BEST MELEE CLEAVE FOR GLADIATOR IN S4 (3v3 ft. Vanguards & Absterge) - WoW Dragonflight 10.2.6

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I'm going to do one of these try to send this guy wadding in send War these guys actually y these dudes Big Dam here yeah set you little guards yeah P me though going right again up no say pop from the warrior right here same nice I get us out of the spear on the r search I have shock wave and like five going to blast these guys the meanwhile in a sec yeah yeah I'll sh these twoo got crushing rat put him through hold okay more [Music] SEC f f fly yeah no no this up just for fun walking at R though I'll sh from here big pump here SEC okay I'm going to St War off here out of the two CH this dude work y I have the be in a second as well got your Breer iane back on yeah big pumps here or per back on R I'll sharpen out of this yeah nice kill here hit Miss for a second I can't get there I actually this guy that's all you got to do trinket air be B intervene you my mans yes I just keep flying in the air I see a real game yep arm is way too high though this is bad blame V cards Dude always go most sure need to stay near light well that's like the permanent healing tide watch the range on I'm going to this I'll stop yeah get us out of the fear okay crushing us he crushing this guy oh boy probably through that yep kick though okay Ronnie the P's taking it though for second y with you place some silliness yep get I'll run over to you in a sec break I can't get this fear I'll sh the cyone though sure the the Hun over there thisy yep no interven for a couple seconds like five just pumping strike him down interv though the stun I mean his pet St insane I have fear for their next like scary nice me yep oh my God I'm so [ __ ] the fear I have my too portal striking him I'm chasing a bit kick priest this your light wild I'm here uh yeah right that's half what's the free here Big Dam on these guys nice everybody stunned Big Damn just the most pump ever here the biggest ever watch oh boy get love it how much you light well heal for let's see I don't know I was standing near at the H next like you know in it's good to me bling the D out here oh he just thing already got it get this guy y I'll set him down here around I can get that all right all the F out of this coil try to get to only going to be the Tyrant but whatever I'm going to blast all these guys now this guy's going to get chunked here I get free spear though I'll in a sec going to BL from these guys just for a second to get some heals come back let me full everybody's off St though so about to do some stuff they on I don't I don't know I do there doing their thing kind of hitting me just standing on top this guy could be dead here okay just going to walk at him I I'm kind of just in the middle of targets right now there's nooms on no blooms on him yeah I'll walk at him downar BT backck yeah I will in a second when he comes in line just going to but him up mini okay are we okay the priest kind of stand between us like that yeah we're fine yep okay chck a bolt at the Drew in a second then I think unless you're dying you can SW good here oh I can't get he doesn't have right now right now I see him I can't really get up there I think I mean I lock me yeah yeah yeah okay nice I'll Victory rush out of this be fine go and sa that's what I was waiting for their partner resets on him stay on stay on he's actually just going to get ped okay I'm going to go second I'll get I'll get you here again my level's healing him bro oh noit so dumb why did they do that the son okay iron bar I'm going to go block again PS this but I going to feel the lock pets Lock's actually kind of taking it w can't get the spear going shoot after this okay yeah I love it I can play in there backck we're gettings on everything right now yeah lock okay pump free for two seconds until oh good I get you nice back drink I'll top in a second de dispelled you've been [Music] dispelled i d yeah I like that I like that your skin I go chasing him he's got broy now see see yeah this dude sharp can't break that Lo's kind of just down here yeah anything right now lock yeah TS down here for this fell swap I'll him he's on okay taking The Spar JK it PR go go can we go prze prze PR can we go can we go Y no drink it I'll get I that's a little bit of damage it go walking at him got me too Parry feel be good time Perry de I see that Tyrant coming over there it yeah F all that I'll Shadow this maybe kill this guy we're sending it there we go just trying to try to run from the fear dude this is no hope nice nice nice nice job team take my light well healed that guy that was so that's pretty funny yeah I didn't think about that y it's time for the show don't disappoint me all right comat same I'll shock these guys do another they Stun Me might me them let see get off oh nice good St good St s me so close I'll TR outp this road [Music] me is screwed right here yeah just hold for a bit ENT overow that r back BL this here I don't have you though that was kind of low to I think I I don't think you got kidney there huh kidy ready to intervene nice totally interven on purpose these guys nice from this guy gam watching Bubble now try to s SEC kicked it nice oh sh oh oh W yeah I saw that I'm a little bit low though yep can you fall screw these guys oh only for the Rog I there too up yep Rog I up I'm going to kill here kill DK you very SC kill this guy here in a second yep yeah reliable here to you yep kick wa from my light man what's wrong these guys oh they C my light well dude totally on purpose uh intervene pared your kidney and then leap kicked a kill that's a montage game right there Bros that was good montage put in the mon just don't Vera Vera 2 yeah this this one be called draconic right oh the wrong TS [ __ ] me it's fine light's in the center baby light light Wall's down it's all we need light's down safe not sure where the F's at but I'm BL anyway yep I'm going to these guys oh they scattered me that's good scatter I'm just going to fear that at least going to get the Clone here beard and clone so I just bolt this Hunter sh out on the fal to Big D here nice me again it's crazy I'm pumping here oh boy for second yep love that back on guy he tried yeah he's thinking about it now it's going to go through I should have interven you right before the my bad the route too okay oh my okay yeah I'm just chilling sec I wanted to be close to the priest case you know we could fit yeah probably probably hitting hunter or hitting F on the pillar there is good y nice bar here exposive shocker this dude bit set him nice switch left yeah I actually could have kick there he kept going this guy's crazy hey still hitting far are you the light waterers closer to me or the one in the middle it's it's right here it's right here okay on me the yeah I'm going to fear these two I [Music] think kill maybe swap some no not yet okay that clone so I I'll this out of the blade storm I see TR I should beine okay hitting for 100 second watch for up for clones though okay no rally for you anything so behind theill behind theill rushing thisy sharpen I got the sharpen off before trying to kill him I'm going going trying to get aortal at very least got out the fear oh nice nice doing it best way that's the best way to the easy Hunters think you make them think they can kill you then go to pillar and they're [ __ ] marks Hunters bro so so [ __ ] sick all right is a this guy going to get his he is rank what the wait oh I need to change my that was weird fck this dude up here healer a little too yeah I like that too balls back I keep pumping everybody no heal this [Music] dude nice second heal heal yeah yeah me too big pumps this guy massive resets after while we going go back right back on right okay this wor just Bolt the warrior red get off okay a sad one wasn't paying attention I got on my War breaker not anymore these two yep the break is good next I have press a big damage here yeah here I'm I'm light you light not good bear going okay I get there deep blind too okay BL these guys yep he could this guy could die but y oh itare this toast take him out Zoom got him toast guys are going in I realiz never be hard man with the power of the light well wind Walker's going to [ __ ] on me usually okay's right there baby than early so I can't disarm me on this there we go nice got it the the trees [ __ ] it the middle oh yeah get back to light these guys second there okay going to go d h again got go okay this guy me so I can't can't the Clone either you nice back light can live you have light nice I lay on actually okay going D now this yep me okay got hit one nice on him reset on him too rocking the mon guy hard here hitting monk for two seconds Karma off darkness two light yeah got the these dudes shock wave when he comes back okay on yep blasting here of this yeah I'm yeah what is the monk Monk Is the green guy green health bar OHP is a Demon Hunter what is that okay okay it's you weak dude that a [Music] we you're dead you're dead that's my guy right there as well one second buddy I'll I'll heal I'll healer okay okay I'm on healer for for a second on it actually yeah sure I you yeah big pump here no dark or anything this AR me this AR me hey back on Ditch it's just hitting whatever actually explain defense right now coming up both still blur but I think it's me yep some D back we try running at the D yeah I'm down he's no skin right nowu for his thing going on him no yeah yeah yeah I'm there I'm there this is huge big Dam might too nice spear nice spear it's going to break off that he he get the your guys killed him save that purple guy I was like that someone's weak That's my boy is's coming to get get us some education nice nice cuz I saw I heard the move that's why I thought it was something yeah he's like what's that he's like what's that green guy that's the monk oh okay okay what's the purple guy all right run half a little bit yeah I think it almost train both priest then Sher these two B to your dos nice cools me got okay bang on this guy take that UA keep blasting heree M there going on and then I'll off after the pretty long chain actually bubbles you heal myself sec been in s you know Pi CS out of range for theare Shatter [Music] thing my dots this guy a big Jason sharpen two going to go yep get I'll take the VT aink air it's all good a little bit back yes sir in the middle see you there nice get a lot of U guyed one UA y big pumps here for two seconds I don't even need to let's get to him the glare again I'm no this guy watching uh yeah we'll just live he sharpen here got it BL on him he TRS he swapped too I got it I got I got itce freeze for two seconds I'll gos YY up here a or KCK UA nice it's a long chain nice this this myself a little bit little rascal insane 172k mortal strike that was crazy stopped being able to get a couple UA he had a lot 3% of that guy's Health he just got smacked that map is so easy for me to WRA the holy P too nice I've been getting I've been getting hook point every time I play with lock like 90% of my games we go try to get me the first thing huh rung oh they're doing weird sh yeah I'm this guy I do have get youing this guy this come back to you spirit I can try to bolt this guy when you get the if you get it okay R anyway that Mage then hit the priest get ched hereon got it what are happening I don't like that very nice I get that oh fed the shock wave but we don't care about that press him press it bro this man guy out of this running the me too SC oh from both of us there the TR TR nice Revival hamstring for the thing can't can't get this one we're pumping here though fix yes nice Big Pop here F this Mage for a second run and oh he nice priest I have some Sher this dude priest yeah same get out of this D here my cross swaps yep the damage does not end yet though brother not end yet kind of scary okay light games alive we're alive this up that up ni going back now a bolt Mage shock of this guy some stuff nice I have a y canel early y going through I see him see him I see him nice the heal Shi have fear break if he gets one got it good I C see this for a while I'm just going to Fe though M I might Mage out of this too it Sher this dude and a sharpen yes Dam yeah get out this I think they got think they just lose I think that that felt pretty good for us I was just smacking the freestyle game you guys chasing that dude around worked out I'm playing Mage Mage yep Caster milk is [ __ ] awful so easy to just he couldn't even heal cuz we were surrounding him with I saw that toast are both just running different sides at that was ridiculous that was ridiculous don't disappoint down going to go evoker yep looking good in his own Green Mountain Global guy guy I'm kind of playing weird y w in there I'm on him just training this guy through wall yep go ahead on his light well yep him up here insane fear try to break nice I have fear break for us to I'm not really sure what's going to happen surge for that one one scary stilling you laser watching him for fear St me though yep game me here I have my fear too this guy's just cranking stuned like it not feared out anded though nice okay should have been gnome should gome all along all right kick on for a sec okay on reset should be the last one for a bit anyway St that light well yours uh I think mine's over mine's over okay worry about wling back here nice nice I'm blasting him okay let you guys do your thing I'll get aortal strike on him though level here okay see it out like m games s the guy okay big pump on these guys huge damn here we go yeah down second big nice walking in for the fear got everybody hitting the for right now wish did don't I to you nice do my [Music] life this I'm going to over here I do freak myself out stop for m games son I can I can out oh boy hitting everything actually here for second thing CH at these guys I'll fear out hitting the poker I want wish I could get out of this if I live here I can do Dam oh yeah I'm I'm walking away walking away this guy's blur but light W Shield here too disintegrate back on I can here I can here killing both these guys spell okay and I'll get a rep here yeah he this here my so D the heck no way Guardian dud that was so dumb it happened again he's taking my light well Stacks that was like my last two some sketchy behavior on that game sketchy stuff I probably should end on a dove so Vibes are good J do get pissed that be good all right guys GG's we hit you guys up for the daytime cues for sure that was fun yeah that was nice all right peace nice [Music] for [Music]
Channel: Bajheera
Views: 5,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bajheera, BajheeraWoW, PvP, BajheeraIRL, Gaming, Games and Gains, Twitch, PCGaming, Stream, Fyp, Viral, WorldOfWarcraft, Dragonflight, Warrior
Id: FWWhzvVtpM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 14sec (2234 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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