Best Of Animal Experts: Black Palm Cockatoo & Brown Bear Cub | CONAN on TBS

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is this your holding here sir it's a marine toad cone and really you should probably be holding on to it and get used to this what okay should I just look at the face on this guy is it okay to hold him is he dangerous at all well no he's not dangerous it's an interesting creature it might get him a little bit closer up to the shoulders they're giving a little like shoulder support okay all right I'm not a frog bra what are you talking about here we go these are among the largest uh frogs in the world this is a toad uh this one weighs about three pounds I've collected a toad in Africa or actually a frog in Africa that weighs twice as much twice as much as this one it's about a yard long with its legs extended but this is still a pretty you know Hefty nice tote where is the other thing chicken under the chin they like that uh yeah the the main thing about these toads is that they're uh hallucinate their hair what do you mean they're hallucinogenic uh uh people have actually been arrested for possessing a toad with the intent to lick so do not look like you want to lick this toad but uh now you make me just want to do it you've actually bite this is a habit you don't want to lick [Music] very nice guy you can you can actually die from licking this toad why don't you bring that up now didn't you see me move in for the lick and you said nothing this is a nine banded armadillo and if you counted those bands they're probably more than nine they can have as many as 11 right I'm gonna turn them around this one how do they get extra bands is it like the Cub Scouts where you move your way up the ladder work is as they get older and the bands basically allow them to kind of kind of curl up a little bit this species of armadillo he doesn't look yeah he looks very right now we're having everything about this armadillo is like I'll go on the show but I'm not gonna like it this protects that animal from predators like coyotes or even you know big cats like mountain lions will have a hard time getting through that and of course this is the only other species out there that can get leprosy and so sometimes it does you don't have to worry this guy does not have leprosy I promise you know it's the timing of your information it's really the great part here why don't you lick that all up it's the old leprosy cat you're perfect you're just like his perch I why don't we he's wondering who's got the weirder hairstyle he's like ah impressive is he good he's checking out your hair though I'm gonna let you feed him that Walnut and the reason for that is that check out the massive whoa okay and that's a powerful jar right yes I was just gonna say check out that massive beak on this bird this this it's kind of parrot it's it's a black palm cockatoo native to Australia parts of Southeast Asia that giant bill is designed to do what it's doing right now which is which is crushed nuts and they can take Palm nuts which are super super hard and exert 1500 pounds of pressure with that beat and just straight through that sounds sorry didn't mean it didn't mean it it's cool you just keep doing it look how delicate he is with the tongue yeah you know and that's getting the nut out of there and they use that tongue it's almost like like a finger and this this species bill is so big that beak is so big that they actually can't even shut their mouth completely so that tongue kind of almost works in the same way that you know like your thumb would work and if you can see that that's exactly what he's doing he's reaching in and he's actually able to pull that Walnut right out of that shell just with his tongue it's pretty fascinating incredible uh this is a very strange experience but I'm very calm and he seems calm he is he is and you know he likes you because his Crest is is totally up um yeah six month old Bobcat maybe one of the toughest cats we have in North America is it okay if I pet this cat absolutely she's loving it super athletic these cats will actually use this camouflage but all these spots are get down on the grass right wait for birds to fly over and leap 10 feet in the air and snag them out there and have them for lunch these cats live right in Los Angeles people don't even know they're in their backyard I mean there's camouflage they're super elusive whoa look at that finally had enough and put an end to it love that finally had enough and destroyed it uh really a beautiful animal you know who else hates this Andy look at this athletic the Bobcats like I respect you brother I'm going to step over here Conan if you just want to stay behind me yeah I'll stay behind you this is a Nile crocodile okay do we want to let that thing go she'll be okay once we get her oh she'll be fine it's us I'm worried about so see this is even as a juvenile this is only about a five foot animal this is a species that can get to be that this animal can get to be 15 to even 20 feet long and you know they're crocodiles most people know their crocodiles are you know tremendous Predators when they get to their full growth they're actually able to take down you know animals as big as zebras so look at that hate staring she's just gonna hang out there it's just like you son of a you can get her to show those teeth loaned you twenty dollars four years ago yeah I don't think she's gonna work work for us you know she's not going to open up her mouth too big there well she looks really mad so the whole poking it with a stick thing with a stick if you look at the fourth tooth down yeah get in there with your finger and show me yeah no I'm not going to do that that fourth I can't tell I need to see specifically which sticks up from the bottom there that's one one really good way to tell alligators or crocodiles alligators are also kind of like a dark blackish color and they have a big wide fat head and they're actually a lot more chill than crocodiles are and she for a crocodile is actually doing really well she's she's almost just kind of going into a little trance there but uh but crocodiles they attitude if you don't really want a little bit of a trip to them but I'd hate to see this thing when it's in a trance it is so stoned right now look at it oh man he's just thinking about the late 60s crazy stuff went down on the Nile yeah beautiful eyes amazing [Applause] did you see that look like the eyes are so big they have to spin their heads to see it spun it said 360 degrees there does he uh oh look at that they're made of all feather yeah my finger just keeps going this is uh two eyeballs on some feathers there's no there's nothing in here yeah the feathers are so soft so they fly so I don't they foreign [Applause] excuse me oh my God is this what i is this this is these guys are both bear cubs oh my God so you you have a brown bear cup that's a European brown bear and this is a North American oh God this is the greatest thing I've ever seen they are adorable and I have children I love this I have two children and I love this bear more than much well I'll tell you what you you love it now but when these guys get big again these are not animals that regular people can have as pets even though believe it or not some people try do you want to hold them they're not regular people we're on TV yeah coyote pup all right can I uh can I have that you can hold it no I want to have it no you can't have it these are why can't I have it people think these are guys are good good pets they're terrible pets because what you want to do is support perfect These Guys these guys are actually taking in as pets a lot and they're bad pets today this is my uh Tiger Beat photo spread uh I didn't realize I was going to bring all these animals for us to rub our faces and heads up against [Applause] same kind of coyote that you would see all around here in California the types of uh the guys that are sort of in the in the Wild Spaces up here um now this is you know what I really connect with this coyote I raised this coyote would it eventually do my bidding you know I don't know if they're doing your bidding you know the problem with it is these guys are somewhat solitary mostly solitary so they're not used to like being a pack like a dog or a wolf so the bond wouldn't be as tight as it would be if you raised it to raise a wolf when he got he became an adult he'd be dangerous to me you know he'd be skittish and if you scared him he'd bite you know it's funny these guys have got a real bad rap around California because they do go after like the small dogs I don't know what I'm doing right now I don't I don't think coyote knows what you're doing right now I'm just licking him yeah well if you know his mom or dad would be licking him so at this age that's what my wife does she's like oh no actually the first time that I've worked with this particular species it's called an uh an African Southern ground hornbill and he's taking his time coming in [Laughter] [Applause] I love that he took one Peak and he was like I think not well come on it's a fun show don't go by what you've read this is the biggest venomous snake species on Earth okay and I need your help can you why do you want my help I need you to use that as a Target please [Music] nothing distracts a snake like a baby head yeah you've got to keep it moving keep its attention why why do we have to keep its attention well they're very good visual Predators it can't hear but it's using me to do distract the deadly snake is that right so this is a king cobra okay and what would happen if this thing were to bite somebody you can it's got enough Venom to kill an elephant and then look okay there we go advancing towards me you idiot [Music] these can grow to 18 feet long and be careful it doesn't and it's natural predator is a baby on a stick is that the idea beautifully there we go look and if I can wrestle oh quickly no we don't want that I'll save you oh okay uh how do we make this segment stop put him down here there we go and around we go [Applause] if I sort of get them like this do you want me to turn the trash can the other way around why are you going under there after it okay here that's good I think if I can oh sorry it's going a bit this way oh no we've got that in the front the crowds that's fine no it's not doing it it's fine sir please terrific they're away for the baby again yeah that's no no put it back oh that's weird stop my Hook's stuck there we go okay come on fella you're the animal expert three times in a segment you've gone like this no come on you gotta move that's a lemur yeah and you know what Conan I'm actually just he likes to go up to tall things and you're much bigger than I am so let's do that you can just let him crawl all around just take your arms what is butt in my face hey buddy come on good job I feel like the lamest superhero right now with control of his lemur away what you're doing right now is actually just simulating where these guys live they're arboreal that means they live in the trees these are our primates so they're kind of related to monkeys they live only on the island of Madagascar and they're super endangered all right his um his little jelly treat here kind of flopped out there so let's see let's see what he does he's safe down to it do you want me to lower myself yeah go ahead and lower your arm and see what he does okay every show you lower yourself come on let's let's see if we can get him over here I think he won come here buddy let's see I walked right into that
Channel: Team Coco
Views: 2,553,913
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Keywords: conan on tbs, conan (tv series), tbs (tv channel), conan remotes, conan classic, a conversation with conan o'brien, conan o'brian, talk show, talk show hosts, late show, conan brien, conan funniest, top 10 conan, conan best, funny moments on conan, best moments of conan, celebrity interviews, conan best moments, conan funny interviews, conan funniest moments, tbs, comedy, fan favorite, stand-up comedy, late night
Id: e47VgHMoUgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2023
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