Best Post-Race Show Ever | 2021 Washougal National Recap

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okay welcome to your best post show ever here from austral uh max amstey's in a meeting so we've grabbed uh the heartthrob the brick yeah yeah exactly ivan drago dude all right brandon there's some shirts coming out and do listen i'm gonna show you after this you'll like it really you have to buy one or i could give it to you no no no i actually bought your guy a-ray over there i spent 28 buying one of his shirts did you get it he handed it to you this is the correct one is he shady like that no he just i mean he messes up the orders shocking shocking so if i'm gonna spend cash money on his i'll do it i'll do it for my jersey guy i appreciate that um just tell me how the track was today i was sugal everybody says it's slippery and all that so what was it like to ride uh chuck i mean so yesterday we looked at the track um dude it was like it looked like i haven't hasn't been touched in like two years it looked like it was steamrolled and i'm like these guys are need they're going to have to do a lot of work to make this track good so obviously it wasn't too deep today but it was slippery but i mean the it makes the race high-paced intensity is high just because everybody's wide open so reality is good racing but it was hard on the lungs i will tell you that but i mean moto 2 for some reason was um it was pretty chewed so moto 2 was for sure hard okay are you happy with your result uh i mean i've been on a streak for 13 place overalls which isn't bad we're making we're getting just gaining points um i'm not happy with it but i mean i'm safe and i got progress every weekend i've made progress so uh yeah i mean i guess we're doing all right you know what you need to do we're gonna have two weeks off for you dilla can you head to english town and maybe get some old school motors in bro in jersey you wish you're california locked and loaded ship a bike there yeah california i might fly uh early just to go home for like a few days and then drive up to dylan because it's only like four hours there you go so and then we might stay a week in rod pastrana so i'm actually never been there i hope he don't ask me to backflip that ain't happening but i'm stoked i want to go there so bad whatever he asks you to do it is happening you can't stop it okay uh let's get to some interviews kellen brower was in the media corral to talk to some of the writers post race today all right pierce brown uh six four fifth overall on the day after last week i mean you got to be pretty happy with that huh yeah yeah so uh it's been been a tough year so far and tough like first two years of my career so uh this is my best overall outdoor so i'm stoked uh put together a good a solid first motto and a better psychomoto so i don't know fifth overall and i'm stoked on that um yeah just uh building blocks and um yeah it's cool to it was cool to be in the mix with those guys and just remind myself that i'm there so yeah hopefully we could just keep this momentum going for the uh couple off weekends we have and then come come out swinging at unidella aaron plessinger 12 4 7 overall uh what happened in the first motor that kind of put you so far back and then obviously had to charge through um i actually pulled a bonehead move and i ran straight into a uh like a dirt wall and went over the bars and i came around in 40th place and work my way back up to 12th but obviously not where i want to be the last two races i've been in the back at the beginning and then i come through but um yeah the second photo was a bounce back for sure um good start good riding for the first three quarters of the moto so uh i dropped the anchor pulled the parachute but yeah i'm pretty stoked on the on the ending of the day uh not really stoked on the seventh overall but you know it is what it is and uh now we got two weekends off i'm gonna go have some fun um hang out not really do too much for the first week and yeah live life for a little bit and then i'm i'm going to tallahassee for the next for the the last two weeks off so so to get ready for unidilla and that's my kind of track baby this is this hard pack gravel stuff it ain't anything yeah yeah it is trees i i felt a little in my element but dude fourth gear wide open ain't too ain't too uh ain't too fun when you're getting roosted but um that was fun i i liked it um my first moto obviously it wasn't bad riding at by any means but i just unfortunate a series of unfortunate events happen and yeah oh well all right eli tomac 2-2 on the day you came off the track in the second moto and seemed like pretty satisfied with your ride is that how you felt like pretty overall you like you gave it all you had their day yeah i was i was pissed i was frustrated i just i left everything on the track today and i was so close and it was right there it just wasn't enough you know i i made try to make the same move on dylan is what i did on chase it just didn't quite work i was when i was buying chase i was like i got to open up some lines and do something so i started bouncing off the outsides and they ended up working you know it was it was cool that that was there wish i would have found him a little earlier just gave it everything once i got to dillon it wasn't quite enough so um like i left everything out there that's why i was just like so pissed off for the race yeah all right chase sexton big winner on the day i mean the first moto was obviously great but managing that second moto coming home third it had to feel just great overall yeah definitely uh the first photo was pretty much a dream race just getting out front and not getting any roost and going up horsepower hill first um it was my first ever hole shot so it was awesome and i really didn't get roosted much today so that was kind of a nice thing and i won't go home with a black and blue chest so um but yeah it was it was an awesome day i had to do a lot of battling that second moto with eli and dylan but overall it was it was good and to get that first medal win was a big deal for me and to finally go out there and ride to my potential um and not have anybody in my way was is awesome okay we have found uh max anste thanks for the riders talking to us in the media conference um so max uh ninth in moto one is that uh sign of things to come is that moving in the right direction yeah definitely um we we managed to do some testing this week and we bolted in this new jdr part that they got from them oh okay that they they were using last year and my days i got out the start i was like i came out the gate next to webb and i was like okay yeah yeah yeah so um no it was good i wrote solid um i uh i ended up ninth i was behind christian craig pretty much the whole i tried to make a pass but it's the first time i've actually been relatively up there yeah yeah and not just kind of riding around on my own so that was nice um second model again got a good start but i was a little frustrated in myself second mother first two laps i guess the start of this season i've been used to maybe being 15th or 18th yeah and i'm good at moving forward to get to 12th but this time i was probably like sixth or seventh and i i went the wrong side of a couple of guys messed up a couple of like lines went outside where i should have stuck in and then i just slipped by like two or three guys i i got literally i went from being right up there to being like getting slipped by like four or five guys in the space of three laps and i was like oh great now i'm like now i've got to do this work again so yeah i ended up uh battling well i i was on the back end of of dino um i got to the back end of dino every week and see battle well first model i was like i was all right i've broken through i'm i'm out yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay second i was like oh and to be honest it was a tricky track very tricky track um it was warm and and a track that i i have been here ten years ago but it is very different yeah so i i think if i could redo this day tomorrow okay i would feel a lot more comfortable there were certain areas where i i was like over jumping stuff casing stuff like offline not breathing but it's it's a very i don't know what it looks like on tv but it's a very tricky track there's a lot of s sections and you know i look at that awkward edges and ruts and it's slick and you've got to kind of know where you're going and and be relaxed at that and and for me i was kind of learning on the job with it because again these 15-minute practices that we get seem to just fly by and i'm like okay i have no idea where i'm going i'm just trying to do a lap overall progress happy with the bike the team done a done a good job this last week now we've got three weeks we've actually got some planned testing yeah um and the jjr part we literally were just talking about it yeah they've got to get a few more so hopefully it don't break and um yeah there's not many of them to go around yeah so um so no no they they've made progress so we've got a few more things to do in the next three weeks so i'm hoping uni dealer on we're gonna be hopefully banging in there those top tens like you know now we can go racing well we're gonna stereotype and be like oh una dilla that's a european style track so we're gonna be putting the heat on you i know yeah i know well you never know it might rain it might be a mudder so we're good we haven't had it muddy yet have we no ask plessinger he's very disappointed yeah i know caleb russell's gone he's very disappointed yeah yeah i wouldn't wouldn't yeah i wouldn't mind a good good mud and that would be quite fun won't it we got indiana too we haven't had a clean indiana weather-wise almost ever so you might get your chance don't worry yeah i'm looking forward to it okay all right max progress today uh cheers we're gonna wrap up oh cheers that's how we're doing it okay yes thanks for your support we'll be right back we'll wrap up this day we'll bring in kellen brauer to talk about all 19 other stories that happened today thanks max yep okay let's give you the full rundown of what happened today jason wagon and kellen brower here from racerx um 450 class first let's just give credit where it's due chase sexton won the overall today he went 1-3 i know the fans were going nuts for tomac francis battle and moto 2 but the bottom line is for sexton who's been very honest this year results haven't been what he wanted this has to feel awesome oh yeah and i mean we talked about him or talked to him in the media corral and so you guys will have probably already heard that but uh yeah he was just really happy about his performance today and felt like what he did uh last week or how he rode last week should have given the results that he got today so he's happy to kind of show that like the progress he's been making on the bike the things that they've been changing are actually in the right direction yeah and he said really starts was the big difference and they did some changes that hopefully he can replicate those at the final couple of motors now on to the showdown irresistible force a movable object we know when eli thomas gets rolling especially at washougal for some reason he's had epic charges he's hard to stop and he was coming after dylan ferrandis who we know is also very strong oh it's going to be good fernandez held up yeah he did i mean francis he even said like he looked back and realized like i'm going to save some energy yeah because he knows what's coming later in the moto and uh yeah when eli came i thought that was more impressive i mean eli is always impressive when he does that yes it's insane but i thought it was also very impressive that ferranis who was going to have a huge points lead regardless at the end of the day with roxanne's bad day yeah was like i want to win this moto still i could let tomat go and still have a huge point but i want to win this moto so he hiked it up and won it we've seen it all year he salvaged an overall win at southwick with a bike steaming and he was bummed they didn't win both motors so that's just the way it is what was tomax reaction by the way when you talked to him over there uh he was he was happy but like mad about his day yeah he's mad that he didn't like get the pass done earlier on sex and he was mad that he didn't get it all the way to the because he says he feels like those days when he rides like this yeah are the days that he wins so the fact that he didn't win is a little bit like a bitter you know pill to swallow tells us something about how tough fernandes is very few have been able to stop tomac at this track from a moto win uh real quick 250s it basically comes down to this coulda shoulda woulda for justin cooper he was a lap and a half away from being the first rider to win two races this year in the class and really stretching the points lead and then it fell apart i know yeah man just it's so disheartening for him specifically because he's talked so much about like he just wants to ride better finish better ride better finish better doesn't matter like he doesn't look at the results that much per se and even afterwards i felt like even with the eighth he was still like i'm really happy with my riding i was pretty happy with my day um but obviously it didn't work out for the overall so that's that's the bittersweet part about it for him but yeah i mean just throw away at the end like that oh it's gonna be tough yeah he was looking at a one two for the overall jeremy martin would have had a 3-1 but here's the difference cooper who said i want to be a guy that wins motos he was trying to get martin for the second moto win he didn't have to do it for points he didn't have to do it for the overall he wants to win motors but it cost him he went down at horsepower hill with a lap and half to go and jett lawrence survives he barely lost i think he lost two points today on the balance and it wasn't a great day for jet again not in the starts we talked about it in the pre-show jet starts are just killing him the first model one was really bad i think it was maybe even outside the points when i first saw him go by so yeah to start back there when cooper's getting both hole shots basically yeah you're making leftovers jet has got to figure something out and he did in the second motor do his credit uh but to do it consistently while cooper's doing it consistently to match that down the stretch in this championship you know how racers are jet lawrence is gonna leave here saying my second moto start was good and that's all he's gonna think about over the three weeks they basically have before you're in a dealer to think i've got the starts figured out now that that's behind me i survived the big points loss i'll be back for you in a deal it's going to be really exciting this 250 class jeremy martin has two wins in a row this is nuts yeah if you told me that like two weeks ago i would have been like what are you talking about jeremy martin just went 11-14 at southweek and he's gonna be the first of two wins on the season insane 250 class yeah he's a bad dude uh i believe he's now uh tied for fifth all time and wins in that class at ryan villapodo so you're doing something right jeremy martin thanks to uh twisted t for backing our show we got time off we're going to be at loretta lynn's check out all our video coverage from there and we'll see you at our next race at unidilla on august in the middle of august it'll be here before you know it
Channel: Racer X Motocross & Supercross News
Views: 15,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: racer x, dirtbike, motocross, supercross, mx, sx, pro, 2019, 2018, 2017, vault, racer x films, films, chase sexton, max anstie, aaron plessinger, eli tomac, pierce brown, 2021 pro motocross, 2021 washougal, jason weigandt, 2021 mx, 2021 motocross, washougal national, washougal, chase sexton mx, dylan ferrandis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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