Best of “Golf is hard” from the 2020-21 season

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oh that is a major club twirl yeah but it's a sarcastic one oh how did you know oh my and that yeah listen to it he just dropped the club and laughed and we'll watch the tracer of it i mean this one doesn't go very far but it goes really far to the right that's not the place to do that gary there's no place to do it but you got all the technical tools you trace it jeez this is flying well into the green easy the reason comes to 17 to die this might need to get down too that's it [Music] like pretty much the same swing next you start panicking or you stop oh how do i finish this hulk you're trying to get across the ridge he's trying to get over the race to get it up to get some bike have you seen a worse shot actually what do we have going on here we have seen a lot of dress downs for water shots never mind the shorts this guy is up to the middle almost of his calf he's got an interesting way that he's hiked up the shirt david this is this is disturbing for wesley brian in so many ways that's a that's a daisy duke i don't know how much longer we can hang on this shot actually bj singh coming out of that low area way behind the greens gotta run it all the way up through the fringe oh you can run it right now this is traveling needed to hit the stick it did not and vj singh that is the 65th ball in the water oh i know that's going because the edges of the green you watch it will take this tiny stone shaved off oh man i didn't think we're going to see a putt doing that or remember how close he hit it yesterday four feet nine inches this is a similar win to wednesday though oh this is third shot now from that little area a ways away wow so two in the water gotta be careful if you get a bad kick you watch what's gonna happen oh no doesn't check doesn't check he went on to lose the hole hat from a great spot a perfect spot and there's a little backstop behind the hole he has pulled this one bad signaling like he's hit it out of bounds left it feels like out of bounds left from that far very impressive justin rose the green side bunker whoa that was unexpected the dreaded shank oh boy t shots of five and a half feet three putts later it's a bogey four i'm kind of surprised he's chipping this actually i mean the pin's only four from the edge but those were some very small steps and he is just chips absolutely butchering this hole i kind of expected him to take the putter out there that was a uh that had a lot of hosel in it whoa joaquin neiman yikes well the second for the shambo we're being told karen found the penalty area up there so now playing his fourth into the par five that one had some serious zip on it easy easy [Applause] that was a pretty large gasp from the crowd 94 yards for mcelroy here yeah 94 into this powerful oh bringing it back though look at this that would help look at this [Applause] hang on now galleries love that well everywhere everywhere is a false front look at that wow so he's been working on his spin control for the last three weeks how do you think he's feeling not thinking about it there how about that it's a six foot putt that's where you're gonna lose control of it oh my goodness oh it's going now it's got sideways away from the home i didn't get it out quite to that fall line you see him looking right along the inside edge of that green that's where he's got to start it oh my gosh that's that's just being completely caught off guard there and we won't see many that bad this was just earlier paul you mentioned about the danger that you had to be careful yep he wasn't oh come on oh boy thing is if you spin it too much it'll go off the front and now look at that that is just now this is steeply back uphill about 10 feet below the level of the green and checked it a little too much well we've all been there if you play here enough and there's no out yeah you can here's a great look at just how far below the level of the green that is and it is into the grain finally all right he's carried that one far enough but boy so now live for his bogey i try to take it on too much and this could be really bad yep hit the lip and dove into the water and he has to hit it into a very steep slope oh he missed the slope that's going to end up down there where hideki's ball was running after it if it does stop you can mark it it's not stopping anything been muttering to himself all day this is just you have no idea here yeah shae was talking about the palm the fronds there that are sticking out that are a huge issue as well it's on the downswing he's worried that it's gonna hop the ball got no problem crushed yeah oh no oh that's just kidding to salt into the wound where this ended up because it could have like rolled back maybe into the you know bottom of that bunker but it just perched right up there on the down slope oh nearly dude and he could end up in the same spot but oh my gosh oh no kidding me you start going fast in your brain at this point you need to slow down and really be you know it's hard to do but your brain is moving so fast right now you've had such a easy days to this point and now you're just your head is spinning and you gotta take a moment and say what am i doing here he's already i heard him declare i'm gonna take an unplayable and he's got his hands on his ball so that is gonna be five he's gonna be hitting his sixth shot here a disaster here for holland taking a drop here at the night
Channel: PGA TOUR
Views: 444,428
Rating: 4.9320679 out of 5
Keywords: 2020-21, best, drive, golf, hard”, highlights, pga, pga tour, season, shot, swing, tour, “golf, Best of, Golf is hard, 2020-21 season, golf is hard 2021, golf is hard 2020, golf is hard, bad golf shots, pro golfer mistake, golf mishit, recovery golf shot
Id: qNsLBBW5cV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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