BEST Telescopes For Astrophotography (Beginner and Advanced)

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[Music] hello folks so i thought i'd give you a tour of my astro rigs today okay so every picture you've ever seen me capture was done right here from my backyard despite my severe light pollution i'm 20 minutes from downtown detroit in that direction i have detroit metro airport about 20 minutes in that direction i came he's not going to stop making noise today and these are the four rigs i actually use and i've used all four of them um this year already and there's really not much redundancy going on they all serve their own purpose i thought i'd give you a tour of each one okay so this is my biggest setup um i consider this one the perfect year-round rig because um so many nebulas fit perfect inside the field of view um it's still powerful enough to get in close and see detail on galaxies and galaxy seasons um whatever you need to do this is the scope that can do it and um uh what i've got here is my my cgx mount is the biggest mount i have that can support 55 pounds of payload um i don't think i'm close to that yet and then i've got here my asia 1600 mm pro camera actually this is not the pro this is one of the older models i've got a filter wheel i have an electronic focuser and what i notice with this setup is most of the time i think i can go at least one or two hours before i start to lose focus so i think it's a safe bet to set my auto focus on to refocus every hour and then i don't have to worry and here's my explorer scientific refractor it's a triplet i've got a orion guide scope on here it's an st80 i don't think they make these anymore i've got a lone star x2 guide camera and of course i've got new heater box and uh new heater strips and this is definitely uh an excellent setup i've been using it for a while now it's got me a couple a pods uh nasa astronomy pictured of the day so um i think i'll always um have this setup um in place i'm never gonna take it apart so let me show you the next one okay my next setup here is the celestron rasa and this thing was a lifesaver over the winter time when the clear skies review and you need to be able to image fast uh this thing really saved the day because it uh it's many times faster than my other scope at bringing in the brightness of a nebula and that really came in handy over the winter time and it became my it definitely became my primary rig um and uh um one thing that's interesting that surprised me about this scope is um i have an electronic focus report but i never installed it because every picture you've ever seen me capture with this i never had to fix the focus i i adjust the focus at the start of a session or if i switch filters but other than that never lost focus on me it's astonishing how how good the how strong the focus holds and what i've got here is my eq 6r pro mount it's a sky watcher and the rasa is an 8 inch i've got a zwo guide scope and i've got an asi 224 mc planetary camera as a guide camera it works just fine as a doing double duty as a guide camera new heater strip and that's my asi 1600 pro camera and a pole master on the front um i have a dew shield i i don't have it on right now um but uh yeah it definitely was a lifesaver over the winter and i don't know what it is about the scope but there's a fun factor involved here it's just a lot of fun to use maybe because it's uh my newest scope i'm still really enjoying this one so uh okay okay next this is my solar setup i use this during the day to image the sun and what i've got going on here is uh this is actually two in one i can either image the sun up close with my explorer scientific ar102 and daystar cork or i can uh this is not a guide scope it's another solar scope or i can use this one if i want the full disc of the sun so it's a it's a really cool setup and what i've got going on here is my um uh celestron avx mount okay so this little guy well at least it seems little compared to my other scopes um this is the first setup i ever bought it's my celestron nexstar 8se and that was quite a few years ago but uh i actually still use it to this day it's it's great for capturing the craters on the moon or capturing the planets i just captured venus with it recently so i i still get my use out of this thing and uh it's an alt az mount and uh this is an eight inch tube and people laugh at my electrical tape that i've got holding on my telerad it's a red dot binder and uh it it it works pretty well anyway that's uh the last scope i've got going on here and i intend to use all four of these throughout the year so uh thanks for watching folks and i'll see you later hello folks so i i consider this the perfect year-round rig because um it's the perfect shape [Music] kane is making a lot of noise right now look who's sitting over there just looking at me i came i know you're in the mood for a visit you put on a good show for everybody last time in my comment video what a good boy oh no don't bite don't do that again i know i'm just going to pet you let me pat you no no no no no don't bite my shirt be good you're not in the mood for being good today are you oh come on you're a good boy come on oh you got other things on your mind okay i'll see you later [Music] you
Channel: Chuck's Astrophotography
Views: 133,943
Rating: 4.9512467 out of 5
Keywords: Telescope, RASA, Celestron, Explore Scientific, ED127, astrophotography, camera
Id: 2JJXVWda24M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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