Best of Peppa Pig 🏥 Hospital 🏥 Cartoons for Children

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[Music] it is playtime at school pepper and her friends are running around having fun [Music] you've just grazed your knee pepper first Madame gazelle cleans peppers me then she puts a plaster on it does that feel any better yes thank you no children you may have noticed that petrol pony isn't here today insulates again no Susie petrol is in hospital and today we are going to visit him this is the hospital pepper and her friends have come to visit petrol pony remember children stay close to me I don't want you getting lost excuse me mr. bull which way is the children's world dance steps double dose right left right along the corridor up the stairs third on your left uh-huh oh you could just tighten the left Pedro will be asleep sick people do a lot of sleeping why aren't you asleep you don't look sick I broke my leg and they put it in this plus the cost the plaster cast helps Pedro's leg get better I praise my knee and I've got to plaster - Wow do you watch at all on my plaster casts yes please the children are all doing drawings on Pedro's plaster cast oh wow thanks everyone each and romani plaster - ok I'll draw a little flower Thank You Pedro Pedro what's it like being in hospital it's great what if an ass is like I give me stickers and whenever I press this wonder head row what do you want Pedro we are very busy I've got a bit of an itch even if your leg is itching we can't take the cast off until your leg is better it's not my leg that sitchin it's my ear is that better yes thank you lunchtime what would you like to eat today Pedro tasty dr. brown bear has come to see how Pedro is doing how are we today Pedro my ear is a bit itchy just here hmm I'd say you're almost better visiting time is over get well soon hello yes it is another school day pepper and her friends are playing in the playground you don't need a blaster pepper your knee is better yes [Music] Pedro pony is back Oh Pedro where's your plaster cast they took it off because my leg is better is your leg strong now it's stronger than it was before it's a super leg can you run on it watch this Pedro likes running around having fun everybody likes running around having fun who wants to go and see father Christmas not quite that far pepper oh lucky for us he's got a grotto at the Christmas Fair Reverend George have come to visit [Music] everybody one he makes his must be very fast to go around the whole world father Christmas is really hundreds of years old have you all been good have you all kept your bedrooms tidy of course now come on tell me what you like [Music] I'll see what I can do is that everyone we haven't seen yet I am sorry what is your name oh yes nice to see you again Peppa what would you like for Christmas I'm a black widow that walks and talks and closes sighs when it goes to sleep please save me please very good you do know where I live don't you oh yes I'm hundreds of years old I told you don't forget to leave me a mince pie and her family driving back from the Christmas party [Music] we're spending Christmas at granny and Grandpa's house don't worry Peppa father Christmas knows everything yes and I've got a very important job for you stir the Christmas pudding make a wish peppa and George are making here's the mince pie and a drink for father Christmas who could that be at this time of night we're not buying anything it is bedtime for peppa and George this used to be my bedroom when I was a little piggy oh yes he's been here many times before good night peppa good night George peppa and George have fallen asleep when they wake up it will be Christmas Day [Music] it is very only on Christmas morning pepper and her family are staying at granny and Grandpa pig's house they wouldn't say happy Christmas to granny and Grandpa it's 3 o'clock in the morning that Santa's beam can we see if he's still here no Santa's not here look the carrot drink and mince pie of gone yes Santa likes a good mince pie we will open the big present after Christmas lunch Oh pepper and her family are having a Christmas lunch let's pull the crackers and party trumpets jokes what wobbles in the sky no a jelly copter hmm it's Christmas pudding his delicious pepper and George helped me make it we did the stairs did you make a wish pepper yes I wished don't tell us this one is food is racing this looks a bit complicated let me say this goes yeah and that goes there and this goes there let's race Ready Steady Go Daddy and Grandpa are enjoying playing racing cars happy playing with the box this is your present daddy pig I've got the last present must be full that present is for Polly parrot but it was the last one Santa has occurred to me hello can I talk to Papa please papa its Suzy sheep hello Suzy did you bet your doll no I got mine it cries and laughs and closes its eyes and everything Santa's given you my doll no the label says for Suzy sheep and sometimes forgotten me Oh Santa is on his way home that's the last of this year's toys delivered Oh what's this at the bottom of my sack Santa can't have forgotten you I have been a good piggy haven't I hello came down our chimney of course he did granny here's your present Peppa sorry it's early date would you like some Christmas pudding George and I started and made wishes you are me and I wish that Santa would visit us on Christmas Day and you did ever and her friends are at playful today children we are going to learn about instruments that you shake rattle and bang first choose an instrument each from the music home drums they are called bongo drums Danny you bend them with your hands like this we've got a flat bongo drum that is a bogan it is Irish you beat it with a little stick like this I've got just some brains you can also shake it like this the bass drum I don't know what this is called but it's scraping that candy is called a key role and it comes all the way from South America how did it get here I brought it back from my holiday sorry they are maracas I brought them back for my holiday in Spain this is a triangle my sells these in boxes of 10 Thank You Freddy I will remember that you don't need to go on holiday to get them thank you what are these these are castanets my dad sells them in boxes of five Thank You Freddy only that is how you play the castanets here you are Emily oh no just make the clickety-clack noise ah I see if a Becca has cymbals yeah now you know what your instruments sound like we can play them together that is not music that is just noise anybody can bang bang bang but to make music you have to listen to each other and keep in time Madame gazelle I can't listen and do music can you clap yes if you can clap you can make music or the girls please copy me now boys Madame gazelle has made the clapping into music [Applause] now we will learn how to play our instruments together the parents have come to pick up the children ah you're just in time may I present the shake rattle and bang Orchestra [Applause] [Music] Ready Steady Go perhaps some of my old pupils would like to join in to find your instruments children yes Madame Madame gazelle used to teach all the mummies and daddies when they were little let me see if I've got that right that's good shake and laughing and banging now [Music] [Music] pepper Georgian granny pig are going out for a day on grandpa pigs boat oh hi there pepper and George we're ready to go sailing I'll move the boat a bit nearer that's a mooring post I won't eat it it's just a scratch jump off a captain never leaves his sinking ship grandpa pigs boat has sunk to the bottom of the river it is granddad dog Pig lovely day for a sail and yes ahoy there I'm taking my boat to the boatyard today going to get a few repairs done would you mind taking my boat - the boat yard - please of course where is your boat and I'm standing on it a little bit I'm surprised your boat didn't sink a long time ago what it's a better boot than that rust bucket of yours granddad dog and Grandpa pig are very best friends catch this captain aye aye skipper granddad dogs truck has lifted grandpa pigs boat out of the water is we're broken boats get mended this is Grampy rabbits boatyard someone drove it into a mooring post you should never let other people steer your boat grandpa pig yes can you mend it of course I just need to size up the damage Grampy rabbit is measuring the holes grandpa things but now I need to find something to patch it up it must be good to know how to mend a boat yes Grampy rabbit has collected lots of scrap metal to mend boats with now this is a gold mine but you can make things from piles of rubbish like what Grampy rabbit has made a submarine out of rubbish does it actually work watch this it fills up with water it's very good at going down but not so good at coming back up now this is what I'd be looking for it's the fixed-program Poppins boat is what it is you're going to mend my boots with a bit of washing machine we test it [Music] you sound surprised yes usually they sink on the first go oh what a splendid idea this is the life I'll turn a boat with just the sea and the sky Ida was swab about the sea on the sky I got up this morning just a box it is a lovely sunny day and Suzy sheep has come to play with pepper pepper and Suzy a best friend Lea yes what happened to me yesterday yesterday I went to the duck pond nice or mrs. duck well yesterday then I went to the supermarket with mummy we bought bread carrots and what's wrong you talk too much you go blah-blah-blah-blah-blah just like that blah blah blah mummy Suzy said I talk too much well you are a bit of a chatterbox pepper chatterbox that's right chatterbox here chatterbox there chatter chatter chatter you've never stopped talking I can easily stop talking if I want to know you can't yes I can cause I can you can't that's it I'm never going to talk again nice today Sam keys Suzie this is my new dress why are you not talking pepper yes why are you not talking pepper oh this is a silly day what's game are you playing Susy said I was a chatterbox never be quiet you're not being very quiet now I'm not going to talk again she's not talking oh that's cheating and you can't blink [Music] what's the matter with she's never going to talk ever again why because she talks too much anyway you're always walking like this I can be quiet so quiet you can drop something on the floor and hear it not being quiet at all you're all being very noisy can we be quiet whenever we want start being quiet on the count of three one two three oh I thought the house was empty peppa and her friends are playing at being quiet it's not it's very hard work pepper cannot stop herself from talking oh I think I might be a chatterbox that's not such a bad thing pepper it's good to talk in fact I think you're an expert at talking that's right I am an expert at talking yeah I'm an expert at talking to chatterbox I'm more of a chat box than you you two are just the same yes we are that's why we are best friends loves talking everybody pepper and her family are on their way to visit cousin Chloe hi there these my friends Simon squirrel and Belinda bear you can call me sigh it's short for Simon and I'm me it sorts the balloon I will call you oh and this is George we'll call you Joe you didn't tell us you had baby cousins Chloe I'm not a baby but you're both little I'm a big George is neato why don't we all play a game yes let's play hide and seek we don't play baby games anymore we're almost grown up what's about the yes no game what's the yes no game I ask things a new answer what makes that a game you mustn't say yes or no too easy do you to play then yes he's very good at playing there yes no game can I ask the questions of course you don't mind me asking you the questions I don't my am I ever going to make you say yes or no I don't think so oh I give up how do you always win I just don't say yes you said yes and no that was fun let's play another game have you ever played Sardi's what's that someone hides and we all try to find them that sounds like hide-and-seek but when you find them you keep quiet and hide in the same space until everyone is hiding there like sardines in a tin all right let's try it first [Music] George is looking for somewhere to hide [Music] no no you must squeeze in with pepper and George no Belinda Bear must squeeze in - like sardines in a tin where's everyone gone we stop running around now yeah let's just chill out we just sit around and talk about stuff let's talk about music I dig blue music um I like Reds music I like greens music we don't like children's music no no what music are you into I like this it's very grown-up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's time to go home now you will see Chloe again soon I'm coming to your house next week but we will be playing games we like playing games with pepper and George you can still have fun playing games even when you're almost grown up pepper and her family are at brani and grandpa pig's house Oh today I'm going to make apple and blackberry crumble I need you brave explorers to go and get the fruit we've got baskets for the apples first the easy bit picking apples on the count of three shake the tree for the blackberries why don't we just have apple crumble because blackberries are tasty to Grandpa okay now the hard beat now that's what I call a blackberry bush this bush has been here since I was a little piggy it's an overgrown weed I should have cut it down years ago don't you like it I don't like the way it looks at me silly grandpa it's just a harmless bush and it's covered in lovely BlackBerry's George has seen some really big juicy blackberries careful George or you might get tangled I have a stick for picking hard-to-reach blackberries but the best blackberries are right at the very top that's why I brought the ladder um lean too far over mummy pig don't worry I've been climbing this blackberry bush since I was a little girl yes but you're not a little girl now I know what I'm doing oh dear mummy pig has fallen into the bush yes that's a nice story pepper it is Suzy sheep like Sleeping Beauty and she'll be rescued by a handsome prince who will give her a kiss my mummy is having an adventure I wish my mummy would have adventures like that can someone think of a way to get me out of here don't worry mummy in hundred years handsome prince i'll be that handsome prince grandpa pig may I borrow your pruning shears please of course you may brave sir daddy pig stand back everyone take that you thorny bush you oh my prince my princess to stay in there for a hundred years that was quite long enough thank you this sort of thing already happened to me stand still while we pick you let's take all this roots back to granny pig [Music] she looked quite silly and she was going and then daddy clay ma'am west Utah Thank You pepper I think we've all heard that story enough times now I never want to see another blackberry in my life so you don't want any apple and blackberry crumble then well mmm delicious mummy pig loves apple and blackberry crumble everyone loves apple and blackberry crumb [Music] club has come to play with Suzy sheep mask on your face so people don't know it's me I'm in a secret Club can I be in your secret club Shh it's not easy to get into you have to say the secret word word double flipping double right your friend Danny dog has come to me I'm in a secret Club Pedro pony candy cat and Rebecca rabbit have come to play Susie and pepper are in a secret Club can we join your secrets club it's very hard to get into you have to say the secret word that's not the word I said it changes all the time pet secret Oh are we in the secret club now you're in what do we do we do see cut things in secret and secret go on secret missions what you're talking about show us how you do a secret mission yes Peppa can do it you've got the mask on Susie okay my secret mission is to get biscuits watch this Susie sheep is trying not to be seen my friends please of course here you are thank you mommy Susie sheep has been turned with the biscuits did anyone see you no wow only a grown up you count would you like some juice to go with your biscuits its biscuits the biscuits I just gave you for your friends Oh can I be in your secret Club please please I've always wanted to be in a secret Club which is pick a needle noodle pick a needle noodle that's it what happens now it's daddy pig there you are what's new I always wanted to be in a secret Club can I join please my mummy is grown-up well which is pedido doodle done papa doodle doodle what do i do now look out it's mummy pig follow mommy in secret daddy pig ah hello mummy pig what are you doing in that Bush secret cup oh I've always wanted to be in a secret club we can't have everyone in the secret club it wouldn't be a secret oh it doesn't have to be a secret secret club and everybody pepper and George's cousins are coming to visit today mummy [Music] not long now pepper baby Alexander is coming to remember babies I'm sure baby Alexander won't be that noisy it's baby Alexander [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you staying for a few days no this is metallic Xander needs but just one day can't go anywhere without all these baby things how'd you know what he wants we guess I'm guessing it is lunch time for baby Alexander cousin Peppa is going to feed you today Alexander baby he keeps turning his head feeding baby Alexander is quite hard watch this [Music] Alexander likes it if you return the spoon is an airplane you have a go pepper can you say aeroplane I told you he can't talk he hasn't even said his first words yet pepper do you remember what your first word was no it was mummy I thought peppers first word was daddy no mummy what was George's first word I heard George his first word was dinosaur somebody looks like they had a good lunch yes I think pepper Daniel no what do you want what do you want to do now Alexander I think he wants to go for a walk he can't walk yet but he can go out in his buggy that's a clever little buggy yes five gears mudguards standard Alexander likes it when you talk pepper that's because I am very interesting [Music] and I pepper George and Suzy sheep have had a sleepover Rebecca rabbit's house it's fun having carrots breakfast mummy rabbit yes we always have carrots for breakfast I could eat carrots all day but I'd better go to work mummy rabbits why don't you work I can't work Suzy who do you think looks after these two little bunnies eating mummy and you can help me by hiding at your toys please before someone trips over them that'd be my sister hello I can't stop long I've got lots of work to do today I've got the supermarket checkout the ice-cream stall and the bus drive see you later then sister bye sister oops what miss rabbit has tripped over one of Richard's toys oh my ankle I can still hope to work no you stay here and get better but I've got so much work to do I'll do your work for you which job is first the supermarket okay Rebecca look after your aunty yes nanny mummy rabbit has arrived at the supermarket thank goodness you're here miss rabbit miss rabbit is ill I'll be doing her job today are you not miss rabbit no I'm her sister mummy rabbit is this where I sit yes have you ever worked a check out before no how much is this I don't know can I pay with a card Suzy sheep is dressed up in his costume and say miss rabbit's ice-cream stool I scream Oh Peppa I was on the way to the gym what I thought an ice-cream would be nice oh I'm an expert at ice-cream can I have a cherry ice cream strawberry vanilla chocolate banana with pistachio and strawberry please ah strawberry oh it's melted how about ice cream soup instead granddad dogs breakdown service [Music] [Applause] [Music] mummy sheeps car has broken down [Music] granddad dogs break down service can you rescue me please I'll be straight there this may cause your journey driving ups us is quite hard selling ice-cream is quite hard running a supermarket checkout is quite hard you must lie very still but please keep breathing are you feeling any better miss rabbit it's not easy doing all your jobs it's not easy looking after your little bunnies I will be back to work tomorrow won't you yes and you'll be back at home won't you yes [Music] daddy pig pepper and her family are watching sport on television it's a long jump it's a new will it means your best in the world at something then you are a champion and your name goes in a book there are champions for running jumping swimming I am in the book yeah yes daddy pig is champion puddle jumper Wow no one has beaten me yet I don't think they ever will the next event is the puddle jump that was a very big splash in fact I think yes it's a new world record oh I'm sure they've got more important things to worry about pepper everyone wants you to be champion again it's important really yeah okay I'll do it tomorrow but I'll have to train myself to jump in muddy puddles again muddy puddles Taddy ah but not everyone is a champion pepper daddy pig is master no I must be at one with the puddle what to jump in a puddle I must think like a puddle [Music] No I need to sleep and dream about bunnies it is the day of the big puddle jump daddy pig is wearing his puddle jumping costume I can't find my golden boots I gave those old boots to Grandpa is guarding my lucky golden boots to be used as gardening boots you've got other ones it's not the same hello remember those old boots I gave you yes daddy needs them back urgently you have been they have be watered grandpa pig is growing tomatoes in daddy's lucky boots we need them for the puddle jump today right oh I'll meet you there everyone has come to watch daddy pig's blood alum [Music] your friend good luck daddy pig oh but where are your lucky boots here they are Thank You grandpa pig I can smell tomatoes and now for daddy pig's peddle jump daddy pig is thinking Ready Steady Go I must become one with the puddle I must be the puddle daddy pig has become one with the puddle everyone has become one with the puddle [Applause] I've been training her ah to be trained by the master what have you learned if you jump in muddy puddles [Music] pepper and her friends are going to the gym today let's check you've all got your gym kits on Pedro is wearing a superhero costume pedal where is your gym kit it's at home I thought it was dressing up today follow me children this is the gym where mummies and daddies come to exercise and enjoy themselves no gym teacher for today is Grampy rabbit do we have to do that no that's Ernie for big athletes like me an orphan it can explore us like you we not explore us I'll make explorers of you but you you look like a superhero it's just pretend pretending that's good right let's warm up everyone run on the spot [Music] [Applause] rest now we're all warmed up we can start to start your adventure I want you to pretend that this room is a jungle look like a jungle where are the trees you have to imagine it the trees the rain the fast flowing river at your feet your first adventure is to walk on this beam across the river but it's night time and it's windy that's how it was for me it was a dark and stormy night I was on an adventure nighttime you have to pretend everyone crosses the pretend river safely little explorers your next adventure is to swing across this swamp full of crocodiles I can't see any crocodiles you've got to pretend that those crocodiles know who's boss go away you Nazi crocodiles that's the spirit in Cuba the swing because of crocodile swamp of course I did notice can I stay world of me [Music] [Music] this is a big jump over it's a dinosaur I was walking in the world did you have a good gym yes daddy pig is getting ready to go to work good that's all the papers I need bye [Music] yes what would you like to make I'm here Oh George you always say dinosaur for everything let's make an aeroplane maybe George likes aeroplanes yes all we need is some paper there is lots of old paper in the workroom perfect mummy pig is going to make a paper airplane fold the paper down the middle and I'll fold the corners in at one end fold those corners in again to make a point then fold the sides back like this let's see if they can fly Ready Steady Go mummy fix aeroplane has flown into a tree Peppa's aeroplane has landed in a flowerpot George's aeroplane is doing a loop-the-loop and has landed in the duck pond we'll need a really big piece of paper [Music] [Applause] [Music] Peppa George have made a big new aeroplane hello everyone shouldn't you be at work yes but I've forgotten some important papers Wow fantastic you need someone big and strong to throw it ready steady the big blue aeroplane is flying very high and very far it just keeps on going bye-bye airplane now I need to find my important work papers has anyone seen any pieces of paper maybe you should follow me is this one of your important papers yes oh I see thank you mrs. duck the only paper I'm missing now is a big yes maybe I should ring the office this is daddy pig's office hello daddy pig did you find the papers I found some of them the only one we need is the big blue print that might be a problem it just landed on my desk what a great idea to make it into a paper airplane and throw it to us oh yes well I am a bit of an expert at throwing things thank you daddy pig now the blueprint is delivered daddy pig can take the rest of the day off work [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Best of Peppa Pig
Views: 810,359
Rating: 3.7271898 out of 5
Keywords: pig cartoon episodes, cartoons, peppas, peppa pig clips, Peppa's, clips, funny, Mandy Mouse, cartoon, familyÊ, fun, peppa pig, peppa pig compilations, adventure, clip, peppa full episodes, peppa, peppa pig full episode, compilation, peppa pig toys
Id: vv971Xpfugw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 5sec (3845 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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