Best of Carbon Based Lifeforms
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Channel: WherePostRockDwells
Views: 340,239
Rating: 4.9059596 out of 5
Keywords: post rock, ambient, chillout, trance, synthwave, vaporwave, acid trance, psychedelic, dream trance, electronica, idm, ethereal, soundscape, atmospheric, drone, cinematic, soundtrack, carbon based lifeforms, carbon based lifeforms band, sweden, best post rock band, post rock sweden, daft punk, cbl, best of cbl, best of carbon based lifeforms, aphex twins, deadmau5, wherepostrockdwells
Id: vBLuz_Yn0FQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 55sec (8635 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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