Best Learning Video for Kids | Fun Preschool Learning Videos for Kids | The Dr. Binocs Show

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you must be thinking I'm out of my senses right well that's because I have a lot of sensations to deal with hey did you always know that there are only five senses no there are more the sense of sight smell touch hearing and taste are the common ones the uncommon ones our sense of oh wait we got to zoom in for that human pressure ever played red hands and fell the pressure when you try to remove your hand from the bottom there you go pressure is a different sense quite different from the sense of touch thermo ception hmm YUM Wow hey be careful that's hot hmm well thermo ception is the ability to sense hot and cold there are various thermo scepters in the brain which are used for monitoring internal body temperature as well tension sensors now that's heavy tension sensors are found in your muscles which allow the brain to monitor muscle tension hunger that's our favorite sense this allows you to know when your body feels hungry and needs something to eat hmm nociception oh that must hurt right yeah nociception is the ability to feel pain if you think this is the extremity of the sense of touch then know you're slightly mistaken this sense is way more than just touching because it has a separate sensory system equally Dreier ception this sense allows you to keep your balance and sense your body movements probably one of the reasons why you don't keep falling magnet reception it is the ability to detect magnetic fields which help us in the sense of direction first this sense checks the hydration levels of your body it tells you whether your body needs water ah I was super thirsty trivia time the back of a human body is the least sensitive part the traditional face census model was credited to Aristotle so this is me zooming out hi friends did you just see that mighty beast well that's a sharp Hey that's not done I'm no Beast dr. Bai knocks I mean look at my wife and look at me I'm a tiny little bean oh I'm sorry mr. Schock I was kidding I know you're not a beast but a lot of people think you are so why don't you clear that myth today my friend that's a good idea friends wanna bust some myths about sharks today I know you do come soo min it is said that most sharks are man-eaters and they deliberately hunt humans which is not completely true bull sharks tend to eat fish or invertebrates such as squids or clams if sharks happen to kill humans it's mostly because of mistaken identity sharks grossly mistake humans to be some fish or another animal I'm sure you would have heard the sharks have lots and lots of sharp pointed teeth well not all sharks have Icicle like feet the basking shark has tiny teeth which it does not even use for hunting or feeding and the horn shark has smaller like teeth which is used to crush it's hard shelled prey it is often believed that sharks are indiscriminate killers but most of the times they are victims of massive hunting for their fins which is made into sharks oops whoa oh people claim that shark fins are tasty and have a lot of nutritional value which is absolutely untrue shark fins are tasteless with absolutely no nutritional value and if you think sharks have no predators you're wrong humans are their biggest predators if you actually look at numbers you'll be surprised to know that sharks kill approximately six humans in one year whereas humans kill about 100 million now that's called being indiscriminate sharks also help a lot in maintaining the balance of life since they are the top of the food chain they keep the marine population in check trivia time there are approximately 500 species of shark out of which white sharks tiger sharks and bull sharks are the most dangerous ones sharks have an extremely strong sense of smell almost two-thirds of its brain is dedicated to the sense of smell so friends now you know that sharks are a lot more than just scary teeth you're right dr. Vioxx thanks for clearing the silly myths about me I owe you one oh come on let's drink some soup really not shark fin soup oh there you go so this is me zooming out no news I got to be more careful oh hello friends I am in space today but you know why look to tell you about these magnificent solar objects whoo comments let's zoom in comets are one of the most rare objects in the solar system often known as the dirt balls of the solar system that's because they are made of dust and ice wrapping themselves around a small rocky core astronomers believe that comets are leftovers from the beginning of the solar system but hey they don't look like leftovers at all they appear magical when they reflect light from the Sun that's right comets do not have their own light they are reflectors of light when a comet travels towards the Sun the radiation and heat caused solar winds which often blow the gas and dust of the comet and therefore it appears as if the tail is behind the comet and when the comet travels away from the Sun the tail is formed in front of the comet well have you ever wondered where are comets usually found yes yes they do orbit around the Sun mostly but they spend billions of years in the Kuiper belt or in the old clouds the Kuiper belt is found beyond the orbit of Neptune the earth clouds are found in the outermost reaches of the sky and comets livia because it's cold yeah unfortunately they don't live long once they enter the warmer part of the solar system traveling through the inner solar system eventually kills them and after several thousand years they melt triviatime I know you wouldn't but if you ever plan to go inside a comet you'll be hit by microscopic pieces of dust the name comment was given by Aristotle meaning hair of the head hey all my teeny-tiny friends the most famous comet the Halley's Comet will appear in the sky in 2061 but don't worry you don't have to wait that much to see me the next time this is me zooming out I am the meteorite don't take me for a ride cuz I didn't turn into me to your paw I passed through the atmosphere of the earth no don't get scared cuz I then turn into me to your ride that's right haha very well mr. meteorite let me simplify your poem for my friends out here come we'll talk about meteoroids meteors and meteorites today zoom in a meteoroid is a small rocky solar object found in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter yikes which is often known as the solar junkyard when the molecules around the meteoroids rub against them they start burning when this burning meteoroid passes through the Earth's atmosphere it is called a meteor and when that meteor survives through the atmosphere and collides with the Earth's surface it's called a meteorite a meteoroid a meteor and a meteorite haven't you seen shooting stars Wow well those are actually made yours some meteors burn brighter than the rest of known as fireballs some fireballs appear even brighter than the planet Venus there's a small percentage of meteoroids that follow a particular path to the Earth's atmosphere and then back out again and they are called grazing fireballs about 25 million meteors enter the Earth's atmosphere every day but most of them often burn up giving out 1 million kilograms of dust per day that settles on the Earth's surface so who knows the dust around you could be from space the meteorites are classified into three types the stony ones the ones that have iron in them and the magnetic ones triviatime asteroids apparent bodies of meteoroids nearly 500 meteorites reach Earth's surface every year out of which only 5 to 6 reach the scientists for their study I am the meteorite I used to shine so bright this earth is such a plight I am the meteorite I am the meteorite I used to shine so bright this is me you're filming out oh it's dark here and I can't see you oh wait hey there wonder what we do without lights right so come on let's talk about lights today zoom in light is a form of energy made of photons a photon is the smallest unit of visible light now you ask me how does light travel well light is unique as it behaves both like a particle and a wave that behaves differently with different kinds of matter if light hits an object and passes through it that object is known as a transparent object let's do one thing take a glass of water and switch on a torch see the light passing through well this proves that water is transparent there are certain objects through which light cannot pass and it changes its spot after hitting the object these objects are called opaque objects such as wood the mobile you are using right now and you as well hmm yeah humans are opaque as well some objects allow light to pass through them partially and they are known as translucent objects such as plastic butter paper and frosted glass and do you know what travels the fastest no not a space rocket well it's light in vacuum where there's no obstacle light travels at the speed of more than 0.1 million miles per second okay so the distance between the Sun and Earth is 93 million miles but it takes only eight minutes for light to reach the earth that's a whopping speed isn't it when light travels through different mediums it slows down and sometimes bends and this bending of light is known as refraction kavika filled with water and place a pencil in it now look carefully do you see a bend in the pencil no no the pencil didn't bend the light race just got refracted that's why you see the pencil bent trip real time did you know that humans have bioluminescent which means that they emit light but their glow is 1000 times weaker than what the naked eye can register light takes approximately 1.2 seconds to reach the moon from the earth so friends did I not light up your tickling brain cells today I feel plants are the nicest beings on this planet they never harm anyone rather they get each and all the time oops I guess some eat too and that's why I am here today to tell you about plants that eat me come with me human plants that capture praise such as insects spiders lights and each meat for their survival are known as insectivorous or carnivorous plants most of the carnivorous plants live in wet boggy areas where the soil doesn't have much nutrients they derive the nutrients from their preys and whatever little nutrients available to them through soil they have a strong digestive system which helps break down complex food items the different types of carnivorous plants all pitfall traps popularly known as pitcher plants via pitcher plants because they look like pitchers shaped vessels filled with fluid the insect is lured by the syrupy fluid and just when they come to drink it they get drowned some pitcher plants have a little them to trap their preys flypaper traps some flypaper traps have leaves covered with a sticky substance on which the prey gets caught these plants also digest their preys through their leaves other kind of flypaper traps use tentacle-like stalks covered with glands to trap and digest insects their stalks have digestive soup on them to absorb the nutrients snap traps venus flytrap is the most popular snap trap here the plant has multi cleaves that literally snap shut when an insect or spider lands on it there are some snap traps that are found underwater and they are known as waterwheel plants they do the same thing but under water bladder traps plants of this kind work in the most interesting way where there are sex on the plants known as bladders that create vacuum and suck the insect to digest it later lobster pots traps the plant first knows it's insects with its sweet-smelling nectar once the insect is trapped inside it sees light shining through the leaves which looks like exits to escape the insect travels towards the light which is nothing but another trap this is the plants way of actually misdirecting the insect to the inside of the pitcher beverages caught and eaten by the digestive liquids trim your time some picture plants are so large they can catch and consume rats and frogs some carnivorous plants reflect ultraviolet light to attract their preys hey don't go there wait I'll help you so this is me zooming out oh who's that Hey you're disturbing the air around us oh sorry I know I'm farting a lot today hmm guess you took in a lot of carbon dioxide for lunch yesterday yah could be did you just hear them friends oh no not their fault and that reminds me that I need to tell you about the process of excretion in plants come with me just like humans plants to feel the need to remove all sorts of waste materials from their bodies however plants have a much simpler process of excretion hey did you know that plants read well yes just like humans have sweat glands plants have small openings under their leaves called stomata that release water and oxygen just how the pose of your body release sweat but their waste material is a lot more useful than ours Lance also released waste by humiliating it in the vacuous of aging leave cells the leaves then fall off eventually removing the waste material this process is known as abscission don't you sometimes have dry skin that eventually falls off yep kind the same have you noticed leaves changing their color in autumn this happens mostly because of the waste pigments that start getting stored inside the leaves see the sticky fluid well this is another kind of waste produced by the plants which is often used out from the bark of trees apart from the sticky fluid there are other waste products like resins gums and latex but hey you got to be careful because sometimes these products can be poisonous but most of the other times they are quite useful for example latex is used to produce gloves and clothing triviatime the bark of a willow tree produces a chemical that helps in the making of aspirin a medicine for pain and fever both leaves turn brown due to the waste material in them so friends plant more and more trees because they are the reason why you can breathe hello it's quite windy today so I thought I'll take a quick flight it sure is you mean hurricane do you mean fly oh okay well that reminds me that today's topic is hurricane whoa a hurricane is a huge storm that generally forms over warm ocean waters near the equator the warm air above the ocean Rises upward thus creating an area of low pressure below air from the surrounding areas pushed in and try to fill the area with low air pressure which now becomes warm and moist and rises to as the moist air rises the surrounding air again tries to fill in and this process continues till the water in the air forms clouds soon the clouds and winds live around fueled by the oceans heat and water vapor therefore hurricanes could also be called giant engines that use warm and moist air as their fuel when we see from the top hurricanes can be as huge as 300 miles wide the center of the hurricane is called the eye of the hurricane which is the calmest part the eye wall surrounds the eye where the most damaging winds are found it can range anywhere from five to thirty miles then comes the rain bands which surround the eye wall these bands are a series of dense clouds that give a pinwheel like appearance to the hurricane which range from 50 to 300 miles hurricanes are divided into five categories depending on the speed of the wind yeah take a look category three four and five are the most dangerous ones a huge hurricane can release energy equivalent to ten atomic bombs per second degree hurricanes in the Pacific Ocean unknown as typhoons so this is me hello kids won't it be great if we could just pack up bags and keep flying from place to place hey you can't do that because you don't have wings like me oh yes you're right but there's one major difference between you and my friends out there and that is you're a migratory bird silly oops why don't that's right me doesn't matter you go take your flight and I'll tell my friends all about birds like you oh I've been so special doctor bye knocks come friends let's know more about migratory birds zoom in migratory birds are those birds that travel from one place to another at regular intervals over long distances and they migrate to escape the cold harsh winter weather in search of food and a warm cozy shelter there are various types of migratory birds resident birds pigeons and doves are good examples these birds just don't migrate they are able to find food and a warm shelter where they are staying we might not travel a lot dr. Bai Knox but we do spread love all around from place to place short distant migrants Robin's a shot distant migrants as the name suggests these birds move only a short distance from lower elevations to mountainside hey but don't you must take me for a nightingale I might look like one but I'm not okay oh my friends won't they are very smart aren't you guys medium distant migrants these birds travel over distances that covers several states they don't really travel a lot but not that they won't travel this isn't it mr. bluej hmm you seem to know me quite well dr. Bai knocks but there's one more secret about me you wanna know sure tell us we are all waiting I'm quite mischievous dr. binocs because I hunt more than I can't leave long distant migrants these birds travel typically from United States and Canada to wintering grounds in Central and South America the Arctic Tern is an example of long distance migrants and I am the record holder for covering the longest distance of forty four thousand miles all vai that's huge just to let you know the circumference of the earth is approximately 29,000 miles so imagine how much these birds travel trivia time before migrating many birds enter a state of hyperphagia where the hormone levels compel them to drastically increase their body weight to stow fat to use as energy while traveling and so birds also have the ability to sense the Earth's magnetic field to help them navigate now I need to travel now wait till I come back next whoo-hoo mr. frog are you alive of course I am why wouldn't I be huh see that friends mr. frog can breathe both inside and outside of water is magic dr. Bai knocks you understand ha ha ha well well it's no magic my friends it's just a way of life for some animals in the animal kingdom come let me tell you something about it human the animal kingdom is divided into two groups invertebrates and vertebrates but today we will talk about the vertebrates the animals with the backbone are called vertebrates which are further split into smaller groups and phibian reptiles birds and mammals now let us explore a little until their world's amphibians frogs and salamanders are some of the most popular and fibia pnes they are the ones that can live both on land and water they are cold blooded animals and lay eggs coated in jelly they have gills to breathe underwater and lungs to breathe on land reptiles snakes and crocodiles are examples of reptiles their bodies are made of dry scales they lay their eggs on land and spend almost only a time underwater they too are cold blooded and it is only sometimes that they come on land to soak the Sun bugs oh you've all seen Birds haven't you owls sparrows parents etc well they have feathers and wings but hey not all birds fly they lay eggs that are hard shelled and a warm-blooded mammals lions and pandas are examples of mammals they give birth to young ones instead of laying eggs they have lungs to breathe and of warm-blooded we have hair of firm and have special glands to produce milk for the young ones even humans are mammals yes you are triviatime animals without a backbone are called invertebrates and they were the first animals to evolve there are approximately 52,000 species of vertebrates so what are you waiting for look around and start identifying this is me zooming out hey dr. by knocks hey there hello dr. by knocks hello oh hello friends did you spot any kind of difference between these two I'll give you ten points if you do no well don't worry I'll tell you how they are different from each other but for that I need to tell you all about the animal kingdom come with me human the animal kingdom is divided into two groups invertebrates and vertebrates and today we'll talk about the invertebrates animals without a backbone are called invertebrates which are further classified into bones sea jellies more lusts anthropods and sponges now let us explore a little into their worlds worms they have long soft bodies with no legs oh and your body of things you've seen earthworms right if you haven't rushed to your nearest garden see jellies jellyfish is a good example here they have soft and long stinging bodies stinging because they use their stingers to stun their prey before pulling them into their stop molluscs they have soft and warm bodies many of them have hard shells like the snail other examples are octopus and squid anthropods these animals from the largest group of invertebrates they have their skeleton on the outside of their bodies whoo creepy crawlies such as cockroaches spiders are anthropods sponges they generally live in saltwater and don't move from place to place they filter nutrients and tiny organisms out of water for food triviatime the invertebrates will eat almost anything that was or is alive 97% of all animal species are invertebrates well that keeps a very tiny space for the vertebrates so do one thing check this video out to know more about them this is me zooming out
Channel: Peekaboo Kidz
Views: 632,829
Rating: 4.6149731 out of 5
Keywords: Best Learning Video for Kids, Teach Toddlers, Fun Preschool Learning Videos for Kids, best learning video, best kids videos, kid learning videos, toddler learning video, teach kids colors, teach kids, kid learning video, best, dr. binocs show, peekaboo kids
Id: yUIYflGxG8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 55sec (2155 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2016
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