Best Matron (Maid) of Honor Speech Ever

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old sister and this means that I've known Haley for her entire life she still chose me to be her matron of honor which I thought was a bold choice um there may be people in this room who have been friends with Haley for longer than I have but I definitely tell your sister and don't worry nowadays Haley is absolutely my best friend and she can tell that she has this Honor by the sheer amount of daily Facebook messages I sent her I love I have a lot of thoughts a lot to share and Haley and I have shared so much you'll usually hear us describe our relationship as sea stars doing sea star things and we have done so many sea star things from murder mysteries featuring Barbie to bring your sister to work months AKA Christmas at Pandora but um usually it's more just like get the car we're getting sushi so um when I say I'm the eldest Roselle sister I am more than five and a half years older than Haley is so we were never at the same school at the same time and although we both grew up in the world of theater doing shows modeling auditioning for commercials movies reality TV shows we were actually only ever in one production together it was Fiddler on the Roof and get this We Were cast as sisters now it is a little known fact that Haley and I have actually worked on a lot of projects together and when I say projects I mean homework now I want to take this opportunity to share one story in particular with you all my sister is known for playing a lot of important characters like Little Orphan Annie Helen Keller and Frank but I think that some of her best work is little-known piece of gorilla theater called Haley the clown let me explain so in eighth grade they make you do this assignment like what I want to be when I grow up and you were supposed to go through step by step and say how you're actually going to make that happen now my family fearful little superstition didn't exactly want to give anyone any ideas so we are all sitting at the table wrapping our brains and I look over and I go what have you said you wanted to be a clown and that's history um let it never be said that my sister was not down the clown now uh this presentation was beautiful it was perfect it was unhinged it was not just I don't want to grow up and be a clown it was my clown name will be Haley the clown I'm gonna create called Kicks and Giggles to make the clown lifestyle more accessible I'm gonna go viral by getting in a Twitter war with Ronald McDonald she said all this and more that's a straight face and uh people believed her who came up to her afterwards and was like Haley I didn't know you wanted to be a clown and I just love that to this day there are people out there who are confused about what happened now speaking of what happened I'd like to turn our attention back to the happy couple I'd love to explain how all this came to be from my perspective so something I probably should have explained earlier is my family team or so is um very close you know some parents have no idea what is going on with their kids but Haley and I would both come home from school and give Mom a full recap of our day the mama wrapped her as I called her was getting all the tea so where I'm going with this is I was not around as much for Haley's High School Recaps due to the age difference but even I knew about Jason black now what did I know about Jason black one Jason's laughing two everybody had a crush on Jason black now I'll always check it out you've heard that Haley and Jason um you know met in high school and did not start dating in high school they were in sold out that's an acapella choir that was founded when I was at Wilsonville High School which exists solely for the purpose of singing Mercy by Duffy and never learning any other songs [Music] the baroness is so close and then they graduated and went to different schools and I was like because it kind of seemed like something was supposed to happen there um and again my family Incredibly Close ordering on hive mind so I know I was thinking this the rest of the house was as well and I got proof on that actually because a few years later I was with a mama Raptor and we ran into Valerie Blanc and uh these two started trying to arrange this marriage and uh for the record I thought it was a very good idea though and I don't think it's a it's a good idea now but we still had to wait a little while longer for Haley to come home and tell us that she was finally going on a date with Jason black um then it seems to me like the next thing that happened was I was minding my business asleep on my couch and she was there trying to wake me up to tell me they were engaged [Music] now um so sorry take a moment I've Rewritten this a few million times it's awesome [Music] ah yes yes so recently for the bridal shower my parents honored the first known picture of Haley and Jason together and it's in the choir room there was a choir and they are on completely opposite sizes things and um knowing what we know now you just want to go and get them closer together but what's meant to be will be and love isn't just finding the right person it's finding the right person at the right time now you may have thought that I was done talking about clients because Haley reprized her role it's Haley the clown in a high school physics class which she shared with Jason um so for her passion project she once again got up there told everyone how much she wanted to be a clown and then started discussing the physics of getting shot out of a cannon as well as the physics of juggling which she mentioned she was actually not very good at and after this presentation Jason approached Haley and offered to teach her how to juggle and I think that should tell you everything Jason black has always been ready to help my sister achieve her dreams [Laughter] even if that dream was just an inside joke between us that had gone too far for my final thoughts um something you should know about me is that I love Sabrina the Teenage Witch with Melissa Joan Hart and yes I mentioned this in my college application I will be now spoilers but in the series finale of Sabrina um titled soulmates Harvey and Sabrina right off together and everyone gathers on the chapel steps and they all say it's about time so Haley Jason congratulations it's about time [Applause]
Channel: Jerry Rousselle
Views: 249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: i2VgRq-uIuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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