Best Summer Recipes | MasterChef Australia | MasterChef World

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I've decided to go with uh pork loin I'm going to go down the pork path with three or four different fruits and some beetro some stone fruit some Peach apricot puree I'm going to throw some raspberries and pickled beetroots in there that's the starting point and then we'll see where we can go from there the next one over you want the next one over that's the next one in the middle the third one third yeah thank you the main difficulty is the environment in regards to not knowing where anything is vegetable pillow um right behind you behind you turn around next sh right right right I'm a little bit disorientated but there's a lot of support from the Gantry definitely yeah the lovees definitely [Music] there Ollie what what protein do you have uh pork Little Pork uh oh pork and then is thaton is that hon or PUD some Pudo and how are you you do the fruits some slice fresh peach apricots purees some past bons pigle beetroots raspberries and something else so you've got quite a lot of elements to your dish here you you're confident they're all going to come together they're not going to be too mixed up with each other oh good Ollie's got a lot of different things going on in this pork dish maybe too much I'm finding it really hard to see what his finished dish is going to be like I especially don't get where the pass's going to fit in what's that that o that burgle uh bed I'm just going to deep fry it will that puff up when you deep fry it yeah it will it will puff you feel your dishes coming together I'm still sort of uh changing ideas in my head at the moment so many components on the one dish I'm really looking forward to seeing how that tastes like as a whole I think'll all come together in the end at this stage cooking without a Clear Vision is is a little daunting I'm sure I'll be able to work my way through it in terms of the pork you know the pork can overcook and it can go dry there's not a lot of s on that P is there serving the judges over undercooked pork would not go down well in any way shape or [Music] form I'm sensing that it may have gone past the point of where it where it needs to be Ollie what's happening trying to decide whether I cooked the pork too far do I lose points for cooking too not at all but get it on now run Ollie get in the another one hoping to get another pork loin in and cooked decided to cook another pork loin um I'm feeling the first one and I'm I'm sensing that it may have gone past the point of where where it needs to be to be honest I'm not actually entirely sure usually I usually I do it by touch or with a really fine skewer I'm another one just in case but it's won't be ready in time but I've decided this is okay you sure you happy with that pork I am yeah I always just freak out that it's going to go too far definitely going to have to trust my judgement and go with the first one it would have been nice to perhaps uh render the fat down of touch moreall but I'm pretty sure it's where it needs to be and the judges all enjoy it I mean essentially if something goes wrong here my reputation is up the [Music] creek seared pork loin the summer fruits pickled beet fruit fried buckwheat and Puda lovely thank you I like that bit of complexity pretty dish too um I'm looking at things like you know is that little ribbon of fat around around the chop is that crispy is that going to be nicely rendered question mark these are the things it's about the The Quon for me nice really nice how's the fat around the edge George it's really fatty yeah yeah and not not rendered down look at that I think the flavors that work for me on that pork Buck which is crisp and toasty and kind of crunchy which I like CU it's texture the pork is cooked beautifully like it's a just a little tiny little bit of pink which keeps it moist but not overly so and that dried apricot puree on the side I think it's really delicious you think there's an overload of different fruits I think there's probably one too many fruits I think you know for me this is a really clever dish and a dish that sort of pushes the boundar slightly and I love the bucke but for me the pastet I don't know it's weird it's like it's trying to compete with all these fruits that it just doesn't make makes sense so there's certainly some clever elements oh yeah go waade he what's going on here Sprouts on Choice look I'm just going to do a really nice simple little fresh salad uh I got some blueberries here I've got some white anchovy some shots some parsley toasting up some walnuts make a bit of a um chard being you're at dressing okay I think my Approach for this first round of the competition is to avoid cooking at all costs I think uh 20 minutes isn't a huge amount of time to I guess cook much protein L I think you've got to be a little be careful with that okay interesting I'll be really Keen to find out what that looks like at the end thank [Applause] you look I think um this salad I think is reflecting a bit of a change uh it mean that's sort of I guess probably in line with what Mar Marco Pi's attitude is towards food that's not to mess around with it hello Aid hello what's the name of the dish what is it brussel sprout uh and white and chy salad interesting very pretty [Music] dish Jesus me do you want another mouthful are you okay sorry Marco you're the guest have you have you left any delicious exciting clever cooking and care you have come Leaps and Bounds mate lovely well done I sort of sat there as he was sort of saying it I was waiting for the butt but he didn't that never came your blueberries your nuts your aneis big flavors yeah all you got to do is assemble it with your sprouts and make a nice dressing genius yeah do you love it delicious do you love it I love love it I love it and when I look down the line I don't see any reason why I'm we just don't put you through right now feel free to go ahead do it what do you reckon yeah [Music] done that is great food I think the last time I remember feeling like that was when I found out that I got into the top 50 um very very very nice you're up here now mate wait what hurry up come on we got cooking to do how good was Matt's chocolate self- sourcing pudding delicious yeah well from self sourcing chocolate pudding now to rotisserie barbecue lamb so what we got here is that salt Bush fed lamb which we have been using all week so what's going on here cuz most people at home more would look at that and go what are you doing soaking meat in water for I've made a brine a brine is just salted water there 320 G of salt mix that with 3.2 L of water about 30 G of sprinks of Rosemary 20 to 30 G of thyme and there's two three bay leaves got a head of garlic and some black pepper corns hey correct me if I'm wrong but you put all that ingredients that you've just listed off not the lamb into a pot bring it to the boil and just pull it to the side let it cool down and and have that in Your Arsenal as you need it use it yeah I'm in stores for a long time this one's had about 3 hours in the water so now we just take a anvy y and put of Rosemary roll that around and put Garlic in the middle oh yeah make a tasty little parcel and then jam it in then jam it in do about a dozen or so something like that we've got a tray here with Rosemary in it y all right so H we've grinded we've studded with anvy rosemary and garlic what's next so now before it goes onto the barbecue it's going to go into the oven so put some water into the tray about 200 M of water we've got the studded lamb and that goes into the oven 120° till you get a core temperature of 45° allow about 45 minutes for this okay so that's the one we put in a little bit earlier okay yes so what do we do now feed it onto there oh gosh just go and then slide that onto [Music] there that's it you've made a little marinade haven't you yes so whatever you got in there that's garlic chili Rosemary lemon peel there a mixture of olive oil and grape seed will work and I've just made a brush out of a load of Rosemary okay ready yeah ready come ready and then then press the [Music] button a little bit of H magic for you just about ready I'm going to give it a base with this oil beautiful look at that right should we carve cuz I'm starving yes let's do it you ready [Music] yep how good is that [Music] so while you're carving that up I thought I'd be a little bit cheeky unlike you and bring some saki bread and some ziki and make some sakis what do you reckon you up for it right I'm going to go and Grill these off and we can have a a nice little Feast yeah so there's my spit roast barbecued leg of [Music] land well [Applause] [Music] done my gosh this is my fruit [Music] Carnival that look looks absolutely Sensational thanks George so guys today Darren's going to demonstrate for you some of the components on these beautiful carnival dessert what's the first step it's best if we get the sugar on for the raspberry and neutral sugar tube so we have 300 G of isomalt basically isomol is a sugar substitute it contains half the calories of sugar and the reason I use this is for it anti- crystallizing properties and so that I can achieve a caramel without color next to go in is 300 G of castor sugar the reason I'm doing a mix is because I want the sweetness of sugar with the anti crystallizing properties of the isomol next is 60 G of liquid glucose and finally we're going to add around 50 g of water okay so you pop everything into the pan and then turn the gas on y that's right and we are going to take it to around 158° around 158° so we're just going to pour half of this onto the nonstick mat just to cool down very hot as you can see so you need to be really careful and the remainder we're going to color with this titanium dioxide titanium dioxide is a natur natur Al occurring Whitener at Wimbledon it's what they use to make the lines on the grass it's also used in commercial food production um to whiten marshmallows and candies wow Elvin question how much titanium dioxide did you add is there a ratio I I added 7 G of titanium dioxide to that mix so it's gone white then we're going to pour it onto this mat we're going to let both of those cool down but before the first sugar cools we're going to flavor it with freeze-dried raspberry powder so you just tip that over the top that's right then we'll just leave it to cool you wouldn't put them in the fridge would you no the fridge will have too much moisture so you kind of want to just cool it down at room temperature um you don't want to be attempting to Blitz this while it's still warm or your blender will probably have a few troubles now these sugars are going to form the the outside the che that's going to encase the ice cream what's the next step we need to turn both of these sugars into really fine powder two separate powders and to do that we're going to use um a very high power blender um we're just going to break the sugar up first wow it's like Glass isn't it it is I think that's what they use in uh Hollywood to make the bottles smash yeah wow look at that so we're just going to get them into the blender y we're going to try and get this as fine as possible [Music] okay oh oh fantastic is there a reason why you do the white powder first then the red absolutely I don't want to wash the bow so if we're doing the red first we have to wash the bowl and then we're going to introduce moisture and all the things that are bad for sugar there you guys Pink Sugar you you've Blended up your Two Sugars here now it's actually time to make that that Sugar T that's going to encase that ice cream that's right what have you got here to uh make them okay these are these are stencils that I've made out of ice cream Lids uh in my spare time it saves money um we've got a rectangle and then we've got a slightly larger rectangle with diagonal strips cut out you're starting to get the idea of how it's going to come together so the first step is on a cool tray with a non-stick mat is to lay the smaller rectangle and then we're going to dust the white sugar in the shape and the form of the rectangle you want to make sure that you cover all the holes now we're going to carefully lift the stencil from the mat okay we're going to melt this now in the oven um which has been preheated to 155° it should take about about four or 5 minutes Mar how long would those powders last is it something you could make the day before and then tap it out um the next day or if you keep them in a sealed container with desicant such as silica gel these will last um for a long time okay we're going to bring the um sugar out the oven and this is looking like it's just about ready to go we'll just cool this down for a few seconds Y and then using the largest stencil we're going to dust over the raspberry sugar and then it's back into the oven one more time before we shape it into a tube easy okay we're just going to clean up the edges of this tube it's easier to do that um before it's cooked rather than afterwards so we just take a pastry scraper and we'll just get rid of any excess bits of sugar so I'm going to put this back in into the oven for the last time brilliant again all we're doing is melting the sugar yeah it's already been cooked and we're going to leave that in there for about 2 or 3 minutes now explain to me Darren the next step is to make it look like a a canalone so to speak how you going to achieve that that's right I've brought in some metal tubes I've lightly sprayed these with um with spray grease and what we need to do is wrap the sugar around this tube and I'll show you how to do that in a second oh wow that looks fantastic the important thing is now is I need to flip this over cuz obviously I want the stripes on the outside I've just got one of these step pallet knives and I'm just going to lift the sugar and we're going to flip it over while it's warm we're going to attempt to roll obviously if it's too hot it's going to stick to the tube if it's too cold it might crack so you need to be very careful wow that's the sugar [Applause] tube what's the next step we're just going to pop this away for safekeeping we're going to move on to the next stage which is the irated fruit salad chocolate first of all we've got pan of simmering water and we're going to add into a metal Bowl 350 G of white chocolate we're going to place this over the water a bamy and we're going to melt this chocolate gently to no more than 40° chocolate doesn't respond well to extremes of temperature it's always best to treat chocolate with care now while you're melting that chocolate what what have you got here okay so we've got Mandarin segments we've got raspberry whole raspberries and we've got passion fruit powder all in a freeze dried State these are great when working with chocolate cuz they don't contain any moisture whatsoever so it's not going to seize your chocolate right what's happened here Darren okay I've taken the chocolate off the stove it's not quite melted but the heat in the bowl will take care of the rest of those lumps the next stage is to melt cocoa butter 150 g of cocoa butter the reason we're adding that to the chocolate is to just loosen it and um make it a little bit more fluid okay so this is just about finished melting and then we're going to add this mixture to the chocolate if you can stir that George Y and this is just going to loosen the chocolate which will facilitate putting it in the siphon all right Wicked okay okay we're going to use one of the siphon guns yeah to try and get all of the airation into the chocolate always make sure the siphon gun is not too cold as well because you don't want the chocolate setting as soon as you pour it in and we're going to shake okay The Next Step we've placed a container in in the blast freezer over there so it's nice and cold that one there that's great thanks George okay first going to put the fruits into the bottom there's about 5 G there y um and about the same of uh freeze-dried whole raspberry and probably about 3 G of passion fruit freeze-dried powder brilliant all right moment of truth off we [Applause] go straighten the blast freezer yes please gently yes thank you George we're going to leave that to cool down as quickly as possible we're going to trap all of the air inside the bubbles and once it's cool we're going to break it into the desired shape and size use as garnish would you use a normal freezer y you could use a normal freezer um you could make this at home by um maybe just discharging it into the freezer at home and just shutting the door carefully and we're lucky enough to have a blast chiller here but it's by no means is essential in this recipe the next step is to make uh that whimsic cool tofe Apple the first stage is to make a caramel using white sugar 350 G and water 50 g and we're just going to give it a gentle stir just to make sure that it's it's mixed up and there's no lumps and then we're going to bring it to the boil um to make a car carel and once it boils we're going to add the glucose the Apple I guess is an important part to the toffee Apple what needs to be done okay we're going to peel the Apple yeah neatly pris in which means to um scoop or ball and then we're going to dip those in Caramel so perhaps Matthew if you'd like to come up and um help us help us do the prisen I know you're interested in the pastry side of things all right have you paned apples before no have you paned anything before if it just means bowling then probably rockmelon yeah maybe okay pretty basic all right show us oh jeez the caramel has reached a boiling stage so I'm going to add the glucose to the caramel it's 50 g of glucose to add right let's have a look at your bow what do you reckon does that's perfect and maybe if you do five or six of those we can show you how to how to get the effect this sugar is starting to get color now so it will continue to cook so what I'm going to do is turn it off and cool the sugar down slightly by pouring it into this pan if you smell that car that toffee flavor okay so I take one of these cocktail sticks Y and I'm just going to skewer the Apple in the center yep so I'm just going to go in pull it out gently okay and we should get a thread starting to form and we'll let gravity take care of most of that sugar so we'll pull off any excess who don't like to eat thick caramel we should have like a really cool little garnish doesn't take long to call when it's at this stage brilliant man Matthew you're up next man awesome good luck come Mt no pressure pull up pull up just let it see you just flick it with your fingers finger and thumb I'm looking at this the mesmerized B I think yeah I think you're just about ready so just gently yeah gently take it off and then flip it over gentle gentle beautiful what you can do cuz it's still warm well done buy good job yeah right Darren the final step I guess is to Plate up and present this beautiful dish now there's vanilla ice cream to go in there correct I'll grab that out of the fridge George and to gently lay the jellies we've got a coconut and a raspberry jelly okay next step we need to fill the tube with the vanilla ice cream and this is the basic vanilla ice cream yeah yeah this is a lovely vanilla ice cream that I made before so we just got it in a Piping Bag it's just been churned off so it's still nice and soft I'm just going to pipe that gently into the sugar chip and we'll dip the ends in the freeze-dried raspberry powder yep we'll lay that on top of the jelly right the next step is the raspberries yeah and perhaps if you can grab the aerated chocolate from the freezer [Music] yep and it'll just pop out cuz it's contracted wow we kind of get little air pockets small little pieces of gar that we can put onto the plate wow it's really cool all the Air's been trapped inside and then Frozen and the freeze dried fruits give it a really sharp finish gorgeous we'll garnish The Raspberries with some baby Cherville and then we'll use Matthew's oh Matthew Matthew's toffee Apple just to finish the dish there and there we have it the fruit [Applause] [Music] Carnival for today's summer dish I'm doing fancied barandi with Rasam broth grilled fenel and cherry tomatoes I want to get my crispy skin in the oven so it can get golden brown then I start working on my Rasam broth I need to make sure is packed with flavor so I get some fresh coriander rasa is primarily made with camarine tomatoes spices garlic and turmeric I'm liking the smell of this um what I can smell is sourness is tamarinds is that right I'm making a tomato Rasam yeah it's a refreshing broth I'm serving that with a pan fried barandi okay and uh a grill fenel why is that summer for you for me is uh summer throughout the year in Singapore so Rasam is part of our a daily meal I love it and this is refreshing I suppose cuz it's acidic and sour I'm adding a tin of lemon juice based on the sourness of the Tamarin Sashi yeah man are you sure you don't want to put any chocolate in that I'm putting a lots of chocolate in this today hips and hips Rasam is a very traditional South Indian dish but I'm trying to put my spin by making it a bit refined Grill fennel and fish I think will go very well together and I'm adding some cherry tomatoes to the rasa so that it gives an additional freshness to the dish now I start to season my fish and put it in the pan to cook I need to keep an eye on the fish that fish is the hero of the dish it needs to be cooked perfectly hopefully when I assemble the whole dish it comes out well [Music] the but looks very good I happy with the way it's cooked maybe not I'm not convinced that the fish is cooked 100% so I put it back in the pan for 45 seconds and now I'm convinced it's cooked perfectly I need to start plating up I strain the Rasam broth into a jug I put a barandi on the center two Grill fennels over and around the fish slides up one chry to tomato two half around of fish hopefully my flavors be good enough for the judges I'm proud of what I've done today it looks exactly what I've pictured in my mind hopefully it has a very good balance of flavors and textures what's the dish pen fried barandi with grilled fenel and Rasam and I also have some crispy skin barandi and the summer elements summer it reminds me of Singapore very hot Rasam is part of our daily diet beautiful love it get up here and sauce let's [Music] taste what do you reckon smells wonderful yeah cooked beautifully sassy really beautifully well done wow that that's nicely cooked look at that it's gorgeous it's pretty special [Music] it's a beautiful dish fish cooked really well love that crispy sort of salty skin that broth is yum thank you this is a summer dish makes me happy you all right yeah I love it I love it I mean I know what the traditional dish is but I like it in your version I like the fen I like the tomatoes it's delicious I like the crispy skin I like the fact that that gorgeous sauce is championing that piece of fund it's lovely yeah what I love is you've taken classic Mediterranean summer dish of fish grilled fennel Tomatoes textbook flavors of the south of France and you've combined it with this lovely South Indian Rasam and the clever part of it is adding those peeled tomatoes and grilled fennel cuz they add some more freshness and pull down the heat and the intensity of the Rasin so sashy really good as you were saying it I'm going oh you're right you're absolutely be right oh yeah you're right delicious well sass great job the dish today is summer cucumbers with muray Cod one of my favorite ingredients The Humble cucumber doesn't get used a lot nowadays but I have fond memories of steamed fish turn cucumbers butter sauce I couldn't be happier to be given a pressure test that's it's an intuitive cook with veggies that is literally how I cook so we're doing three things with cucumber three different textures with cucumber bit of a challenge today because it's got quite a few techniques this dish is deceptively simple there's not a lot of ingredients it's a lot of technique starting with one side of the M Cod Brendan's just going to separate out the loin from the belly one of the tricky things about this demonstration is that Brendan's cooking the entire dish and Allah is trying to talk us through the whole thing trim off any extra fat slicing in fine slices diagonally about 2 mm you're going to need about 18 to 20 slices so somewhere between a caracho and a sushimi having to remember a mountains and temperatures and diamonds and all this kind of stuff without any pen or paper is really really difficult Brendan is going to slice off the cucumbers in about 2 mm we want them to be pliable so we're going to salt and vinegar them a little bit we're going to put these into the pickling liquid with pinch of salt and about a tablespoon of white wine vinegar we're going to do the Linguini these ones you peel but the peel goes into the bowl with everything else the flavor of the Cucumber is strongest in the peel so when you get to do your visous SS what you want is that really Punchy cucumber flavor I'm just watching the techniques that are being used and I'm just seeing the Precision I know that those class classical techniques and training I've had in the past is what's going to have to come into play in full swing today you collect your slices and then basically Julie in them so we're going to drain these but retain the liquid the sliced M Cod goes into that pickling liquid but we've added a little bit of sugar to it it's really only to just give it a light pickle there is obviously a lot of information being thrown at us especially when there are multiple elements going out once and then we just lay the fish across this and then we're just going to roll those up pretty much equal diameter leave them in the fridge to set it's a lot of information thicknesses of ingredients certain temperatures you're meant to cook them at little bit of oil in the bag stops the bag from completely collapsing and now that's going to go into the water bath 6 and 1/2 minutes now brenan's going to start working on the vicious what we want is a cucumber flavor we don't want a potato flavor that goes in they make it look so simple I think that's enough brenon so one of the rolls was a little bit thicker than this one and this one look it it's got plenty of resistance but the other one still felt as though you know there was really not much resistance there so so you really need some intuition here because at the end of the day it's not exact all lines aren't going to be exactly the same size no they're not going to be exactly no right the last thing we're going to move on to is the dill oil the dish kind of comes together really quickly the vious we just need to check that it's chilled enough and also check the seasoning once it has been chilled so I'm hoping that I can recreate it just as quickly and now we're going to Plate it small half tablespoon full of the Linguini twist the summer cucumber and maricot dish is chalk and cheese to how I normally cook and then the marod row around the outer edges I know that this is going to be a challenge for me today so this is our summer cucumber and M Cod dish and that's your challenge for today beautiful Sarah come on guys it's such a simple dish but it's complex I've got my marot flins in the Brine and I pat dry my slices and pop them back in the fridge to be used later inside the Pickled cucumber roll now I can crack onto my pickled cucumbers for the outside of the Pickled cucumber roll and the Cucumber Linguini The Pickled cucumbers are sliced thin and then these are going to be pickled with salt and white wine vinegar we haven't been given any measurements at all for this process and even when Al was doing it she was completely going off by Fuel she'd sprinkle some salt put it through the Cucumber touch it look at it tastes it and then decide whether not it needed more Sal salt or vinegar it's calming because there's nothing to follow so it feels like you're cooking at home and you're just cooking lovely food that tastes good and that's what's important I really have to trust my palette it may not be as experienced as Alice's but it's tasted the final dish and I'm hoping it remembers it seems like there's time but there's never time in this kitchen time just goes really fast so I really have the crack on my time is up and I need to check my comfy maroy lach the perfectly cooked M Codge should be just set in the Middle With A Touch of pink I don't know what texture I'm looking for cuz I didn't get to touch the fish when all did her demonstration so one of the rolls was a little bit thicker than this one and this one it's got plenty of resistance but the other ones there was really not much resistance there but all said trust your instincts trust your intuition uh my instincts say this fish is perfect to go in the Ice Bar yeah I'm going to pop him in this one feels a bit different it feels a lot softer yeah I'm going to rest it another minute cuz Ella did mention resting the fish to allow it to just gently keep cooking a little bit before you plunge it into ice spot you can always keep cooking you can't uncook the fish there's the scientific brain yeah you're love your the dentist is really coming to the PO now good stuff Jen thank you so much this dish has such simple elements that everything must be done to Absolute Perfection let's go I'm really happy with my cook today I'm working on my vicious s all said traditionally a vicious SCE is a cold potato soup but in the case of this dish it's actually going to be a cold cucumber and dill sauce I remember all didn't let her schots take on any color Jen just do one potato yeah one potato okay thanks then we add in some grated potatoes she described the potatoes as the binder otherwise the Cucumber will split so it's finding the balance this sauce is about the Cucumbers not the [Music] potatoes I'm plating up this is all's beautiful plate of food I need to do it justice if this is being served at the lake house it needs to look beautiful my fish it's beautiful it's perfectly cooked this day as strange as it sounds has been a magical day for me looks good D thanks this dish has helped me realize the joy of cooking again and the joy of food and the happiness food represents to me Jen just take your time I got this got it got it I'm really happy with the vious S the balance is right the flavors taste good it's cucumber forage I know I've managed to remember everything on the plate down to the fresh dill and Dill pull it they just need to make on the plate right now okay what do we think before we tuck in the assembly looks good um the color of the vicious looks good the texture of the vicious wi looks good it's not getting watery around the edges the plating is not quite dead on but that's all right so far so very [Music] [Music] good Ella earlier you said that this dish really does come down to Accurate seasoning and it's really a dish of textures and and refreshment and refinements I thought the seasoning was fantastic especially in the cucumber noodles you can pick up that little lick of the vinegar but it's really about the salt and the Crunch and that freshness the fish I think it's fantastic it's the proteins just set this is meant to be a summer dish and it eats like a summer dish she's got the crunch in the pickle cucumber she's got the crunch in the Linguini The Vicious was is a nice balancing flavor I think she's done a fantastic job there was a touch more acidity in your One A in the role I think it's so close but you know considering it's the first time she's made it though I got to say it's a pretty good effort very close to the way yours was [Music] [Music]
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 12,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #masterchef, MasterChef challenge, MasterChef pressure test, best dishes on masterchef, best masterchef dishes, cooking competition, cooking show, how to cook, master chef world, masterchef, masterchef best dishes, masterchef world, recipe, masterchef australia, summer recipes, summer food, summer food recipes, summer songs, gary mehigan, george calombaris, matt preston, andy allen, jock zonfrillo, melissa leong, masterchef australia season 16, masterchef summer platter, food
Id: VJcij66cbTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 21sec (2541 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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