Best Of Elsa Dutton On 1883

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(intense music) (hooves clopping) (tense music) - [Elsa] I felt no fear. It simply became another race. We fear what we don't know. I knew what would happen. I would win the race, or I would be killed. There was comfort in the simplicity of it. Even though I could hear hooves getting closer, I felt no fear. (dramatic music) (train whistle toots) (train chugging) (people murmuring) - You're staring out that window like there's a prize to be had. Ain't half wrong. - I've never seen a sunset. - [Passenger] Sun don't set where you're from? - The pine trees block it. - Tennessee. - How'd you know? - I know the pines, and I know the accent. Where you headed? - West. - All by yourself? - With my family. - I don't see much family. Just see you. - They're, um, our seats are in the back. I just wanted to look out the window. - Sit here just as long as you'd like, and just a little bit longer. I question your father's judgment, though. If I had a daughter as pretty as you, she would never leave my sight. Don't do that. Don't hide from it. Beauty's meant to be admired. Let me look. Yeah. Look at you. (bag thudding) - Ah! All right, ma'am, I get, ma'am, I get your point, ma'am. All right, ma'am. - Elsa, let's go. (bag thudding) Good day to you, sir. You're gonna be the death of me, I swear. - I was just looking out the window. - The window sure wears a fancy suit. (suspenseful music) (body thudding) (keys clinking) (doorknob rattling) (lock clicks) (man groaning) (body thuds) (crickets chirping) (tense music) (Elsa yelps) (intense music) (Elsa screaming) (Elsa grunting) - My turn! (Elsa grunts) (somber music) (Elsa panting) (Elsa coughing) (gun fires) (body thuds) (Elsa gasping) (Elsa screaming) - Anybody else wanna fuck with my family, you? (doors thudding) (crickets chirping) (flames crackling) - What's that for? - Well, it's for snakes. They won't cross it. - What about you? - Honey, I'm so far away from a bath, ain't no snake gonna curl in next to me. (both chuckle) (sighs) (Elsa chuckles) (crickets chirping) - Thank you, for bringing me. - Hm, bringing you ain't a gift. We need you. So thank you. These cattle are wild. These bulls will hook you. Don't get caught up in a brush with one. You push the ones that wanna be pushed, and the rest, we leave behind. I need you to hear me on that. - Yes. - I trust you. (gentle music) - Know what today is? (James chuckles) - I don't know. Thursday, maybe. - 18 years ago, on this day, Lee surrendered to Grant in the home of Wilmer McLean in the village of Appomattox. A year later, I was born. It was Monday, April 9th, 1883, and it was my birthday. Yeah, Thursday. Think you're right. (crickets chirping) (soothing music) (cattle mooing) - [Ennis] Hey, that's a girl. - Yep, dress sorta gave it away. - Pretty handy. - She got around good. - Not awful to look at, either. - Hard to tell with that hat hanging over her head like elephant ears. - Hey, (clucks tongue) hey! (cowboys whooping) (cattle mooing) Hey. Thirsty? There you go. Careful. Would you take off your hat? Wanna get a better look at ya. - Why get a better look? - Well, there's a fair chance you're too purty for me. If y'are, I'd rather know now, so I don't waste my time. - Maybe you're too pretty for me. (Ennis laughs) - Well, shoot. I mean, if me being purty's a problem, then we ain't got a problem. (both laugh) Shoot. Yep, too purty for me. Dang it. Whew. (Elsa laughs) (cattle mooing) Whew, one for me, one for you. - I think that one's taken, and her husband don't look too fun to fight. I'd keep that in mind when you're chasing his daughter. - Well, good looks run in the family, I see. - Good manners don't seem to run in yours. You should push these cattle to the water, hold 'em tight for the night. - That's the plan. We're just waiting on the cowboys to do it. - You are all out of excuses. (clucks tongue) (hooves clopping) - Guess this outfit's got a new cow boss, and it ain't us. - She could boss the president. - President could probably use it. (hooves clopping) - [Elsa] Nothing sharp to say today? - I used my one snappy line, and it got snapped back at me. - Mm, that's all it takes to rattle you. - My gosh, you're forward. - Look who's blushing now. - You saying I made you blush? - Maybe you made me blush. - Well, you have terrible taste in men. - Mm, you ain't a man. You're just a boy. - I'm man enough. - Just a boy. Guess I have terrible taste in boys, too. (Elsa laughs) You know, this flirting thing is fun. (hooves clopping) - So, she was. She was flirting. Kinda mean the way she does it, but she is flirting, woo-hoo! ♪ Sounds of the rude world ♪ ♪ Heard in the day ♪ ♪ Lulled by the moonlight ♪ (hooves clopping) - Don't stop. ♪ Sounds ♪ I can't. - Why not? - I'm shy. - Since when were you shy? - Well, with singing, I'm shy. I worry it won't sound good. - Cow don't care how it sounds. Hell, I sing to 'em all night, and I ain't shy about it. - You probably should be. (Ennis snorts) - [Ennis] Well, you sure ain't shy about hard-timing me. - No, that comes pretty easy to me. - Well, somebody gotta sing to 'em. (crickets chirping) ♪ Beautiful dreamer ♪ ♪ Wake unto me ♪ ♪ Starlight and dew drops are waiting for thee ♪ ♪ Sounds of the rude world ♪ ♪ Heard in the day ♪ ♪ Lulled by the moon ♪ (crickets chirping) - Guess I'm the one being forward now. I'm, I'm sorry, I probably shouldn't do- - Do it again. (tender music) (guns firing) (intense music) (rider groans) (guns firing) (rider groans) (guns firing) (hooves clopping) (gun fires) (rider groans) (guns firing) (body thuds) (body thuds) (hooves clopping) (somber music) (Ennis gasps) - I loved her. (emotional music) - I don't doubt it, son. (hooves clopping) (Elsa panting) (emotional music continues) (birds chirping) (tense music) (Elsa sobs) - No! (Elsa sobbing) Please, no, no, no, no! (Elsa sobbing) No! No. (Elsa crying) (people murmuring) - I think she fancies those damn Indians. (Wade spits) - I wouldn't waste too much time worrying about how that watch works, amigo. You ain't gonna figure it. (Sam sucks teeth) - I like your horse. - Lightning. That's his name. - Why Lightning? - Because that's how fast he is. - Show me, then. (tense music) - Where's she going? - They're gonna race. - Do what? - Shit. - The voice of reason has been muted. - Ah, look at her face, honey. - I see it. Just don't wanna see it fall off. - The only place you ain't gotta worry about her is on the back of a horse. - Mm-hmm. (hooves clopping) - Y'all ready? Go! (hooves clopping) (dramatic music) - Think she dropped her reins. - No, she let 'em go. (hooves clopping) (tender music) (Sam chuckles) - Lightning. Told ya. (Sam chuckles) - I think you are the lightning. Lightning with the yellow hair. (Speaks native language) That's what I will call you, Lightning Yellow Hair. (Sam chuckles) - What do I call you? - Sam. - Sam? - [Sam] Sam. - Why Sam? - That was the name of the man who killed my wife. I know, because I made him tell me. Then I killed him, and took it. (intense music) - What do we do? - Run. - [Elsa] Which direction? - That way! (hooves clopping) (wind whooshing) - Easy, boy. (tornado whooshing) (wagons rattling) (people screaming) - Turn the horse loose! - How will he make it? - It won't, turn him loose! (intense music continues) - I love you. Go! (hooves clopping) (tornado whooshing) (Elsa screaming) (tender music) (wind whistling) (guns firing) (intense music) (hooves clopping) (gentle music) I felt no fear. It simply became another race. We fear what we don't know. I knew what would happen. I would win the race, or I would be killed. There was comfort in the simplicity of it. Even though I could hear hooves getting closer, I felt no fear. (dramatic music) There is horror to every killing, even when it's justified. Even when I killed, I was horrified. But watching Sam kill was like watching a lion hurl itself into a deer. His fury was so magnificent, there was no time for horror, not even for the men he killed. I questioned my mind. I wondered if I'm the one who is dead, and this is all a dream. I watched him ride away, and decided I must be awake. I must be alive. Then I chased after him. (hooves clopping) (somber music) - What is this? - It's for you. - Why is it for me? - Whatcha doing? I'm trading these things. Got no use for 'em anymore. - [James] Elsa! - Stay in here. You don't wanna see this. - Are you aware of what he's asking? - I'm aware. Take the horse, Daddy. - Young lady, I will not allow this. - You're not allowing it. I'm 18 years old. I'm allowing it. - You think being 18 makes you a woman? - Law thinks it does. (emotional music) - Don't just stand there, stop 'em. Shoot him! Do something! (Margaret scoffing) (emotional music continues) - [Elsa] I understood my mother's worry. My choices made no sense in her world, where customs and prejudice rule where law cannot reach. There will be customs and prejudice here too, I'm sure, but they were born of this world, and belong in it. To import the traditions of the place you fled, the place that failed you, is to condemn the place you seek to the same failures. (riders whooping) (tense music) - [Wade] Wait for it, they're too far away. - Come on, baby. (riders whooping) Come on! - [Elsa] There was no time to think, no time to decide the right thing. Best I could hope is maybe some of them would follow me, and the wagons would have a chance. (intense music) - [Wade] Aim for the horse, you'll never hit the rider. (gun fires) - Goddamn it! - It's too far, even for that. - They're almost on us, fire when I say fire. (guns cocking) (riders whooping) Fire! (guns firing) (riders whooping) (gun fires) - Damn it! (guns firing) (riders whooping) (people screaming) (riders whooping) (gun fires) (intense music continues) (guns firing) (intense music) (dramatic music) (flames crackling) (Elsa panting) (Elsa grunting) (riders whooping) (gun fires) (woman shrieks) (riders whooping) (woman shrieking) (flames roaring) (woman screaming) (somber music) (arrow thuds) - (Elsa panting) I said no. - Will you let me go? - I will sell you, or I will kill you. - You speak English? How can you do this! - You speak English. And your people do this. (Elsa grunts) (gun fires) (Elsa panting) (somber music) (Elsa screaming) (gun firing) (riders whooping) (gun clicks) (Elsa screaming) (riders whooping) (Elsa speaks native language) - Why do you know those words? - My husband taught me. - Why he know them? - He's Comanche, (speaks native language)! They're his words! - You fight like Comanche. (Elsa grunts) (Elsa panting) - We didn't kill your family, we found them. My father's hunting their killers right now, and if he's hunting them, he'll find them. - What's your name? (Elsa speaks native language) (laughs) - Good name. (Speaks native language) (somber music) (Elsa sobbing) (Elsa panting) - [Elsa] I felt no pain. Perhaps it was the fever of the fight, but it didn't hurt. I thought of pushing it through. I thought better of it. As my father would say, the one good thing about problems is they'll still be problems later. Don't have to deal with them right away. (somber music)
Channel: Yellowstone
Views: 253,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1883, Yellowstone, Yellowstone origin story, Dutton Family, Great Plains, America, Western expansion, promised land, Montana, 1883 tv series, journey west, Taylor Sheridan, Sam Elliott, Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, Isabel May, LaMonica Garrett, Marc Rissmann, Eric Nelsen, James Landry Hebert, Shea Brennan, James Dutton, Margaret Dutton, Elsa, Thomas, Josef, yellowstone prequel, yellowstone tv show, 1883 tv show, 1883 yellowstone, race, horses, Best Of Elsa Dutton On 1883
Id: uO73IaShXS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 20sec (2120 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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