Best Tools to Convert UI to Code Instantly! | Design Essentials

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[Music] hey everyone welcome back to another amazing video today we'll be checking out the best free tools that you can use to convert any UI design into code of course a lot of these tools will be able to convert your designs into a real application without you even knowing code so without further ado let's just get started with this video now the first tool is actually by Microsoft and it's called sketch to code this tool uses AI to actually convert any of your paper wireframes into actual HTML prototypes that you can use to display as a website as you can see they have this page where there are three steps upload design it will work on it and then you can download your HTML so let's just choose one of these examples that they've listed here you know let's go for a form like this so you use this sample yep let's use this sample and it's converting that image this image into actual code as you can see this has made a coded website for us here sign up log in last name name and even things like all these radio buttons and signup buttons can also be created in that same way and here as you can see download your HTML code it will take a second but as you can see result dot HTML so it's downloading as an HTML file so you have your website design and everything ready and set up to go now the next tool is called Monday here oh and maybe if you've heard about it it basically allows you to design and at the same time it creates code for you side by side it's a free tool for up to one project right now during co-ed so I think you should go and try it out sign up as soon as possible it can convert any of your sketch files into Swift Kotlin flutter and react so swift is for iOS apps Cortland is for Android apps flutter is for native app as you can see you can give each element a certain rules so for example there is this list I can just select this list and then I can select ok what kind of view this is and in this case it could be a table view and I can basically give this a and give this properties and stuff like that it makes advanced level app development easy for designers who don't really know how to code they also show a bunch of examples right here that they've created all these high fidelity designs into actual coded applications using Monday here Oh so if you're looking out to create an actual application you don't know how to code but you know how to design I think this is one of those perfect applications for you and it's a bit available for free during Kove in nineteen the next cool application is called supernova dot IO and what supernova allows you to do is convert any design which you import from your sketch figma XD into this application and it basically converts from a design to code in very very little time so you can quickly just download supernova for free as you guys can see I have opened supernova studio here and I'm saying import sketch or XD once you do that it asks you for all these things right here what I'll do is I'll just import any one of these you know XD files maybe maybe I'll do this soft UI form yeah yeah something like this and I'll just import this XD file it might take a second or two to load you can tell the software which kind of application you are creating so if you're creating maybe an iOS application or an Android application you can do that you can name it a certain thing and you can even tell it what kind of project it is and once it's once that is done you just select the file you want to import once that is done you just select the artboard you need to import so this is our basic art board inside that XD file and I just say import I know this was made on web so it wouldn't be that great on a mobile but as you can see each individual component you have all the kind of things that you need you have what background color this is and then you can obviously check out the entire code live while you're checking out this design so for example I select this button here the entire code the entire code link code for Android has been set up here for us and I gotta say they've done a really good job with all the gradients and the and everything it even has advanced options like trigger animations so if I want to animate if I want to say animate this button on clicking you can just add an animation from here on the right as you can see trigger animation and you can create an actual animation of course I won't show you right now but as you can see you have all the options for creating animations right here and all that gets converted into actual Android iOS or flutter code how freaking awesome is that the next tool is called fronty and once you've signed up for fronty it's completely free to sign up and join what you can do is quickly say create a page and it asks you to you know just drop a file or a JPEG or PNG right here so you can select any interface you like but most of the pages it will be able to recognize most of the components especially have if you have a simple website as you can see it recognize buttons from this image right here it has all these buttons which are already animated so I think that is cool but I'd suggest adding a very simple website or a wireframe here rather than all these high fidelity designs it might not completely recognize it the last tool is something which is just basically a teaser given to us by Airbnb this is a tool that they tested out and experimented publicly to everyone where basically what happens is I'll just show you guys really quick as you can see they're scanning image here and it's instantly getting converted into code and an actual website here I think which is very cool and it's see how advanced this is all the components are you know poorly drawn here but very easily recognized by the actual software see how quick that was the last tool is actually called UI xored and I have done an actual video so if you want to see how to convert these screenshots random screenshots instantly to these high fidelity designs you can always check out that video of mine I'll link it in the description or maybe you know just give it in the iCard on the top right of the screen I hope you liked today's video if you did then go ahead and quickly hit that thumbs up and also subscribe to my channel that really helps me grow and also click that Bell icon right next to the subscribe button I'll see you guys every Monday and Thursday same time god bless
Channel: Punit Chawla
Views: 122,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ui design, design to code, ui design to code, free ui design tools, free design tools, design tools, ui design code, adobe xd to code, web design, ux design, app design, xd to android, xd to flutter, adobe xd to flutter, supernova studio, supernova ui, supernova design, figma to code, sketch to code, adobe xd vs sketch, design code, nocode, designers code, figma ui design, figma to html, adobe xd to html, adobe xd to javascript, adobe xd to android, adobe xd to ios
Id: T-nLOpomHjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 57sec (417 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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