Best sub £400 dialling scopes

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hi guys Richard friendship she I'm delighted to say that spring is on the way here at sharp shooting UK there are rabbits everywhere always amazes me how they suddenly miraculously appear in great numbers as soon as the very first sign of spring emerges or even as soon as the slightest bit of Sun shows in the late winter early spring incredible no wonder they're so prolific they survive the bitter bitter more and you think there's no life up here and then BOOM a million rabbits anyway Here I am and I'm doing a scope roundup for you but a little bit different this time what I'm doing is I'm looking at cheaper scopes people don't always have money for Yuri Khan's although it's a bargain and here's another bug in the Delta but I mean that this Delta striker is it's a killer bargain but it's still 1,400 pounds so you know there are people who want to spend under 400 pounds and have a scope these days that will dial repeatedly really you know reliably with a reasonable adjustment range proper turrets that you can have what I call good legibility so you can see what's what's going on illumination you know the clever Rhett you know this is something that I don't know a few years ago it couldn't really be done and you had to spend more money so I've assessed with optics warehouse oh man probably 30 sub 400-pound scopes and essentially we've been mulling this over for more than a year and there are some over performers in what is frankly a class full of gimmicks seriously this some horrendous gimmicks some Mac ranges that are laughable and there are not a lot of scopes that can walk the walk so I'm going to show you the bottom line here as I see it and hopefully that will help you get Tylar under 400 pounds in in UK money right let's cut to the chase okay to give you an idea of gimmicks when the money should have been spent on the glass this is the MTC Viper Pro and it's got a very peculiar turret system where you can have it click you can have it move freely and you can have it lock and then it's got this magnifying glass thing on it that you can line up and it will save you putting your glasses on that's all very noble but how about we get the glass sorted first another situation here with this you see this window that the mag is in okay looks kind of cool because it's all you know in a little sleeve and all this that just makes it harder to see so you're shooting like this and to look at the mag a lot of scopes got it on the side now which is really cool and sometimes it's raised even but most other scopes you reach up and you can see your number but with this one because it's in this funny little sleeve you've actually got to reach right over really high and there you can see what mag you're on it is a gimmick that moves the performance backwards and that does not throw me now this is a five to thirty there's no way on God's earth it can get anywhere near that type of mag range if it were a 5 to 15 5 to 18 5 to 20 it might not be terrible but 5 to 30 out of the question so what we've got here is a scope with lots of bells and whistles that is milky fussy iBox unable to hold itself together as you zoom in and fails master completely now I'm not singling this out for you know having a strip torn off it I'm just showing you that I'm not easily impressed if it is milky and I define milky as there is no way to find an eye box however much you struggle and the image is unacceptable because it's white and shadowy and ghosty and milky that for me is a dead fail at any money I don't care if the scribes one hundred quid if it's milky it's in the bin so there are a lot of scopes we looked at sub 400 pounds that were milky and went in the failure pile straightaway unfortunately this nico is one of them this is a very bright scope I was I had high hopes but it's so misaligned that you can't get it working and the fact that I think underneath the glass is probably quite decent with regard to resolution and transmission and brightness the misalignment of it that creates this milkiness this ghosting inside this discomfort as you're trying to get your eye lined up means it's a complete file there are things I like about it but if the glass isn't clear top to bottom no good with me and that brings me to our two effortless leaders here the hawk six to 24 and the optician 6 to 24 both of which have thoroughly impressed me for their money the optician is super in a couple of areas which we'll get to but generally optically it's just behind just a little bit behind but it is a chunk cheaper so it's excellent because every penny counts in in this category what these do both of these do is they are crystal top-to-bottom they have quite acceptable field of view resolution sharpness color and all the optical attributes are much better than I had got used to looking at the other things in the class and also fir for this money but I'm not sure some of the mid-range scopes at 5 and 600 pounds are a very great deal better so these are real over performance now as I say the class generally is full of tat but these two have impressed me okay so in a bit more detail let's see what we've got with the hawk we've got six to twenty four we've got minutes on the rack clicks aren't bad turret legibility is not bad we've got on the windage we've got the windage marked both ways okay so one left one right now you don't get that on some much more expensive scopes so kudos there 15 minutes per turn okay we've got no turn indicator but most people with this scope won't be dining more than 15 minutes not too bad we've got our parallax here the fit and finish of the hawk and the whole Hawk range really is outstanding you get good caps you get a good box you've got a Sun Shade you know the the support with the reticles on line is great there are really solid establishment this one the IR markings look like the finish is terrible it looks like it's been drawn on by a child but you can forgive it that because it is a class package from my point of view I would like to see the RET markings matching the turrets when you get into dialing properly that becomes pretty fundamental and it's fairly old fashioned to have a mil rat or a half mil rat or whatever with minute markings on me on the turret that's a bit behind the curve I know it's still very popular in the air rifle world but it's better guys when they match so that brings me to the opt is own and the opt is an is even better finished this is a tenth of a million coming fast focus diopter metal covers good legible turrets the IR is great really nice it really walks the walk let's have a look at these turrets lift turn clicks a nice and legible proper markings one left excuse me one right now I can name some 800-pound scopes that don't have the markings each way properly like that we've got good legibility here so it's looking good now let's talk about how these will perform optically so what we're talking about with the OP design and the hawk here which are very similar optically it's just that the hawk is ever so slightly more punchy and colorful maybe a tiny bit more resolution but they're quite similar the hawk being just just a few percent better but then it is a little bit more money what we're talking about here is the bottom of the mag range 6 being crystal clear nice easy I box no problems no tunnelling no softness you know spot on then as we zoom up all the way to 24 we have no silliness with the eye box becoming fussy milkiness you know you know that rolling ball effect none of that is a problem we've got solid 6 to 24 and the whole time we've got quite surprisingly good levels of resolution sharpness color contrast the field of view is not dismal it is not worse than say the sight rawness 3 so there we have it I'm gonna look at my tracking notes now and I'll show you what I found on my tracking board now I don't just dial it 5 minutes and come back to zero a lot of scopes almost always come back to zero what separates the men from the boys is two things one when you dial 30 minutes do they dial 30 minutes or do they dial 29 or you know 31 what is a problem is when you get to the extremes of windage and the scope carries on clicking and you think are you know I'm still going left I'm still going right and you're not these are called dead clicks then when you are up against the edge of wind you dial up and the scope doesn't go up it goes either nowhere or it goes diagonally and then suddenly it will start going vertically up so you get these troubles in the corners now I've put scopes through from you know 150 pounds to 4,000 pounds and you would be surprised what I found all I can say really to be fair is that I've been impressed by the hawk and the Optus on both of which you can trust for the type of dialing that they're going to be used for and that includes some reasonable and significant centerfire dialing you know if you put 20 minutes on these things at 2530 minutes they are going to be okay I'll get my notes and I'll show you the details so tracking wise we've got a small amount of error here as I say this is not a typical off so much more expensive scopes 40 minutes of dialing moved 39 returned 2-0 perfect even when windage and elevation moved to the extremes 43 minutes total adjustment range that is something that you do do a bit better when you spend a bit more money 43 is okay but you know seventy five eighty a hundred really helps a lot of people are forced to move these scopes on when they realize they can't get out to a thousand yards and they need something with her you know twice the adjustment range in but with regards to accuracy not a disgrace as I say there are plenty that I measured that were but the hawk and the Optus and do well optician was excellent here's the notes for the optician okay rains coming down now right started raining and I'm going to carry on summarizing vlogging style let's get this thing lined up look at that fantastic yeah so essentially these cheap scopes are generally awful when it comes to doing the more advanced duties of high mag and dialing but the hawken up to sounds barely 300 pounds so I'm thoroughly thoroughly impressed the turrets count both ways yeah they've only got 45 minutes of adjustment range but you know that adjustment is not shabby the return-to-zero is is solid with the OP design you can even go to the edge edges of windage and stony coffee wood with a survival knife that's pretty tough when they're going to the edges of windage and not having loads of dead clicks and dial and adjustment that's that's impressive that really is so yeah and they will go any rifle they will allow you to zoom in see clearly they're not terrible at dusk at all they'll enable you to not have to worry all the time about your eye box and I can't get lined up on this thing that they've really impressed me the field of view is similar to something much more expensive like a PST or or an s3 yeah the optician and the hawk I recommend can't recommend much else in the category that I've seen you know and I didn't expect to be able to recommend anything at this budget but I I can say if you've only got 300 quid the optician is safe if you've got 400 quid the hawk is a shade brighter and sharper tiny bit less chromatic aberration and that you then have go to the site Ron to get more resolution and the the PST and they are a chunk more money so these are oh these are over performers don't buy fur gimmicks think carefully about what it is that you actually need and if a scope says it can do five to fifty four four hundred it can't don't buy that scope keep it simple and from from a huge brand like hawk or a huge Brian like opt is an you know you you've got the best jobs and and there we go I hope I hope this helps it's been painful there's been some awful scopes and there's been subscribes we expected to be good that word and the frankly the old classic of the hawk I could see why it's quite popular in in in your gun clubs around the land and the Optus and is is a real bargain and for matching ret to turrets impresses me they both the hawk helicopters and can't both ways on the windage which is you know really it's essential but a lot of scopes don't do it for more money illuminations good the retz are you know in the ballpark so yeah good work those those two guys and as I say stay clear of the gimmicks and buy one of those too and and and then get saving for you know you thousand-pound scope where you will get more you get more resolution you'll get more field of view and you'll get a lot more adjustment range so if you want to get one of these scopes say the Hawks got 45 minutes now imagine that you I've done another video about this that you are in the middle of that when you zero your rifle you're not really going to be able to get out to a thousand with an AR 308 you might be able to get out to a thousand or something very slippery but remember the rule about the edges you don't want to be bang up against the edges on any scope but particularly a budget scope so that's where you start to need adjustment rails and you start to run out of pretend in the scope it needs to spend a lot more money but for normal duties these these two will do the job so yeah well done interesting stuff that okay I hope this helps guys get out on the coffee you this is a matter of interest is a very rare 1022 clone it was made in the States in full stainless steel in limited numbers and was imported into the UK by Fairburn who called it the urban lightning and it had the gunsmiths earthy urban really breathed on it everything is shimmed internally this is in the mid 90s when you know there weren't really many of these custom 10 22s that there are now improving on the design of the 1022 and improving the tolerances so this was full stainless full shimmed trigger group everything honed match barrel really really top quality stuff you know a proper recall buffer all those little differences and they're very rare now very rare and this is a real gem in my collection of of to to so am yeah AMT theable lightning target so I've been playing on that with these various 6 to 24 dealers they're not all 6 to 24 but that neck of the woods that's often a popular mayor Grange on rimfire and air rifles or such like now don't get me wrong these scopes are capable of going on said to fires but a great deal of the people who will only spend four hundred pounds on a scope are in that rimfire air rifle them you know usage set so I thought I'd put it on a on a rim Ian and and and do that I've also done extensive tracking testing so I can report you whether these scopes are trustworthy which is a big deal and there's a lot of hype about this and I have also done exclu and I have also done extensive dusk testing flare control you know different types of lights and always side by side you cannot trust your memory to give you information that's that's sufficiently accurate for testing scopes you have to you can your impressions and that gives you an overall global kind of knowledge but to see one scope versus another you need to do it immediately right then and there so what I do is I have a big old row of 25 scopes and a voice recorder and I go from something premium like the Recon to give me some perspective then I'll go to something cheap really cheap to give me perspective at the other end go through all the mid-range price-wise so that I can say for your money this is what you're getting this is how much better you know ten times as much money gets you etc etc as a matter of interest on testing forswore ox5 three to eighteen there v6 three to eighteen Zeiss this magnificent find their German precision optics a new brand GPO two-and-a-half to fifteen this is one of the best stalking scopes I've ever come across and it's about 1,300 euros so that's a real real bargain so there's an exciting premium and yet always with an eye to value roundup of sort of hunting three to a teams coming up there we go I hope that this test has been informative for you
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Views: 36,835
Rating: 4.8838711 out of 5
Keywords: sharpshootinguk, varminting, precision rifle shooting, hunting, pest control, review, accuracy, sniping, marksmanship, long range, scopes, budget, long range dialling, Hawke Sidewinder,, sharpshootinguk facebook group,, Optisan scopes, 6-24x tactical scopes, optics, scope for long range, long range ballistics training days uk, StrelokPro training
Id: ycn_vkHg7xU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 06 2018
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