Best of: The Challenge 💪 SUPER COMPILATION | #AloneTogether

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Katelynn/The Wall for Final Reckoning 2

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/survivorfan123456 📅︎︎ May 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Did I slip? — Leroy, after doing cartwheels off a car.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/datcocktho954 📅︎︎ May 16 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] floating in we do our maneuver to line up for this runway but I think or come down a little hot [Music] it's really really hot but I'm feeling pretty confident you know I've done stuff like this before I just need to get across get the flag and ring the bell done deal [Music] [Music] Destin's fall is ooh like he crushed the family jewels just lies that down free later Dustin I cook Akane [Music] [Applause] Cara Maria gets clocked she's not a happy frog knock the wind [Music] keep your weight low drag yourself up okay watching Evelyn do poorly it kind of gives me confidence that I'm gonna look much better winning [Music] I don't think I've ever seen a fall that vicious Carly comes up making the noise of perhaps like a pregnant manatee or a dying whale you have no idea how bad it is to hit that water but I pull myself together really quick I am the kind of person that's never gonna give up okay you guys got one minute left [Music] ready the helmets good away I can't get up the wall for two reasons the first part is it's slippery and the second part is like helmets falling in front of my eyes so it's a little disheartening [Applause] her helmet doesn't fit she can't swim what's going on with you sweetheart I am pissed the time is shot so I just want to finish other people could see us finish a challenge Oh [Music] soon as I step out of this helicopter I don't even think about the height I don't think about falling only thing I see is green and it's not the grass when I saw her to fall I thought either he broke an ankle where he's just up his spine my Adrenaline's going so fast I'm not sure how far I fell from like you be somewhat okay right now [Music] [Music] I can't believe that I missed the jump and I'm out of breath because it not it not the one out of me good let's do this I'm not gonna let you fall [Music] let go on three one [Music] I got you Ashley let's finish we didn't come this far just to say hey we got the furthest we're done I'm trying to win Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my arms feel like they're on fire my one hands numb everything happened so fast I'm scared yo dude so I'll go one arm I'm trying to pedal cause Corey's big ass is covered [Music] [Music] he's like anything like dishes or anything like that no what about a shot of tequila is that okay right now I can handle that I can give I know she's got some some scars she like to show off you know she's wrapped up shoulder to shoulder I got a little something but hey we're ready for the next challenge again if y'all want us to go again we're ready I'm feeling confident I got to get this win the day because I need to be in a strike and I want to get some money in my bank account [Music] [Music] I'm terrified man I mean watching your best friend emerge out of the water lifeless it's absolutely terrifying and it just seems like a curse every season it seems like something bad happens to Leroy who might have really seriously injured himself and I'm hoping that he's okay it's beating out of my chest I'm ready to go I'm pumped I'm Pam I'm Tom I dude we're doing flips we're doing barrel rolls I want the works mustard and mail no coming around for the landing and I see the strip and it doesn't look like grass it's a dirt road filled with stones honestly I'm a little nervous islets landing [Music] [Music] I'm pretty sore right now on my calf really tender it looks like somebody shot me in the ass with buckshot where my shorts look afterwards that's how he landed holy floating in we do our maneuver to line up for this runway but I think or come down a little hot [Music] [Music] what we just crash-landed skydiving the race hasn't even started it hasn't even started yet and I'm out I'm done what if he snapped his knee like what if Jordan can't compete to have this ripped away from him right now it would be [Music] [Music] are you going I don't know my knee what happened do we slammed I don't know it was my time right my knees were what hit first something's all right are you what are you gonna do you could just bow out and you went out really cool crash-landing skydiving you know like who's gonna fault you for that one or we could nut up do this final and they'll be like he's a hero he just did this on a broken leg and that's what I'm gonna do [Music] Ct is the last one to go and he has the hardest job of all because he has to hold on keep his feet up from dragging on the sand and do it for a minute so please hold on I look over at CT and his feet are a centimeter above the sand I'm thinking if you drop I will kill you I pull off my favorite pose crouching Buddha hidden Yoda fill it [Music] teen Devon came and we conquered I think this is my good luck wig I'm excited that we won team Devon domesticus waiting go go it finally dawns on me we'll just meet together in unison so that both of our weight is suspended it's not really all about strength it's all about communication and working with your teammate I'm really starting to question whether or not putting in Evan and Nehemiah against eating Adam was the right move because they're absolutely right [Music] this challenge comes down a core strength and a teamwork and Evan and Nehemiah don't have it especially Evan he looks like a beached whale out there [Music] Eddie's plan backfired wits with a little power with you the mob I like me now still here alright 10 min around for the win Ct Cara Maria vs. Louie and Lola ready [Music] I'm finally fighting to win money for my charity like I am just prepared to fight in battle to the end [Applause] [Music] no really losing ground right away CT is such a bull man [Music] man those grunts by CT are scary [Music] strong go black anchoring in right now the champs have about five yards of going they win this team challenge look at Lolo fighting your Louis fight they got endurance man improve [Music] [Music] you'd be the boss there's so much riding on this elimination round CT has been sent in by me and I know that if he wins he'll probably come back with a vengeance I am flabbergasted all I see is drywall and smoke fly through the air [Music] it's not a pull-up on the pull-up bar the drywall so every time I'm reaching for it is just ripping and it's not looking good at all but it's also having a CT so this gives me fake we won keep them moving move I'm thinking about that Bell [Music] it's close oh when I got murder guy's voice my worst nightmare has just come true because CT is coming back to the house still got it looks like this guy still has plenty of gas in the tank Ct go ahead and rejoin the group you still going for the big money man see as much as everybody would want me to go home it's not gonna happen for myself time and time again all class tiebreaker so rookies who do you guys said I'm gonna have to step up and make a play because if not I'm going in anyway so I might as well just put the ball in my own hands Derek I have complete confidence in CT he is not only over the big competitor but he's out of his mind I'm feeling pretty confident at this point you know I've got to get it done you guys ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I keep my hand on the ball from underneath this last time and with my right arm I'm peeling off his on the wrong sooner or later that thing was gonna pop [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] vos walk into this makeshift hospital tent where there is just all kinds of decaying body organs on the table we are sucking up though completely consume all the food or liquid and the number of receptacles is complete them in numeric order you cannot move on until your current items complete or consumed at the bottom of your final jar right you will find a key used inside see we have to take down a plate full of chilies pickled fish soup worms crickets and maggots this fruit called durian and dried squid it's gonna be the worst room of all Oh slow mike pihl's yeah my entire face starts sweating on the right side and it just is hurting so much everything is on fire because good to break this guy [Music] you guys agree with this one what's this having a little trouble with his poop suit so I step it up and just that chug and I'll get the beer stuff is so gross why do you want to know what that thing was hanging out my mom let me tell me don't tell me he's hops like a mother he's like a little frog Ct is one of the strongest if not the strongest guy he's doing well and he's kind of going back [Music] hey no joke is it seats he had a good run another clause but I think he grabbed a few more and I did you guys are gonna be playing back up off me when I say go you're gonna try to drag your opponent over your own barrel and knock it over this kids a monster and it's gonna take everything that I've got to whether his storm I don't care who it is I'm just going straight for the barrel get this party going hi boys keep it clean you ready oh my god oh my god what just happened CT looks like freaking Godzilla I've never seen a growing man looked so scary in my life he just gets up and he's doing like this transformer power walk with the Boston Mambo and he carries his custom-made Johnny Bananas backpack to the Barrow in about five seconds I can't even believe I'm actually witnessing this I will tell my grandchildren about this I'm looking up at the sky at the stars enjoying this beautiful night we have here in Prague only to be rudely interrupted by being dropped onto a metal trashcan as you can see behind me we have a very beautiful lake nice dock what you can't see is that there's a giant platform submerged 15 feet under that water now chained to that deck or weighted chest you and your partner are gonna start in the water and when I say go one of you is gonna swim down pick up that chest off the deck that chest could not touch that deck ever again so you're gonna hold it as long as possible now at any moment your partner can swim down and relieve you so that you're able to swim to the surface and take a breath you guys gonna be trading places panning off his chest as soon as the chest touches the floor or both of your heads are above water your time is stopped and that's your if that's your score and the two teams with the longest time will be battling it out in one final round the team that wins that final round win today's challenge you'll each receive this InFocus x9 digital home theater projector I'm going first and I made because I can see what other people are doing I can't hear their comments after they go being pig post sucks immediately it's led to your getting stabbed with a thousand cold knives it's just really a bad situation I'm putting a lot of faith Luke and I hope that he's gonna be able to pull his own me [Music] okay Brandon you guys wrap like an idiot I just dive down and drink a lot of water as soon as I touch it I know that I'm not gonna last long so instead of you know killing myself I just let the chest go I just I can't hold it the feeling of drowning is not a fun when running out of air underwater anybody panics [Music] [Music] here you go chat seems a little bit out of it and and that's scary man cuz that's that could be a 3540 football on an on the water man water becomes concrete my head is spinning my head's throbbing colors are very distorted everybody looks very dark but the trees look extremely fluorescent like this bright fluorescent green good job you're almost there are you feeling anything I said just nothing it's really noisy my head hurt okay sitting the colors seem really weird [Music] [Applause] Chadd looks like a zombie his skin is very pale he has no pupils at all but I'm thinking this is really serious Chett leaves an ambulance me and Camilla up next I am very nervous I do not want to fall off this board this is scary one person is gonna star in that rock over there and when I say go we're gonna jump in swim to those balls they're then gonna dive down with the ball deposit the ball into a net come back up and tag the red buoy right there then another person that's gonna jump in do the same exact thing you're gonna continue this process over and over again till it hugs your chest floats to the surface you're then gonna drag it over to the finish line as fast as you can [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] these are the challenges I thrive on thousand bricks that I'm more nervous about you swimming you know just gotta keep going try to keep my pace and not drown all right Jenny ninja you guys ready I will have a heart attack in the water before I stop I like Terminator like a machine once your program mates do something I'm doing it to the end [Music] Jenny is proving herself time and time again she's gonna be a force to be reckoned with on this challenge and future challenges to come [Music] I'm not sure if names realizes that this is a swimming competition because she's doing some sort of weird backwards dance and nobody knows what's happening if one leg is stronger than the other and it's kicking it's gonna put you a circle there is no way ninja is this poor of a swimmer ninja is either throwing this challenge so that we lose on a guy's day or she is out there having a stroke this is basically you know performance ninja swims like a piece of driftwood and it's guys elimination day so hopefully we can get to win this water feels like molasses I'm trying to fall on one little cloud but that cloud is lying to me [Music] what the heck is going on right now um the boats that way honey [Music] [Music] okay tonight you guys are playing crunch begin each player is gonna be positioned on their bamboo in a crunch position with 40 pounds of weight on your chest now that's not gonna be very easy but the only option that you have is to release your ab muscles dunking you underwater upside down either way it's not gonna be a party crunch is a dunk tank that you will be hanging over upside down you're gonna need a lot of leg and ab muscles basically just don't drown you decide you want to quit you want to give up pull your emergency release valve and you're automatically done person that lasts the longest win tonight's elimination round when the other person's money and stay in the game loser goes home empty-handed and tonight we're starting with the girls so Johanna Sarah get ready like the only way to go into ruin is with confidence because I think the person who gives up in their mind first is the person who's gonna lose Sarah really wants to be here I you know didn't know if I really wanted to be here but I do know that I want that money all these games are mental and I just gotta give it my all champions you ready challenges you ready go go ladies come on Joey you both are at the same place just stay focused watching Johanna I'm a little worried because she seems like she doesn't have a position on the water whereas Sara seems to be using the water as a tool to keep her above good job good job Joe hey puck I don't feel anything in the ab crunch zone it's more just me and holding myself up with my legs taking deep breaths and relaxing I think everybody kind of has the feelings that my head is not there I just don't want to let them down you know I don't want them to think that I'm just like rolling over and just letting Sarah beat me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] watching johanna submerged underwater and pull the cord is devastating because I realize I'm stuck with the crazy boys and I'm sad because I lost a friend here [Applause] Sarah dolls I'm glad we have somebody that motivated excited to be here because God knows the rest was want to shoot ourselves in the face congratulations Sarah went in tonight's elimination round you're still in the game you get to Honus bank account directly deposit into your individual bank account go ahead rejoin your team now I've got a ton of money in my bank account and I feel so good okay guys it's gonna be Las Vegas versus st. Thomas and a mental game tonight you guys are playing water torture are you seeing this before but I'll explain it again all right as you can see there are two giant water tanks and there are two giant puzzles this is a good old-fashioned game of memory each of them is connected by a rope system because one of you guys is gonna be hanging from one end while the other one is hanging from the other end of that rope by their ankles now when I say go we gotta hang it from their ankles who's gonna pull themselves down the line into the tank which will in turn raise their partners up now the further you go down this tank the higher your partner goes up and the longer you hold your breath the longer they have to memorize that top puzzle all right you come up for air that will in turn lower them back down so they can start recreating the puzzle at the bottom first team to complete their puzzle stay in the game win tonight's elimination round and go back to the house and go for the big money all right it's getting late in the game guys you don't want to go home now you're so close to the money lucky guys [Music] hey Dustin else hanging I can take it for the birds all right guys you ready sure yeah I went only to top go down look go up a little bit all we're gonna try and do is just take care of the top pieces first and then work our way down this way I can exert as the least amount of energies I have to towards the end the more I'm pulling down closer to the bottom of this tank the harder it's getting and holding your breath is even harder after you've given everything you got just to get to the bottom Dustin looks like he has this contraption in his backyard if this is his game he's dominating because an amphibian Gus and I are making this mental arena look so good right now we're doing it fast we're communicating well right cold and then I'm like oh my god okay let's do it right there come on [Music] that's a good job I'm scared but I don't want to be going into elimination so there's no backing out my hands are shaking my body's shaking I don't wanna die he actually jumped into a deep end of a pool just to try to make sure that he actually could do it wow that is brave so I know exactly what's about to happen josée and i we're going into elimination we have a giant yacht out there for you guys you guys are gonna swim from that yacht to a flag 150 feet away Oh underwater today you guys are playing air pockets here's how it's gonna work there are six air pockets now each air pocket only has enough room for two people first person is gonna jump off that boat we're gonna go to that first air pocket the second person is gonna jump in and join them gonna keep on going all the way down the line till you get to that flag then swim as fast as you can all the way back to the boat all right guys you ready it's a surreal feeling here we are submerged deep underwater and the only thing keeping me alive is basically having my head in a fish tank [Music] hi Cory you're out I'm not expecting a whole lot of Rihanna she might look like a sea creature but she sure doesn't swim like one [Music] irena you're out go Cara go [ __ ] are a dig dig catch your breath big breath if this challenge on Palin I tried we know we're trying to get rid of each other I can just reach out just get ahold John all I would have to do is just drown him just a little bit as much as Abe said that he wants to see me in a pit I don't think he wants any part of that plus if he threw this it would totally shoot holes in even Mike's claims of being these upstanding Noble gentlemen that play this game the right way [Music] [Music] I'm not gonna strangle him while he's swimming we've got these GoPros strapped on we're swimming there's air tags this is cool you know it feels like John and I are on some kind of like Navy SEAL mission [Music] [Music] [Music] hi girls you ready oh my god scores one-nothing Tori damn you gotta win this one to stay in the game you guys ready [Music] now I'm starting to see the relationship that cam and I have in the house is kind of weird she's the only girl it's my Alliance we've never even spoken game I think it's just obvious that she's my number one and I'm her number one [Applause] I'm coming in as an assassin that's just all I'm here to do I'm not here to win any money I'm just here to with everyone else's game hold up killer cam is out now I'm ready girl you better give it cuz I'm gonna give up alright girls scores one-nothing Tori yeah you gotta win this one to stay in the game [Music] [Applause] next point wins that can go either way now whoever wants it the most they're gonna send me home on my first elimination [Music] [Applause] next player wins girls ready [Applause] [Music] [Music] Tyrese forms a like a bat out of hell and everybody shocked this looks like it's gonna be a lot more difficult for Kenny and less than anyone initially thought [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all my fears are coming to life this big dude is beating us [Applause] he's using up all the energy because that guy's like all right boys scores one set [Music] I played football in middle school but I never was on the field I just don't want to hurt my pretty face most people here are really fired Kimmie and West cuz they like the veterans I want to see the underdogs man supposedly Tyree played football for Nebraska at this point I'm thinking Tyrese a bit of a liar okay guys this is a great battle scores to zip Tyree and Davis you don't score this time you're out so make it happen oh god this [ __ ] can t push my head into the ground the anger that me and Davis have right now is enough to get us motivated to come here to lose [Applause] [Applause] and that's it katiewest you got [Applause] [Music] [Applause] get ready [Music] [Applause] I don't know what it is I'll go feeling goddess touch me after I've got magical powers today he doesn't want it he doesn't want it back I got a hand in swamp he came at me hard but I've still got one more point to go and I'm not gonna give up I'm gonna bring it right back at him bear one more point and you win yes God pick it up let's give you everything ten yes you did it to yourself you gave me all the ammunition that I needed to take a shot at you and I just need bear to come through and finish the job you know what you did bad come on [Music] I've never seen their font like this before and unfortunately it's turning me on a little bit [Applause] I guess bismillah fighting in real life if someone hits my head with the discipline power with the ball and I will break his bones everyone [Music] [Music] [Applause] bear essentially just pulled down West's panties and spanked him in front of the entire house and it was uh was a pretty impressive sight to see tonight just could not get any better your ex Nani that's yours this is what non you've been asking for for as long as I can remember to get her hands on three sets so get your popcorn ready cuz this is gonna be a dogfight all right Teresa Donny Theresa you guys got a one-point lead you win this you go straight for the finals naughty you need this point to stay alive with this elimination anything goes and I'm going for it I just want to toss this girl around because she's my worst enemy and I need to win this be ready [Music] nany takes theresa and just hip check sir and Teresa hits the ground so hard I actually feel the ground shake I can feel how much energy she's really putting into this and sooner or later I know she's just gonna kind of gasp out you go fight keep forcing that need out yeah I don't care that I'm kicking her in her face hopefully knock out a tooth or something sorry not sorry these girls are doing every dirty move in the book kicking each other in the face and it's really tough to see who has got the upper hand thank you [Music] [Music] pulling this axe away from nanny wraps everything up into a giant present to beat them and make it to a final this is epic for me All Right girls you ready Susie ready Kimberly ready [Music] you need the ruins really sucks but I really want $2,000 to my personal bank account so I'm just gonna hold on for dear life [Music] it's really brutal and exhausting I'm really surprised how difficult it is to pull the rope out of Kimberly's hands [Music] [Applause] watching Kim and Suzy go at it is quite impressive they're working very hard they're tired they're bleeding so hard one I hope keep that arm in there Suzy go go [Music] [Applause] [Music] who was it oh that was close I'm nervous because they both hit the bell it seems like at the same time Leeroy time you guys have to win to stay in the game there's no way that I'm a village is left Marly overpowered me like this division one football player or not there's three six to finish I'm pretty sure the Jordan Memorial and have this in the bag I'd be shocked if Leroy and I pull anything out of their ass what happened who said a flame on the Leroy ties asked for tile looks like you get shot I became Washington Leroy pushed back during the Marlon is awesome it's one step closer to getting this air dental out of the house this jungle is so nerve-wracking I want to turn around right now and I want and honey to just tell me when it's over all right boys at scores 101 next point wins [Applause] [Music] I've never been more nervous in my entire life this third round it's a toss-up nothing my boy worked its way then check the left kill them with the tie is right next to the Bell leader always get Jordan pin it's like oh my god Tai's literally three feet from the Bell we're sitting here thinking at any moment he's going to break free and ring this Bell [Music] good job boy what a fight going into our first elimination round and winning is just one cloud nine ball burn you competed in we won like that's the best feeling ever serve already Lisa ready [Music] I'd go bananas and I am ready to essentially like fight this girl I really don't know what's going on all I know is that I see two books laying on the ground and Anissa and the boob girl just duking it out not even going for don't punching a face next time don't watch me my face don't choke me Lisa one more you win the volume you pick it up this isn't really a friendly competition these girls are just kind of angry at each other and ready to chick fight and I'm so ready for chick fights [Music] ladies you gotta get in there get it [Music] right now we're not even wrestling to win these rings she's swinging her fist at me I'm kicking her we're literally brutally fighting [Music] come on [Applause] here you go get that breathtaking [Applause] Joss has no idea the hell that's about to be brought upon you tonight in this ring I don't know who any of these people don't give it Derek it was like a little squirrel I'm gonna put this guy through his paces well feels awesome to be back as always I didn't think I'd be here as a mercenary so now I gotta fight off the challenge bull I've never seen him before I have no idea who he is I'm gonna do all the guys up here a favor and beat them out of Jaws I think getting rid of Joss is gonna do everyone a favor in this game I mean we've seen the guy run up the rocket Gibraltar without taking a breath so he is gonna be a huge roadblock for all the guys in this game I think Derrick might have met his match I see a future vendetta these two will either become best friends after this or never talk to each other again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jos MERS Derrick is seriously the most intense elimination I have ever seen it's hard to watch but it's hard to keep your eyes off someone could get hurt someone could die okay this is no joke right [Applause] let's go get the heads on there Oh number one I don't think Joss was expecting this the fight that I've seen from Derek this guy has zero quit ever this is the hardest fought battle I have ever seen an elimination I've never met such an angry little person in my life he's the most stubborn little Rottweiler but Methuen sake honest [Applause] [Music] we've been here for like an hour and these Warriors are just not one to give up you guys this battle is way too good I haven't seen somebody just evenly matched in a long time so we're gonna hang that eight it's gonna be sudden death first point wins it all comes down to this because Rudy [Music] both these guys are just absolutely Titans neither one will quit I think they're both in a tremendous amount of pain and I actually started to feel bad that I voted Jos into this and if he wins I'm gonna be in a bad spot so I'm just hoping that he doesn't come back because you went out of bounds you'll need to reset center of three guys Ronny it's just round after round after round and these guys are absolutely beating out of each other it's like a street fight and neither one of these guys is gonna ever give up hi guys you ready just actually thinks it's over but what he's done is he's left the ring and fought a Derek left the ring as well when he hasn't so Joss's yet it was my bad I lost I thought we weren't out of the ring I let go he scored you know what he put up a good fight and so did I so I went out with a bang there your monster people that are home watching us right now I'm sure you guys are shocked and I'm just like I just can't believe it congratulations you're safe from elimination these girls cannot do anything right guess his love to do the dirty work now which girl are you gonna send into the elimination round to go against Kayla Jena the plan to put Kayla in worked out great but now that Jena is the new target I feel really guilty about the situation but dirty game so that's the way the cookie crumbles well first let's start off with this I did her a favor the first challenge you should even be here Jenna there's two girls left over there which girl is leaving the game Latoya okay so Jenny you're saved I don't know anyone in this game anything Jenna included she just stepped me in the back and put me in [Applause] Jimmie has just crowned herself the the grimy is dirtiest broad in this game if anyone here ever thought that Jimmy had a pulse they're dead wrong the one team we just bought their ticket to the final and it's the power couple Sarah and Jordan [Music] no more worries no more somebody possibly voting us in no more somebody possibly stabbing me in the back we're there and I feel like I want to cry well done you guys good job it's time for you guys to deliberate and decide which group you want to send into the elimination against Leroy and nya this is a big decision so who's it gonna be right now yeah right now we'll go straight to the elimination the place where I didn't want to be before the final but on the bright side at least I don't wanna get to Ricky's you know I love you guys Sarah and Jordan will never say our names we've been working together since day one I can't help but sit there and kind of pat myself on the back saying like hey you did it dude you uh you picked the right the right ponies in the beginning this game yeah yes-no yes-no who's it gonna be oh come on is it gonna be no who's it gonna be guys oh all the blood rushes out of my body it's not gonna be easy and it's gonna come at a serious price I've learned from the best in these games and the things I've learned from the best have helped them win in the past I'm hoping that it'll help me win this time so the team I want to pick unfortunately [Music] it's bananas not in your wine sir brown brown they executed arguably the most calculated callous and heartless move ever in challenge history but and this has a ton of cash he's a strong player he's won six of these I want to go against him the troika will decide three people to go into the Inquisition I just need to convince the troika to send in bananas give them to me you have given to me let me beat that and send him home I feel super comfortable saying bananas name but I'm not sure if Zakhar Tony is gonna take the bait I mean Tony has looked up to bananas since forever begging let me light him up Jim to me with a banana man Jim do me force to me solid Zach will vote for Nelson so I really need to convince Tony because he is the swing vote that I can beat bananas take a page out of bananas book he would do this to you I'll keep around the onion please I consider Johnny is like a big brother figure out here for my first season - now he's always kind of looked out for me all right he's been the big dog I've been big dome puppy dog in this house I'm Scotty you know who he is if y'all are trying to come in Michael that's that okay you guys as the troika how to choose three guys to bring into the Inquisition you chose Leroy bananas and Nelson you guys got a pick Zack who's it gonna be a Nelson I'm very sorry man well it's gonna be for you all it takes is one more vote for me to go in against my boy Devin I definitely feel like I'm going in because I do not have that alliance with none of these guys Kayla how about you Nelson didn't say my name last week when I went in against Murray so I'm not gonna say him I'm gonna go bananas all right so that's one for Nelson and one for bananas but it all comes down to this Tony who's it gonna be bananas since I started these things man you know I've basically looked up to you I've learned a lot from you and I think if you were in my position you'd make the same choice me and Nelson we haven't had the best past so I'm sorry Nelson but uh you're gonna have to wait a little longer to go into elimination bananas almost video I could just feel the steam coming off bananas face eat this piss not only am i shocked TJ's probably socks the people that are home watching us right now I'm sure you guys are shocked and I'm just like I just can't believe it it's tell me Tom got a future tonight Tony went from hero to legend heroes will be remembered but a legend will never die and Tony just cemented his place in challenge history Nelson and I are gonna team up we're going to pull and then work together and pull Cory across and then race for our Bell essentially to make sure Cory loses me and Nelson we've said all day we're gonna work together let's be smart about this right when TJ blows that horn let's run to the same point let's drag Shane and I'm kind of looking at Nelson but he's not really making eye contact to me you know I'm getting a weird vibe can I trust this guy can I not trust him what's going on maybe I need to switch up my strategy to maybe I'm playing checkers and this is a chess game so I'm gonna win no matter what I have to do [Applause] [Music] [Music] what is going on there's no way that the girls could take an hour and the boys took a second so done sup announcement playing them both go for him get it any way you can welcome to the challenge okay you just played me Nelson went behind my back and almost said all right Nelson you got through the bell first so you're safe Cory Shane you're up round two I just like though you're the snaky clean light [Music] Nelson was able to get to the Bell because he was able to play both sides Nelson is the true snake he screwed us both over are you gonna split the winnings with Sarah are you gonna take the whole entire $275,000 yourself hate weighs heavy on the heart Johnny and Judas that's what we're gonna refer to this team as okay no I put money above our friendship take this a knife on my back there's no way that I would have made it to a final and won a final without Sarah as my partner but I feel like Adam in the Garden of Eden right now being tempted by this apple hanging from a tree it's very rare in life that you have certain moments that can literally change the course of your life I've dedicated nine years of my life and 13 challenges I don't know how many I got left in me these Sarah was an amazing partner I could not have done it without her as far as our rivalry is concerned I consider that completely dead there's no spite there's no malice towards her but I need to look after myself and invest in my future so I'm gonna go ahead and take the money and run teacher all right bananas well you just secured your spot as the one person that has made the most money on any challenge in history 275 thousand dollars all for yourself Sarah I'm really sorry but this means that you get nothing I'm sorry great job you guys I don't even know what to think about this I have a guilty conscience and a heart and I'm a normal human being and I would split it with my partner because they couldn't get there without each other bananas needed her as a partner and the fact that she didn't acknowledge that by splitting this money with her that's a ruthless my roads definitely splitting it 50/50 but 275 thousand will go a long way and he had every right to take all of it that greedy tool for him to take all of the money is a classic bananas move and I hope now that people can see him for his true colors which is a backstabbing liar I'm sorry sir I don't want to hear it but I'm sorry you got it are you gonna cry huh this is your last feel like here's a played with me [Music] we're done with this Hunter Ashley [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh wedding the final reckoning is pure bliss it is something that I have waited my entire life to hear I am now a challenge champion I'm so angry and I can't even shake their hands I can't even say congratulations we deserve to win des and I don't feel like Natalie and Polly have any sort of remorse that they probably just s out of a million dollars so congratulations but now it's the ultimate decision time one of you scored higher than the other the one person who's making the ultimate decision whether they want to split the money with their vendetta or to keep the money all to yourself and the individual winner of final reckoning by 31 seconds is Ashley [Music] so lastly it's your decision you either split the money with hunter or one that got you here that helps you make it all the way or keep the entire million dollars all to yourself take your time it's a big decision that's a lot of money life-changing taeju all this things you said about all the other partners is true but this guy's belittled me put me down [ __ ] shame me and also threatened my life and my family's life I'm keeping the money oh my god I mean I would say I feel bad but I don't because this is nothing compared to what I went through all season you say walking through hell I lived through hell your self-worth is something you can't get back and when someone would be littles you so much alright I don't feel like she's that good of a person so it's hard for me to want to talk to her Werner's crying because she regrets sleep mood child these guys pick on us because we know that we're strong thing with Hunter I expected him to be better I'm sick pop it off at the mouth they guess you can say everything she wants to at any point I'm I'm over it I decided there's no way he deserves this you guys to each and every team here I wanted to apologize to all of you personally I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't throw this file I knew that this was gonna happen I'm sorry that I didn't throw this final we all know the right thing to do would be to split the money but come on guys hunter wasn't asked to her and unfortunately this was her final reckoning and you got screwed but there's nothing you could have done differently would've changed this actually doesn't even take a goddamn split second and a half she had that plan from the moment she set foot in the final ashley has now taken 1 million dollars but also the title of biggest ass in challenge history oh my god you will burn a nail for this and karma will come at you for the rest of your entire life hope you know that God's got a special already dragged in my life and you threatened my family's life weren't you making is the craziest accusation I never said [ __ ] I would have never done that to you know what you deal with you I stopped beside you this John's called backstabber and no you guys are not playing down here on the sand you're playing 600 feet in the air on the top of that building single challenge guys all you gotta do is walk the sorry guys you're not having a beach day but you can walk across that building up there that 600 feet tall and I'm like no see those three balance beams at the very top those balance beams are what you guys are gonna be walking on there are three X's at the end of every beam for the person on the Left beam the middle axis for the one in the middle of the ride is for the right the first person out there will slap an exit there to Z and drop someone from the sky there's two types of people in this world there's people say they like Heights and there's liars I am totally terrified to be up here so what I'm hoping is that either Derrick or Jordan can set the fastest time on this I've already promised both of them allegiance so it's pretty close to a certainty that neither Jordan nor Derek is gonna drop me I like Heights we got a great view lots of plus you know we got this butterflies going let you know you're alive this is this is what you do the challenge for this is what you come for I need to win bad I mean there's a lot on the line right now the power of the control of this game lies right here all right bananas Jordan Derek you ready [Music] I don't know what my whole life just flashed before my eyes hello you man oh you am i doing your dirty work what's going on here as you can see there's a giant wall with a bunch of holes in it suspended over the water and there are two bars through those holes to begin all four players are gonna get on that platform two players on one side of the wall two players on the other your goal is to make it from one platform to the other using only those two bars as a walkway knowing that I could possibly follow is the scariest thing ever you're nervous and the winds blowing and the crane is shaking and everybody's looking [Music] mr. buck I'm looking down at the water or trying not to and the wind starts blowing and all I could think of is hang on for dear life [Music] I'm not big on talking a big game and being cocky I hate it I hate this sense of entitlement she has [Music] [Music] how you done now's the time for you to forget about all of your bad blood because today you're gonna need a lot of communication and trust today you're playing give me some slack as you can see there's a giant apparatus out here suspended 400 feet over the crashing waves there are also some skulls hanging off the side your goal is to retrieve as many skills as you can as fast as possible Nicole and Dario you ready [Music] she's yelling at me I'm yelling at her we're like two minutes into this thing and we're already at each other I got you a little slack those long fingers maybe let's go my stock is just doing flips and flops and turns I'm staring straight down at the ground if Jesus wanted me to fall from the sky he would have given me things hey come on come on you got to lean with me Jesse you gotta lean with me good let's go wait wait wait that's my pace Dario pulls way too hard for my weight and when he's yanking I feel like I'm gonna fall so I have to just yell at him any which way so he understands that if he pulls me off of this we're done don't worry [Music] hey hello little little little lady I don't hear his boys I don't hear anything encouraging coming out of his mouth I don't think he has any faith in me whatsoever [Applause] [Music] you die the term epic is overused a bit but this is epic guys you guys playing skybridge you're definitely gonna have to mend some fences today as you repair a rope bridge 1,000 feet but I think we should move together right sure then it'll be a more attention or not I don't know I think I should get down there and then you should come okay I gonna be a scared little little bit more so around that day I do it to do that the children today's biggest challenge is convincing Amanda that she's not worthless kids sure slop around its Josh's wimp let yours out Johnson never has a lip [Music] drop that you're not this ridiculous his try dude look how loose that one is chill oh I can't if I would rather jump off a cliff than be Zacks partner that has to tell you something I'm feeling confident I'm not afraid of the water I need to do this for my team cam and Jamie just blew it there is $500,000 at stake and it is very important to win [Music] I'm feeling confident I gotta get just win the day because I need to be in a circuit and I want to get some money in my bank account [Music] [Music] B is literally lifeless in the water face down not swimming not moving I'm freaking out right now I'm terrified man I mean watching your best friend emerge out of the water lifeless it's absolutely terrifying it just seems like a curse every season it seems like something bad happens to Leroy we might have really seriously injured himself and I'm hoping that he's okay hi everybody welcome to Panama City Panama this is your first challenge on battle of the exes 2 you guessed it we're in a big city a very big building you guys are gonna be going from one of these tall buildings to the other on a tightrope that has suspended 500 feet in the air the challenges comes up with new ways to just still a fair God knows I love this stuff man this is crazy it's gonna come down to communication hopefully we can bring it together our communication and our relationship was above average until the end but when things are good I thought we communicated very well yeah I'd say stop talking so I stopped talking to her then they were really bad you ready outside of the game I do not trust us whatsoever but when it comes to money in a competition I'm his partner so I have to trust him kind of relying on them right now to not drop me I'm really hoping the Teresa can knock this how fast cuz I need to be put back onto solid ground as soon as possible hi jack Johnny Theresa Wes ready yeah oh my gosh Jonny looks like a baby deer on ice her knees are wobbling she's swinging all around this is pretty pathetic job good she's falling quite a bit and at first that's really scary because I'm spending a lot of times curling her back up what is happening is every time she's falling she's actually pulling me she's falling in the right direction I can't pull you zach is gigantic and Jonny's arms are like toothpicks so there's no way she's dragging him across that rope [Music] Zach no no don't pull the rope what are you doing if this is any indication of how this battle of the exes 2 is gonna go for me it's not gonna be very good this is definitely a hard challenge not only are you suspended in the air but you're working with someone who you don't really get along with I just feel a lot of pressure Oh
Channel: MTV's The Challenge
Views: 1,014,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best of the challenge, super compilation, challenge compilation, The Challenge, Most Iconic Eliminations In Challenge History, Iconic Eliminations, The Challenge Compilation, the challenge full episodes, the challenge eliminations, compilation, full episode, full episodes, the challenge best moments, the challenge war of the worlds, The Challenge full episodes, eliminations, elimination, MTV the Challenge, the Challenge MTV, Challenge, MTV Challenge, #alonetogether
Id: 0MA1QZz_dxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 47sec (5627 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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