Best Sewing Machine for Quilting Babylock Brilliant Review

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hi guys it's Jen with so it online and I'm back here to show you another demo on a baby lock brilliant machine now don't forget to subscribe to our site click the link so that you'll get the updated videos we're gonna be doing a lot of these demos and we want you guys to be well educated when you're out there looking for a sewing machine so come here come back subscribe get our videos and we'll help you find the machine that's gonna best fit your needs so today I'm gonna talk to you about the baby lock brilliance which is an awesome machine it's in the genuine collection and it's got some really great features it's great if you're a beginner sower or maybe you've been sewing for a little while you know you've had your machine for 30 years and it's time to do an upgrade this has features that I I believe me you're gonna want you're gonna love and you're gonna wonder how you sewed without them all right so let's get started first thing I'm gonna do is lift open this lid now the lid is pretty cool because it's gonna keep all the dust out I've got cats in my house they like to play with the thread dust gets in there so this is a really nice feature when I'm not using it I can keep it closed and they can keep their paws off my machine I'm gonna open it up and it does show you all the different stitches you have on there and I'm not gonna do all of them for you but I will go through some of the essential ones the ones that are important when you're looking for about to buy a machine things that you definitely are gonna want let's start with threading it so first you're gonna put the thread on your spool pin there and the great thing about the baby lark machines is everything's labeled for you it's right on the machine I don't have to get out my instruction manual just to figure out how to thread it I'm gonna follow the solid line here so one goes under this little metal bar 2/3 is straight down four is up and around the take-up lever and then five is up you know I had my presser foot down that's a big no-no we should start with our presser foot up so let's do this again you're gonna go one two three fours up and around the take-up lever five is straight down six is right there seven and then I can cut the thread on the side now this is the best feature ever pay attention watch the needles don't watch this hand over here I'm just gonna push down on this button and it threads my needle for me thank you baby lock alright so we've got our needle threaded it is a drop-in bobbin this is a full rotary hook which means this the bobbin case goes full circle you know you might have be used to a machine that has a bobbin case that goes down underneath and the problem with those is it's called an oscillating hook it goes back and forth you might be going over a lot of layers of thread or fabric and then your needle gets stuck down and then you have to crank this wheel really hard does this sound familiar does this happen to you and then you pull your fabric and there's four threads coming out that's because it gets caught around the hook this doesn't have that this is what they call a jam proof bobbin it goes full circle so there's nothing to get caught up so all I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna put my bobbin drop it right in there and then follow the path it even cuts it for me when I put this back on I'm ready to sew no more bringing up your bobbin thread like you had to do that's that's old-school if you're doing that still you're working too hard let's get to sewing so now I'm going to lower my presser foot let's show you some of these features some of these buttons here on the on the machine are what we're talking about these features you used to have to spend over two thousand dollars to get these now they have it on this baby lock brilliant and you're gonna love them alright so I'm gonna start with the needle up needle down button to show you what that does so first I push that button the needle goes down and when I start sewing notice how my needle stops in the down position every time I stop remember it back in the day you had to do this and then you had to lift this turn that has a lot of work if you're still someone like this and this you're working too hard you need needle up needle down that's a feature that trust me anyone would love I don't care if you're a quilter or garment sower that's something that you can definitely use no matter what kind of sewing you're doing now the other thing I'm going to show you is this knee lift here okay now the way I have the machine position is really for the camera so you guys can see what I'm doing so I don't have it positioned properly but what you want to do is sit at the Machine so that this is hitting right at your knee and then your foot control on the floor is gonna sit right below your you know where your knees sitting so what that does is as I move this I'm gonna have to move it with my left knee see how it raises and lowers my presser foot so I'm using my knee lift to raise and lower my presser foot so now I can sew and I can raise my presser foot and I can turn see that look at that no hands it keeps your hands on the fabric so imagine if this was a big heavy jacket or maybe a giant quilt that I was working with you know you're fighting with it and constantly having to take your hand off to lift and then move this and then put it down that could be awkward and it can be annoying so having this knee lift is a tool that you're gonna love so I suggest if you have one of these maybe you're not using it get that thing out it's it's there for a reason so raise and lower your presser foot now this button is going to stop the machine doesn't its track so it stopped feeding the fabric and it actually stitches in one place which is to actually tying a knot underneath and then I can hit my scissor button my favorite and what it's doing is it tied a knot and it pulled and cut my thread to the back of the fabric so it just looks like one line of stitching on the front you can still go in reverse if you would like that's this button right here but it is going to look a little bit different you're gonna have that double layer of thread on top where you did the reverse stitch whereas when I do the lock stitch it's actually just stitching and then ties it up so that prevents you from having a tile those knots prevents you for me I'm going to cut all that thread it's just it's more efficient it's quicker it's faster alright so how strong is this thing it's an electronic machine you're probably thinking oh my old machine is stronger than that I I beg to differ with you I'm gonna go ahead and roll this denim and look at that you can't get any better than that I don't even have to push it I mean those it has what they call a diamond feeding system so it feeds that fabric with accuracy no matter how thick and see this is pretty thick some of your old sewing machines you can't even get this thickness underneath there this machine I could actually lift that presser foot even higher my entire finger can fit under there can you do this on your machine if not it might be time for a new one because like I said we're you know if you had to hem your jeans which I have to do I'm not short and I'm not tall but I always have to have my jeans that flat felled seam is very very thick it's hard to get that under your presser foot on your sewing machine but I'm here you have absolutely no problem and again no hands I can sew through that that is easily 9 layers of denim so that's a that's a thick one two three four five six seven okay eight layers of denim you want nine I'll do nine I'll clip that over now we got nine it has no problem feeding isn't that scissor button just cool I love it all right so that's that's the first thing that you want to look for when you're buying a sewing machine next thing you should check out how does it work with stretchy fabrics you know we have a lot of stretchy fabrics now I love knits I wear leggings I work t-shirts you know pretty much everything in my wardrobe is a knit fabric so if you had to hem something that was a knit or maybe you're a garment sower and you want to make something that's a knit you want to make sure you can use stretch fabric with your machine can your machine handle it the older machines we didn't have stretch fabrics back then so they couldn't handle it you were doing stretching so and that's too much work too that's old-school I'm going to show you the new way to do it now the reason for this I'm going to show you a regular straight stitch on a stretchy fabric so you can why you need what's called try motion and your sewing machine if I just did a regular straight stitch on a knit fabric you know say I was sewing a garment and you know it took me two hours to get this thing done and now I'm so excited I want to go try it on put it over my head do you see what just happened it ripped so now all that work down the toilet right so I'm gonna show you what the stretch stitches which is number five so on your sewing machine here on the panel you have some different options over here on how to navigate your stitches the first one is a direct panel so if I want the stretched straight stitch that's stitch number seven right there and let me show you what this does and I'm going to slow this down so you could see it it goes up to and then back one up to back one this allows the thread to stretch with your fabric get it so now there's gonna be some play in that thread so now when I go to try this on after two hours of sewing isn't that nice too but now it stretches and it's not ripping that's what you want your sewing machine now let me show you another stitch that I use all the time if you don't have a serger you're gonna want to pay close attention to this too I'm going to use stitch number 17 and I'm gonna hit this panel button right here and type in 17 and this is an over casting stitch so I'm first going to adjust my width which is right here I want to use the full seven millimeter width okay seven one when I'm talking about the width it's the needle plate opening so it's actually the width that your needle can go from left to right the older sewing machines were about four or five millimeters this is seven they go up to like nine now we're almost twice the size that we used to be so if you have a machine that's about 30 years old you probably only have four millimeters there I've got seven and I want to maximize what I can do so I'm gonna use the full width and I'm also going to increase my stitch length to three just because I want this to stitch out a little bit faster so are you ever sewing in a pattern and it tells you to do a straight stitch and then go back over with a zigzag or a serger I look at that and I'm like what you mean I gotta sew it twice I don't want to do that I don't have time for that so that's where this stitch comes in this is a very important stitch now anytime a pattern says do a straight stitch go back over with a zigzag or a serger I can use this stitch and do it all in one step that saves you a lot of time and it's going to look a lot more professional - so it's sewing my straight stitch and finishing all in one step and this is also meant for a stretchy fabric so I'm just stretching that top one a little bit as I sew and you'll see what it looks like when I'm done but I used to do this on my daughter's pants you know I'd buy her sweatpants when she was little and I swear she'd look at them and rip a hole in the crotch like five minutes later so before I even let her have them I would put this stitch right down in the crotch scene and that didn't happen anymore so this is a really good stitch to have I'll use my knee left to raise my presser foot see how nice that is I don't even have to reach back here because that's a lot of work so you can see what that did and now you could trim this so it's a lot closer I usually get it closer I'm sewing at an angle here let's see what it did now we have a stretch and then nice so you could do this if you have the proper stitches so that's why I'm showing you stitches that are important when you're buying a sewing machine now a couple of the things you want to consider on the baby lock brilliants you have a lot more space here than some of the other sewing machines this is eight inches this is a lot of space your older machines you probably had about half of that maybe four or five so if you're if you're sewing on a jacket or maybe you know anything big quilting even this is a great machine for quilters to start with it's got a lot of really good features on it that's something that you're gonna want to use alright so here I'm going to show you something else that's pretty handy because I know because I saw everybody that knows that I saw which is just about everybody anytime they get a tear in a piece of clothing or you know they need something fixed they always bring it to me it's my least favorite thing to do but I do it anyways cuz that's what we do when we sew we fix things for people and this is the common one here can you fix this I tore my pants and it they they give you something and it's not even torn on a seam you know a seam is easy because you could just sew right back over the scene but when it's like this and it's in the middle of fabric it makes it a lot harder you know in the past I used to fold this over and try to stitch really close and maybe you've done this too and then you end up with this little pucker you know and it doesn't look right it's a dart you just sewed a dart and it was supposed to be flat so I'm going to show you how to go about doing this the correct way and I'm going to use the 3-step SIG's egg on here which is nope did I hit 12 yes all right so on number 12 and then I'm also going to increase my width again to 7 and then I'm going to narrow or make my stitch length a little bit shorter so it's a little tighter I would want to match my thread to my fabric so in this case I would want to pick pink thread I'm gonna keep the white thread just so you could see what happens when I stitch this if this was a pair of pants I would also fuse something to the back of that just to hold it in place but for the sake of this demo I'm just gonna put this right underneath my presser foot and what I'm gonna do is line up my tear with the center of my presser foot and then I'm gonna stitch this right on top so it's just stitching right over catching both sides of that fabric and then I cut my thread oh I can use my knee lift and then see what it did it fixes that keeps it nice and flat and now you can hand it back to them and again you'd want to use the same color thread and you wouldn't even see that so that's how you would have something like that so there you go that's a bonus for you just gave you a little secret so if you do buy this machine from us which you can do on our website you're gonna get the sewing from A to Z class and we're really gonna get in depth with this machine and what it can do you're gonna know this machine inside and out by the time you take that class we're gonna show you how to do a buttonhole we'll show you how to do a blind hem on your sewing machine we'll show you how to sew a button on with the machine I mean there's so many things that you can do that are in that sewing from A to Z you're you're gonna love it you're gonna be using this thing inside and out let me show you some of the other decorative stitches that you get with this machine one of my favorites is called a blanket stitch and I use it for applique all the time this is an important stitch to have because trust me I don't do anything by hand anymore to me that's a four-letter word if I can do it on the sewing machine I will find a way so the blanket stitch here that I like to use is number 33 it's in the basic utility so I'm gonna hit that button and type in 33 and again I can adjust my width in length it does set it up so that I can do a regular application just gonna cut this little piece of fabric so you could see what I mean that was a bad cut but that's okay so it does show you on the screen what presser foot to use and again it sets your length and width for you but you can change that if you desire so I'm gonna drop my needle into my fabric here and I'm gonna start sewing so that you could see what this is doing so this is like your traditional applique a lot of quilters use this I see this on like baby blankets and then I'm going to turn but see what it's doing here so it's grabbing it and you know we used to have to do this by hand I don't do anything by hand anymore but I can do it on the machine I absolutely will okay flip again now I'm gonna increase my length just so you can see how that's gonna open up the stitch a little bit I like to increase the length because it sews it faster and I'm all about fast getting off-track here but that's okay all right so now the other thing that I did not show you cuz I was used I was reaching around here using my my my left to my presser foot lifter with AB having this knee lift really helps with appliquéd especially on a circle if I was gonna do a circle on this applique this is where the knee lift really comes in handy and you got to bear with me because the way this machine is set up I've got to so kind of backwards with my left hand or my left leg but I want you to see that it really does hit it helps because I sometimes have to stop lift my presser foot and adjust my fabric when I'm doing applique especially when you're going around curves so see how I can lift my presser foot and then just start sewing again but I can keep my hands right here on the fabric and that is what's important just slow this down too when you're doing something like applique that's a little bit more precise you should slow the Machine down and I didn't mention it before but this is a speed control right here on the front of your machine which I love because one of my daughter's sewing trust me I walk over here and I turn that thing down because kids they like to sew like me pedal to the metal just like I Drive but if you slow this down the even even if I met top speed and I'm pushing as hard as I can on that foot control the machine is still going to go slow okay see that and that's because I put what I call the cruise control on slowest speed medium speed works well for me for applique because then I can use my knee left turn knee left turn but it really does it helps it keeps your hands-free from having to you know reach around and do this and do that and you know it just helps I'm not gonna finish that one but now you can see how you can go around a curve pretty easily and if you put in a thicker thread up here this stitch looks gorgeous it looks like you did it by hand and you don't have to tell anyone that you didn't cuz you still did it you just did it on here it's no different all right so another thing that I want to show you is lettering because that is something that is on this machine that's not on all machines and if you're a quilter this should be important to you because you should put a label on your quilts so if you don't have an embroidery machine I would definitely recommend doing the lettering now there's quite a few different fonts and it does come with a quick reference threading guide or not threading guide but a quick reference guide that's going to show you all the different letters and what characters they are so I'm going to show you how this works I'm gonna go ahead and type in brilliance in into the machine I'm gonna go down here to the a button and it's going to ask me do I want to cancel the current pattern yes I do so now when I'm in this series now I can type out what I want it to say and we could pick a different font there's a regular font regular font script font an outline fonts and then there's also the Cyrillic font and you also have a Japanese font if you wanna do Japanese lettering I'm just gonna go with the gothic font that's the first font so I'm gonna type in B which is o 2 and then R 18 V R is oh 9 and then we have an L 1212 whoops oh no I typed a cave I didn't want that so let's go back see I just hit the back button we're good to go 12:00 brilliance let's see if I can spell it right and then I want oh one for a and then I'm gonna do n which is 14 and T is 20 all right now I can also tell it to not in cut at the end this is where I'm gonna get lazy and I'm gonna unplug my foot control and I'm gonna go ahead and use my cert stop button so now I can put my start/stop button down there and it'll stitch it all by itself let's go a little faster so now it's on the R so you can type out you know made with love by Grandma you know for whoever and then definitely put the ear on there there are numbers in here as well it's important to put the ear on your projects because people tend to keep them for a long time both get handed down from generation to generation and people want to know when they were made and who made up you know it's a story to tell so make sure that you're putting that information on your quote it is very important alright so this is done and you heard it cut I'm gonna use my knee lift take that out and look I've got brilliance right there isn't it brilliant I think it's brilliant okay so a few other stitches just to show you you've got a lot of decorative stitches on here that you can use for other things in in sewing and in quilting and you could play around with your threads I mean there's a lot of a lot of fun threads out there on the market definitely check out some of our videos on unthreads because we do a lot with red I have a thread obsession there's always a different thread for every stitch and and this the thread that you select can really make or break your project so if you see a pretty thread go ahead and play around with it just make sure you're using the right size needle but we'll talk about that a little bit more on the A to Z sewing video so if you do buy this machine check that video out I know she's talking about thread that video all right so I'm going to clear this screen let's go back to one of our decorative stitches over here so if I want a decorative stitch up here on the lid it's telling me that I have two different sections so I have section one in section 2 and section 3 so a section I like some of these satin stitches over here I'm gonna get stitch 11 so I'm gonna hit the little leaf button twice and then I'm gonna hit a stitch number 11 and then see it's like a Halfmoon now what changed on my screen is my presser foot it's now telling me that I need the end foot so let me change that this is a snap-on presser foot whew snap on and fly away so I snapped that off the machine does come with a little tray that sits right inside there and all your presser feet that you need are right there they're all labeled so that it's easy to swap them out I'm gonna pop this one out and what you do is drop that on there and now you have the correct foot now the reason they're asking for this foot is because there it is a decorative stitch it's a satin stitch so that means the thread is going to be raised up a little bit higher on your fabric so this foot has a little channel so that way the outside of the foot can lay on the fabric and the thread can go in the channel so that's just a little bit of why they want a different foot alright again it's selected my length and width for me I don't have to change it a really cool thing to do with this is try a twin needle with this stitch you can use a twin needle with this stitch which we'll show you in that A to Z video be sure to click on our link subscribe to our Channel and you know again if you're gonna buy a machine that that A to Z video is so valuable you're going to learn so much about your machine this is knowledge that we've been collecting for the past 30 years in sewing so you definitely are going to enjoy everything that you learn about that now while I'm stitching this I can hit this button the lock stitch button and watch what happens it finishes the stitch at the end knots it and you hear it cut so I didn't have to do anything but push one button and it knew to finish off that stitch not it and cut it on the back so that prevents you from running out of bobbin thread you know if I see that my bobbin thread is running low I could just hit that button you know it'll finish my stitch I can wind a new bobbin and start right where I left off it's an awesome machine to have so if you guys are interested in purchasing this please go to our website it is on sale right now it retails at seventeen ninety nine ninety nine but it's on sale for $8.99 and again it's going to come with that usage video and the A to Z sewing A to Z video series so I hope that you enjoyed this I hope that the baby lock brilliance is everything you're looking for in a sewing machine and if not subscribe to our link we're doing more videos well I'm sure we can find the machine that's right for you I'll see you next time
Channel: Sew It Online
Views: 63,554
Rating: 4.916429 out of 5
Id: yhgpsCWVjto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 47sec (1607 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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