BEST NIGERIAN WEDDING | Olaide & Dapo's Wedding #ItsOD2019

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falling for you I can't keep away listen I want you to stay before you go I want you to know I'm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's not that I don't want you here it's not about the way you I know that I don't make these clear I fall for you every time I try to assist you we can get away palm trees Beach fuels or than everything all I wanna give is in that business I'll replace it one thanks to you yeah I try not to show how I feel about you think you lose your way but we don't really want to I just wanna get away and sit right next to you yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ready so we're here so Ally day I have no doubt in my heart that you'll get from God and I'm happy to be a stand in the front of God everyone everyone who loved us certainly you I chose you to be my wife and my partner in life so I lied a yeah my promises to you as we start a new chapter in our life I promise to always bring you to always bring joy to our home fill your heart with joy protect you for the rest of my life so help me God a promise to strive hard to become demand that god destined for me to be for myself and for our family and for you I promise to love you for who you heart be understanding of your needs be more patient and kind so everything I do I promise to love you in good times and bad times I promise to cherish you and respect you I promise to always laugh with you and never go to bed angry I'm sure you know that hey one more thing I'm promised to I promise to share my food even when you have yours in front I lied a you're my forever my best friend my dream come true my shoulder to lean on and my wife you're my everything [Applause] let's aqua blue eye shades on I can bat it oh I thank God for today I think God for you I think God for I love and I think God for the blessings that are soon to come together we have been through great times and not-so-good times but drew it all you have always remained constant it's crazy because when I met you I immediately knew you were the one who would hold my heart valve sorry my days will my days will be brighter because my days will be brighter because I wake up to your smile my nights will be warmer because I lay my head next to you I pray as we journey this path tap together God will give you the grace and the patience for what's to come and and God will grant me the wisdom to be a loving caring and nurturing wife to me about today to love honor respect and reverence God will bless you God would bless me God will exalt you god will enlarge your territory and I will grant you your heart's desires because as you were blessed by God I am blessed and our home is class that's aqua I love you and I look forward to finding new ways to love you each and every day of my life and that's in good health and always in happy [Music] [Music] tell me have you learned the story that took place in angel they say she up and ran away from home word is she had so back on she had to leave will you know I'm so because she's laying right next to me and when I wore that morning and he called out her name [Music] Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus we bless you for this power thank you because this day have been scheduled and you of course it to come to pass it is now by anybody's power wisdom it is just by your grace and so we hold you Thanksgiving we hold you all adoration and we give it unto you we appreciate the fact that you have made this day possible we say thank you we bless your name Oh God Lord as we commence this program we ask that you take preeminence we want you to be the one around everything to preside over the ceremony Lord the glory of your name though you receive all the glory all the additional to yourself and this couple shall be blessed Thank You Holy Spirit blessed be the name of the Lord in Jesus precious a mighty name we are prayed dearly beloved we are gathered here before God and this congregation to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony which is an honorable estate established by God before the fall of man signifying to us the mystical union between Christ and His Church this holy estate Christ both honored and beautified with his presence at the wedding of Cana at a wedding in Cana of Galilee where he performed his first miracle it's also commanded by simple to be of great honour among men it is therefore the thing to be rushed into if any man can show any just cause why they may not be lawfully joined together let him now speak or else hereafter forever hold his peace we start there for Allah Allah Allah when you have like an abusive as your wedded wife to live together according to God's ordinance in the holy matrimony will you love her comfort her honor and keep her in sickness and in health and forsaking all others keep yourself only unto her so long as you both shall live yes I do by God's mercy and grace like they are you see we you have a lander parking body as your wedded husband to live together got into God's ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony when you obey Him and sobbing love honor and keep him in sickness and in health forsaking all others keep yourself only unto him so long as we both shall live yes I do by God's mercy and grace amen who gives this woman to be married I talked about take you take you allied a cameo I will see to so where as my wife as my wife to have to have my husband and their two would you want to in our church we give preference to making hopes with the Word of God of course the other ring that we have changed but we believe the Word of God proceeded arranged and so the Word of God son as a witness between a lot that working by day with this man with this Bible which is the word which is the word of God I will await you with my body with my body we hold my worldly goods of the father and of the son and of the Spirit which is the word of God which is the word of God [Music] especially bless the name of Lord that has brought them together and the letters asked of God to take the eminence over this relationship the devil we have news no chance at all Lord I decreed upon you in the name of Jesus you will now fear you will not fear the enemy we know prevail over you a decree blessing the Word of God in blessing I we bless you we said be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and have dominion i decree Department upon you in the name of Jesus you will never serve as a slave under any power you will reign as the king as Prince and Princess to the glory of the name of God I'm socially B Thank You Holy Spirit in Jesus pressures our mighty name we pray [Applause] okay those whom God has joined together let no man put asunder for as much as a Mladic working body and lie dare you say have agreed together in holy wedlock and have witnessed the same before God and this congregation and thereto have given and pledged their truth to each other and I've declared the same by giving a receiving the Holy Bible which is the word of God as a witness and by their journey of hands in covenant I by the power vested in me by God the Almighty and the state of Maryland I pronounce that they believe it together as husband and wife from today in the name of God the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I present to you the leaders of time [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] somebody [Music] [Music] you prove my fantasy to a place only lovers go to a spot that we never know to the top of the cloud [Music] feels so great [Music] baby [Music] you ladies [Music] rather wrong that you made right [Music] [Music] [Music] everything [Music] every day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the new missus antibody would feed a husband to show that she's capable of taking care of a man without anybody's assistance so she's gonna put the cake assume say England of the cake the husband oh my god yes show her that you're capable figure let's give a round of applause please she's only in America that they expect you to be married and Sookie TDC man sighs thank you very much let's give her a round of applause this is a is a young woman now let's let's start with a boom a wifey a mother of the house the queen [Music] of a very caring way alright my name is Yanni and I've had the pleasure of knowing a latte for a very long time almost 25 years and I am just honored and I find it a privilege to have made a lot of my best friend for all of these years and it's amazing because a lotta even and the beginning of our friendship actually moved to Nigeria for some time and came back and we reconnected and it's like nothing ever happened so it's just amazing to experience a lot of things throughout up our throughout our adolescence together we've grown together we've laughed together we've made mistakes together and I'm just happy to be able to walk with her through this new journey and I'm happy that she was able to find the love of her life in doppo and I will always be here for whatever you guys may need I'm always gonna be an heir if it's a prayer if it's just you need someone to listen to I will be here um I love this union I love the way that you all love and I think it's a testimony for other people to see your growth and your love as well for me I know that although I am single one word of advice that I will probably give is that love is an action so always love as an action I love you and I'll always be here okay hello everyone my name is Showa okay alright so I lied a laid my lady lumps even though she hates that nickname my friend for the last 13 years thank you unique for sharing her with me laid was also the maid of honor for my wedding and I'm so happy to have met you in college at the most perfect time in 2006 when we met we had that we had an automatic connection and I knew you'd be my sister and friend for life thank you for being a constant support confident prayer partners sister and friend over the years we've laughed together turned up together cried together and made some amazing memories such as like shared birthdays 1024 so redress chapped lipstick two trips and supporting one another through undergrad grad school and residency and I'm truly blessed to call you a friend what I love about you Ally day is that you're a genuine person I've never questioned your loyalty at all and your attentions alright and your intentions are not easy qualities to come by you remain true to who you are you're honest to a fault at times and that speaks to that speaks on their lasting relationship that you've held with the very people who are in this room today I'm seeing where God has led your life over the last 13 years of knowing you has been beyond beautiful to witness you're such a hard-working and determined person and it's been amazing to see your hard work pay off and your work life and in your personal life being a doctor is not easy but somehow you do it graciously having time to juggle work studying and having time for your relationships which I command oh your spirit is contagious and that's why we are all here today to support you on this very day I know that getting to this day was not easy I know it was stressful but we made it I honestly believe that God plays certain people events and situations in your life to get you to this place at this very time to marry the man the man he ordained for you the man of your dreams Doppel when I first heard about my brother da bone I had no idea what to expect I'm always and will always be very protective over my sister Ally name and I was thinking who was this guy and one of hers what are his intentions I soon learned that da PO was just as amazing as a lighting is as their relationship blossomed I was able to witness how he made my sister look and feel which was something I had never seen before over the years of knowing her and when I was so happy to see my sister happy and at peace when diaper contacted me to tell me he was gonna pop a question there was no hesitation of resistance knowing that he was the one for her we automatically begin planning her own proposal and we ended up surprising Ally day in Miami as we all know a lot is very difficult very nosy very hard to surprise but we did it anyway and from then on its o D 2019 took off da pod thank you for being there emotionally spiritually and physically there for my sister thank you for continuously putting a smile on her face and spoiling her endlessly not just with the design of gifts but we appreciate that too dad I know you would treat my sister with respect and love and love her the way she deserves and I lied I know you'd do the same for da Paul never stop loving one another having fun going on dates traveling the world being an adventurous keeping your marriage in relationship first fresh and exciting I pray nothing but the best for you both and let no man or devil come and destroy this beautiful union this is just the beginning for you both I love you both and so happy to be here today you guys [Applause] calm down calm down calm down calm down light and a poem you should not giving me this Mike you shouldn't well I have a lot to say today but don't worry guys I won't waste your time cuz I have to use the bathroom you know well I'll start by saying one positive impact light has had on couples life please look at his hairline so sweet look at them couple I mean no no no I'm gonna stop calling you a couple everybody please let's top quality in couple why don't you retire on him because he told me the mean several times I still don't get it let's take out the C and D D a D D D that one does his name so retired a name okay babe it's good I've known that before over several years now and I can truly call him my brother I you know I love you bro I can truly call him my brother because wrong word I can't describe couple is very dependable we all know couples always there for everybody where we of his friends it's a call away when I call couple is always there for me and up or I really appreciate you for that on on the note of positive impact I'm going to share an inspirational story about this lovely couple as lady you know me and Apple talk every morning somedays wrap this off so I was talking to that and he said you have to get up the phone because lady was calling said we're about to pray I'd like 7 o'clock in the morning and I looked at my phone as if bring do I pray for money no so as soon as he hung up the phone I called my whole life I said Bhoomi good morning she said baby is everything okay I said yes god is good to me so cup for lady you guys don't know I'm what you inspire me as well and I want to thank you for that another thing I can see how about lighting is that she's very very caring we won't know that I'm I know right if I don't call economy TV is everything okay yeah we checked on me this week she has been assisted to me and I really appreciate you for that now one of the most genuine individual I've ever had the pleasure of to meet and I'm happy to have you again you as a sister thank you so much I love you that's to run this off because remember I said early on I need to use the bathroom I want to wish you both the best as we embark on this journey double my brother you have worn a lie team a sister you're the wrong one you are me alive never die I most of all me your union be abundantly foo-foo thank you so much love you guys [Applause] firstly I would I want to acknowledge and say thank you to all the family and all the guests that are here to celebrate Lyday and that wall personally I am incredibly honored to be here today yoni I got you beat shower I got you beat TP I got you beat I've known Doppler for 32 years plus we we grew up together as kids as a few months older than me and we've had some great memories and some great times over the years I'm not gonna bore you guys with all our stories and everything we've done so I'm in and try to keep my speech kind of short but the main thing I want to focus on is that was character growing up the DC folks might not know this but that was actually very reserved and quiet I actually used to bully him when we were growing up but you know what you never fought me back one time never I was a little bit rowdy that was always reserved what he did it was like just go to my mom I'd be like mummy because I just did this and that and that's it you never like question me never fought back ages it just moved on years later I realized why it was like that doc well is the most selfless person I have ever met like again I'm gonna say it again is the most selfless person I have ever met if he had one shirt left on him it would give it off it would take it off and give it to the people that he cares about and it will give it to the people that he loved that's just the type of person that he is and I believe that's why there's so many people here today to celebrate da Quan Lyday going off that I remember when that were first told me about my day you just mentioned it was talking to a girl from Arizona but for one reason or another this girl was completely different when you first told me well I tell you like my guy was excited and what he said like I'm not even sure you remember this but I like you know this kind of stuck with me he said he was ready to do anything to make her happy and then once I heard this I was like bro that's all you had to say that's wifey you don't need to look any further light a on that wall I wish you two a lifetime of happiness joy wealth good health and I would like for everybody here to please stand up everybody please stand up please stand up grab your champagne glass lift it up and we're gonna make a toast to mr. and dr. missus I came by day it's OD 20 19 [Applause] [Music] good evening everyone um I'm just gonna keep is really sure because I don't want to get emotional but first and foremost we want to thank God for just bringing us and to this point we have been planning this for over a year and I know that my planner eleska tourneys is so ready to free me because I know I've annoyed her but we want to think after God we want to thank our parents who have been there supporting us financially emotionally spiritually we want to thank our amazing bridal party who has been with us every step of the way for all of their love and support we want to thank all of our family friends and guests who are here with us today celebrating with us we pray that we will always have reasons to rejoice with one another and I'm looking forward to celebrating with many of you next year by God's grace thank you so much we're just so grateful to be here today and to be at this point in our lives and we just really thank you all for supporting us and we just pray that we will continue to always support one another hey I don't even know what else to say first I want to say thank God I'm gonna thank the busi family I want to thank the mom and dad I really love you guys thank you for accepting me I'm gonna thank my family and everybody that came here to support each and every one of you I love you guys my you guys know the vibes [Applause] [Music] [Music] big Iman we do - yeah uh-oh [Music] [Music] we can say anything will you do the moment [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Olaide Aiyegbusi
Views: 519,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PzcGetkhfOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 33sec (3393 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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