Best of John & Beth 🤝 Yellowstone | Paramount Network

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- I need you to stay, Beth. - I already said yes. I'm here as long as you need me. - I know. I need you to stay longer, honey. (gravel crunching) There's two open seats in the assembly. We'll pick the weakest. - Jamie's the politician. I have no interest. - I know. That's why it's gotta be you. - I will never tell you no, Daddy. But, uh, gotta be honest, I'm not sure I'll withstand the vetting. - (laughs) They quit vetting politicians a long time ago, sweetheart. Let's go figure out the how. (gentle music) (mournful music) (silverware clattering) (Beth sobbing) - You should buy a smaller table, Dad. - I remember a time when every seat at this table was filled. - No, you don't, Dad. That's not a memory. That's a dream. (mournful music) (footsteps tapping) (door clicking) (mournful music) (birds chirping) I thought you said Kayce came home. - He did. - Where is he? - Learning. It doesn't matter how many people sit at the table, honey, what matters is they have a place to sit. The table's the only thing that matters. I need you to understand that. - I'm not doing this for a table. I'm doing this for you. And when you're gone, I'll sell the table first. - Well, I am not going anywhere. - I sure hope not. (wind howling) (birds chirping) (gentle music) (dramatic music) Good morning, Daddy. - [John] Yes, it is. - Have you been practicing yoga? - Practicing what? - I'm just trying to understand this new inner peace you've found. (pensive music) (sighs) What this place is facing, it isn't an enemy. It's a perspective. It's a shift in values. (sighs) The world doesn't value your way of life anymore, Dad. - I know. - And you can't delegate this fight to fucking Jamie. (sighs) Kayce, he just doesn't have the patience or, or the skill and, well, I can't do it by myself. - But you have to, honey. You have to teach Kayce and you have to learn how to trust Jamie. - Trust Jamie? Wait, (scoffs) you're, you're the one telling me I shouldn't trust Jamie. - What does it matter, Beth? If I keep this place for another 10 years and the three of you lose it because you couldn't figure it out. - No. No. - Beth- - You don't know him. - And what is it you know, Beth, that the rest of us don't. (dramatic music) (Beth sighs) What did he do, Beth? What did he do? I can't help you, Beth, if you won't tell me what it is (dramatic music) You're gonna marry him, aren't you? - Maybe. If he asks me. Yes - He won't ask you, honey. - Why not? - Not because he doesn't want to but because he'll never ask me for your hand and he'll never ask you without doing that. He wouldn't wanna put me in that position even though he isn't putting me anywhere. He just won't do it, honey. So if it's what you want, you're gonna have to do the asking yourself. - You saying you'd be be okay with that? - Are you asking me to be okay with it? (throat clearing) - Can he have my hand, Daddy? (dramatic music) - Do you love him? Makes you happy? - Since the moment I met him. - Well, hap- happy is all I've ever wanted for you, sweetheart. You, you give him your hand if he gives you that. (gentle music) - [Beth] Thank you, Daddy. (pensive music) - I'm sorry, Beth. - Sorry for what? - That you thought you couldn't come to me. That you thought I'd be ashamed or you'd be in trouble for it or whatever you thought. I'm the one safe person in this world that you can turn to, Beth, for anything. And it breaks my heart I didn't make you know that. (pensive music) - I know it now. And now is all that matters. (pensive music) (footsteps tapping) (dramatic music) (drink splashing) - I stand corrected. - Horses I know, honey. We've gotta find a way to make a business out of this place beyond cattle. - You'll get no argument from me. - Good, 'cause you're running that end of it. - I got a job offer today. Market Equities. They want me to oversee all development projects in Montana. - What'd you tell 'em? - I made 'em an offer they can't accept. - What if they do? - Well, you went into politics to control the things a ranch can't control. Kayce, Jamie the same. You shit the bed with Jamie. But control was your intent. Might have the same effect. Me working for the company that you're fighting against. And my loyalty is the one thing on this planet that you don't have to worry about. - Do what you think's best, sweetheart. - I can still make a business out of this place for you, Daddy. Just don't come bitchin' to me when there's 300 people in that arena for a fuckin' wedding. - No weddings, no. - Big ones, and lots of 'em. - Goodnight, Dad. - Kayce left today. - Left? - To Monica's folks, needed a break from this place. - Well that's understandable. - Why do all my children have to leave to find happiness? - It's a unique situation. - The reason is unique, I'll give you that. Situation's exactly the same. - Because there's no peace in this place, Dad. Never has been. Doesn't bother you or Kayce because you aren't peaceful men. (dramatic music) Guess I'm not peaceful either. (dramatic music) You know what you need? - What's that, honey? - You need some pussy. I'm gonna get you a girlfriend- - Beth, that's too far. Okay? - No, it's what you need. - This whole man-to-man shit thing we got going. - Nope. I'm on it. - Beth! - [Beth] I got it. - Beth. - I'm on it. (dramatic music) Could have done without the anatomy lesson, but, um, it's okay. I'll work that shit out in therapy. - Well, Beth, that's a risk you take when you sneak into a man's bedroom in the middle of the night. - Don't I know it? - And a drink. Whoo, this news must be real good or real bad. - In my 37 years, I've only spent the night here alone once. You know houses, they don't make noises when they're full of people. But when they're empty, man, they moan and they creak and they shift in place. I thought the house was gonna tear itself up from the foundation and walk away. So I figured that I would just spend the night and make sure it doesn't walk away with you. - Uh, I don't mind an empty house. - Hm. Liar. - I'll, uh, I'll get your room ready. - Well, my room's ready enough, Dad. - You ready to turn in? - You kidding? I'm five away from sleep. Look, I can go downstairs. - No, no, no. No, honey. No, you're, you're fine right there. (pensive music) (John sighs) (switch clicking) What are you reading? - "The Solace of Open Spaces." "To be tough is to be fragile. To be tender is to be truly fierce." - [John] "True solace is finding none which is to say it's everywhere." - Yeah. Not sure I believe that. - No, it's true, Beth. Can't be found. Lord knows I've looked. No solace must be discovered. - Discovered how? I need an example. 'cause, um, well, I've looked everywhere too. (switch clicking) - I spent all evening on the porch staring at mountains, listening to birds. Heart's still empty. I take a shower to wash it away like dirt. But you can't wash lonely off so I surrender to it. The best I can do is sleep through the lonely, if I can sleep at all. And then I, I walk in here and I discover you. Now my heart's full. I sure hope you outlive me, Beth. I'm not sure I could tolerate the world without you in it. - Worry not, Daddy. Only the good die young. If a meteor strikes earth tonight, it is me and the cockroaches running this motherfucker tomorrow. - (laughs) Well. Well, I guess tomorrow's my lucky day then. Goodnight, baby girl. (pensive music) - Goodnight, Dad. (dramatic music) (coffee pot clattering) (door thudding) - [John] You, uh, you mind pouring me one of those, honey? - [Beth] Sure, Daddy. (cup crashing) - What the fuck are you doing? - What the fuck are you doing? You don't know how lucky you are. Your coma? That was a gift from God. God didn't give me any gifts. I had to watch it. I watched pus and bile bubble outta you here and here, here and here. - All right- - For 60 fucking days, I had to watch the life leak outta you. And then you look for a way to lose it again. You fucking seek it. Well, I'm not doing that again. I am not willing you back to life the next time you die. - What was I supposed to do, Beth? Let a dozen people get killed for the change in their pockets. - Yes! Because when you die, everything that you fought for and everything that you have me fight for dies with you. - I'm not made like that, honey. - Well, then get fucking remade! (Beth scoffs) I fight so hard for you, Dad, and you do nothing to help me. You do the opposite. - I do what's right in my heart, what's in my soul. And I won't stop. I won't stop for anyone including you. - You look for justice everywhere. Everywhere but the mirror. Where's the justice for the man who tried to kill you? Huh? Now you will risk your life for strangers. But what are you risking to find the man who fucking did this, Dad? Look at it. You won't look 'cause you know who did it. You have some false connection with him? You think he's your child? Fine. No. Think it. I don't care. Well your child, he burned the skin from me. And you have done nothing about it. - It wasn't Jamie. - [Beth] Stop lying to yourself. - It wasn't Jamie. His name is Terrell Riggins. (quiet tense music) He's serving life in prison. He attacked us to send a message to rival gang members that he wasn't weak. That we didn't destroy him. He's an animal trying to convince other animals he's still strong. We proved he wasn't. If he's alive, and I doubt he is, he's hiding behind his bunk with his teeth bare waiting to die, 'cause that's what animals do when they're cornered and that animal is cornered. - So we do nothing about it? - What are you asking me, Beth? You asking me to waste my life on that piece of shit? (quiet somber music) - No, Daddy. That's what my life's for. (footsteps tapping) (door squeaking) (door thudding) (dramatic music) (door clicking) (footsteps tapping) - You're up early. - Shrewd observers, the men in my family. Yes, I am up early. - [John] Why are you up so early, honey? - Keeping my promise to you. Why are you up so early? - Reflecting I can't, I can't reflect at the end of the day. Evenings are for forgetting but in the morning I can remember. - Remember what? - There's some memories fathers shouldn't share with their children. - I think we're way past that. Don't you, Dad? I think I've told you about everything. Oh, I told you about my first threesome. - Your what? - Didn't I? I thought I... Never mind. (laughs) You want some more coffee? - Goddamn, Beth. - Well, I'm not the one sitting on a porch thinking about things that I can't tell my kids. - I was thinking about your mother. (gentle music) - What about her? - She was a magnificent woman. I wish she could've lived long enough for you to recognize that, to know it. Know how much she loved you. - That's not what you were thinking. - That's what I'm thinking about now. (pensive music) - I'm late. You know, Dad, you can love a memory all you want but it can't love you back. Find someone that you can love while you're still young enough to do it. You know, her memory is not going anywhere. (pensive music)
Channel: Yellowstone
Views: 256,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yellowstone season 5, kevin costner, dutton family, yellowstone love, recap, yellowstone recap, best moments Yellowstone, yellowstone, yellowstone paramount network, paramount, paramount tv show, cowboy, yellowstone tv show, yellowstone new episodes, wes bentley, kelly reilly, luke grimes, cole hauser, cory dutton, taylor sheridan, gil birmingham, finale, best of yellowstone, rip wheeler, Yellowstone, full episode, yellowstone full episode, paramount plus, yellowstone clips
Id: cD4wbq02QB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2023
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