Best News Bloopers 2019 #3

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well a Georgia woman had a good laugh when every Queen had a pretty significant error on her birthday cake I'll take a look here this is the cake concussion but she's a she's a big long Lana fan the Disney character they thought it was a break oh my god that's hysterical alright I guess we're gonna still go there's a prime problem out there workers at Amazon making a statement against the company on one of their busiest days of the year but first we're gonna pull it together for time-saver traffic gosh there's no problems in Lansing right now there's no problems it's 550 in the morning we're back we want to tell you about a deal of you if you would like to visit here this is how you can get to the Cook Islands good morning region a time now 524 and it is warm outside look at this temperature in paragould 79 degrees dew point of 76 over there making it feel more like it's into the 80s at the bus-stop forecast this morning temperatures are it's wow that horn was a little drastic this morning I'm back here with your forecast somebody's got road rage okay I gotta try to keep going here lunch in the Seattle School District teriyaki chicken with rice bowl or turkey sub sandwich and candid cemaat see dunkers and marijuana and marijuana no no school today yeah you'll be rocking with garlic toasted in Tacoma bean and cheese chalupa Mexican rice have a great day at school kids I'm Howard in the mr. food test kitchen where every day we're looking for a lighter way for you to say whoo it's so good okay they got stuck I'm gonna chair left in Montana is a rope so first stop not laughing apparently you cops in Kentucky are now a viral sensation all right so two Kentucky cops are mourning the loss over Donuts now as news 18s photojournalist printed Foulke straight-edged a group will play at Carnegie Hall at 7:30 northern Indiana isn't the first place if expected excuse me northern Indiana it's the first place you'd expect to find about a dozen primates hanging out but that's exactly what you see this is real and it's really good for me so very Southwest a lot of stuff with flavor coming out right Wow where'd you get a hold of I just shot corn up my nose what it's a good thing we didn't get home jermeir you want it nasal cavity right now oh my I just lost my appetite oh boy I breathe it we know I can feel it live have you ever had that happen before where's the doctor we need a doctor oh my god stop stop I'm very hungry anymore oh my gosh guys the rating the rating is plummet I'm giving this a 2 it was good and now I'll never look at the dish this I will never be able to eat this again wind gusts from about 30 to 40 miles per hour yeah bad hair day you have to hold on tight to your kids tomorrow you got take about hold on those kids pretty tight tomorrow traps right now looks like pretty good to me to work for folks what's the very latest boy well once you hold onto your kids and put them in the car what does that even mean hold on to your kids is the wind gonna be that bad anyway moving on to our traffic right now once you put your kids in the car and get where you need to go looks like you got a pretty easy morning commute here it's been a busy traffic morning with the rain out there mark here I'm trying to recover right now with triple team traffic mark oh what a day what a day what a day on 75 south at a Cobb County earlier red alerts cleared 75 south at Delk Road unfortunately delays remain the trip times keep going on and on on and on I'm thinking TimesA traffic so Illmatic he had to call Tyrone for a ride on 75 mark M standing by was triple team traffic Mars stormy night you know the kind where the lightning strike boom clap boom clap traffic tracker to four hundred delays in from Alpharetta on the right side of your screen there there's some fog Momo matin oh my gosh Haley in Iowa yes mainly in Iowa that's where we're dealing with the majority of the fog Jacob is it bad that I'm actually looking forward to the rain tonight no no I don't think the rain is always actually feel like I sleep better everything's fresh my allergies are better a little bath for the outside world a bath yeah Queens every wouldn't you think a shower well yeah let's get let's look at that seven day you're so right Audrey okay today marks 50 years since Woodstock began you remember that day Mary nope nope sorry [Laughter] okay anyway the Bethel wood Center for the Arts will be hosting a series of events celebrating the 50th anniversary of the iconic music anyway this on the same site where it happened back in nineteen I was kidding and obviously if you're driving by and you see part of an 18-wheeler up 18-wheeler kind of dangling it's gonna leave with some onlooker slowdowns we are heading into July starting tomorrow so we are actually going to end our July June delune June and July you guys it is early it is early we're ready for July and fourth of July weekend we're heading into an abbreviated workweek and we're looking great out there we're seeing clouds and we're seeing sunshine lovely conditions Hanna get it together over there the C SUV runners runner runners were on the what was that hold on a sec runners on the court last night stuck during ahead Brian you just should say it's just okay I'm gonna take over good evening everyone well let's have a look at outside like we did get a bit of a cooler change and we both were just talking about how we've started doing the souks again not together sometimes just not a Friday night from sunshine craft company I'm starting up to deal with us today if you see a venomous snake just leave it be and report it to authorities gee thanks don't touch a venomous snake and don't stick your head in a polar bears mouth that's news you can use drop over 20 degrees tomorrow forecast coming up you dressed up this year right I did I was a cactus with this heatwave people in our area are using more electricity and water but just how much and George will tell you how hot it is well it's only happened never happened actually what is happening now every day but what I'm trying to say is it's a hundred degrees again never mind never mind I'll start over Michigan dispensaries are rolling in the green well in more ways than one a pretty perspective for you this is a plane for there's been left outside check this out right just sort of gently tap the side that's how much I got that's all the web we're gonna draw hub to give you some pointers on staying dry which is basically not doing what I just did that's the Rockies i-17 in the southbound direction crash that was there completely Glatt gone gone and clear became Kwan dance fine okay it's all clear now good evening Mike and Tamara so um so I'm sorry um KCRG tv9 s Phil Reed is live at the Metro football field in Cedar Rapids info have they seen this decline [Music] break it off there too I think it's still afternoon that's right Carmen they say they're still behind on the bridge going over the North Saskatchewan River they do say now that they are not trending toward a December 2020 completion date for the whole valley line they won't say when they now say they'll be complete only that there'll be a few months late quarter to ping-pong ball sized hail with some of these storms a Tokyo start up develop the satellites to create char D shooting stars on demand never thought I'd have to say that but listen to me have your kids on earth high resistance of radiation I don't know people are stop being too extra stop being too much too much just go to the hospital I have it delivered in your home you're like yes you know but not doing it on space ok the harbor farm and vineyard I'm with you stop in to extra today's meeting will feature OKC artist JB Williams in OKC DJ Wayne in this thing ok Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday look it's gonna be fair and dry with temperatures much more seasonable for October day Wednesday Thursday yeah make sure you shop for that I really apologize you're gonna walk in you gotta work there you go go to work we'll see you in a second I'm supposed to be here now I swear well there are lots of Thank You Andre thank you there are lots of ways to describe my math problem but one student says hers was offensive join me right now on Facebook live for the question some Ference just will see you in a minute if you see any suspicious activity or clothe vehicles you're asked to call Border Patrol at 800 eight six three 9362 was that it if you see any activity that Border Patrol at eight hundred eight six two why the any suspicious activity or cloned vehicles you're asked to call I fell okay 886 two no call Border Patrol at 800 eight six three 9362 no I'm stressed you're asked to call Border Patrol that number is 963 let's go hustle 800 863 9362
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,705,907
Rating: 4.6817436 out of 5
Keywords: best news bloopers 2019 #3, news bloopers 2019, news bloopers, bloopers, funny, comedy, outtakes, laugh, tv, humor, 2019, Blooper (TV Genre), News (Topic), News (Broadcast genre), Live television (Topic), Television comedy (Television genre), Comedy (TV Genre), Television (Topic), news broadcasting (TV Genre)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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