Best ‘Star Wars’ Moments on the ‘Ellen’ Show

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[Applause] well congratulations to you three this is very exciting and finally it comes out tomorrow so this must be a a very exciting time that it's finally coming out finally yes yes yeah very exciting because you've been working on it for a year right uh I started auditioning two years ago yeah two years ago I started auditioning yeah yeah two years ago you auditioned yeah yeah wow and what about you I just kind of walked on uhhuh that was it was pretty easy for me yeah yeah no I I yeah it was actually a few months before my audition was a couple days before that first you remember that black and white photo when we we first did this uh with everybody mine was a couple days before that wow that's amazing now did you because Lita was here and she was talking about that she didn't know that she was auditioning for this movie she knew she was meeting JJ Abrams but she didn't know for what did you know it was Star Wars I knew you did did you I did yeah and did you I knew but they said it was just a general meeting we don't know for what right and did you have any idea this is kind of your first movie right yeah well I mean wow your first movie did you understand what you were getting into no I just like go where I'm told and say the words it was it's a weird thing you cuz it's like a film and then it's so much more than that so it's so much more than that people are I mean it's it's crazy people are camping out already waiting to to and and 50 million in tickets sales pre-sales phenomenon yeah yeah it really is so uh and the the hardest part I would think are the outfits and where you shot cuz you shot in uh where did you shoot ababi yes so it's hot yes hot Pinewood Pinewood Studio State yeah you actually sometimes got a little cold yeah so that's we'll we'll get to you because that that's just rude um I mean these these poor guys like so you're in heavy warm like I thick it was the worst for himo absolutely all right what is that is that plastic what is that oh it's a lovely lovely suit to wear in Abu Dhabi in the heat while you are sweating and you don't understand where you are it's literally uh so hot and uh it was really really hard to get the takes down but I I got through it guys I got through it yeah two on for the so and the explosions were real I heard yeah so you're running we were running for our lives well yeah so there's no acting involved there so okay so there in the desert which I know it gets to be like 120 as I've been there before and you were in a in a sound stage with it maybe maybe got got up to 72 degrees or something yeah some well sometimes sometimes the tea would be very hot oh no yeah but you poor thing yeah cuz your lips you could burn your lips you know what going to happen yeah because what are you playing that you're not on the uh s like they are I'm in space mostly uh uh I'm in the in the cockpit I play an X-Wing uh resistance fighter uh-huh now have you did you talk to Harrison Ford about how to pretend to be a pilot I did because he he pretends to be a pilot I'll tell you yeah he he's flown me before and now I regret it I I well he had he had said if you want me to take you up and it was before the before he crashed before the crash so I considered it uh no I did I said is there anything you can tell me I've never even come close to piloting I've never done anything like that how do you make it look real and he said well you just you fake it kid and uh I didn't know what I was doing you just make it up and it's in space so the same rules don't apply but then I showed up to set for the first day and they had a blueprint of the cockpit uh with an exact uh sequence that I had to touch because because everybody knows I guess people that watch the other movies there's a very specific thing you have to do and certain but buttons are off limits and certain ones aren't so I actually couldn't just make it up wow like there are fans out there that will write in going he touched the wrong button when yeah that doesn't do the booster that definitely doesn't do the left booster you touch the wrong button that's really crazy but wait so back to the sand so you're in the sand it's 120° and there are scorpions right was it desert spiders was it wasn't it no there camel spiders are those poisonous as well camel spiders suck your flesh and you don't know they're there how do you not know something sucking your flesh I don't know because of the Venom I guess that but they also they also hide in the shade of your that's they go on the camel's underbelly yeah and they were poisonous scorpions and and if you get I'm sure there's no hospital in the middle of that desert no wow I was so scared that if a camel spider was in my Stormtrooper suit I would never know and that would be horrific ell John it would it would it would be I agree with you there that would be horrific that's a fear now do you still dream about those camel spiders um yes every day yeah I take therapy with Daisy yeah yeah now this really was now we can talk about it because the movie comes out tomorrow even though we're not talking it's still like a you know shrouded in secrecy but but like you couldn't even share what you're doing on the set with your families right you couldn't even tell your families what you're doing no I told the family I had to tell the family you're a rebel all the way around they're huge Star Wars fan I mean the biggest Star Wars fans I think on Earth so I I mean I I couldn't have held it from them they would have they would have but then they kept a secret yes they kept it mostly secret okay but you twoo didn't tell anybody you were I told my family and they didn't keep it a secret both of you were what no what why did I keep the secret all this time no not what we were doing every day about us being in it oh okay cool yeah cuz I was going to say you're well anyway good for you for for obeying loyal that's how be too if somebody tells me not to do something I'm going to listen to them so we're back with the cast of the Star Wars the Force awakens and uh so you got to know each other pretty well I assume and uh you do Impressions I I think John of uh who do you do impressions of well I do impressions of Oscar as Po and I do impressions of Daisy Ridley also we would like to see that not as Ray no just you as normal oh God oh God oh my gosh she is so amazing I not like [Applause] that oh my God ter oh my God I love you girl oh that's fantastic John that's amazing and I don't even know her by the way just one quick question and the movie comes out tomorrow so it's gonna we're all going to know anyway you might as well tell us now any romance between uh these characters that we will see and if you lie to me I'll be mad I think it's very subtle romance that's happening you know you have to just look very close you have to watch it a few times to see the little hints but was at least I was playing romance I was in the cockpit I was playing there was a very deep romance I see so it's subtle but you were playing romance so when we're watching you that's what we should be aware of I won't say with which character but it was in your head you were having romance with someone yes yes okay could be a Droid all right and John any romance that with your character yeah see Finn is is is not the romantic guy right now no I mean he's always sweating and panting and running yeah doesn't really have time for that okay yeah yeah yeah and press you a sweaty so who's going to be's going to be interested in that nobody all right and any uh romance for you um we shall see oh so yes oh no not necessarily but it's exciting to say we shall [Music] see all right we'll use it as a teaser anyway all right so these are some of the we're it seems like a joke that we're um this is first of all oh my gosh that's amazing do you understand this is a shower head oh and he cries it's yes it's a shower head so cool okay isn't that amazing now all right so I kind of understand that kind of frightening it shoots water out of the eyes but then I I'm not sure where it comes out of I don't want to know um there's like a Star Wars this is a tea uh infuser okay there is Star Wars mac and cheese I don't know how do I don't understand how that has anything to do with anything um there's Star Wars Covergirl makeup there's Star Wars uh but this is the best Star Wars apples they're just apples everybody they're apples and yet they're Star Wars apples can you believe that there's actually Star Wars oranges as well there's a bag of oranges and you put Star Wars on it and they're a lot more expensive how do you make how do you make anyway Star Wars the forest awakens has become one of the biggest movies of all time making over $2 billion dollar and now it's about to come out on DVD here to tell tell us all about it as one of the stars of the movie please welcome Chewbacca hello chewy how are [Music] you this is your first time on the show [Music] yeah um so uh the movie did very [Music] well do you want to tell us a little bit about the experience you [Music] had I didn't I didn't really think this through because I I can't understand [Applause] him does you nobody knows what he's saying is there anybody here that can actually translate for you yes indeed that's not the real guy no no did you get that guy we flew him in he was in France from Hollywood Boulevard no you flew him in from Hollywood Boulevard yes helicoptered in yes oh we have to check with you yeah he's a lot taller now that I see yeah hi Harrison hi how you doing I'm great how are you I'm happy to see you congratulations the movie made as I said over $2 billion I'm sure you know that yeah so now you're rich it it's a payoff because the first movie I you made $1,000 a week yeah that's true right yes it is true $1,000 a week for the first movie this one you made more more yes a little bit more yeah did he touch this no no but it's not what you're used to drinking yeah it is is it so let's talk about now someone is is uh we we're not going to talk about why because I don't know if everyone it seems like everyone's seen the movie but uh they are now auditioning a new Han Solo they're right no no no it seems it seems no not not a a newo i a a young I see it's it's worse than that oh it's it's a young Han Solo like like uh there's a there's a lot of people auditioning are there yes a lot of people want to play that role uh I I'm I'm flattered what what tips do you have for them don't do it first you know it it seems like everything's going uh swimmingly and you put in 25 30 years and and then they just they just let you go just just after 25 or 30 years and they show you the door and say yeah well we're done with you thanks very much but but there's other things you can do now you could be the new James Bond um I can't I can I'm saying you can okay yeah I'd do that so obviously huge year for you and uh then when the Oscar and then I didn't know this you you auditioned for Star Wars that same week yes yes it was crazy uh I accepted this audition I guess I thought I should find work you know um and didn't really know what I was auditioning for I knew I was going in for JJ but I was so busy you know I was just work AB the director yes JJ Abrams the director um I was so busy I was working with adrenaline so I went in and out I barely remember that audition and then two months later he called me but you knew it was for Star Wars no I didn't I didn't I don't believe I did they just said go meet with JJ Abrams yeah he's working on a big movie uhhuh yes and so then what was your audition if you did what did you you just talk to him no there was a SC from something else you know they give you like a substitute script like from cheers or something like might as well have been yeah yeah yeah and you have to use that and I remember crouching around and like I had like I was using my hands as a gun I remember that so when did you find out that it was Star Wars and that you got it um it was two months ago it was two months later and I was in Morocco on holiday and uh he called me at my hotel and said I have this motion capture role that I'm considering you for are you interested in doing motion capture and I said yes please so what that means actually is they put I don't even understand how and why they do this but they put these dots all over your face and how long does it take and what are they made of those dots I think they're made of something like plasticky and it's like stickers but then a little tougher than stickers and they have to punch them off a little sticky tape and then and they stick them all on your face and there's more than aund and I want to say more than a definitely more than 125 and uh first of all that doesn't sound like a high budget film but um with a little sticky thing and there's some padding going on because I heard it cost a lot of money um all right so then how long does it take to put those on those when I first started it was taking about 2 and 1/2 hours and then we got it down to about 45 to 1 hour okay and then when you need to eat food you you have to take them off no you can't do that I had uh dots on my lips and on my teeth and at lunchtime I would just eat the dots and then they would put them back do you think that is good for you I'm choosing my poison I mean you're swallowing plastic and and probably expensive plastic is um all right so and what do the dots do what are they doing what they're doing is they're capturing your my expression so I had these four cameras that were um hooked to like a helmet on my head and they then put lights on those camera LED lights and they can capture my movement and then they take my expression and put it on the Avatar that is ma Kata and and so you play a pirate that's all we can know you're a space pirate yes I can tell you more okay she is she's lived for a while and she has a colorful past and she owns a bar oh okay yeah that that lady right there you that's you yeah wow spitting I would not know that that's you I'm I'm glad we're seeing that um so all right well I mean that's amazing that you're a part of this too because you have to be like everybody is a huge fan of Star Wars yes who were you most excited to meet on set well I can remember very vividly meeting uh Chewbacca for the first time yonas the guy who plays him uh was like having some coffee or something and so he he had his head off and uh he was just drinking coffee and I was just like I went up to him and I was just like I just wanted to stroke him it's it's probably not a good first impression I'm sure he did not mind that he didn't so Chewbacca was sitting there with his head off drinking coffee uhhuh wow yeah it must be such a strange set to see all these people and these characters with their part of their costume off just taking breaks yeah just chilling yeah yeah amazing this is very I mean this movie is going to be I heard like ticket sales are already crazy in advance so what is Rogue one about it's uh it's about this team of rebels uh that have to to get the the plan of the Dead star it's basically goes before the Genesis of Star Wars before that first film done at the end of the 70s and it's the story that comes in in in that text that is there at the beginning so it's like a modern approach to Star Wars but also it's celebrating that Genesis that first film we all saw it's pretty special I'm I'm a huge fan so I was back backstage looking at a clip going like I can't believe that's me yeah like oh my god look how cool is that well that's so great that you're appreciating cuz it really is cool that you're in it and it's like it's going to be huge so I'm glad that you're you're enjoying Mexican in Star Wars come on it's fantastic yeah yeah yeah and in a role that actually lasts more than 10 seconds right that's fantastic well I'm happy for you oh hi Carrie that is our song that was our song uh whenever it plays we were surprised other people liked it remember yeah when we wrote it um hi it's good to see you again and this is so exciting isn't it I mean who would a think it that this would be happening I knew no you didn't no but people do ask me I think that's the craziest question did you know it was going to be that big of a hit so now I say yes uhhuh in fact I thought it would be bigger and I'm let down yeah so I know this one's going to do well too cuz I'm psychic yeah look look at that right there you see that that's before and after it's not my fault it's really what not your fault what I look like now is not my fault now this is not my fault medication did it Years of Living longer makes you look worse who knew about that I it's really upsetting so but see I looked good then but didn't know it then either yeah we never do we never appreciate where we are in that in that moment in time that's what I try to think of I think when I am 70 I I'm going to wish that I looked what I looked like when I was with you yes just this though yes okay just this just this when I just were here just this moment yeah yeah I'm getting these clothes okay go ahead um okay um I love you so much all right so speaking of the force wakens that was the last one and I understand so you you read the script you get ready for the movie and uh you're in it for several seconds well and they sent me for a year and a half to physical training twice a week I thought with all that preparation I'm going to do something really physical I mean aside from rotating and removing a hood so I was reading this thing and everybody's talking about me actors love in stories where they're talking about your character the sword of Skywalker is powerful we must r the Galaxy of Skywalkers everybody's talking about me and I'm reading reading reading reading I tell you if you've seen the movie that I don't want to spoil it but I thought when the the the lightsaber Jiggles in the snow and flies I said oh boy baby here I am and it goes to Ray I said she didn't even finish her training yeah Carrie Fisher was one of one of our favorite people I loved her I saw you out on the street flagging down it was hilarious she's hilarious and y'all were close I know you were very close yeah and uh she's like an Irreplaceable member of the family and but the whole world feels that way we're all sort of mourning her and I'm sort of I always think of her in the present tense I don't think of her in the past because anytime you were with her it was just fun yeah that's why it's so great that Billy Lord's in the movie because you have that sort of continuity there and she's so similar to her mother man is she I know I mean they ask me what about about how is she similar to Carrie and I said well for a start she was an hour and a half late to the airport oh well yeah because Carrie she used to drive me crazy I mean we were more like real siblings than I really thought because we'd have these huge fights I'd say you're just so full of yourself and I can't stand it and you think you're Hollywood royalty and she'd say well you know you're such a loser whatever so we have these big fights and you wouldn't see each other for months or even years and then you'd see each other again and remind yourself how much fun fun it was to be together because not only could she make me laugh but I could make her laugh and that was our goal I mean she was like a Latter day anti- man she just looked at every day and tried to maximize as much fun as she could had in any given situation yeah she was hilarious yeah she was she was hilarious Britain's last name is Walker what was Luke Skywalker's original last name Britain yes um star killer that's right oh all right my favorite color is blue what color was Luke Skywalker's original lightsaber Mark green no Britain blue and then it was green because those F had cut his hand yes it was blue and then it was green I know I knew I knew he'd you're not Mark at all all right what what model number was the Millennium Millennium Falcon Britain YT 1300f late figh that's right oh my God you're doing it's fine it's you could catch it it's three to one three oh actually three to zero all right how would Chewbacca say I love Ellen and think her show is the best show in the entire world in what language how would Chewbacca say it oh do you do a good wookie mine's even worse like all right
Channel: TheEllenShow
Views: 3,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ellen, degeneres, ellen show, humor, comedy, funny, celebrity, television, music, interview, tv, ellen degeneres, the ellen show, daytime tv, talk show, elen, degeneris, game, season, fun, the ellen degeneres show
Id: BHRHtfmQQ2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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