Best Sleeping Position For Back Pain, Neck Pain & Sciatica

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today Indie and I are going to show you the best positions to sleep in for back pain cyer and neck pain and with ind's assistance you'll see exactly why we recommend two specific positions imagine for a moment that you had to hold your neck like this for 4 hours or your lower back like this for hours you'd expect it to hurt wouldn't you it would hurt because it would press the bones in your neck or back up against each other causing inflammation and overstretch certain muscles but when you're in a straight neutral position the joints sit on each other nicely and you can rest and heal during your sleep so the best sleeping positions hold the spine in a neutral position sleeping on your stomach makes it hard to sleep in a neutral position it increases the arch in your lower back compressing joints and adding to any low back pain or CA and twisting your neck to one side to breathe compresses joints up one side of your neck it even pushes the jaw to one side which is probably the most sensitive joint in the whole body if you bend one knee and put a pillow underneath your chest on that side it's better for your back but you're still going to get a fair bit of that compressive neck rotation sleeping on your back is the best best sleeping position for your neck because it doesn't force your neck in any direction but make sure that your pillow isn't too big or you don't sleep with two pillows because that pushes your neck forward out of that neutral position and overstretches muscles at the back of your neck not to mention being terrible for snoring and sleep apnea your pillow when lying face up should be the height that will support your neck straight with the rest of your spine if you happen to roll onto your side if you tend to lull your head to one side during the night try this put a small folded Taw under each side of the pillow this creates a slight divot in the pillow that will cradle the neck and help to prevent your neck from rotating if your hip flexes are tight which is pretty common because we sit a lot lying on your back increases the arch of your lower back making it or any stica painful put a large pillow or two underneath your knees stops these hip flexors from increasing the arch of your lower back but if your lower back hurts when lying face up you really should be stretching those hip flexors so I'll leave a link in the description box below to a video on how to do that so here's the first recommended position lying face up with a pillow underneath your knees if your back tends to get a bit achy and a mediumsized pillow in case you turn on onto your side the main issue with sleeping on your side is that our shoulders stick out a lot compared to the rest of our body so you can't really lie right on your shoulder because it'll hurt your shoulder and it tends to lead to a side Bend in the spine so instead we tend to push that bottom shoulder forward but this is bad for the shoulder too and tends to round out the rib cage causing the dreaded romboid pain if you roll forward it makes it even worse and it twists the neck and lower back the trick here is to get your knee position right bringing that top knee right forward compared to the bottom one rolls us forward making things worse but a pillow between our knees can help us stop doing that if you straighten the top leg a little bit more than the bottom leg even better this will roll you backwards slightly off that that bottom shoulder you end up lying more on your rib cage rather than your shoulder the spine can stay neutral and you even roll off your hip which can get sore in many people from lying on it all night just make sure that your pillow height is the right height so that your neck isn't tilted up or Tilted down compared to the rest of your spine so this is our second recommended position on your side with a mediumsized pillow to keep your neck straight pillow between your knees legs bent evenly or the top one slightly straighter to roll your back off your shoulder now I know what you're thinking how do I stay in those positions all night I'm asleep well sleeping habits are just that they're habits and habits can be changed so just keep correcting your sleeping position until you form new habits remember when you're asleep you still have some form of Consciousness you're not dead I changed my sleeping habits completely when I was a teenager because sleeping on my stomach gave me severe headaches so you can do it just keep correcting your position every time you wake up now obviously your bed and pillow Choice can affect your sleep hygiene too so I'll leave a link below to a video about that and if you have shoulder pain in bed I'll leave another link about how to sleep to make your shoulder more comfortable in bed anyway there you go hope you like the video if you did please consider liking commenting and subscribing cuz it always really helps okay cheers
Channel: Body Fix Exercises
Views: 214,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best sleeping position for back pain, how to sleep with back pain, best sleep posture for back pain, best sleep posture for neck pain, best sleeping position for neck pain, physical therapy, best sleeping position for sciatica, best sleeping position for sciatic nerve pain, best sleeping position, how to sleep with sciatica, how to sleep with neck pain, how to sleep more comfortably, how to sleep better, how to sleep with sciatica pain
Id: lJzHlWzotes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 30sec (330 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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