Best piggery farming practices | SEEDS OF GOLD

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foreign [Music] is a delicacy to many and a very common type of meat in non-muslim communities across the world because of its high demand many farmers have been inspired to get into bigger reforming have you ever considered having your meal close to a Big Ben well in this week's episode on seeds of gold would visit this farm that is uniquely set up to accommodate search join into visits of gold on this journey of success coming up on the program the truth is pigs are not dirty the people who are taking care of these pigs are the ones who are dirty why because if you kept them in an environment like this one because we are currently using IMO system to be hardest review we started with one Pig [Music] we met this young inspiring entrepreneur together with hardco director on value farm this big farm started on a rather humble note value Farm actually is a mixed Farm we have pigs we have goats we have cows sheep then we also have some rabbits then some little bit of poultry it is just a mixed Farm as you can hear it but value Farm has been in existence for now for 10 months to be honest with you we started with one Pig it was a male pig that we in fact even rescued from one of our neighbors in the village as we had just bought this land we decided as one just driving off the farm the pig was just tied on a rope we just rescued that one Pig we do pay them a lot of money but we just wanted to rescue the pig to the farm since we were just starting and we had already the idea of bringing in pigs here so we rescued that pig and we brought it here then after some time we want to rip to the farm and we brought in 13 piglets actually bought these piglets when they were like two months two to three months and the price by then it was around 350. that's what we bought them at but value Farm is just a company that really wants to Inspire other Farmers out there to also start farming Christine was quick to think outside of the box to get out of formal employment and pursue a different Journey altogether however her knowledge in I.T often comes in handy all you need is the sale to do research give it your all and the rest will be history to be honest with you I work with a corporate company for over 10 years that is after University but I was really very very tired of the same routine same job no promotion it was really very tiresome and it had really reached to my limit and by the time I really decided to quit I wanted something new something else that I would really do also for Financial Freedom because even the salary was really little I was earning almost the same money for the 10 years that's nothing changing I wasn't really you know exploring my my other abilities so I decided why can't I try something else so when my my co-director of course contacted me we decided we can do something like I mean I didn't have experience in farming before I never ever thought that I would do farming ever yes but when you brought in the idea then we did our research we went to different Farms visiting I developed that interest in farming and I felt like okay this is something that is going to make me move to other places not sitting in an office five from eight to five so it was just very interesting for me it was another experience so that is how I decided like okay I think farming is the thing that we should really focus on yes the biggest setback that holds most youth before they even start to farm is fear of the unknown Christian shares her experience in that regard by the way farming is very interesting that's what I should really tell you it is very interesting when you start it when you see your animals multiply that is the joy of every farmer so what I should really tell people out there who want to start and they still have the fear the first thing that you really need to focus on is to have a plan do your research visit other firms to get experience to start because if you start something without any knowledge any experience you're going to fail in the beginning so of course for me personally when I did my research when we researched about pigary how people are doing differently in other firms I had an idea of how we can definitely start ours because you know with pig farming almost especially the people who do the IMO that we have but most of them do them in a small scale they fear it because they think it is very expensive which is not true because we've experienced it here then other people use the slated floors which is okay for them but it's very tired some I can also explain that later but the system we are using here trust me it is manageable it is cheap it's not expensive like other people really think every Farm is unique in its own way but on this Farm it is amazing it's hard to tell that this building houses pigs until you actually enter here there is no smell whatsoever wonderful the truth is pigs are not dirty the people who are taking care of these pigs are the ones who are dirty why because if you kept them in an environment like this one because we are currently using IMO system the IMO has two versions there's the older version of the IMO then there is the modern version of the IMO most people really fear I am all because of the older version of how they used to construct the IMO why they put in the the leaves they put in the what the poles put in Lime charcoal all that that is really very hectic for a person and maybe someone may think it is very expensive but for this building right here how it is unique we just put a cement cast below so it is two feet deep and we're just put in a cement first and you put in the wood shavings and that is it very very simple so we pray that IMO solution we have a IMO solution that we spray daily for the no smell that's why when you come into this building here there's no smell at all you can't even bring your plate of food and you sit and just enjoy with the pigs right here that's why even you see like the pigs behind me there they're very very clean it is even very comfortable for them after eating their food they sleep in a warm surface yes most people have the slated kind of structures use a lot of manpower to clean and you have to clean like four times a day for this system we only climb twice we clean twice a day which is very manageable they are spraying and spreading the wood shavings and maybe washing that feeding crops under and the drinkers but servings are not very expensive because a bag of wood shavings can go for 2 000 or even 1 500 depending on where you are because you know prices keep changing depending on your location but where we are buying from we buy at 1500 to 1 000 1500 to 2000 that is the rough estimate of the bag of wood shavings and for this particular pen that you're seeing right here we only spend like two bags before to refill the good thing about IMO is you can change after six months the whole building but every other week you can maybe just spread the wood shavings on top that's what you can definitely do and the beauty about using that I am all this is also our fertilizer this is natural fertilizers you don't have to spend so much money buying artificial fertilizers yes you have pigs here yet you have the wood shavings there because these are going to decompose with time after six months then you take straight to your garden and that will really help you then grow your feet grow your maize grow your soya that is cutting costs by the way so we are doing win-win you know we are using this then later on we still utilize it in our garden hygiene is also something to look at and pay Keen attention to how then and when does one clean while using this IMO system for cleaning because we have a team that we have here they clean twice a day early in the morning and later after feeding so they clean very in the morning make sure the feeding traps are really clean the water traps are clean before we put in the heat because we don't want to contaminate the leaves when they are feeding yes so it's twice a day [Music] foreign [Music] most Farmers usually mess it up at the management level the feeding is a very crucial stage in bigary profits are largely dictated by how best you manage this process get the best tips and make your profits the thing with pigs is as long as you have water in your structure water is a necessity all Farmers out there if you can please invest in nipple drinkers nipple drinkers are very necessary because water is always available but if you can't you can always have drinking troughs that you can construct on a small scale then they can be able to drink the water for the piglets when they are born most of the time we train them so we come to one of the nipple we press it so when the water comes out they realize okay they are really nowadays water here so they keep playing with it they go to eat like as if they're playing around they train themselves by the way pigs are very smart animals but the disadvantage with that drinking traps is you have to keep it clean because you may put in water for the pigs to drink from and later on they step on it and that in it and when the pigs see that the water is dirty they never drink of which water is a necessity so at least invest in nipple drinkers water is something that makes them even grow faster then about feeding if you want to really make your pigs really grow faster the thing is you can only feed them twice a day there's nothing like over feeding the things most people fear this project here because they feel maybe the pigs really eat a lot but pigs do not eat so much we feed these pigs here twice a day in the morning at around 7 30 then also at three and these pigs know that time of feeding they can't even alert you when it's time for feeding they make the noise so they if you're very far they start making noise they start you know climbing over to let you know that they need to feed so for the piglets we give them one kilogram of the feeds in the morning then one kilogram of feeds again in the afternoon then for The Growers maybe the the expecting mothers we give them two kilograms in the morning and two kilograms in the afternoon then for the for the sauce that I've given bath we measure their feeds according to the piglets that they have so each piglet we give them a quarter a kilogram of the fits yes so you cut the piglets and that is the fit that they get so it is really very easy to really raise and also maximize your profits because they may just give you an example in case because if you buy a piglet at two months this piglets what we usually each piglet we count like 60 000 a month so and we sell it off maybe when it's already like six months so you're ready to maybe feed for roughly four months so 60 time was four that is around 240 000 and by the time it reaches the finishing level like six months already you're selling it at around 1 million 200 000 so subscribe subtract your 240 how much do you get that's those are your profits yet you really invested Maybe three hundred thousand three fifty thousand so you can calculate your profits like it's really very profitable so we have specific people who come in here to feed our pigs so we train them and we tell them what they're supposed to feed the pigs with so we also measure their weights to also know that okay this is a grower this is a finisher this is just a piglet so we separate them that's why we have in this structure here we have different sections we have sections for The Growers we have sections for the sauce we have sections for the boas so they know for the goals how much are they going to eat the water we have it done that is one investment that we did at Value Farm we dug out on Dam whereby the water is available for all our animals that we have as a farm because pigs really love water please invest in a damn if you can't Harvest rain water we have so many workers at the farm but we only have four people who work in this building and those are the only ones that we allow all the time to come here anyone else cannot step your foot in our big house so those are some of the preventive measures that we put in place so that we really prevent our our pigs from falling sick as well by the way our pigs here we don't really treat them that much for the piglets when they are born after three days we give them the iron shots that's what we give them then after 21 days that's when we also give them another iron shot then for deworming we do them after two months only that and that is the other advantage of using the IMO system because there's no diseases like coming in people cleaning people using those detergents for scrubbing and all that so it is very easy and another thing that I did not tell you about that I am all it is manageable [Music] when all is done and you have everything in place the good breeds the housing the hygiene where then do you find the market this is one of the biggest challenges for must face before you even start a project a special like figuring look for your markets look at people who are wearing the same animals so these are the people that you can definitely also feel to maybe The Butchers if they're surrounding you can take for them so start with your your locality then you can also do the marketing on social media do not just play around with social media advertise show people what you really have at the front and another thing is as long as you have quality brain people will look for you because I can give you an example there's a person who came here to purchase some breeds but we told them that Christ they were really scared they're like that is expensive for me I cannot manage so when this person was like okay I'll come back next time well like okay that is fine then we can't think about it you're like okay that is fine so when you went back to the trading center he went to ask another person this person referred them back to us because like those are the only people that I trust that you can definitely get the good grades from they have the quality at least if you go to this other Farmers here I'm not sure about them even hard to call me was like you know what Tina I think I'm coming back for some two piglets from you because you know I had to be honest with you I asked several people about you know pigs elsewhere but they recommended me to come to your house okay for the biggest Market that we really have because right now we are selling to Fresh Cuts as well to meet yes then we also have people who get some butchers that come some restaurants that also request from us then people who have their parties their you know occasions they always call us so that they can deliver for them oh we started 14 months ago just the purchasing the land and putting in these other animals I think roughly now with the animals in here it's like 12 months like a yeah yeah but right now we have over 300 and we have 392 pigs at the moment we currently sold 100 and 150 to the Butcher of course we are selling to the Fresh Cuts yes this structure looks like a multi-million structure and for sure it is a good house in any farmer would love to have Kristen is here to paint for us a picture on how much this could roughly cost yes that is another thing when someone is touching a pig farm the structure when you look at this structure here you get scared we do not start like this at all we started with just a tent our first Pig slept in a tent the 13 piglets that we got slept in a tent but we wanted the pump to really start so after we've built we put them in a tent we of course improvised we put in our jericans for water even the feeds we had to cut Dairy cans to feed in there then later we had to also upgrade a little bit the structure was still simple very simple we invested in the nipples as well then we put in the feeders in Jerry Khan by the way so that they don't really turn them over then of course as the numbers increased we had the temper structure just behind this structure right there as the numbers kept increasing as we saw the few of them we increased we upgraded to the structure but what I really tell people out there start small and think big start with the with that with the materials that you have as long as they have shelter they have water to drink from they have where to feed from that is what is really necessary then you upgrade with time when you sell let the pigs really build you slowly when you first meet Christine hardly would you attach how to farming she pops modern and looks really cute her nails and all so for you who despise bombing and think it's for the old the dirty the failures well you are so wrong they rip big gear and very contented do you know what people are sitting in offices this is what I always tell my friends I still have friends who are still you know and that corporate office that I used to sit in but I always bring them the ideal farming but most of them do not want to be dirty they feel like farming the data saying how they look at me I'd have my bachelors I have my you know PhD how am I going to get into Plumbing please do not despise family all youth out there do not despise Farming Farming is very enjoyable you can make money better than the one that you've seated in the SC there five I'm guessing 1.5 per month you know if I sell my previous I can get like 10 million if I saw like even just 10 Things I can't even get millions like 10 million there by the way less stress Financial Freedom there's no one to tell you that okay you're supposed to be at work at this time I can decide when I want to come to the farm when I come to the farm when I see my animals multiplying I'm very happy you know that joy that that joy that you really get when you come to the farm when you look at animals this is something that I never had before by the way because I was in that world but when I came into farming it's very therapeutic that's what I should really tell you if you don't have the money to start off with me there they go back home go back to your Villages most people prefer to be in the city sitting you know in your rated house you're paying that is what you really want go back home to The Villages we're here in luero I don't have from the world I I also have a home in Kampala but I prefer here at luero and you can't set up a farm in the city it is still in the village so when you come maybe your parents have a piece of land somewhere start a small stall a small structure of your Pig house then later on when you get money you can be able to purchase another thing about land learn appreciates so in case you really want to buy land right now in case you have little money invest buy something small then with time you expand we started this farm with only 30 Acres but we still started expanding to our neighbors they even come to you themselves and we lose you this land then you buy them Slowly by the exponent as your farm is also growing farming just like any other Enterprise comes with challenges and these are not meant to break you but rather strengthen you so the challenges are sometimes when some people come in for a few days and maybe disappear and maybe if you're not there they're not ready to work they're very lazy when they see around that's when they are able to work when you just go off the work stops there so it's about management sometimes then also the different challenges that we got here is about maybe the the Predators from around that car maybe to steal the maze because we planted Army somewhere there yeah that is basically it there are no big challenges that are really fast fear everyone does business so they can eventually make good money sustain the business make profits and live a good life Kristen is here to attest the goodness of this Farm in just the past 14 months imagine what it will look like in 10 years the biggest achievements that are really we've really got at Value Farm is about the expansion how the farm has really grown to where it is right now because we started really in a very miserable state but right now the farm is growing and the pigs are the ones that are building the farm the goats are the ones that are building the farm because we are the ones that we invested in the beginning are the ones that we are selling and the profits that we are getting are the ones that we are investing into the farm so that is an achievement to us because we do not have to use our servings anymore we are using what we have at the farm to grow the farm keeping as you said is very vital because each Pig has a tag on it as you can see so we tag our animals and waitress its genetics as well and the kids and the lineage of each Pig so when someone comes to buy a pig from us we shall definitely show you the records that we have for that pig the treatment plan the vaccination in case we've really vaccinated all that is there then the kids that it has you know furrowed before all those documents are right there so as a farmer it is very very good for you to have records for your farm that will even make you invest better because you know maybe the ones that are following better the ones that are not good Mothers you keep them aware for meat yes there's a lot really that is really happening right now the farm but our intuition is to have our Meat Processing Plant then we also have maybe packaging services that will buy with package different meat cuts for end users without foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: NTVUganda
Views: 217,344
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Keywords: Uganda, Kampala, NTV Uganda, News, Top News Headlines, Uganda news, #NTVNews
Id: jPgVRfDhj3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2022
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