Best Ratchet (Round 2)? Let’s Settle This! Snap On, Proto, Matco, FACOM, Gedore, Nepros, Crescent

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in a previous episode on ratchets a 34 gearwrench ratchet totally crushed the competition so the question is can gearwrench once again destroy the competition which includes a 220 Snap-on as well as some other very nice German and Japanese tools in the first test we'll compare the working Arch swing of the ratchets then we'll compare the Back Drag finally we'll test the failure load of each brand at a price of only 14 the least expensive brand we'll be testing is made by duratec it's a 90 tooth ratchet constructed from premium Chrome alloy it claims to have a four degree Arc swing we're going to test that they claim that their Ford reverse switch moves freely the durtek is made in China the duratec weighs 323 grams manufacturers sell ratchets using marketing information about Arc swing and tooth count they're trying to convince you that their ratchet is the best for working in a tight space so let's see how the ratchets compare working within a 30 degree space we'll see how many right to left passes it takes for one full 360 degree rotation gear slop tooth count and handle width all have an impact and the 92 duratec claims to have a 4 degree Arc swing and it's making about 14 and a half degrees of progress with each back and forth fourth pass so there's definitely some slop in the rafting mechanism and the duratec takes 24.5 back and forth swings to achieve 360 Degrees also the price of 14 the same price as a duratec is this Crescent brand it claims to have 72 teeth and a 5 degree Arc swing teardrop low profile head for improved access flush mounted on off switch allows for better access and tight spaces product of Taiwan and finished in China 303.6 grams for the Crescent even though the Crescent only has 72 teeth it's actually doing better than the dura Tech and closer to 15 degrees of progress for each back and forth swing and the Crescent takes the lead from the duratec at 24 right to left passes at a price of only 17 is this Capri tools brand it has 72 teeth and claims to have a 5 degree Arc swing true single pole gear gives this ratchet an unparalleled smooth ratcheting mechanism it also claims to have a low profile for tight spaces the direction selector does move around quite a bit when it's in use the Capri is made in Taiwan 279.9 grams for Capri tools just like the crescent the Capri tools also has 72 teeth and it's really struggling on this test at only around 10 degrees of progress with each back and forth swing so there's a lot of dead space between the Paw advancing from one gear tooth to the next 35.7 back and forth passes a close look under the microscope and you can see there's a lot of rotation or slop in the ratcheting mechanism at a price of 34 or twice as much as the Capri tools is this Craftsman brand instead of having 72 or 90 teeth the Craftsman has 120. it claims to have Superior rust protection with gunmetal Chrome easy one hand operation with quick release feature made in Taiwan 344.9 grams for the Craftsman and a Craftsman claims to have 120 teeth and it's only making 14.5 degrees of progress with each back and forth pass and there's just way too much slopping the ratcheting mechanism to work efficiently 24.5 passes is good enough to move into a two-way tie for second place with the door attack at a price of 37 is this godor brand gador claims their ratchet is made of first class materials if you want to go from loosening to tightening or tightening to loosening you have to push the square coupler to the other side medium tooth and extremely rugged the ghidor is made in Germany the ghidor is the lightest shed at 250 39.7 grams and the Ghidorah makes no claims about working in tight spaces and the medium tooth reaction has a very large handle and it's really struggling on this test at 36.5 passes at a price of 42 dollars is this cocaine brand cocan claims that their ratchets are known for very low backlash and small head sizes they also claim the ratchets are designed for high torque ranges 10 higher torque limit compared to 36 tooth ratchet the cocaine is made in Japan 235.9 grams for the Coke in and the Coke can has 72 teeth and the handle size is a little bit larger than average however the ratcheting mechanism seems very well designed and it performed good enough to move into second place behind a crescent at 24.2 passes at a price of 49 is this vacon brand lightweight body compact head for ease of access dustproof maintenance-free mechanism with 5 degree increment easy reversal even with gloved or greasy hands there's no information on the packaging regarding where the fake com is made and the fake com weighs right at 248 grams even with a pretty large handle the fake com is performing just as well as a crescent at around 15 degrees of progress with these back and forth swing and the fake cop moves into a two-way tie with the Crescent at 24 back and forth passes and a price of 50 is this gearwrench 120 XP double stacked pulse alternately engage 60 gear teeth it claims to have a very impressive Three Degree Arc swing teardrop low profile head allows for Access and tight spaces the gearwrench is made in Taiwan after destroying the last 90 tooth gearwrench I went ahead and bought another one for my own use in the shop the 120 XP claims to have an arc swing Advantage but it is quite a bit larger 331.3 grams for the gear wrench and the gear wrench has 60 teeth and two paws that alternate back and forth for 120 Paul to gear contact points and 360 degrees unfortunately the ratchet just isn't performing nearly as well as the less expensive 90 tooth gear wrench that we previously tested however 22.6 back and forth passes is good enough to move into the lead over the Crescent in the facom and the ratcheting mechanism has way too much slop or dead space between the Dual Paws advancing from one gear to the next at a price of 51 dollars is this has it brand it claims it can handle up to 400 newton meters which is 295 foot pass we're gonna test that it claims to have 90 teeth and a four degree Arc swing locking function of switch provides protection against unwanted switching the hazard is made in Germany and it has it weighs 259.6 grams and the 90 tooth Hazard is performing just as well as the gear ants even though it has a pretty thick handle that's getting in the way and it has it barely edges out the gear ends at 22.5 back and forth passes to take the lead and a price of 52 dollars is this Asahi brand extremely lightweight at only 7 inches in length the ratcheting mechanism has 72 teeth the Asahi is made in Japan and the Asahi is by far the lightest yet at 176.9 grams and the Asahi is making about 15 degrees of progress with each back and forth pass and the Asahi completed one full rotation and 24 passes the same as the crescent and the facom I had a lot of viewers requested I test this tank tools brand it costs right at 56. 72 teeth gives a working Arc swing of just 5 degrees slim designed for confined spaces more teeth and Gates simultaneously to create greater strength and torque there's no information on the packaging regarding where the ratchet is made the Tang tools ratchet weighs 263 grams with only 72 gear teeth and a very large diameter handle the Tang tools really struggled on this test 35.5 back and forth passes which is very close to the same as the Capri tools at a price of 116 dollars is this Matco Tools brand slim profile for better access and tight areas 88 tooth ratcheting mechanism for an arc swing of just over four degrees we set shift lever to prevent accidental Shifting the Matco ratchet is made and assembled in USA and the Matco weighs 274.6 grams and the Matco has 88 gear teeth but it's actually outperforming the competition with just over 20 degrees of progress with each back and forth pass and a matco's ratcheting mechanism seems very well designed with the Paul advancing to the next gear tooth with very minimal rotation 17.6 passes is by far the best yet very impressive at a price of 121 dollars is a stall wheel brand the star wheel even comes with repair instructions the ratcheting mechanism has ADT for four and a half degree Arc swing made without screws to prevent foreign object damage includes a quick release Safety Lock designed for use in tight spaces the star wheel is made in Germany the star wheel weighs 275.2 grams and a star wheel only has 80 gear teeth and in theory most of the other brands should perform better however the stock wheels ratcheting mechanism is making about 18 degrees of progress with each pass and it took 20 back and forth passes which is good enough to move into second place behind the Matco straight from Japan at a price of 139 dollars is this knee Pros brand 92's ratchet with seven step claw it claims to have an Innovative 90 tooth gear includes a quick release for the sockets reliable switch lever with positive action the new Pros is made in Japan 412.3 grams for the knee pros and the 90 tooth knee Pros is performing even better than the star wheel at over 19 degrees of progress with each back and forth pass and the star well has a very efficient ratcheting mechanism completing a full rotation in 18.6 back and forth passes at a price of 171 dollars is this Stanley Proto 92th count allows for a 4 degree Arc swing small pair head designed for Access and tight hard to reach work areas includes a low profile reversing lever knurled bands allow for increased grip the Stanley Proto and is made in USA the Proto weighs 423.8 grams and the 92 Stanley Proto is performing very close to the same as the 90 tooth knee pros and a Stanley Proto is making about 20 degrees of progress with each pass and 18 back and forth passes is good enough to move into second place behind the Matco at a price of 221 dollars the most expensive brand we'll be testing is made by Snap-on unlike the other brands the Snap-on does not have gears no clicking sounds from the Snap-on it's extremely quiet it claims to have an arc swing of zero degrees the Snap-on is made in USA 305.8 grams for the Snap-on and a zero degree snap-on's handle is a little bit wider than average at 18 millimeters and is just not performing as well as the top brands and the Snap-on is supposed to have zero degrees of Arc swing but it's just not performing as well as anticipated 22 back and forth passes is good enough to move into fifth place so the Matco has the best working Arc swing at 17.6 back and forth passes for one complete rotation Stanley Proto performed almost as well at 18 knee Pro's 18.6 star wheel 20 and Snap-on 22. using a ratchet with a lot of backdragon in tight spaces can really make it challenging at times if there's enough space adding resistance to the socket using finger pressure allows the socket to advance but sometimes that's not an option to measure the Back Drag I'll use the 7 8 inch socket fishing line in a scale for a 14 ratchet the duratec didn't perform too bad at 397 grams or almost one pound of force and the Crescent performed better on the arc swing test in the duratec and it performed better on this test too at 293 grams and the Capri tools moves into second place behind the Crescent at 366 grams and the Craftsman performed very close to the same as the Capri tools at 372 grams and the ghidor is extremely stiff at 598 grams which is well over a pound and a Coke can perform very well in this test at 224 grams to take the lead from the crescent and the facom has more backdrag than most of the other brands at 443 grams and the Dual Paul design of the gear wrench is really hurting its performance 515 grams and it hasn't performed about the same as the facon at 456 grams and the Asahi performed by far the best yet at 170 grams and the 10 tools has by far the most backtracked yet at 833 grams or almost 2 pounds the backhoe did great on the working Arc swing test and it did about average at 388 grams on this test and a stall will perform quite a bit better than the Matco on this test at 283 grams and the knee Pros barely adds out the star wheel at 277 grams and a Proto performed about the same as the Matco at 364 grams and a Snap-On performed by far the best yet on this test at only 89 grams very impressive so the Snap-on has the least amount of backtrack at 89 grams Asahi did well at 170 Coke in 224 knee Pros 277 and stallwheel 283 grams so three out of the four top ratchets in this category are made in Japan a ratchet that offers both a great working Arc swing performance and low Back Drag pressure is the perfect combination so taking the results from both the arc swing and the backdrag test the Snap-on had an average finish of third place nepro Savage 3.5 Proto and style wheel 4.5 and acai averaged a fifth place finish the ratchet head profile makes a big difference when trying to access tight spaces in a Mac has the shortest front to back profile at only 12.2 millimeters Crescent is also very compact at 12.54 gear rinse 13.6 Asahi 13.7 and cocen 14.3 millimeters the ratchet with this limit side to side profile is the cocaine of 27.9 millimeters fake arms at 29.3 Proto 29.56 knee Pros 29.78 in Craftsman 29.94 millimeters when the hands are greased it can sometimes be a challenge to change directions with a stiff directional lever and it takes 404 grams to switch directions on the duratec once again the Crescent outperforms the duratec at only 217 grams the Capri tool is performed about the same as the duratec at 418 grams and the Craftsman made the switch at 339 grams and it takes over 4000 grams or 8.8 pounds of force to press the square coupler through the gador and the cocaine performed about the same as a Craftsman at 353 grams and the fadecom did by far the best yet at 171 grams and the gear rinse performed almost as well as the facom at 190 grams and it takes 475 grams with a half has it to change directions and the Asahi performed better than average at 345 and the Tang tools takes more force on average at 521 grams and it takes 371 grams to flip the switch on the Matco and a stall wheel did 100 grams better than the Matco at 271 and the new process is pretty stiff at 596 grams just like the knee Pros the Proto is pretty stiff at 647 grams and the Snap-on takes quite a bit of effort at 1 356 grams or about 3 pounds so the facom came out on top at 171 grams gear rinse finished in second at 190 Crescent 217 and style wheel 271 grams so the Matco Proto and the pros have a much smaller head size than some of the other brands but can they handle the high torque loads to test a fair load of the ratchets I'll use a Proto torque wrench tester which is accurate down to one tenth of a foot pound and a 14 duratec actually didn't do too bad at 243.3 foot-pounds when the drive finally broke let's take a look inside the ratchet and there's a small amount of damage to the gear but both pawls are in great shape even though the 14 Crescent is more compact than the dirt Tech it performed a lot better with the drive finally breaking at 262.2 foot-pounds the drive gear in the pawl are still in great shape and the Capri tools is larger and more expensive than the Crescent but it gave up early at 212.9 foot-pounds and there's definitely a problem inside the ratcheting mechanism and Nepal held up just fine but the drive gear experienced a lot of damage and the Craftsman is one of the heaviest ratchets in the lineup at 344.9 grams and a 34 Craftsman moves into second place behind the 14 Crescent at 252.4 foot-pounds just like the duratec and the Crescent the drive is a source of failure and the square coupler on the gador gave up early at only 208.7 foot-pounds the least amount yet however the ratchet is still in good shape and the square drive is very soft and experience quite a bit of twisting during the failure considering the compact size the Coke can actually held up very well with the drive finally breaking at 260.1 foot pounds and the gear in the Paw held up just fine with no visible damage and only 248 grams of facom is a very Compact and light ratchet and it's also the strongest yet with the drive finally breaking at 286.2 foot-pounds at 3 331 grams the gearwrench made very good use of its size Advantage finally breaking at 295.8 foot-pounds to take the lead from the facom and the drive gear on the xp-120 has 60 teeth since the two poles do overlap it effectively gives 120 gear contact points and 360 degrees there's no visible damage to the paws of the drive gear on the gearwrench even though the German mate has it is very light at only 259 grams it's the strongest yet at 303.2 foot-pounds very impressive even with all that torque the pause of the drive gear are still in great condition and the Asahi is called a light tool for a reason and it gave up early at only 186.6 foot pounds and the ratchet mechanism is no longer engaging so let's take a look inside in the drive gear experienced a small amount of damage but one of the two pawls has lost all of its teeth and the Tang tools did fairly well making it to 267.5 foot pounds when the drive broke and all of the ratcheting mechanism internals are still in good condition even though the Matco is very compact it held in there a long time with the drive finally breaking at 280 foot pounds no visible damage to the drive gear teeth of the pawl when it comes to backdragger working Arc swing the stall will perform very well but it's not built to handle as much torque as some of the other brands and the drive gear broke at 254.3 foot-pounds the pile in the drive gear are still in good shape and the new Pros has a long ratchet handle for extra leverage but it's definitely not built to take a lot of abuse and the drive gear broke at only 229.7 foot-pounds the main drive gear teeth and the Pall are still in good condition and the Stanley Pro also has an extra long handle for applying extra leverage and it gave up early at only 186.6 foot pounds unfortunately there's quite a bit of damage to the drive gear teeth in the pawl and the Snap-on withstood a lot more torque than anticipated and I had to readjust the position of the ratchet and when the Snap-on finally let go it pretty much exploded sending parts and pieces all over the shop 310.8 foot-pounds is the best yet and the Snap-on is missing some parts but here are the parts that I could locate if you need a ratchet that can head a lot of torque the Snap-on came out on top at 310.8 foot-pounds has it finished in second at 303.2 gear rinse 295.8 facom 286.2 and Matco 280. so which ratchet is the best the ratchets are organized from least expensive the most expensive and the best value ratchet is definitely the Crescent at a price of only 14 it's a great value and delivers really good performance while it can't compete with the top brands as far as working Arc swing and perform very well in every other category if it's all about performance the backhoe is expensive but it performs well in all categories while the Drexel switch does take a little bit more effort than other brands it's still a pretty minor issue for most people the starwheel is also pretty expensive but it also performed well in every category in the previous video on ratchets the 34 gear wrench with 90 teeth easily won The Showdown when you consider the very affordable price it would still be my choice over all the ratchets tested this time all these Brands claim to have great warranty so maybe it's time to test them out just kidding about that I never returned products unless the product arrives defective before the testing begins all the videos in this channel including this one our viewers suggested so if you have a video idea I hope you'll take time to leave a comment thanks so much for watching please take care and look forward to next time
Channel: Project Farm
Views: 1,761,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project farm, Ratchet review, best ratchet, ratchet comparison, 3/8 ratchet showdown, 3/8 ratchet review, ratchet back drag, ratchet backdrag, ratchet arc swing, ratchet arc swing test, gearwrench ratchet review, icon ratchet, harbor freight icon ratchet review, snap on ratchet, snap on ratchet review, gearwrench 120xp, FACOM ratchet, teng tools ratchet, crescent ratchet, ko-ken ratchet, stahlwille ratchet, nepros ratchet, asahi ratchet, gedore ratchet, proto ratchet
Id: eMUgzCvi0L8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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