Best Moments from Chuggaaconroy's Pokémon Platinum Let's Play

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so glad you're kind toward Pokemon if you weren't I'd have to I just can't say it what were you gonna kill me or something the music would suck Wow dawn is a homicidal maniac apparently that's not a sight of her character I think I've ever seen before I'll then it's it has no purpose for existing what's the matter cricket taught you feeling like the obviously scrapped pre evolution of volbeat Neela may say that you are oh I am so I'm never doing that again Wow first off is this guy yes sir and old rod is a good thing hey I'm not gonna judge you if you're into that you think so - am i right buddy I'm only 10 years old but okay yes good answer we can be friends here you go that's my older rod just can't believe that guy tonight at the end and one step one step after wears off I get jumped on by a Geodude we can see that he also has won badges at this point of the adventure his play time is a lot shorter than mine head if we go to the back you can sign the back of your trainer card I like walking two spaces north of the hikers watch this look at his eyes it's just like hey hiker you got mustard on your shirt it's like he's a reacting to like something bad you should talk to the underground man in aterna City been there done that don't need to see anything else your planet needs you goodbye Wow I was doing a bit more digging and I uncovered what I think is the sky plate what very next dig I get the poisoned blade are you serious hi don't forget to close the door when you're decorating we don't want any visitors getting hurt by walking in and you Hey like bad bad naked I can't believe I just said that out loud I am so new but I need a thing before I see region were missing is Hoenn so I thought this would be a perfect compromise of bull squeaking it okay good what well I'll be right back so we're gonna go through one at a time and see what we got here you named it whoa well the walk back to Selassie on town would be a really long trek or a really long bike ride in my case but you know what I caught myself Kirlia and I could step outside and then use it okay now we will use this teleport and I will show off how awesome like earlier right you can't use it in a town you have to be in a route right back once again I will show how awesome my Kirlia is damn it we will go back to Selassie on town in an instant with this thing wait I healed of the orberg pokemons sorry kirlia I thought I was gonna be all cool and flaunt you all over the place but I guess I'll just bike back to Seoul I see on town and shame I want to look bad again not my boyfriend is watching um guys I got news for you um whoever's idea was to come here on a date is kind of a deadbeat as it Wow did not mean to make a pun out of that bad taste joke is bad days Wow okay I guess to be fair we're not really underground so much as we are above it but I can tie it onto like a tombstone and a rappel out the window wow I'm just going all around bad taste here um I'll meet you guys down at the bottom before I dig myself I just what is it with my unintentional puns today I swear I'm not meaning to be disrespectful me it can raise happiness so leave that obtain the determination oh I don't know maybe I'm just not patient enough where I just don't have the coordination though but I've known people that can win so much stuff on this Oh just as soon as I say I'm complete ass at this wow this game is really out to cheer me up today um only two really well that kind of stinks oh great ball okay uh let's see if we can match this now didn't get anything every replay Oh another sight look be a lady tonight Oh wake that's seven days that took of on and off attempts whenever I happen to have the time to do it and for what for what some text boxes because I'm not gonna use this TM the things I do to get footage of everything TM 64 explosion the wordplay on the sign outside finally comes full circle please keep playing the slots for another explosion of good luck she says that is misleading text if I've ever seen it I have a story about this TM BEC when diamond was new I played these slots for a good couple of weeks trying to get to ten bonus rounds I was the first of my friends to do it and when I finally got that TM I had a friend who was a fellow competitive player asked me hey would you be willing to trade that to me for something and I'm like yeah sure why not I can always play the slots again to get another one considering that she said that no one per se file you can't get another one without restarting that is bad text I'm sorry I just I've earned this rent I've been wanting to tell that story for like eight years now these reporters are still blocking Lake valor and we can't go in at all even though that galactic goon ran over here I guess to let him through but not us maybe that he agreed to in interviews that's why they did it it's just these freaking that moment when it hits you that the reason why they haven't been reported is because they are the reporters they don't report this stuff on the news because they own the news hall conspiracy it's over I have beaten your challenge target number was nine turns I did it in five I am perfect because I have the most powerful magic of all on my side but friendship no not friendship the ability to manipulate space time what amount of friendship is gonna beat that wait what wait what what what it doesn't count if I beat the target number but the target number meant that I had to do it either equal to or less than spell tag or shadow tech shadow dude nevermind you today I start today huh I saw it today's number is 94 show me put show me a Pokemon that is level 94 and you will reward me you jerk Wow if that's not rotten luck I don't know what is I'm just trying to step very carefully the worst thing about these areas is when you step on the wrong tile and you have to redo everything you've worked for up to that point I swear that was not on purpose Wow well sings we are here and super nova is 1/2 a level away from getting that evolution that I really wanted we may as well see what's metronome spamming gets us here roar whoa that is a 150 power special dragon type move Fire Blast supernova can we can we talk like really can we talk your luck like I thought stars were supposed to be lucky people wish on them and just why shining these it's really only meant for those situations when I just barely don't one shot something sandstorm what is it with the AI trainers and not reading that I have magic guard I'm not complaining though but it just kind of seems like dude that is an 85 accurate move and I have missed three times out of four with it Oh four times out of five point is we have made Barry wait quite a long wale red deep look look at his face like his eyes Barry I knew we were impatient but I think we made him wait so long that he lost his soul well um I guess he's waited long enough he can definitely wait a few more minutes uh yeah Acrobat can learn that I'm kind of wondering if maybe I should get rid of bite in favor of u-turn uh kid isn't it nice I left my inflatable tube kid I am rushing off toward an explosion I think that's a little bit more important than you and your do oh okay oh that after only two columns oh there you are just north of that shard rainy days make me feel blue the snowy days make you feel light but the instant sorts of snow I'm as happy as can be I guess if you think of what being white is that kind of counts oh wow okay that was a really dicey rare candy is the only thing that could make me glad that I walk through four spaces okay I'm not gonna complain about the snow speed all that much I feel like I did that enough last time and I'm kind of sorry I've got to be a bit much but it really is just that bad and if there's one other good thing that I can say about that root and the vein of trying to be more positive about it at least they weren't jerks enough to put a daily event on that root be thankful for that much hello hello would you like to hear a trendy saying sure very well um incidentally I had a very refreshing dream last night trendy saying for you would be are you serious this guy had to have heard my complaining from like across the tundra I must have been like complaining so loud I caused an avalanche I hope you'll use trendy things in a trendy way oh my goodness me I'm taking that too far you oh my god I was wondering when she was gonna come up yeah she's like hi do you have medicham if you do what do you want to trade it for my hon sir oh boy I hate this woman okay hunter I hate this hunter I don't say that I hate many things in this world but I hate this hunter okay first off yes hunter is good it evolves in a gengar who has always been a great Pokemon and it's even better now thanks to new moves like focus blast sure but this this I know what you're thinking wow I can train a hunter and evolve it in a gengar as soon as I get it without having to do any multiplayer stuff that's awesome no this woman is a troll to the greatest degree of trolls she tells you that and then gives you Haunter and Everstone plus Nintendo Wi-Fi connection is gone it's offline if you can trade it after deke whipping this item by all means instant Gengar but otherwise stay away this woman is evil and I think all of us playing through this game for the first time have sour memories of thinking hey medicham is right outside of town I'll catch that and get an instant Ganga I didn't even trade for it ant no you won't in addition if you're wondering where this teleporter went it goes to this room it's how Syrus got to that speaking room and I guess to spread a little sunshine on the dire situation we have ahead of us and the fight that we have coming up let's have a little bit of fun this Mike is right here unattended so some snot-nosed brat could just walk right up to it and go Team Galactic smells and have it heard all throughout the building ha ha ha sorry I always wanted to do that couldn't resist it's kind of funny um this room this particular room amount Coronet I have very strange memories with I have a friend I was with him when this happened so I can attest to this being real he was in this room didn't have any repels left he into a shiny traveler and it you self-destruct you can imagine how soul-crushing that was but that's not the end of the story his very next encounter was another shiny traveler and also you self-destruct on the first sir it is by far the best worst luck I think I have ever seen anyone have in my entire life you could activate my marvel scale once again that might be kind of good maybe I should have kept that on this is really bad come on vanity please please do this come on vanity come on I think I've lost this I really do dude vanity okay I'll admit not healing what I had when I had Acrobat on the field was kind of super to me just for seeing if I couldn't do without healing items but man having an arrow win like that I think was kind of worth it oh man I'm shaking a little bit right now it's been a while I've tried a few timer balls I'm down to 20 dust balls let's try it why not okay heel ball let's see if you'll look fabulous in pink one two three Oh miss Britt I'm sorry it's not that I don't like you I think you are an incredibly charming pokemon and you've had some sweet moments in the story up to this point but you just don't stand out that much in battle thought I had it there for a moment that is the best I have done so far wait oh my god I didn't realize it misfit really is charming yes Oh desperate I didn't realize you meant that in your starting moves that even though you used it before now I didn't put doing two together you really are charming miss RIT okay it's official more than ever before you need to be made part of my collection of Pokemon now that I know that you are playing off of my words to make your own bad puns without being able to speak human language you are genius talk to him again yeah a konnichiwa Bolger and all the rest of you have you a Pokemon Kofi neon say oh and Pokemon fish style if you'll be so kind trade it will you for my precious magic are we should miss a portion upon the buff front say I shall give you a fee neon is I have armed myself with the knowledge that you would have the same game trade for me here today yeah I am so sorry to all 12 countries I have just offended in the span of like one minute I don't know I feel so dirty using things like PP Max and ethers and a look yo ass okay you are a brilliant ass that is what you are Wow though I will say from powerful he is he can certainly work at his intimidation tactics a little bit I don't exactly think Bobo Bobo is the best battle cry or the most intimidating one just saying also you see that metal thing on top of its head it's a toy airplanes and now you can never unsee it alright alright and now let's go up here I know that there was an item think we saw earlier the brilliant essary is spreading that is the second time we have seen anything like that Wow should I say slam into that rock of how I'm just liking my extreme wording today I run into a wild Pokemon on the only tile aren't you here I'm like I don't need to use repels because there's no encounters on the eyes and then I forget that this is a DES pokémon game I seem to also really like that accidentally almost like a muds I like the word slam regigigas is only level one hahaha oh poor regigigas it was lowered from level 70 and diamond and pearl and I don't know why poor poor regigigas they're not referring to Reggie rock Reggie Ison registeel as they're only speaking of one Pokemon they say they feared it's and the three Reggie golems are nothing but keys dog I thought we'd be here a heck of a lot longer yes they service keys - open - Reggie Giga sis's tomb in the sinoese I don't know what they were so afraid of it being a maze Lee level one but maybe in an alternate universe where it was level 70 it might have been pretty fearsome so what happens when you mess with science and force a legendary Pokemon to breed Fiona happens with one leg in a third arm growing out of a lump on its head it is a monstrosity born of the loins of manaphy drama aside if not very good next is the ribbon syndicate I do apologize what-what-what-what I thought I had enough I'll be right back now will you let me in why the heck nice let's go inside I do wait no I have ten ribbons why are you talking oh okay I thought she was actually gonna turn me away cuz it's been a long time as I've seen this and that is every single obtainable pokemon in pokemon platinum and with all of that done rapunzel hahaha well there goes all the drama from this situation alright with man I am just having a really rotten time in his video I seriously knocked over by drinking the glass here's a great story about getting splashed with water old man the end old man's gonna go with that that sounds refreshing it's made me feel awake thank you please give this to your Pokemon the alert ribbon
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,544,696
Rating: 4.8083482 out of 5
Keywords: chuggaaconroy, pokemon, pokémon, platinum, pokemon platinum, pokémon platinum, let's play, lp, lets play, let's, lets, play, best moments, funniest moments, gaming, funny, best, highlight, highlights, reel, highlight reel, episode, Rowan a Bodhi, Digging Ourselves a Hole, Where the Lost Ones Go, Hasta Fuego!, Snow to Anger, Snowpoint-less, Bird Migration, Shoveling Sinnoh, Last Episode, I'll Fly, Out of Time, Out of Place, Park It, Barry Picking, Dawning the Tutorials, Route or Burgh?
Id: gifnq8fRetY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2016
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