BEST STEAKhouse in BENIDORM? Drinks in MATEO'S I found Madge's Mobility Scooter!

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now then my friends in today's Vlog we're off for a stake with gwenny who you saw in the last video however this is not gwenny obviously this is Harrison gwenny's inside she's having a glass of wine and uh you've been on a video before haven't you you've been on the plane video where I came over from East Midlands Airport and you are from Mansfield aren't you are you a Manfield Town supporter yes you are good lad good lad that's what we like to hear uh who's your favorite team though is it Mansfield town if you had to pick one Manfield Town Mansfield Town super Stags super Stags right so we're off for a state today then hopefully over to Mato mattios got his dad here up there we go you're on as well there we go Matos yes are you a St supporter say yes yeah yeah yeah he hesitated there what's all that about hesitant shame on this guy not at all he's bigger than me I don't want knock and you just had the breakfast haven't you let me come up here you've had the you've had the massive breakfast at Yorkshire pride and you smashed it in in 20 minutes 20 minutes smashed it Mansfield massive what I say yes get in right so what I want you to do is right you're going to say like And subscribe to the camera can you do that like And subscribe to M see he's got it already and then when I say now without further Ado my friends you've got a shout let's go as loud as you can and point to the camera okay so you go let's go like that right so now without further Ado my friends can you do it let's go let's [Music] go right stop right there because we've got Victoria here at Shamrock now you've been on barging loving Brit you I have and you're from Glasgow just don't say glas go Hamilton give us a little bit of glass region come on Donald was your truers really where's the best bar this is it isn't it this is the best bar badon the Shamrock barers opposite Marino Hotel live music seven nights I fantastic five piece band and come and see this lady say hi to me I've got a question to ask you Glasgow now you can't be bi us here or Edinburgh Glasgow that was quick whole way Glasgow you know what I've been to Glasgow in Edinburgh and I'm going to say Glasgow where gl's old and the home of tenant loger definitely can you say onwards my friends onwards my [Music] [Applause] [Music] friends stop right there because I cannot believe this I know I have a lot of viewers in America Etc in England but this guy here Matthew where are you from I'm living in Germany and I'm watching your video every Sunday I drink coffee and I'm watching your videos and you saw me in Malaga yes yes are we going to Mar Malaga next next year in March we both had tickets already and I watch I was watching your videos when you when you play some things in Malaga I'm so happy fantastic are you enjoying benor yeah yeah I love it we we we here second time already second time yes yes where in Germany are you from from from Hamburg from Hamburg yes excellent I tell you what German cars are the best right Porsche yeah BMW right right yeah see they make the best cars yes but do you like electric cars yeah I love electric cars why not electric cars why not but they're so so modern so I love I love them yeah what about but what's your favorite car at the moment 911 no no 911 no no no no no no I'm I'm Audi fan Audi Audi yes R8 an Audi R8 or the Audi why not no or the Audi electric one which is I know we're going into electric cars here but you know me uh it what's the electric version of it it's the uh rron isn't it rron yes yeah very popular in Germany right now yeah you see I've always had German cars I've had eight uh eight Porsches two BMWs uh really the only ones that can make cars really your engineering is fantastic isn't it brilliant generic is f but you love benor you're off toala yeah I love this place love this weather love this people I love this culture I do you drink Jager Meister not a lot not a lot no no wise man wise man is not good your hang but do you have them now then have you ever there is a thing here where they drink the beer from the boots which is a German thing have you done that before no no because I'm not a German culture like I'm I'm from Poland originally I used to live in London I trying different things not especially German things they not best in everywhere but the beer though do you live in Germany answer me this yeah now this is I'm interested in this is the beer in Germany stronger than it is anywhere else no I wouldn't say that no Dutch Dutch so from from Holland yeah they are most popular 8% 10% very strong double strong 10% yes 10% uh the like black one elephant black one elephant they're selling a lot in the Germany very strong 10% 10% yeah not very tasty not very tasty at all that's mad do me a favor yeah can you say while pointing into the camera onwards my friends on my friends right stop there again because we've now got Peter from buy is it buy or buy new bur bu yeah it's called it's rotten sto really rotten sto yeah how many times have you been to benador six six times what in a year in a year last year twice this year once year before three times wow where's your favorite place places here to eat have you got any favorite off the bat or um I can't remember the names that we like the tap pass but you don't like how you doing how you doing right you all right yeah not bad hi you're all right you're right mate cheers have a good one we like the tap pass and a glass of wine but you're not like tap Ste well controversi is controversial there we go controversial um uh it's a bit like leftover christening food isn't it yeah yeah I like it over a glass of wine but you you don't drink a lot yeah I I've stopped for about I stopped for weeks and now I've cut it back a little bit doctor says I'm all right long as you don't have oh yeah you you girl I didn't drink for three months and before I come in here I just started having yeah I think apparently it's better than D cat but what's your other favorite now tapa you rate tap yeah I like it yeah I like well Jackie likes a glass of wine so yeah we we like that um I've never been for a Korea here yeah and we haven't been for chinesee yet right well there's two to try yeah Cafe India right all right there's also Curry Leaf which I did right uh there's also can't remember the other one uh can't there's another one but the Chinese that I went to um I can't remember what it was the viewers can help what was the what was what was the Chinese is it China Garden let's get grenny over here grenny come here come here we need you I'm not sure where this video is going today come now as she's putting her glasses on there like a Hollywood movie star what was the Chinese that went come in here what was the Chinese that I liked you said wasn't China Garden right China Garden yeah now you you recommend something else stay with us if you love benor Anything Could Happen further up the hill just past the Corner Bar really give it a look we'll give it a look menu on the other but nice food and I said Cafe India I Saida India this that I tried as well what was the one that you like NEP nepi the NEP to the side of presidency really that's that's near where we're staying go to that I have an apology to make to you do you have yeah I'm really sorry that you keep in my voice on his computer or phone all the time oh well he watches you all the time you stop speaking to Steven St in Black yeah Walk On The Wildside here I am in Black pool at black pool Tower in Black pool black pool s times got get it counts so many times I think I say things you know you just got to keep going it out you so the other one is uh B fishing chips we do we've been there we like that well I went to Race 2 yesterday and controversially I don't know whether I put this video out yet haven't I haven't put this video out yet so I've G put this one out yet though well I haven't put this one out yet no but I actually went to Dave fishing chip shop right and I can't put it out until I've gone cuz I don't want to chase it I got thrown out you can't film in here can't film in here you're not allowed to film the fishing chips in here you can't film in here so so I've already thought the headline I went to the worst fish and chip shop in Benidorm and I got I got I got thrown out of the worst fishing chip in worst yeah anyway you'll see it I got thrown out friendly fish and chip shop no I got thrown out of the listen I worked for newspapers I got thrown out of the worst fish and chip you know how to met the headline yeah in benor so went back to the best which is raised too days now that my arms aching right so we've got to say after three all of us right after three we've got to say in point and go onwards my friends ready 3 2 1 onwards my friends this is my bed that's your bed yeah this is my bed 30 each 30 each you can take them if you want yeah we'll have them all right you got a deal I FR up anyway good laugh oh your po po here we go but they can't read it you can't read it that that is one the shots over there in a bit you can't read it that's it is that good yeah that's fantastic good hey nice to meet you absolutely superb your professor said that go get go get a pint good Lu for me get it off [Music] [Applause] [Music] yay right so we're at labrasa now we've got Calvin here Calin or kelvin Kelvin Kelvin here from South Wales now your flight over here was 2 hours yep but you drive to the airport was about 7 and a half hours because of the uh correct because of the 20 mph speed liit now that is controversial my friends what do you think to the 20 mph speed limit what a l of Tosh yeah yeah I could have think of a stronger word but it is a Family Channel yeah I'm part of the 500,000 that have signed up you've signed up yes definitely it's going to head over the Border yes yeah yeah it's um well I don't agree with it outside schools yeah certain areas yes but not not the places they done it then you get over there there's talk some say right cuz you drive a car y have you been overtaken by a Mobility Scooter yet not not quite no anyway yeah yeah you've been here too to labrasa yes and you you're back again back again this is our final night so we we go come back it's it lovely food bargain it was like1 16 for a set meal um happy with it so if you come back that's that's that's a great advertisement brilliant and I'm tight um now not as tight as as the Yorkshire Yorkshire folk yeah so yeah yeah it's nice we enjoyed it and the app will pay today for honest I like yeah quick question though before we go I've got to ask this is my self really being Salish not for the video custard or ice cream and apple pie cream I think it was cre Sandra but what would be your choice cream with the apple pie cream it was lovely what would be your choice though usually at home custard yeah is that be favorite I'd have custard but then again yeah I'm Notting him sh n so can you say can you say I don't know where this video is going today can you say I I would say I would ask you to say onwards my friends but but in a but can you do it really slowly Norm I say because you're only 20 M hour can you go onwards my friends onwards my friends is that slow enough that it's not quite as slow as the speed limitting WS but it's good enough we don't tend to STI see you in a [Music] minute [Music] well I need to tell you what we're doing yeah don't know yeah I don't know I don't know we just ordering a steak aren't we um I don't know um you're going to go for the set menu yeah I think so yeah um now the set menu where are we you can have uh soup tomato or vegetable or garlic bread garlic bread for me what about you okay um I'd probably go vegetabl sou it was going to set menu the only thing is sirloin steak I'm not a m sirloin steak fan I do like um I do like a filet steak myself um so I may go I may throw a curve ball here and not go yeah uh with the set menu however MH um you can share my garlic bread I won't eat it I'm not into garlic bread I don't particularly like garlic to be honest I love garlic my um we had my mom and dad had some Australian friends uh from Perth in fact Kathy lives lives in Perth still and if you're watching Kathy hi uh give it a one more minute thank you thank you uh and um they made garlic butter once and put it on bread I tasted it as a kid and threw it on the back lawn it was awful um sorry Kathy if you're watching it but it was it was not good it probably was but not for me anyway so um I'll tell you what we have look at the menu you have a look at the menu as well and tell what you'd have in the comments section down below good choice but I I tell you one thing I may have to have that apple pie now yeah yeah yeah yeah custard or ice cream ooh don't know maybe squirty cream just nobody has squirty cream they do it's nice or real double cream double cream yeah get that that's no ordinary cream no it's not double cream yeah yeah yeah right my friends have a closer look at the menu while I make my mind up [Music] [Music] [Music] right my friends so um I have got the phet steak and Granny's got the um so steak Soo Ste set menu um looks pretty good I've had mine I've had it medium to well because I thought oh I don't like any it's not actually blood no it's hemoglobin or something or whatever but I don't like that yours actually looks you asked for yours medium well but it doesn't look medium well mine does actually look medium well um tell me what you think in the comment section down below but before we go any further you know the score take a closer look my [Music] friends [Music] [Music] he [Music] right I've just going to do something before you won't have known this sketch but tell well I'll probably put a clip in actually of it okay so I've got to do this are you ready I'm going to turn the camera around hey go for it a black pepper is a black pepper and black pepper black pepper alen Pace bloody thing black [Applause] pepper I've just tried my hand overcut Philip St no right pretty good I'm going to try your Sirin straight there yeah cut a bit half actually you cut me a bit yours yours actually tastes pretty good I'm got to say I'm very impressed and it's a large dat it's lovely thank you is yours cooked in the same sort of oil whatever it's not the best take hat but but salty yeah but it's not bad you know it's it's pretty good well I'm not going to film too many shots of this from each angle um cuz I'm going to let you eat your dinner um but we'll mark it out of 10 outside we'll get the bill uh and see what it's like but yeah it's not bad I'm impressed m mine's lovely I've got my apple pie coming as well it was another year out i' You' got my apple pie oh yeah I've got your apple pie yeah I'm stealing your apple pie anyway I'll see you guys in a minute pepper corn sauce that's a bit Burnie 70s isn't it good stuff there you want some yeah please thank you just tiny bit on this I've got to capture this look at [Music] this [Music] ask a question any my dad could never yeah could I have some mustard please yeah in there oh we missed it oh we missed it there it is thank you there we go uh it's not Coleman's though is it you know what I mean you're in it's not Colman's colan's made in Norwich probably is now anymore um but my dad used to say you can't have steak without mustard I know what you reckon I can't get the dadish um I don't like horse radish I don't like can't stand these things these things drive me NS there we go little bit of mustard now the thing is it's not if it ain't col it ain't mustard it ain't mustard there's marketing for you nah no don't mind n right I'll eat this then come back to you difference between mustard and horseradish because they both have the same taste to me mustard and that's now that is controversial mustard and hor Rish the same it's got the same kick to them I for me I feel might have the same kick I mean you could get kicked by a mule and get kicked by a bll but it's different you know still hurt still hurt anyway seeing a minute I don't know what I'm talking about that do [Music] I right so uh I've nicked your apple pie um and I've gone for ice cream because I'd normally go for custard me but because we're in Spain and it's warmer I've gone for the ice cream and do you know what I have sticky toffee pudding all the time with Sarah but she has ice cream with it and a lot of people have said you should have Custard with it but I do like the cold with the hot anyway let's go for the apple pie so is the apple pie hot yeah you think he did he say he would do custard for you he did it was an extra year custard but that apple pie is nice c p ice cream or cream with it that is a g and that was part of my set which is amazing that looks good yeah I like that leave me to eat this and then we'll see you guys outside we go to mattios um who's the guy from benor the TV series uh it's his boss so we're going to head off there have a look in there and uh see what's what in there she'll see you in a minute yeah that says it all okay my friends so before we go into Matos we're going to wind up and uh do the score uh for the steak laasa restaurant now we're going to go into Matos there's loud music playing so um I'm going to show you in Matos in a minute but we're going to have to put our own music over it for copyright reasons Etc now matio is come this way I don't think you I think I'm going to move you down here a little bit I think I'm Too Tall there we go you are very tall I'm off your shoulders so let's go through the steak then we'll going to m mattios is from benid the TV yeah was a player in Benny dor he was funny mat my name is mat you blind this well stupid excellent he did show me but I only saw a couple of episodes of Ben I have to say you're missing out I'm missing out I'll have to catch up on it shame on me shame on you right steak uh I thought it was very nice to be fair um and I thought the service was excellent be went above and beyond uh so it's really loud actually now so I'm going have to we've even got music playing so for me I want to go 8.9 uh the steak was done to perfection for me I want I asked for it medium medium well which is what I got you asked for it to be medium well I'd say yours was medium wasn't quite well done I would say I could have done with proper chips instead of Frozen chips Etc if I'm being picky uh like french fries yeah french fries um I should have gone for a jacket potato maybe um the apple pie was fantastic service was great it was 4890 in total um so you probably better off going for the set menu and it would have been cheaper if i' have gone for a fet steak but um you went for a f feel cheaper if it gone for the Sirin St yeah off the set menu set menu yeah yeah could you have the fill it but I like a fill it steak so I'm not going to ruin it but mine was nice wasn't it you had a taste of M it was very very I'm going 8.9 so 8.9 what do you reckon I'm going to go nine um I'm only knocking it down a bit because the garlic bread could have been more garlicky I couldn't taste garlic but I I did like the bread that they used my steak was lovely I loved how it was cooked yes it wasn't cooked exactly how I wanted but you know what it tasted good and I like the coat and it was cooked in so I'm more than happy and I thought excellent value for money and I will come back on my next trip benador there nine then nine from me nine from nine from you nine from me 8.9 from me uh so now we're going to go into mattios um and then we'll see you outside in a minute when we've had a look around like I said I'll put music over it you can have a look in there I think there's some memorabilia from the series Etc so we'll show you around there with music over the top of it Etc then we'll see you back out here in a minute uh which I'll actually be R in a few seconds the magic of editing we're doing the outro in a minute and we don't have to come back out again I yeah okay have a drink and relaxed yeah so we'll see you guys in a minute we'll have a look around in Mao's bar uh and then we'll come back to you in a minute right but before we go into mattios we we've just got to we've got to stop right there because we've got some more viewers of the channel we've got Dave Dave and Brenda from l l you've been here for a month haven't you right what bars are the best come on tell us get some information all good they're all good to Matos we were going into Mato Mato not yeah yeah I mean the we've got to give these couple credit this is a new bar they' just open barrels yeah they just open and they're so friendly so polite okay so I tell you what if you come to Benidorm right it's a new bar is it it's a new right it's next dber one to mattio there's not many people is it a familyowned bar just a couple just a couple that own just opened it yeah right so okay then do me a favor I always like to to help local businesses buses we do so barrels there right do they serve food as well or is it just Dr unfortunately it's okay so just drink do live a by they looking that and they you've got turns on yeah you got turns on only been open a week yeah all right only been open a week so come and support them right Barrel's there that's it get down support them all right it's good to support like just started next door want to mattios so now then just before we before we go into mattio by the way you have followed me and you went to M Troy and you have the and now I've got the biggest ever in my life oh was mad can you say onwards my friend onwards my friend I tell you what follow him he's big style L Maring on together [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh wow I mean matios looked absolutely amazing didn't it yeah very popular and there it's absolutely full the music's going I can't believe how amazing matio has looked I've not actually seen it yet because we're recording the outro before but you know it looks wonderful didn't it it looks look wonderful yeah and the beer in there the selection of beers was fantastic on the cocktails you cocktails don't forget the cocktails that are based on the TV series as well yes they are I don't know whether I dare try one or not oh you you're you definitely got to try one yeah it was amazing yeah and it was bouncing in there so there you go y obviously we've not been in yet we just filmed the outro so magic of Television you know magic of the movies anyway that's all from us today hope you enjoyed it do hit the Subscribe button click the little bell for notifications when I upload a video and you know what I'll say I'll say it as my normal thing if you wouldn't mind hitting the Subscribe button it does help push this video out to YouTube to other people that like Benny dor and like these kind videos so it doesn't cost you a penny it is free and I'd really appreciate it if you hit the Subscribe button I do believe you have to have a Google account Etc uh so Google that one yeah there we go thank you for watching thank you very much are you going to join me in the you might join me in the next one yeah i' I've had fun it's been good Freddy Mercury says thank you good night there we go that's a new quote for you well come on you know what The Show Must Go On Show Must Go On see what I did there
Channel: The MacMaster
Views: 52,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Benidorm TV Series, Benidorm TV Comedy, Mateo's Benidorm, Benidorm Comedy, Spain, Best Steak in Benidorm, Benidorm Steakhouse
Id: XRSUZlo485A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 6sec (1986 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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