Best NES ROMhacks - SNESdrunk

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[Music] hello in the past i've looked at rom hacks for the super nintendo and i cranked out three of those videos already so i think it's about time to take a look at some rom hacks for nes games it's tough to parse which ones are worth playing because there's so many out there they're seemingly an endless amount for games like mario 3 metroid castlevania all that stuff but i found some favorites that are really well done without being ridiculously difficult we'll start with super mario brothers 3 mix made by south bird here we've got all new levels new power-ups like a penguin instead of a frog what is mario cosplaying as pentaro now i never figured mario for a parodius fan we've also got star coins that unlock other parts of the game and there's even alternate exits in some levels there's also stuff from levels and other mario games you're sure to recognize and you can even go back to previous levels you've completed to find any star coins you might have missed in addition to all that you can play as luigi or toad although that's mostly cosmetic they don't really play differently like mario 2 but still it's pretty dang cool there's also a save feature here something that's bothered many over the years about the original mario 3 but man oh man you'd be hard pressed to find a better nes rom hack than this one it's reasonably polished and it's challenging without being kaizo level hard the title doesn't lie it really does feel like a remix of mario 3 and it's well worth checking out next there's mario adventure made by dark days which has been hailed by many over the years as the definitive mario 3 rom hack and yeah it lives up to the hype all the worlds have completely new themes like hotfoot caverns which seemingly takes place in a volcano or kuribo's woods which puts a big emphasis on precise platforming i've said this before but the frustrating thing about finding good rom hacks is that some are just way too hard and it's usually because it's easy to just skew everything toward the difficult side without thinking about difficulty balancing mario adventure however nails the difficulty there's some creative level design here and it's challenging while still being approachable even for casual gamers what helps you out is that you can switch power ups on the fly so you can glide along with the raccoon tail land and flip to the fire flower and blast some enemies this is one rom hack that lives up to the hype definitely check out mario adventure let's do one more mario rom hack with extra mario bros made by ata here we've got if mario were made like a metroid game there's five different areas to explore through warp tunnels and unfortunately you can only move from left to right here but the game does a nice job putting the emphasis on exploration heck there's even tiles lifted straight from metroid itself in this one we got new enemies new power-ups there's even a new physics engine at work so yeah if you want to play an nes mario game that has a metroid slant to it then you gotta play extra mario bros of metroid next we have metroid rogue dawn made by a team of folks led by grimlock optomon and snarflam roguedon is an unofficial prequel that covers the events leading up to the original metroid game including the theft of the capsule which led to ridley and mother brain gaining control of the metroids the story here is actually pretty interesting and i don't want to spoil anything but as you can see the game itself is a complete rework of the original with most of the basic gameplay left intact but there's a lot of quality of life improvements that weren't in the original game like you know a freaking map and it's even on screen too even better simply put metroid rogue dawn is a must play if you're a metroid fan it's clear this one was made by some dedicated and passionate metroid fans and the result is a rom hack that feels like a brand new game and it does not disappoint let's move on to a couple mega man hacks with mega man cx made by himajin jikichu and this hack takes mega man 2 and rearranges a few things for instance you get items one two and three right from the beginning of the game with item one producing platforms beneath you there can be three on screen at once item two regains any weapon or life energy and item three grants about one second of invincibility for each use you can also dash you can find heart tanks you can even call for help from other characters like quick man there's all sorts of other characters that show up and there's surprises that i don't want to spoil but this is a really fun hack any mega man fan is sure to enjoy next there's rock man 4 minus infinity made by pirasabe and yes you do have to use a rockman 4 rom for this to work everything here is upgraded so to speak from the levels to the bosses to the weapons even the music the levels now include branching paths with hidden bosses similar to the x-series only run into bosses from the past like shadow man and crash man now that's cool what really makes this one fun are the boss fights their patterns are completely redone which makes this one challenging in a really fun way overall though this is mega man 4 with a comprehensive overhaul with tons of surprises and lots to find and explore and even if you're not that big of a mega man fan this one is really worth checking out there are several castlevania hacks that are well worth your time so i picked holy relics blood moon and chorus of mysteries these are already pretty popular with most folks i mean there has been reproduction cards made for these hacks going back over 10 years now so i'll just give a really brief summary of each holy relics is my pick for the best of the bunch it's an impressively polished and fully realized game that can easily stand on its own merits even if you're not crazy about castlevania there's lots of improvements from the original game and it feels like what castlevania 2 should have been in the minds of a lot of fans if you're looking for more of a challenge within the castlevania universe then blood moon is what you need the basic mechanics are tinkered with a bit and take some getting used to but it's still well worth a play through if that kind of challenge doesn't jive with you then try out chorus of mysteries another really challenging hack but it stays closer to the original castlevania with the catch being that it plays as a side story with new characters and new levels anyone you choose here you can't go wrong with these three hacks since we're on castlevania i gotta mention castlevania 2 simon's quest since there's two hacks that function more as improvement patches that keep the game as it was intended so to speak while cleaning up a lot of the issues and adding some quality of life improvements one patch is called redaction that's a pretty popular one that's been around a long time that many people swear by it speeds up the text and fixes a lot of the translation if you want to go a step further there's also the retranslation and map patch which obviously adds a helpful map to the proceedings so that's pretty cool i also have to mention final fantasy ultra champion edition this is the latest of a long running final fantasy hack made by robert auguste meyer that goes back years you get 12 classes to choose from starting out and hey there's people here that actually tell you what the classes do and all that also the world map has changed the dungeons have been rearranged but not too much so the game really does feel like a new adventure in a familiar world there's also plenty of quality of life improvements here like a dash button and the ability to speed up battles but i should mention that this game is far from a cakewalk i found it interesting that it's actually difficult to find gold in this hack it's not one of those games where you've got it coming out of your ears after a couple hours so you gotta be smart on how you spend there's lots of bonus material too so if you dig the original final fantasy you gotta check this one out not done yet i'm gonna go off the beaten path a little bit with a few others here's a hack for a game that never reached north america called gimmick and this hack is simply called gimmick 2 made by pack and sack dave okay this hack isn't the most polished there's quite a few unfair deaths and some wonky level design and it needs quite a bit more work to say the least still i wanted to make sure people saw this one just to prove that some people out there are working on hacks other than the usual mario castlevania mega man stuff and hey even if it's not that good i still encourage folks to try it out themselves and give some constructive feedback that's one way these hacks can get better there's also jackal 2 by ray of j he's given the whole game an overhaul with new levels enemy logic changes and all sorts of other tweaks like when dying instead of losing all your firepower you're only taken down just a notch and i appreciate that i hate dying and starting with nothing it also maintains its two-player co-op compatibility and you're gonna need a second player because once again this one is really really hard i understand these hacks are made by folks that have put hundreds of hours into their games so it's probably not hard to them but to the average player a game like this is going to be pretty tough it's still a good time though i mean you're in a tank i mean whoops a jeep and you're shooting stuff it can't get more simple than that finally here's one called ducktales 2 the new journey and it's a hack of ducktales 2 as opposed to the first ducktales which is kind of cool to see especially since in this hack there's a ton of emphasis on exploration and finding the seemingly endless number of secret areas in this game it's reasonably well done again don't expect triple a level polish here since it's made by just one fellow by the name of mechanic cd-rr but still this is a promising start on a romhack for a title you hardly ever see any for so i'm always happy to see even just a little progress on some games that you just don't hear about as often alright that's all for now i want to thank you for watching and i hope you have a great rest of your day [Music] you
Channel: SNES drunk
Views: 219,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nintendo, nes, romhacks, mega man, metroid, best, review, mario, duck tales, homebrew, snesdrunk
Id: LsV4koZgOYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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