Best Obsidian Calendar Plugin?

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the last time I checked notion right before this recording the calendar had a month view but no weak view the day View and the list view worked but required a bit of configuration so you found an obsidian plug-in of course that can do exactly that is it the popular calendar one no that one uses daily notes to be able to navigate through your daily notes from the plugin still useful not for me the difference with the full calendar obsidian plugin is that each event is its own note so when you click on it you can open up the note and you can drag and drop the event across the days across the times months whatever view you're in you can also make it an all-day event which removes the time start and time end and puts it to an all-day event and you can also make it a recurring event so you can say it's every Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday whatever day you want and then when you save it it appears in those places moving forwards in time all and because the calendars are locally stored I can change the color on the calendar yeah and you can also have an iCloud a countdav a remote calendar if you haven't tried them because you don't use any of them doesn't stop me from saying that they're there and then when you add a calendar you get two options and choose the color which you obviously we've gone through and then choose directory which basically means folder so I can click on uh the root folder or the journal folder do folks go to the journal folder add a new folder habits and then go back to the settings then add a local folder choose directory I now have the journal habits folder I can make that one green just like my other calendar add calendar and now I have a green habits calendar push save and now when I come in to create an event I can go to the calendar select habits call it habits save the event and it's green nice and simple but what about the recursive event thing well this recursive events basically means that when you tick it on it's going to look for the subfolders so at the moment we've got to journal as a top level folder and then events and habits if Journal was a calendar folder then it would look for the events and habits to go into that fault ah so there could be event overlap yes so if I create a calendar and choose the directory as Journal we're going to leave it as black light you can see the event one has been duplicated because it's inside of the journal calendar the habits has also been duplicated but if I create a new event go into the calendars and select journal and then save the event that one is black but the duplicates are purple because they are the recursive events from that setting why not put it in the sidebar you can but when you drag it into the sidebar you can see it's all sort of mushed you'd have to expand the sidebar to actually see what's going on so we've got the month then we've got the week then we've got the day and then we've got the list of all the events and stuff that's going on alternatively because it's a tab you can click and drag it out so it's its own window and then you could use it on a second screen which is what I tend to do I use my second screen we don't all have two screens you know anyway adding events is pretty much the same as any other calendar app so Dragon stop or click yes although you can't drag it back backwards like Morgan it doesn't give you that option but Morgan is like the best calendar app yeah yeah move on okay so moving to the events when you click on the event you can open it up as a note and because it's just a file you can do that with any plugin inside of obsidian what do you mean well I use the database folder plugin which you've covered before yes and I have a deadline property that when I click in and go to the settings the ID is date which is what the calendar uses if I change the date here you can see templater is 24th because I've already done that video if I move it to the 31st now when I go to the calendar view you can see the templator is now on the 31st rather than 24th or I can just drag it back goes to the 24th and now when I click inside the video as the date has been changed again nice so so data view also works yep so you can see we've got a daily note here and what I've got isn't two data view queries I've got a link to the page I've got the Jew and then I have the events if we move a couple of things to the past so let's move that recurring one change it into the past you can see the event one has changed it's now due in the past it's red showing that it's overdue we've got a link to the event to the page if we need to go there or you could do something like this and have all of your events for today's showing with the start time so that's 3 30 of all 30. I'm not being up that early but that's something else you could do so you can filter that yeah exactly so when I'm in the dataview query I can add a from whatever folder because if you have a look at the folder systems from events from Habits and I can look for a specific event or a specific calendar for whatever view because one of the drawbacks of the full calendars you can't filter out calendars it just shows everything well that would be nice I don't actually think it's needed especially as things like Google don't give you an easy way to switch calendars anyway have to go to the settings and click come on and off Morgan does it with hotkeys this is about obsidian shut up but Morgan did say they're working on an integration or a plug-in to have Morgan and an obsidian work together and I think this is a really nice implementation of that especially as you already have cow DAV already precisely what about the daily notes well at the moment there's no links on any of these days you just hover over them and it just shows you what it is you can't click through anything so it doesn't link to any of the daily notes that's a bit of a bummer but it is on the plug-in roadmap so if developers want to help out or if Morgan decide to do an integration and they do it who knows nice so how are you using the plug-in right now well the content calendar is a no-brainer I mean I've got content as red and I can see what content's coming out or has already gone out so using the DB folder as a table slash list of information and then going to the full calendar for a bigger overview exactly and other projects can be planned out as well because you can have a Time Block events slash tasks which you can use for bigger projects yeah so longer project X can have tasks in here so I can come into here go to actions and then add whatever the task is then when I open up the note I can add in different task queries in here which are essentially subtasks of the event that's going on which can be linked to the project using some sort of database folder group filter View Property thing I do notice a date in the name of the event though yeah it's a bit annoying I agree I mean I'm treating it as a link at the moment and then I'm just using a title that's going in because of the full calendar plugin and I'm just using that one instead and you can do the same with data view so like here I've got the event title and I've got the link to the actual page over on the side right so using the title metadata inside of the page as the name and then using the file name as the link yeah not not ideal but functional how do you use Morgan and this together though well Morgan has the normal calendar stuff of other people's calendar so shared calendars events that automatically go in links to web calls and things like that for scheduling meetings and tasks apparently yes but as I bring in more ways to use obsidian my Morgan use is actually decreasing why put it all in obsidian anyway not all in obsidian a lot in obsidian it's it's serving as my Baseline and the speed is pretty good the mobile app update is amazing that there's a future video on that so uh subscribe so you don't miss out and because the calendar is inside obsidian I have an offline calendar that I can use to reference the events the tasks the schedules and stuff and I can add and change to it when I once basically like Google Calendar not complete offline functionality but it does what I need it to do for the moment this is a shorter video included in my extended brain course which goes over more nuanced workflows with additional tools like Morgan zotero and other things to help with live business and research management more information in the description below
Channel: Danny Talks Tech
Views: 32,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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