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[Music] hi hi tuners [Music] i i'm late this morning i'm always late i'm just telling you guys oh i got out here late um the last few mornings i've had to work and i have been up early like i was out here at 6 30 6 45 yesterday it's about nine which is normally when i get out here so i'm not really late but i left the gate open last night so where oh i closed it i thought i left it open morning morning everybody let's have breakfast come on yeah gotta go get milk go ahead yeah you all need some social skills we need some goat social stories about not head button folks yes usually you are you being nice today so yesterday morning tiger followed me all the way out of the barn so she had to hang out during milking and that was kind of a disaster because i was in a hurry hi cheeto come back over here all right let's get you guys some breakfast [Music] so [Music] always troublemakers [Music] it is hot and humid and we're gonna have another i don't think we have a heat advisory today but everybody pretty much around us does i've got to start kind of getting on schedule of getting out of bed a little bit earlier i'm awake and i don't go back to sleep but i don't like get going like i like to have my tea and read a little bit before i get going but work is less than a month away and that's going to be like 6 15. so i gotta get with it [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right baby time and i think i just heard thunder we probably need to hurry good morning did we not say good morning to you guys did we not say good morning i'm sorry i'm just a sweet boy and i think my moving your water has helped i think they wanted to sleep on this and that was why they kept knocking the water over but it also looks like you have some kind of chunky poop so maybe we need to worm you today goal let's move them in petunia when i move pork chop because they really need to be out of this little space it needs a break and that's probably why we need to worm them i know there's no reason to really run out anymore there's no real reason to run out [Music] anymore i think mamas are weaning it's good it's time because we're gonna start breeding them here in a couple of months we'll breed from early october till the end of november for late february through april babies there we go bernie is not [Music] as old as pepper but i would expect that mamas would be weaning hi daddy and dummy i know me you're my shy one not quite as adventurous as everybody else are you where's meatball where's mindy oh here he is hi edie what you doing [Music] let's at least be in there okay so today i thought i would talk to you a little bit about why we chose kunikunu pigs as opposed to american guinea hogs or idaho pasture pigs which are all kind of in the same family of a smaller homestead pig but why county cuny seem to be the right choice for us [Music] so lucy was what everybody voted for the most it was really close like that one vote with a little bit and i almost just decided to call her a little bit because that's what i've been calling her i like lucy a lot she's doing well she's getting a little bit more comfortable with me still doesn't like me to be super close to the fence but look at those pickles anxiously awaiting breakfast gotta go feed the cows first then we'll feed the pigs so when i started researching pigs i knew that having a big commercial pig was just not something that we could do so like a old spot or a drock we weren't going to be able to have a big pig we're just not set up for that we have closer neighbors just having to have a completely different fencing for a large pig let's go pretty girl come on [Music] i also knew that with two of us raising a large commercial pig would be way too much pork for us all at one time it's kind of like for us with butchering a cow we always have to have somebody that's willing to take some of the meat because [Music] we're not even really able to eat half a cow and quick enough time that the meat doesn't get old and and nasty so looking for maybe a hybrid or something that was a smaller pig that would be do better on a smaller homestead and when i was researching american guinea hogs and cooney coonies were the two pigs basically that i had to choose from the idaho pasture pig was not something i was familiar with and it's a newer breed of pig and so i don't even know that there are any available in our area which is not something that was on the radar for me there's something i learned about after we got our pigs and so for me it was really kind of a toss up did we choose kunikuni do we choose um guinea hawks how are my pickles how karma pigs kind of slobbery let's have some [Music] breakfast [Music] [Music] jeremy and i were talking last night and we should have put goats out here way earlier in the season because since they kind of ate this to the ground this grass that has grown back in has been perfect for these guys so kunikuni is american guinea hogs both similar size similar growth weight both have similar personalities you know they're gonna give you around 100 pounds of pork when you process them both really sweet dispositioned pigs which is a must for me and for most smaller homesteaders they're calm they're laid back they love human attention they're not hard on fences looking at these two breeds really similar both are known for their fat and are used for like high-end charcuterie because of the way that they're fat marbles [Music] [Music] well they're kind of in the middle of the goat area here [Music] you guys hungry [Music] all right come on get watch out [Music] come on daddy come on [Music] i think we've managed to convince everybody hi shadow not quite as friendly these days i knew i was probably going to go with unicorn ear american guinea hogs both grow really well on pasture with just a little bit of supplemental feed and food scraps which was a plus for me save money across the life of the pig pork is cheaper because they grow and get fat just on grass pigs require other supplements to their feed so you do we do feed a little bit of grain just because it has some vitamins and different things and minerals that pigs need that just straight pasture is not going to provide even if it's the best quality pasture we feed alfalfa pellets mixed with green in the winter again just to make sure that their nutrition is good but we knew these guys would grow in pasture they were smaller gentler and they were not going to test our fences candy coonies and american guinea hogs are both known for being good moms and not being aggressive to humans when they're pregnant or have piglets they do both take about a year to 18 months grow out time so not a lot of difference they're slow growers but they eat grass so why you guys why does mommy choose you yeah uh because you're just so darn cute that and some other things let's have some milk [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] hi pork chops so you can see that pork chop has kind of a shorter snout and it upped her nose and so does toonie it's a little bit harder to tell on toonie because she's black and it's just there's not enough contrast but kuni cooney pigs have a shorter upturned snout which means they don't dig up the ground when they eat grass and so for me where pasture space is limited and i need to make the best use out of my grass and the pigs were going to have to share at least initially pasture with another animal i didn't need a pig digging up my grass and ruining my pastures now pigs will dig it up turn it over fertilize it and we'll grow the most beautiful grass they've ever seen but i didn't have times of the year where i could allow that to happen in big spaces and that's why we've put them in the winter in a really small pen but they are not hard on your pastures so for us that was really important and that ended up being the deciding factor between the kuni kunis and the american guinea hogs was the kuni kunis were less likely to dig and root and root up my pasture if you have a space and that's not a huge deal to you or you'd like to use the pigs to really turn over some dirt for you then maybe american guinea hogs would be a better choice i have found that american guinea hawks tend to be a little bit cheaper both breeds were basically almost extinct at one point and so if you've heard seen my video really old video um about kuni kunis they're a really ancient pig but they were down to about 50 of them in the early 1900s in about 1950 they found them hanging out with the maori tribe in new zealand and cuny cooney means fat and round because well you know what else describes a pig and they were cultivated by these two scientists and were actually under conservation until um maybe 10 15 years ago when now you can actually use them for me where before they were under conservation to develop the breed american guinea hogs were the same way they basically almost died out and the original cross i think came from an essex or some west african pig we're not really sure because they almost all died out and then were kind of re-cultivated recently [Music] so the kuni kuni breed was kind of redeveloped in new zealand while the american guinea hog was reestablished here in the united states still really cool stories if you look into their history about how these small pasture raised pigs have been re-cultivated for homesteading basically because if you think about american history and world history is everybody used to kind of have a farm and have their own animals and then we had the industrial revolution everybody moved to big cities to get jobs and home and small farming has kind of gone to the wayside there for a big chunk of our history so these small pasture-raised pigs were replaced by these bigger pigs that grew faster and even on family farms and it's what people grow commercially for our pork are the bigger restaurants pigs but now the homesteading has become such a thing re-cultivated these pastures pigs which is an awesome thing so idaho pasture pigs are a fairly new breed i don't know a ton of information about them so the things that i know i've learned off the internets just like you guys justin rhodes has idaho pastor pigs and he is raising them to see how that goes we've been watching because i'm interested to see i'm always going to have kunicoonies i love this breed i love the versatility the thing about idaho pasture pigs they took a coonie cooney and crossed it with a berkshire berkshire and a rock i think for the two and if i'm wrong i'll leave i'll have jeremy leave a note um [Music] to produce the pasture raised pigs that grew as fast as a commercial grace pig [Music] hello hello cece goat hang on nurse tinkerbell how are you we haven't shown everybody you in a long time have we still tiny still waiting on the guinness stuff haven't heard anything probably be late august at the earliest yes my prettiest girl yes hi hi tuners hi big wiggles all right mom came out to say good night yeah that's a good pork chops [Music] that's a good chinese [Music] lonnie comes in here every night i have to fish her out every time always hoping that she's gonna get to stay for dinner thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay nice nine nights fellas
Channel: C & J Funny Farm
Views: 8,794
Rating: 4.8159804 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, nigerian dwarf goat, goats, baby goats, tiny goats, farm, farming, homestead, homesteader, homesteading, cute animals, baby animals, farm animals, funny animals, kune kune pigs, pigs, piglet, crown of shame, goat horns, dairy goats, milking goats, milk goats, dairy animals, cow, heifer, angus cattle, cattle farmer, garden, gardening, backyard farming, self sufficient, hereford cattle, grow yourself, pasture pig, idaho pasture pig, american guinea hog, pasture raised pork
Id: JBcnXQ5kUa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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