Best Sample & PE Shoe Collection In The World!? (Perfect Pair) Episode 3 of 3

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Up top I wish you guys could see it all up there. That's a real PE right there Yeah probably one of my more favorite of the fives and then of course another pinky for The best man to ever do it yourself or four or five? This boy I shake up the world whenever this shoe got introduced Welcome back to the channel if you guys are new don't forget to hit that subscribe button if you're old Don't forget to take your vitamins vitamins. I got my Take us up here. So the infamous room room with art easy. It is starting to sweat getting hot Yeah up here is what everybody wants that's my opinion And this is what I think I'm more known for are these shoes almost the whole working collection over there? Not all of them the Rivas pairs you saw in there. Mm-hm probably only two I'm missing from the collection. I Don't have the sixes There's so much cover, oh no, they didn't hit good for me those sixes. Yeah It's just a lot like you got four different versions of it. I'm Gordon teens and I will show you something that's pretty dope Yes mine Yeah, yeah, so the three I Think the pair that everyone's familiar with mm-hm Say Tinker on the inside, right? Hmm. I don't think there's comes with right I was just looking at that and I don't think there's comes with a translucent soul announced. All right, and I don't think there says Uncle Buck underneath the back doesn't so so what do you tell every here? Well, my shoes says Phil Knight for some reason. I don't know why it says don't say tinker So according to my hypothesis, and I've never seen another parameter From what I understand my sources for this sneaker Only certain people got given these shoes. Okay kind of a The shoe specialist, you know an emulator all of this extra stuff, but it's kind of that The common thing now someone is gonna get them and besides the Oregon right? Right, right Oregon alumni or whatever it may be. So for me if you ask my opinion Back in the day. They used to do samples of samples. Mmm Guys there you go guys here so mine and they still do that different than yours Hey, these are crazy And I was I've got two pair of these This is to me the hardest oregon Sample PE to get your hands off. Yeah And to find them in good shape Was even harder This was dead stuff. Mmm. I got a size 14 in there. That was my brother's loss Yeah, so for me like having like this I didn't do that haven't bit like this matters and people say why. Mm-hmm that's why supportive culture, you know what I mean like Salad, I mean to me, you know, hey, I'm gonna say this so To me Callie has shown people how To be a father again Okay, a lot of people hate on the man and he wasn't in the shoes. He wasn't this he wasn't that I could care less So I'm gonna be real with you If there were more dads like Khalid in the world You wouldn't have kids like me that we grew up without a dad be right for sure. And so For me, I think it's pretty dope I'm gonna kill James with these boxes Done but yeah, so for me like having stuff like this it matters these I got a cool little They gifted on like these here Little cashmere joints. Yeah again, why do I like it? Gonna bother me. Alright, that's why I don't have the blue pick. All right, that's all I need. Yeah I don't know like these this was kind of a Hard thing for people to understand these are breaks the internet off. So this was I Was supposed to buy this shoe almost two years ago, okay and the young man was in a buy him from He wouldn't fly out to hand-deliver them - okay. He wanted me to pay for his flight So he could bring me a shoe and and buy this you're 18 grand, right? Another delivery I need for $18,000 you come and show up to my front door with a bow on these be alright cuz there's a better bug. That's right Exactly, not a big deal. So it That young man. I didn't buy the shoes from I bought it from a different young man He lost out, you know, it's just the best way to say, yeah the original seller I got him So yeah for me like the OBO eight Those are good the PSN white tens are a leathers. Nice on love. You're not gonna come in my house and see the new ones You're gonna come in my house and see the original. Yeah Same thing here. I Don't have the new booty joints because I ain't new and booty that's why so do you know why they made these again? Hmm. Tell me for Drake So you happy are you talking about the retro? Yeah. Okay. They made those I'm like, is there a special story to the original? Okay, they made this and that for Drake I got you that dude was upset that he couldn't have these shoes because everyone telling they're gonna fall apart They make it for him. I wish I could have it like that Jesus Christ That's courage and defeat it so another good shoe and I like how they paid Homage to the original huh? You know, it's dope just like yeah, I like collecting So talk about stuff that nobody tells a lot of numbers when it comes to this stuff People want to hear the numbers. They want to hear a couple all my classes. There's been shoes that you spent crazy dollars on what's the most expensive shoe you but this one for $19,500. Wait a minute. Oh Wait, first of all how they put the 500 on there one end. I Couldn't just round it down. He was cheaper than the original seller. I paid 10 for those Typical right now. I Got lucky with stuff like this So you had great timing. Yes, you had great time. I'm very lucky with these shoes Kids are paying 8 grand for these now. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah 3,500. Yep, so same thing with these I didn't pay off for that shoe. I see them going for 3 to 4 grand. Mm-hmm 2,200 bucks. So a lot of people ask me. How do I get Pease? How do I get started with this stuff buy them? Tell them how to do it tell how to do it. It's very simple Get a large checking account And then just start digging or go to the certain sneaker stores right nikka shops are these sneakers though, I Got lucky because I knew a actual athlete that played for Oregon at that time. Mm-hmm. So he was probably doing things he shouldn't do right but Welcome to being a poor Brook starving college athlete pay the kid, right? They give us some money it wouldn't happen. All right, this is probably my newest Pickup for the Ducks. Hmm. So just a little bit bran joint dope enough, you know anything they're Good enough for me. Yeah But yeah, it's not hard it's it's it's hard getting certain shoes I'll say that yeah, but Anyone could have these shoes. Mm-hm. You just have to have the right amount of money to get it. Yeah Now will you get it for the price? I got it for Don't know. Right right. I tell a lot of people have patience No No Be patient because you will spend way too much money if you want the shoe right now and just like you said You had to pass up. Somebody else came around the shoe will come back around no matter how rare you think it is, right? There's only so many this market all these people. We all kind of know each other. I just be patient still wearable Shit what your is this up on my foot right now Oh for Damn It's not even fucking that bad either My bubbles is already burnt out from Now people trip out. That's crazy. I have the mocha it rich. That's what I was gonna do in there I was gonna put them on and jump up and down be like Bono Riesling or nothing. That's crazy You can't have shoes like that If you just got into it right not gonna happen, right if you just got into it. That means it okay Let's say I've been in sneakers for seven years. Mhm, and I bought an original pair of mochas. Hmm Would I be able to put him off he hell no, no. No, they would fall apart Yeah, you have to buy them used if anything. What should tell people what how long or whatever I've been doing, huh? They should tell him by the age of the shoe on my foot right not falling apart That's why I do like put this on. Hmm, and I'll just walk around their perimeter in my house. Right and I'll film it Why'd they phone apart yet? Right and some people get it and some people don't right, you know, and if you know, you know That should have already fell apart. If I'm not the original owner of that shoe. Yeah So assassin. Yeah, this is one And I'm gonna say it. I'm not trying to bad-mouth nobody I was sold fake pairs of this there were so many and it was a tough time when these came out I remembered that's why I stayed away from why a very reputable reseller sheesh. So Not got though names out. He knows who he is The point is we bought three pair of these because and we bought the white pair all four of them worth But being the good guy he was he gave us back our money and I found out what a real pair looks like right there Yeah, it was that was definitely a tough time. That's one fakes was starting to get good. Yes I was around that same era when face was starting to get good and they were recreating all these Pease and stuff and I was Like hold up. Wait a minute time out Yeah, cuz I remember they tried to do the organ for correct, you know? So I'm actually starting to back you for I want to see I brought them up here as well. I was gonna wear them but You see that right there. It should chip That's nice though. Cuz I've seen parents that's already fully flaked off like his is in a good condition That's not nettings right so Pease in general roughly Counting all those other different Pease in there How many peas do you roughly think you have what the force is the different basketball stuff to just in? General kind of estimate 250 250. Yeah, I need we got 250 pairs in your collection You got 250 pairs if he's alone What is going on that's a good pack right here I only like the threes I like them all See save the best for last that's what I did. You can see pissing people off. I've been doing that a long time Yeah What's going on? You know it just like that Cuz that jump man this big. Oh you like the original joint, right? I think the only people with the originals is like Dependable and stuff like that. Uh-huh So that's another thing right? The PE guys are kind of gone right now. What's what's going on with the whole scene is it? It's just the time is gone. It's a new era like you're making a comeback like, you know what you try to do So for me like the older guys, if you ask me why they don't do it anymore, right the younger guys it up Yeah, that's just my peer. You know, they look at the younger guys gone why they didn't do it like we did it. Mm-hmm They're doing it wrong. Mm-hmm, and they may be right. Mm-hmm. They may be wrong. Mm-hmm in the same aspect Why do they care that's the question? like it's a little community of us this we just everybody want to be in each other's business kind of and it's just that's what will ruin it to correct so I know where you got those Right. Yeah, you know people knowing the riot that this person that person in there I know you got that front, right? Whatever. Yo for me. I don't know man, like the old guys. They need to just Realize it's not that serious. There's just sneakers everyday. I don't care how long you been collecting shoes I don't care if he just got into it last week passion is passion, right? So if you're passionate about it, is that a bad thing, right? Absolutely not that's a phenomenal thing actually So passion brings on a whole lot of other elements More than hate will more than finger-pointing more than name-calling so, you know to me Just need a chill man. Yeah, and for me, I I'm gonna keep collecting shoes I'm gonna keep making people mad until I pass away. Right? Well I use Instagram. Will they be taking crazy shots? I Doubt that you know, so it's a task take your photos for Instagram everyday a do all that So he's the post four times a day, you know I was that's all I was forgetting once or twice a day way too heavy with but again That's how I built the following at one time The following is up to seven hundred twenty five thousand followers. I think now is down to like 640 Right, whatever right right, right, so it doesn't matter to me the likes going away or any of that stuff I was never in it for that. I in it because I truly love it I enjoy this stuff If I was in there for likes I would be posting this bit every day right every a different angle of this or a different this or holding that in my hand with that or putting both of them on at the same time just It's the possibilities are endless I feel like it's kind of frustrating to like when you try to show your appreciation for a shoe and it may not be that desired sneaker and then you don't get as much love on and you're like Well, should I even be posting this and it's like yeah I just like this this shoe is fires is why don't y'all like it do it makes you double things sometimes I you know Think you want to stop or you want to get rid of shoes or I'm done with Instagram or I'm done with social media That's not what you should do it for in the end, right? I mean, so if it's a you use social media as a place to just kind of showcase Your collection right? I'm all for but if you're using it to become The next Instagram famous guy and you're getting rid of everything in a week to buy the next thing That just doesn't make sense to me. Yeah it's more of a like a Rental car place at that time. Yeah. Yeah Trading the edge right now. And so basically you're not looking to sale anything, not ever No, just like I want just clamps tax trade. You know what I mean? Okay, I'll take Ten twelve pairs labels out trade a minute. Let's check the goods. Oh, yeah Go ahead That's gonna be my next question after So I'm gonna go to people trip out I think this is his best one I Think that's the best one. Yeah, everyone trips out. They're like nah like brother materials this being Boston. Yeah The pods like this shit is yeah. I think this one has the best story Yeah, these two so you hear people talk about The Olympic five low. This has been a big deal. I think this one's a bigger deal because this is his actual He didn't play at the Olympics in this shoot, right, but he did this one so this is the original I've got the Jersey in there and everything But this is new yes, he got like he used to have a few perĂ³n in yet. Yeah, that's another topic good So again, these are good I Think the material on this shoe is phenomenal to and again a black and red and like Almost like a dirty 12. I mean so this shit is phenomenal. I never got the worm Well, I was I warm for you huh, then I got these so these came from oh gee shoe game Brian a picado. Oh, yeah Still doing stuff for work He's a cleat collector Yeah, these are it's a clean set. You don't really do please. How do I do a golf please? Okay I'm not a lot football cleats a lot of football bangers for sure yesterday Smoking that's not for me You got a really really be able to it even though I'll play football. I'm still like That's the whole different market and I could never wear it we counted how many Jordan ones over there? Oh, yeah, like 100 pairs of Jordan ones and got 250 pairs of knees Is it a shoe that got me in the collective penis this shoe right here? Okay Tell us about it Michael. Jordan's is Michael Jordan's cherish 30 signed by Phil Jackson and the whole team This would have been worn the same season as these. Well, he'll get that confused They think that these were took two different seasons and they are not they are from the exact same seasons This came in at the end of that playoff era when they actually won the championship This would have been during the playoffs before they got to the championship game So again, I bought those from a place called Field of Dreams Dallas Texas a buddy of mine owned the shop. He called me I lived in Oklahoma at the time Kenny know your shoe guy got to come down here and check these out so I went down I Bought them right then the minute I saw him I paid $6,500 for that shoe So they're appraised now for over 80 grand same thing with these right here. Hold up Hold up hold up Ohto. Yeah, same thing with these so these went front of my brother paid 15 grand for that shoe right there I have that shoe insured for one hundred and fifty thousand dollars And they are DNA DNA approved DNA approved, that's right they weigh in a pro don't you do some other DNA forever It wasn't me but it might have been yeah Wow so those to me like they're the Holy of Holies and I've had a Very good aficionado of these sneakers His name is Gerald He's the sixth man from overseas He has been to my home. He delivered the pears and the Carmine's and he put bulk shoes in his hand and Agreed that they were Michael Jordan's and played in and signed by Michael Jordan So he's if you ask me that you could get no better cosign Then Gerald saying that's the actual shield, right? So that's dope. There's no tagging in this shoe There's no tagging in either one of these shoes In the in the cherries, there's actually a 13 Hand written inside the shoe. Hmm So yeah, these are these are different and they do make sizes or do they just do the same size same size? Okay Same size. Well, I know that they had the mismatch at some point in the reindeer regular depending on the shoe So I wasn't sure about that. These guys are both both size 13. Okay. Okay again another one if you ask me I Don't know exactly who these are made for but their size 13. I'm ready for you. I don't think That's probably the best Jordan 11 ever made if you ask my opinion that's not an OG Those are crazy That's how they should have done it. Yeah, that's not a cap and gown no That's how it should have been done. But again, I think I'm not trying to take responsibility for a lot of things But I think if I hadn't made these such a big deal there were no done it. I don't think they would have made Yes, so, you're welcome That's how it's just the truth I made a big deal about a lot of some a lot of shoes that got the treatment afterwards I mean even in my nice kicks I talked about Jordan true-blue 3 coming back out with nike air on the back when they do come back out with the shoes. Yeah, I To check breath. You know what? I mean Crispo 13 right tell me about it. Yeah, so it's it's a crazy thing man That's why people ask me now like yo, does it piss you off that they're doing this or they're doing this? No, because it won't be the same right? They can't write they won't do it the same that's a fact the proofs in the pudding So they did the new under fetus and the new Eminem's they've closed up Bert so again, why would you want to do something and not make it to the original status? It doesn't make money. It makes no sense in me Have you seen know? What the fours? Yes. I haven't you. See how nice they are. Yes, ain't that crazy? The leather nike air is horrible, but that 11 shoe is better than like almost 90% writers in here, right? Yes people are sleeping and that's the thing like if I would have made a video or if someone Influential would have made a video a month before that shoe release by getting a backdoor pair right talking about all this is ridiculous Look at the material. Look at this. Look at that done. They wouldn't a set In saying oh, they're dope. They're super do I was looking at those? Oh like ah get these Discussed oppose them. It's not like oh, this is nice And I'll show you in my phone Domenic a nice shoe surgeon we did a what the three okay, and I used Pease and originals It's what a what does should be like when you look at the what the you know SB right Dopest what they ever made, right? I took very good homage from that shoe and try to play it Towards the three. Mm-hmm and using some of my favorite threes even a three I don't have like the Pantone threes. Mm-hmm Okay, you know so I use I try to think about dude do the right thing You know, that's a yeah that's culture in that snake preserve. I don't think people understand anymore. They're not in it for passion That's coming in for resale. Those are customs right there. Yeah for sure good customs, too So everybody's like yo, you got all these shoes you saying you need to downsize As they're gonna be messaging me talking about looking they buy or they just so got no chance. No chance. No chance If if shoes leave here, it'll be in big bulk to one person right? I'm not I'm not that hard Yeah, I'll let him do all right Drake Mena three. That's why it says six on your tongue To me this is probably the most sought-after shoe for me a lot of people look at this show and go as ugly or they don't understand their significance or It's not a big deal to them. Probably the rarest through that I can have without Michael Jordan cosign if that makes sense. We're gonna go right here. And again, I kind of hit on this one a little bit earlier It's just different and not just because it's Oregon It's different because most people who have seen this sneaker Hasn't seen this sneaker. So cool stories Further than just how much he paid for it this one here Obviously everyone knows Kobe played in the threes and the eights He played in several other Jordan models also, but for all-star weekend Toronto, they came up with a pack of three eight They did it in white and black to me. These were the ones that have because the black ones weren't really anything that Kobe ever messed with so I Get in Lakers. I Live very close to LA so I can't hate on that LeBron is not Kobe. So To me this is the holiest of holies and a lot of people disagree or say that's bullsh only because it's rare This was the very first Collaboration that Jordan ever did with another shoe company or another brand creating to me one of the most sought-after shoes This shoe I've it's been in movies this exact shoe. I still wear the shoe to this day got cracking I'm a $4,500 buyer on this shoe. I don't know how much it sell for today. But I know I've made a good investment if Even I still wear it. It's still a good investment. So Materials will write the black Jumpman on the back is phenomenal. You can never go wrong with this undefeated orange So just to me and again the cream That they did here Is better than white because all these shoes eventually are going to turn this color. So it's a good thing that they kind of Forecasted that to where old people like myself and go. This is a dope nikkor even 15 10 20 however, many years later, so That's Jordan ever made Talk about a good what though? Not to wear those the one ain't nobody to have those are You still got all the Paper tagging. That's probably not. These are this is a shoe that a lot of people don't understand but the ones that do Pencil that's probably the best AF one I've got It's why I wore the damn thing yet Unfortunately, this is actually the end. Thank you everyone for watching Thank you everyone for commenting sharing liking subscribing. The family has grown Oh so much and shout out to Kinney the perfect pair. Thank you, bro you man I Really appreciate this like always It was so dope to see your growth over the years and you see my growth over the years and that's finally to be able To come together and do a little project together So I just want to say thank you and thank you to everybody that's been watching and subscribing This has been a long time coming The grind will never stop shoutout to the DNA Fanshawe to everybody that's been a part of this group described We got a lot coming in 2020. Yo It's about to get real like comment share subscribe. I'll see you guys soon More videos coming soon for your head top. Remember that part with Drake money is like That's funny right? I don't know I thought that was funny All right, so
Channel: DNA SHOW
Views: 312,849
Rating: 4.88906 out of 5
Keywords: sneaker collection, sneakers, the perfect pair, collection, biggest sneaker collection in the world, sneaker, perfect pair, biggest sneaker collection, sneaker room, shoe collection, sneaker shopping, worlds biggest sneaker collection, sneaker shopping with, top 5 sneakers in the nba, sneak peek, largest sneaker collection, epic sneaker collection, huge sneaker collection, yeezy sneaker collection, perfect pair sneaker collection 2019, perfect pair shoe collection, samples
Id: HiQrBxQ6efw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 49sec (1669 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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