ahead and bring those edges down and think I have to go in the positive that's right cuz I inverted it so we'll go in the positive a little bit just to bring those down a little so they're not quite so deep about like that just to give a little bit more uh valleys and stuff here in the main Mainland area and then we can continue on and add a whole bunch of here we'll add something really fun for a minute let's grab a let's grab a volcano why not put a volcano right there and we'll go ahead and scale that one way up like this and why not we'll scale it this way as well just to make it a little bigger so one of the fun things about these is that if you uh hit another brush with it you'll see that they actually join together and it makes a really cool effect so we're going to just go ahead and leave that like that and I believe we're going to have a little bit of stepping which is something we're going to have to take care of so yeah you can see it here you can see all of our stepping here and this just happens whenever you start changing the parameters or you start scaling up and down but it's very easy to take care of that's why we made this other sculpt brush we're just going to go to our smooth we're going to put it down to a value of 0.25 and we're going to make our brush size 12,000 which will give us a nice large brush and then if we go back in here we can push G to get rid of all the icons that were there we can go ahead and just brush over this and then you'll see it Smooths it out real nice but we're not taking out any of the detail so we're going to do that in all the areas that would potentially have any stepping that will be where it transitions down here that's where you get the most stepping so we'll get rid of all that and with a 12,000 brush we can do this pretty quickly like I said I'm actually recording a bunch of stuff generally I would be using a 36,000 brush something like that but this will get us there very cool all right just checking to see if I see any more stepping real quick we can always fix any of that later if we run into any but I want to get the most of it I can right now that looks fine so now what we're going to do is we're going to do some some sculpting so we're going to go ahead and make this into an Island map and the easiest way I found to do that we're just going to pull this up pretty good on the tool strength and we're going to go a little bit smaller on the brush uh maybe a little bigger than that we'll go to the 8,000 that's fine and we're going to give ourselves the area that we're going to use for uh the outline so right now if you click on it and hold you're going to go up we don't want to do that right now we actually want to hold shift and then you'll go into the negative like this and now that we have a little Valley there this will be our water areas we're just going to go ahead and flatten this out real quick so you're going to grab your flatten tool go ahead and put your stol tool strength to one and we're going to grab the lowest area so wherever the middle point is that's where you're going to flatten two so if we grab the bottom and go this way you'll flatten out to that depth and that's fine that's exactly what we want so we'll leave those for right now let's just go ahead and get our perimeter so we're going to bring this oops bring this up in here like this and then that's not as deep as it should be for some reason so we'll bring this up in here like this and we'll go all the way around like so and then we're we're going to smooth all this out in just a little bit just right now I'm just getting the base uh Edge and then we can add everything in here we need now this once again is something that you would probably end up doing uh in Gaia or something like that but know that you can do this completely from scratch and in my opinion sometimes it looks more uh realistic because you don't get something procedural or something that's kind of you know generated several times over a certain area so this can give you a more natural look so we're going to go ahead here on this back side we're going to just cut right into there just like that get rid of all this and we'll cut right into here we'll leave a little cut out right there and now we can add in uh islands and stuff after we get the water in right now we're just giving ourselves that uh Shore Edge that we want so once we have that in now let's go ahead and just get rid of that as well now we can go ahead and smooth it out to give us the edging we want uh for the water surface so we're going to go ahead and smooth you want a fairly low value on this and we're going to also bring down the just a little bit because we want to smooth out this Edge only uh you know what let's do a little bit heavier for now I'm actually going to switch over really quickly to my waycom tablet makes this way easier to do definitely a tool that I highly recommend if you're going to actually do this a lot let me get a higher brush go with a larger brush size let's go ahead and get this knocked out real quick all right so for right now what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to uh speed through this part we'll do a little time lapse right here and then you can see the finished uh when I'm done and pretty much I'm just doing exactly the same thing that I'm doing here a little bit of sculpting a little bit of smoothing a little bit of sculpting a little bit of smoothing trying to keep this Edge where I want it for the land mass itself when we put the uh the water in so I'll get back to you here in just a moment uh when we're done all right and it looks like we're back to the beginning here this is a fairly quickly little setup we got going on uh we're actually going to bring some of this down a little bit cuz this is a little lower than I anticipated so we can just grab some of this and pull it down like that just to get a little more interest there let's go back to our smooth shouldn't take too much and there we go all right cool cool so one thing that we want to look at uh when we're doing this is sometimes you will see areas like this right here so we have a bit of stretching here it doesn't really that bad on this especially with brush F because it has a auto stretch feature uh so it if it does see it stretching it'll actually compensate for that but you can soften it a little bit and you'll see a lot of that stretching going away we actually have some here too it's kind of hard to get away with on mountains but uh I would generally use a different texture than this uh for the mountains anyway um in my opinion the brush f one that comes is it could be a little bit uh heavier on the rock look uh CU it's a bit uh light looking from this distance once you get in closer you'll see it uh change to a much nicer Rock but from a distance it's a little it just looks gray and yeah I definitely do change that one out so for now this will this will work for us we'll get a this will give us a pretty good base for adding in some water so let's go ahead and jump out I'm going to switch away from my PIN go ahead and grab the old mouse and let's drop some water in here let's go down to our engine we're going to go to the plugins let's go back and find our oceanology and this is pretty much how easy it is there are a few steps that we'll have to take uh a little bit later but for right now this will definitely get us completely set up we're going to go to Ocean blueprints ocean we're going to use the oceanology infinite ocean and pull that out and and now you can see how it's built out around there so for right this minute let's go ahead and look at our water line let me Z this out to 0000 0 and we'll look at our water line and see where it's setting that looks pretty good right about there I think right about there that looks pretty good so right now we're going to go ahead and save what we're working on and you'll see the ocean come in all right very cool okay so uh the issue we're having right now with water is we don't have any rvts set up on this map and the foam actually uses rvts to determine where the landscape that it's touching is to add that foam there we're not going to do the rvts on this one yet we'll get into rvts on the next video cuz that's actually a video all in itself just getting that set up it's not comp complicated but there's a lot of things you might want to tweak or change so right now I'm going to I think I can change the rvt settings here and bring the terrain uh Max up this one down I think I can do the coastline is that the one it's not going to work unless I have rvt set up okay so that's fine so yep on the next video we will go ahead and add in the rvts so we can get all this set up you see we do have some underwater here and we'll go ahead and set up that as well to try and get a better view of the underwater like uh more what I'm used to kind of a tropical Vibe uh tropical island paradise type Vibe and we we'll set in a lake or two in here as well and then after that we can start doing some foliage and just kind of build this world up for right now we'll just go ahead and take a look at the size of it really quickly which which I also told you at the beginning so we have our uh yeah we have our Ultra Dynamic sky here so right now we don't have all that much fog so the way I like to do it is I just put it at zero and you can actually increase your fog by raising it and I generally raise it to the highest peak on my mountains and then I'll put the density down a little bit more on this one yeah that's about right right there we just have a shadow right there that's bugging us so no big deal you can actually change the cloud cover down a little see everything as it should be kind of get a distance offset feel let's go a little higher on it like that cuz this is actually a pretty good siiz map I think it's like 25 Square km or so it's not giant but it's uh it's definitely something to play with and for right now let's drop in our character so if we go into the world settings uh we can go in into the game mode override and we have one here I believe it is I believe it's this one here uh no that's the wrong one that's ocean Battleship third person mode uh oceanology let's try that one that should add our character in third person character okay that looks perfect let's go ahead and save everything so we don't forget that save often and let's drop on right here and we'll just get a kind of an idea of what the size of this map is just from what we've built so far and we'll definitely go through and add some stuff right now it's just a bare landscape but you can definitely see how much detail we already have and we'll do the rvt so we can get the foam working properly uh as a matter of fact I think you can actually select it and turn off the foam just so you can see what it looks like uh without it um let me see moology let's go ahead to details let's go to our foam all right there we go I just took a turn off the foam real quick so you can actually see the water uh yep forgot where that was that was actually in the instance uh I thought there was a tick here but there is not you have to go into the instance and change it and I'll change that back once we actually start the RV but this way you can actually look at it and just see uh exactly what we have uh and as soon as we start on the next one we're going to go ahead and put in our sand put in our rvts and then we'll continue on from there so as stated at the beginning I actually spoke with the developers and looks like they might be giving me a couple of keys to give away go ahead and like And subscribe to keep up on that one cuz you definitely don't want to miss that cuz this is awesome and if you can get it for free that's even awesomer so definitely keep up with us and I'm going to leave you guys there and I'll see you on the next [Music] one
Channel: Creekside Interactive
Views: 10,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pirates, Pirate game, ships, video game, IGN, sailing game, the isle revelations, the isle, treasure, game dev, game development, new game, game trailer, game trailers, pc game, epic game, ue5, ue5 game, unreal engine, canon ball, pirate life, pirate battles, ship wreck, diving game, treasure diving game, diving, open world game, open world, huge world, pirate ship game, skull and bones, unreal engine 5, Oceanology, oceanology 5, oceanology 5.1.7, oceanology 5.1.6
Id: bb_sbxX83pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 3sec (2343 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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